// $Id$ /* * Example macro to run the HLT tracker embedded into AliRoot reconstruction. * The reconstruction is done from the TPC raw data. The calibration components * have been added to the standard HLT TPC reconstruction. * * They take input from TPC-clusters, TPC-globalmerger and GLOBAL-esd-converter. * * Usage: *
 * Usage: aliroot -b -q -l testTPCCalibration.C'("file", "cdb", minEvent, maxEvent, option)'
 * Examples:
 *     testTPCCalibration.C'("raw://run12345", minEvent, MaxEvent,"calibtime")'
 *     testTPCCalibration.C'("raw.root", "local://$PWD", minEvent, MaxEvent, "calibtime")'
 * Defaults
 *     cdb="raw://"  -> takes OCDB from GRID
 *     minEvent=-1   -> no lower event selection
 *     maxEvent=-1   -> no upper event selection
 *     option="task" -> loads the analysis task that calls both the drift velocity and the gain calibration
* * To see usage examples run: * * aliroot -q testTPCCalibration.C * * The argument option should be 'calibtime' for now, as the rest of the options * call components that are not working yet. * * The reconstruction is steered by the AliReconstruction object in the * usual way. * * @ingroup alihlt_tpc * @author Kalliopi.Kanaki@ift.uib.no */ // void testTPCCalibration(const char* filename, const char *cdbURI, int minEvent=-1, int maxEvent=-1, const char* option="task"){ // // gSystem->Load("libANALYSIS"); // gSystem->Load("libTPCcalib"); // // if(!gSystem->AccessPathName("galice.root")){ // cerr << "Please delete file galice.root or run at a different place." << endl; // return; // } // // if (!filename) { // cerr << "Please specify input file name." << endl; // return; // } // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // // init the HLT system in order to define the analysis chain below // // // // AliHLTSystem *gHLT = AliHLTPluginBase::GetInstance(); // // TString calibInput; // if(calibInput.Length()>0) calibInput+=" "; // calibInput+="GLOBAL-esd-converter TPC-clusters TPC-globalmerger"; // // TString calibOption = option; // if (calibOption.CompareTo("task")==0) AliHLTConfiguration calibtimeconf("TPCcalib", "TPCCalibration", calibInput.Data(), ""); // else if(calibOption.CompareTo("calibtime")==0) AliHLTConfiguration calibtimeconf("calibTime", "TPCCalibTime", calibInput.Data(), ""); // else if(calibOption.CompareTo("calibtimegain")==0) AliHLTConfiguration calibtimeconf("calibTimeGain", "TPCCalibTimeGain", calibInput.Data(), ""); // else // { // cerr << "\nPlease specify an option for the calibration component you want to run, e.g. aliroot -b -q testTPCCalibration.C'(\"raw.root\",\"calibtime\")' \n"<< endl; // return; // } // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // // Init and run the reconstruction // // All but HLT reconstruction is switched off // // // connect to the GRID if we use a file or OCDB from the GRID // TString struri = cdbURI; // TString strfile = filename; // if(struri.BeginsWith("raw://") || strfile.Contains("://") && !strfile.Contains("local://")){ // TGrid::Connect("alien"); // } // // // Set the CDB storage location // AliCDBManager *man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); // man->SetDefaultStorage(cdbURI); // // AliReconstruction rec; // rec.SetInput(filename); // rec.SetRunVertexFinder(kFALSE); // //rec.SetWriteESDfriend(kTRUE); // // if(minEvent>=0 || maxEvent>minEvent){ // if(minEvent<0) minEvent=0; // if(maxEventpwd())); // // // rec.SetRunLocalReconstruction("HLT"); // // rec.SetRunTracking(""); // // rec.SetFillESD(""); // // rec.SetRunQA(":"); // // AliLog::Flush(); // rec.Run(); // } // // void testTPCCalibration(const char *filename, int minEvent=-1, int maxEvent=-1, const char* option="task"){ // // testTPCCalibration(filename, "raw://", minEvent, maxEvent, option); // } // // void testTPCCalibration(){ // // cout << "testTPCCalibration: Run AliRoot reconstruction and TPC drift velocity calibration locally" << endl; // cout << " Usage: aliroot -b -q -l testTPCCalibration.C'(\"file\", \"cdb\", minEvent, maxEvent, option)'" << endl; // cout << "" << endl; // cout << " Examples:" << endl; // cout << " testTPCCalibration.C'(\"raw://run12345\", minEvent, MaxEvent,\"calibtime\")'" << endl; // cout << " testTPCCalibration.C'(\"raw.root\", \"local://$PWD\", minEvent, MaxEvent, \"calibtime\")'" << endl; // cout << "" << endl; // cout << " Defaults" << endl; // cout << " cdb=\"raw://\" -> takes OCDB from GRID" << endl; // cout << " minEvent=-1 -> no lower event selection" << endl; // cout << " maxEvent=-1 -> no upper event selection" << endl; // cout << " option=\"task\" -> loads the analysis task that calls both the drift velocity and the gain calibration" << endl; // } void testTPCCalibration(const char* input="./", const char* option="task"){ gSystem->Load("libANALYSIS"); gSystem->Load("libTPCcalib"); if(!gSystem->AccessPathName("galice.root")){ cerr << "Please delete file galice.root or run at a different place." << endl; return; } if (!input) { cerr << "Please specify input or run without arguments." << endl; return; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // init the HLT system in order to define the analysis chain below // AliHLTSystem *gHLT=AliHLTPluginBase::GetInstance(); TString calibInput; if(calibInput.Length()>0) calibInput+=" "; calibInput+="GLOBAL-esd-converter TPC-globalmerger TPC-clusters"; TString calibOption = option; if (calibOption.CompareTo("task")==0) AliHLTConfiguration calibtimeconf("TPCcalib", "TPCCalibration", calibInput.Data(), ""); else if(calibOption.CompareTo("calibtime")==0) AliHLTConfiguration calibtimeconf("calibTime", "TPCCalibTime", calibInput.Data(), ""); else if(calibOption.CompareTo("calibtimegain")==0) AliHLTConfiguration calibtimeconf("calibTimeGain", "TPCCalibTimeGain", calibInput.Data(), ""); else { cerr << "\nPlease specify an option for the calibration component you want to run, e.g. aliroot -b -q testTPCCalibration.C'(\"raw.root\",\"calibtime\")' \n"<< endl; return; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Init and run the reconstruction // All but HLT reconstruction is switched off // AliReconstruction rec; rec.SetInput(input); rec.SetRunVertexFinder(kFALSE); rec.SetRunLocalReconstruction("HLT"); rec.SetRunTracking(""); rec.SetLoadAlignFromCDB(0); rec.SetRunQA(":"); rec.SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); rec.SetSpecificStorage("GRP/GRP/Data", Form("local://%s",gSystem->pwd())); // NOTE: FillESD is a step in the AliReconstruction sequence and has // nothing to do with the fact that this macro writes ESD output // HLT processes the HLTOUT during FillESD and extracts data which // has already been prepared. This step is currently not necessary for // this macro rec.SetFillESD(""); if (calibOption.CompareTo("task")==0) rec.SetOption("HLT", "libAliHLTUtil.so libAliHLTTPC.so libAliHLTGlobal.so libAliHLTTPCCalibration.so loglevel=0x7c chains=TPCcalib"); if (calibOption.CompareTo("calibtime")==0) rec.SetOption("HLT", "libAliHLTUtil.so libAliHLTTPC.so libAliHLTGlobal.so libAliHLTTPCCalibration.so loglevel=0x7c chains=calibTime"); else if(calibOption.CompareTo("calibtimegain")==0) rec.SetOption("HLT", "libAliHLTUtil.so libAliHLTTPC.so libAliHLTGlobal.so libAliHLTTPCCalibration.so loglevel=0x7c chains=calibTimeGain"); rec.Run(); }