// $Id$ /** * @file compareDigitReaders.C * @brief Translate TPC DDL file into an ascii dump * * Usage: *
 *   aliroot -b -q -l raw2ascii.C'("infile", "outfile", slice, patch, "reader")' | tee compareDigitReaders.log
* * The macro translates a TPC DDL raw data file into an ascii dump using * a small chain with the AliHLTTPCDigitDumpComponent. The only mandatory * parameter is the input file. * - outfile might be skipped -> default infile.ascii * - optional parameter 'slice': * can be skipped if infile obeys DDL naming rule * - optional parameter 'patch': * can be skipped if infile obeys DDL naming rule * - optional parameter 'reader': default 'decoder' * packed (AliRawStream), decoder (AliAltroDecoder) * * @ingroup alihlt_tpc * @author Matthias.Richter@ift.uib.no */ void usage(); int raw2ascii(const char* infile, const char* outfile=NULL, int slice=-1, int part=-1, const char* reader="decoder") { if (!infile) { usage(); return 0; } AliHLTSystem gHLT(0x79); gHLT.LoadComponentLibraries("libAliHLTUtil.so libAliHLTRCU.so libAliHLTTPC.so"); TString outFile; if (outfile) outFile=outfile; else outFile.Form("%s.ascii", infile); if (slice<0 || part<0) { TString number=infile; if (number.EndsWith(".ddl")) { number.ReplaceAll(".ddl", ""); TObjArray* pTokens=number.Tokenize("_"); if (pTokens) { if (pTokens->GetEntries()>1) { number=((TObjString*)pTokens->At(pTokens->GetEntries()-1))->GetString(); } } if (number.IsDigit()) { int ddlid=number.Atoi(); if (ddlid<840) { slice=(ddlid-768)/2; part=ddlid%2; } else { slice=(ddlid-840)/4; part=(ddlid%4)+2; } } } if (slice<0 || part<0) { cout << "error: can not derive slice and partition number from file name " << infile << endl; return -1; } } TString arg; arg.Form("-datatype 'DDL_RAW ' 'TPC ' -dataspec 0x%02x%02x%02x%02x -datafile %s ", slice, slice, part, part, infile); AliHLTConfiguration pubconf("publisher", "FilePublisher", NULL , arg.Data()); arg.Form("-datafile %s -digitreader %s -concatenate-blocks -idfmt= -unsorted", outFile.Data(), reader); AliHLTConfiguration dump("dump", "TPCDigitDump", "publisher", arg.Data()); gHLT.BuildTaskList("dump"); gHLT.Run(); } int raw2ascii() { usage(); return 0; } void usage() { cout << "raw2ascii.C: translate TPC DDL file into an ascii dump" << endl << endl; cout << " usage: aliroot -b -q -l raw2ascii.C'(\"infile\", \"outfile\", slice, patch, \"reader\")'" << endl; cout << " outfile might be skipped -> default infile.ascii" << endl; cout << " optional parameter 'slice': can be skipped if infile obeys DDL naming rule" << endl; cout << " optional parameter 'patch': can be skipped if infile obeys DDL naming rule" << endl; cout << " optional parameter 'reader': packed (AliRawStream), decoder (AliAltroDecoder)" << endl; }