// $Id$ /************************************************************************** * This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * * ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Primary Authors: Jochen Thaeder * * for The ALICE HLT Project. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /** @file AliHLTTPCCalibTimeComponent.cxx @author Kalliopi Kanaki @date 2009-07-08 @brief A calibration component for interfacing the offline calculation of TPC drift velocity correction */ // see header file for class documentation // or // refer to README to build package // or // visit http://web.ift.uib.no/~kjeks/doc/alice-hlt #if __GNUC__>= 3 using namespace std; #endif #include "AliHLTTPCCalibTimeComponent.h" #include "AliHLTTPCDefinitions.h" #include "AliHLTMisc.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliESDfriend.h" #include "AliTPCcalibTime.h" #include "AliTPCcalibCalib.h" #include "AliTPCseed.h" #include "AliTPCcalibDB.h" #include "AliTPCClusterParam.h" #include "AliHLTTPCOfflineCluster.h" #include "AliHLTTPCSpacePointData.h" #include "AliHLTTPCTrackletDataFormat.h" #include "AliHLTExternalTrackParam.h" #include "AliHLTGlobalBarrelTrack.h" #include "AliHLTTPCTransform.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "THnSparse.h" #include "TGraphErrors.h" #include #include #include "AliHLTReadoutList.h" ClassImp(AliHLTTPCCalibTimeComponent) // ROOT macro for the implementation of ROOT specific class methods AliHLTTPCCalibTimeComponent::AliHLTTPCCalibTimeComponent() : fCalibTime(NULL) ,fCal(NULL) ,fESDevent(NULL) ,fESDtrack(NULL) ,fESDfriend(NULL) ,fSeedArray(NULL) ,fOutputSize(50000) { // see header file for class documentation // or // refer to README to build package // or // visit http://web.ift.uib.no/~kjeks/doc/alice-hlt for(int i=0; i& list){ // see header file for class documentation list.clear(); list.push_back( kAliHLTDataTypeTObjArray|kAliHLTDataOriginTPC ); // output of TPCCalibSeedMaker list.push_back( AliHLTTPCDefinitions::fgkClustersDataType ); // output of the TPC CF list.push_back( kAliHLTDataTypeTrack|kAliHLTDataOriginTPC ); // output of the global merger list.push_back( kAliHLTDataTypeESDObject|kAliHLTDataOriginOut ); // output of global esd converter } AliHLTComponentDataType AliHLTTPCCalibTimeComponent::GetOutputDataType() { // see header file for class documentation return AliHLTTPCDefinitions::fgkCalibCEDataType|kAliHLTDataOriginOut; } void AliHLTTPCCalibTimeComponent::GetOutputDataSize( unsigned long& constBase, double& inputMultiplier ){ // see header file for class documentation constBase = fOutputSize; inputMultiplier = 0; // to be estimated } AliHLTComponent* AliHLTTPCCalibTimeComponent::Spawn(){ // see header file for class documentation return new AliHLTTPCCalibTimeComponent(); } Int_t AliHLTTPCCalibTimeComponent::ScanConfigurationArgument( Int_t argc, const char** argv ){ // see header file for class documentation if (argc<=0) return 0; int i=0; TString argument=argv[i]; // -output-size if (argument.CompareTo("-output-size")==0) { if (++i>=argc) return -EPROTO; argument=argv[i]; fOutputSize=argument.Atoi(); return 2; } return -EINVAL; } Int_t AliHLTTPCCalibTimeComponent::InitCalibration(){ // see header file for class documentation AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->SetRun(AliHLTMisc::Instance().GetCDBRunNo()); AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetClusterParam()->SetInstance(AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetClusterParam()); // AliTPCcalibDB *calib = AliTPCcalibDB::Instance(); // // if(!calib){ // HLTError("AliTPCcalibDB does not exist"); // return -ENOENT; // } // // AliTPCClusterParam *clusPar = calib->GetClusterParam(); // if(!clusPar){ // HLTError("OCDB entry TPC/Calib/ClusterParam (AliTPCcalibDB::GetClusterParam()) is not available."); // return -ENOENT; // } // first configure the default int iResult=0; if (iResult>=0) iResult=ConfigureFromCDBTObjString(fgkOCDBEntry); if(fCalibTime) return EINPROGRESS; fCal = new AliTPCcalibCalib(); fSeedArray = new TObjArray(); return iResult; } Int_t AliHLTTPCCalibTimeComponent::DeinitCalibration() { // see header file for class documentation if(fCalibTime) delete fCalibTime; fCalibTime = NULL; if(fCal) delete fCal; fCal = NULL; if(fSeedArray) delete fSeedArray; fSeedArray = NULL; //if(fESDfriend) delete fESDfriend; fESDfriend = NULL; //if(arr) delete arr; arr = NULL; return 0; } int AliHLTTPCCalibTimeComponent::Reconfigure(const char* cdbEntry, const char* /*chainId*/){ // see header file for class documentation // configure from the specified antry or the default one const char* entry=cdbEntry; if(!entry || entry[0]==0){ entry=fgkOCDBEntry; } return ConfigureFromCDBTObjString(entry); } Int_t AliHLTTPCCalibTimeComponent::ProcessCalibration( const AliHLTComponentEventData& /*evtData*/, AliHLTComponentTriggerData& /*trigData*/ ){ // see header file for class documentation if(GetFirstInputBlock( kAliHLTDataTypeSOR ) || GetFirstInputBlock( kAliHLTDataTypeEOR )) return 0; const AliHLTComponentBlockData *iter = NULL; //--------------- output over TObjArray of AliTPCseed objects (output of TPCSeedMaker) -------------------// // A previous component in the chain (TPCSeedMaker) has processed the TPC clusters and tracks and created a TClonesArray of AliTPCseed objects // In this loop the iterator accesses this array stored in memory, in order to use it in the next loop over the AliESDevent of the HLT // for(iter = (TObject*)GetFirstInputObject(kAliHLTDataTypeTObjArray|kAliHLTDataOriginTPC); iter != NULL; iter = (TObject*)GetNextInputObject()){ // // if(GetDataType(iter) != (kAliHLTDataTypeTObjArray | kAliHLTDataOriginTPC)) continue; // fSeedArray = dynamic_cast(iter); // } // int nInputClusters = 0; // int nInputTracks = 0; //TObjArray *arr = new TObjArray(1000); //arr->SetOwner(kTRUE); fSeedArray->Clear(); for( int i=0; ifDataType != AliHLTTPCDefinitions::fgkClustersDataType ) continue; Int_t slice = AliHLTTPCDefinitions::GetMinSliceNr(iter->fSpecification); Int_t partition = AliHLTTPCDefinitions::GetMinPatchNr(iter->fSpecification); Int_t slicepartition = slice*6+partition; if(slicepartition > fkNPartition){ HLTWarning("Wrong header of TPC cluster data, slice %d, partition %d", slice, partition ); continue; } AliHLTTPCClusterData* inPtrSP = ( AliHLTTPCClusterData* )( iter->fPtr ); // nInputClusters += inPtrSP->fSpacePointCnt; delete[] fPartitionClusters[slicepartition]; fPartitionClusters[slicepartition] = new AliTPCclusterMI[inPtrSP->fSpacePointCnt]; fNPartitionClusters[slicepartition] = inPtrSP->fSpacePointCnt; // create offline clusters out of the HLT clusters // todo: check which cluster information is really needed for the dEdx for(unsigned int i = 0; i < inPtrSP->fSpacePointCnt; i++){ AliHLTTPCSpacePointData *chlt = &( inPtrSP->fSpacePoints[i] ); AliTPCclusterMI *c = fPartitionClusters[slicepartition]+i; c->SetX(chlt->fX); c->SetY(chlt->fY); c->SetZ(chlt->fZ); c->SetSigmaY2(chlt->fSigmaY2); c->SetSigmaYZ( 0 ); c->SetSigmaZ2(chlt->fSigmaZ2); c->SetQ( chlt->fCharge ); c->SetMax( chlt->fQMax ); Int_t sector, row; Float_t padtime[3] = {0,chlt->fY,chlt->fZ}; AliHLTTPCTransform::Slice2Sector(slice,chlt->fPadRow, sector, row); AliHLTTPCTransform::Local2Raw( padtime, sector, row); c->SetDetector( sector ); c->SetRow( row ); c->SetPad( (Int_t) padtime[1] ); c->SetTimeBin( (Int_t) padtime[2] ); } } // end of loop over blocks of clusters //---------- loop over merged tracks ------------------ // int nTracks = 0; for(const AliHLTComponentBlockData *pBlock = GetFirstInputBlock(kAliHLTDataTypeTrack|kAliHLTDataOriginTPC); pBlock != NULL; pBlock = GetNextInputBlock()){ AliHLTTracksData *dataPtr = (AliHLTTracksData*) pBlock->fPtr; nTracks = dataPtr->fCount; AliHLTExternalTrackParam *currTrack = dataPtr->fTracklets; //nInputTracks += nTracks; for(int itr=0; itrfPtr)+pBlock->fSize); itr++){ // create an offline track AliHLTGlobalBarrelTrack gb(*currTrack); AliTPCseed tTPC; tTPC.Set(gb.GetX(), gb.GetAlpha(), gb.GetParameter(), gb.GetCovariance()); // set the cluster pointers for(UInt_t ic=0; icfNPoints; ic++){ tTPC.SetNumberOfClusters(currTrack->fNPoints); UInt_t id = currTrack->fPointIDs[ic]; int iSlice = AliHLTTPCSpacePointData::GetSlice(id); int iPartition = AliHLTTPCSpacePointData::GetPatch(id); int iCluster = AliHLTTPCSpacePointData::GetNumber(id); if(iSlice<0 || iSlice>36 || iPartition<0 || iPartition>5){ HLTError("Corrupted TPC cluster Id: slice %d, partition %d, cluster %d", iSlice, iPartition, iCluster); continue; } AliTPCclusterMI *partitionClusters = fPartitionClusters[iSlice*6 + iPartition]; if(!partitionClusters){ HLTError("Clusters are missed for slice %d, partition %d", iSlice, iPartition ); continue; } if(iCluster >= fNPartitionClusters[iSlice*6 + iPartition]){ HLTError("TPC slice %d, partition %d: ClusterID==%d >= N Clusters==%d ", iSlice, iPartition,iCluster, fNPartitionClusters[iSlice*6 + iPartition]); continue; } AliTPCclusterMI *c = &(partitionClusters[iCluster]); int sec = c->GetDetector(); int row = c->GetRow(); if(sec >= 36) row = row + AliHLTTPCTransform::GetNRowLow(); tTPC.SetClusterPointer(row, c); AliTPCTrackerPoint &point = *( tTPC.GetTrackPoint( row ) ); //tTPC.Propagate( TMath::DegToRad()*(sec%18*20.+10.), c->GetX(), fSolenoidBz ); Double_t angle2 = tTPC.GetSnp()*tTPC.GetSnp(); angle2 = (angle2<1) ?TMath::Sqrt(angle2/(1-angle2)) :10.; point.SetAngleY( angle2 ); point.SetAngleZ( tTPC.GetTgl() ); } // end of associated cluster loop AliTPCseed *seed = &(tTPC); fSeedArray->Add(seed); unsigned int step = sizeof( AliHLTExternalTrackParam ) + currTrack->fNPoints * sizeof( unsigned int ); currTrack = ( AliHLTExternalTrackParam* )( (( Byte_t * )currTrack) + step ); }// end of vector track loop } // end of loop over blocks of merged tracks HLTInfo("Number of reconstructed tracks %d, number of produced seeds %d\n", nTracks, fSeedArray->GetEntries()); //----------- loop over output of global esd converter ----------------// // In this loop we access the AliESDevent that was produced by the HLT and is stored in memory. There should exist 1 object // of type kAliHLTDataTypeESDObject per event. TObject *iterOb = NULL; for(iterOb = (TObject*)GetFirstInputObject(kAliHLTDataTypeESDObject | kAliHLTDataOriginOut); iterOb != NULL; iterOb = (TObject*)GetNextInputObject()){ if(GetDataType(iterOb) != (kAliHLTDataTypeESDObject | kAliHLTDataOriginOut)) continue; fESDevent = dynamic_cast(iterOb); fESDevent->GetStdContent(); HLTInfo("Number of seeds: %i\n", fSeedArray->GetEntriesFast()); // access of the info from the previous loop over the AliTPCseed array fCal->UpdateEventInfo(fESDevent); for(Int_t i=0; iGetEntriesFast(); i++){ // loop over TObjArray with seeds AliTPCseed *seed = (AliTPCseed*)fSeedArray->UncheckedAt(i); fESDtrack = fESDevent->GetTrack(i); if(!fESDtrack || !seed) continue; //if(fESDtrack->GetID() != seed->GetLabel()) { // HLTWarning("Mismatch of track id between seed and ESD track: %i, %i\n", fESDtrack->GetID(), seed->GetLabel()); // continue; //} if(seed->GetNumberOfClusters()==0) continue; fCal->RefitTrack(fESDtrack, seed, GetBz()); // update AliESDtrack and AliTPCseed info, acccording to Marian's request AliTPCseed *seedCopy = new AliTPCseed(*seed, kTRUE); fESDtrack->AddCalibObject(seedCopy); // add the AliTPCseed as a friend track to the AliESDtrack (to be accessed in TPC/AliTPCcalibTime.cxx) //fESDfriendTrack = const_cast(fESDtrack->GetFriendTrack()); } } if(!fCalibTime){ // create the calibration object that will call the offline functions Int_t startTime = fESDevent->GetTimeStamp()-60*60*1; //Start time one hour before first event, will make precise cuts later. Int_t endTime = fESDevent->GetTimeStamp()+60*60*23; //End time 23 hours after first event. fCalibTime = new AliTPCcalibTime("calibTime","time dependent Vdrift calibration", startTime, endTime, 20*60); fCalibTime->SetStreamLevel(20); fCalibTime->SetDebugLevel(20); printf("fCalibTime = %i, startTime = %i, endTime = %i \n", fCalibTime!=0, startTime, endTime); } fESDfriend = new AliESDfriend(); fESDevent->GetESDfriend(fESDfriend); fESDevent->SetESDfriend(fESDfriend); fESDevent->AddObject(fESDfriend); // create the AliESDfriend and add it to the event, now both the friend tracks and the friends are available for the offline functions to be called fCalibTime->UpdateEventInfo(fESDevent); // needed for getting the run number and time stamp information correct on the offline side fCalibTime->Process(fESDevent); // first offline function called // delete fESDfriend; //PushBack( (TObject*)fCalibTime, AliHLTTPCDefinitions::fgkCalibCEDataType | kAliHLTDataOriginOut, 0x0); return 0; } Int_t AliHLTTPCCalibTimeComponent::ShipDataToFXS( const AliHLTComponentEventData& /*evtData*/, AliHLTComponentTriggerData& /*trigData*/ ){ // see header file for class documentation HLTInfo("Shipping data to FXS...\n"); fCalibTime->Analyze(); // called at the end of the run or event modulo // the rest of the histogram and graph declarations were copied by Dag as a first attempt to get the start/end time bin "automatically". Perhaps we need some more // thinking here to avoid copying all these lines that might chain in offline without HLT realizing. THnSparse* addHist = fCalibTime->GetHistoDrift("all"); if(!addHist) return -1; //Identifying used range of histogram Int_t startTimeBin = 0; Int_t endTimeBin = 0; TH1D *histoTime = addHist->Projection(0); if(histoTime){ startTimeBin = histoTime->FindFirstBinAbove(0); endTimeBin = histoTime->FindLastBinAbove(0); printf("startTimeBin = %i endTimeBin = %i\n", startTimeBin, endTimeBin); printf("startTimeBinCentre = %f endTimeBinCentre = %f\n", histoTime->GetBinCenter(startTimeBin), histoTime->GetBinCenter(endTimeBin)); printf("startTimeBinWidth = %f endTimeBinWidth = %f\n", histoTime->GetBinWidth(startTimeBin), histoTime->GetBinWidth(endTimeBin)); delete histoTime; histoTime = 0; } Int_t startPtBin = 0; Int_t endPtBin = 0; TH1D *histoPt = addHist->Projection(1); if(histoPt){ startPtBin = histoPt->FindFirstBinAbove(0); endPtBin = histoPt->FindLastBinAbove(0); printf("startPtBin = %i endPtBin = %i\n", startPtBin, endPtBin); printf("startPtBinCentre = %f endPtBinCentre = %f\n", histoPt->GetBinCenter(startPtBin), histoPt->GetBinCenter(endPtBin)); printf("startPtinWidth = %f endPtBinWidth = %f\n", histoPt->GetBinWidth(startPtBin), histoPt->GetBinWidth(endPtBin)); delete histoPt; histoPt = 0; } Int_t startVdBin = 0; Int_t endVdBin = 0; TH1D *histoVd = addHist->Projection(2); if(histoVd){ startVdBin = histoVd->FindFirstBinAbove(0); endVdBin = histoVd->FindLastBinAbove(0); printf("startVdBin = %i endVdBin = %i\n", startVdBin, endVdBin); printf("startVdBinCentre = %f endVdBinCentre = %f\n", histoVd->GetBinCenter(startVdBin), histoVd->GetBinCenter(endVdBin)); printf("startVdBinWidth = %f endVdBinWidth = %f\n", histoVd->GetBinWidth(startVdBin), histoVd->GetBinWidth(endVdBin)); delete histoVd; histoVd = 0; } Int_t startRunBin = 0; Int_t endRunBin = 0; TH1D *histoRun = addHist->Projection(3); if(histoRun){ startRunBin = histoRun->FindFirstBinAbove(0); endRunBin = histoRun->FindLastBinAbove(0); printf("startRunBin = %i endRunBin = %i\n", startRunBin, endRunBin); printf("startRunBinCentre = %f endRunBinCentre = %f\n", histoRun->GetBinCenter(startRunBin), histoRun->GetBinCenter(endRunBin)); printf("startRunBinWidth = %f endRunBinWidth = %f\n", histoRun->GetBinWidth(startRunBin), histoRun->GetBinWidth(endRunBin)); delete histoRun; histoRun = 0; } TObjArray *vdriftArray = new TObjArray(); if(!vdriftArray) return -2; TObjArray *array = fCalibTime->GetHistoDrift(); if(!array) return -3; TIterator *iterator = array->MakeIterator(); if(!iterator) return -4; iterator->Reset(); THnSparse *hist = NULL; while((hist = (THnSparseF*)iterator->Next())){ if(!hist) continue; hist->Print(); hist->GetAxis(0)->SetRange(startTimeBin, endTimeBin); hist->GetAxis(1)->SetRange(startPtBin, endPtBin); hist->GetAxis(0)->SetRange(startVdBin, endVdBin); hist->GetAxis(3)->SetRange(startRunBin, endRunBin); TString name = hist->GetName(); Int_t dim[4] = {0,1,2,3}; THnSparse *newHist = hist->Projection(4,dim); newHist->SetName(name); vdriftArray->Add(newHist); TGraphErrors *graph = AliTPCcalibBase::FitSlices(newHist,2,0,400,100,0.05,0.95, kTRUE); printf("name = %s graph = %i\n", name.Data(), graph==0); if(!graph || !graph->GetN()) continue; printf("name = %s graph = %i, N = %i\n", name.Data(), graph==0, graph->GetN()); Int_t pos = name.Index("_"); name = name(pos,name.Capacity()-pos); TString graphName = graph->ClassName(); graphName+=name; graphName.ToUpper(); graph->SetName(graphName); printf("name = %s\n", graphName.Data()); vdriftArray->Add(graph); //Currently, AliSplineFits can not be given names... //AliSplineFit* fit=new AliSplineFit(); //fit->SetGraph(graph); //fit->SetMinPoints(graph->GetN()+1); //fit->InitKnots(graph,2,0,0.001); //fit->SplineFit(0); //TString fiName=fit->ClassName(); //fiName+=type; //fiName+=trigger; //fiName.ToUpper(); //fit->SetName(fiName.Data()); //printf("name=%s\n", fiName.Data()); //vdriftArray->Add(fit); } THnSparse *laserHist = NULL; TGraphErrors *laserGraph = NULL; TString laserName = ""; //Histograms and graphs for A side lasers laserHist = fCalibTime->GetHistVdriftLaserA(1); if(laserHist){ laserName=laserHist->ClassName(); laserName+="_MEAN_DRIFT_LASER_ALL_A"; laserName.ToUpper(); laserHist->SetName(laserName); vdriftArray->Add(laserHist); laserGraph=AliTPCcalibBase::FitSlices(laserHist,2,0,400,100,0.05,0.95, kTRUE); if(laserGraph && laserGraph->GetN()){ laserName=laserGraph->GetName(); laserName+="_MEAN_DRIFT_LASER_ALL_A"; laserName.ToUpper(); laserGraph->SetName(laserName); vdriftArray->Add(laserGraph); } } //Histograms and graphs for C side lasers laserHist=fCalibTime->GetHistVdriftLaserC(1); if(laserHist){ laserName=laserHist->ClassName(); laserName+="_MEAN_DRIFT_LASER_ALL_C"; laserName.ToUpper(); laserHist->SetName(laserName); vdriftArray->Add(laserHist); laserGraph=AliTPCcalibBase::FitSlices(laserHist,2,0,400,100,0.05,0.95, kTRUE); if(laserGraph && laserGraph->GetN()){ laserName=laserGraph->GetName(); laserName+="_MEAN_DRIFT_LASER_ALL_C"; laserName.ToUpper(); laserGraph->SetName(laserName); vdriftArray->Add(laserGraph); } } //Meatdata set in off-line... //AliCDBMetaData *metaData= new AliCDBMetaData(); //metaData->SetObjectClassName("TObjArray"); //metaData->SetResponsible("Dag Toppe Larsen"); //metaData->SetBeamPeriod(1); //metaData->SetAliRootVersion("05-25-01"); //root version //metaData->SetComment("Calibration of the time dependence of the drift velocity due to pressure and temperature changes"); //AliCDBId* id1=NULL; //if(end) id1=new AliCDBId("TPC/Calib/TimeDrift", runNumber, end); //else id1=new AliCDBId("TPC/Calib/TimeDrift", runNumber, runNumber); //AliCDBStorage* gStorage = AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); //gStorage->Put(vdriftArray, (*id1), metaData); //printf("done runNumber=%i, end=%i\n", runNumber, end); static AliHLTReadoutList rdList(AliHLTReadoutList::kTPC); TFile *file = TFile::Open("vdrift.root", "RECREATE"); vdriftArray->Write(); file->Close(); delete file; file = TFile::Open("calibTime.root", "RECREATE"); fCalibTime->Write(); file->Close(); delete file; // the vdriftArray is pushed to the HLT-FXSsubscriber PushToFXS( (TObject*)vdriftArray, "TPC", "TIMEDRIFT", &rdList ); //Should array be deleted now? // if(vdriftArray){ // vdriftArray.Clear(); // delete vdriftArray; // vdriftArray=0; // } return 0; }