// $Id$ /* * @file sim-hlt-tpc.C * @brief HLT Conformal mapping tracker embedded into AliRoot simulation. * * Example macro to run the HLT Conformal mapping tracker embedded into * AliRoot simulation. The reconstruction is done from the TPC digits. * * Usage: aliroot -b -q sim-hlt-tpc.C | tee sim-hlt-tpc.log * * The chain to be run is defined within the macro. The input data is * read from the TPC.Digits. * * The following options can be specified comma separated in a string: *
 *   aliroot -b -q sim-hlt-tpc.C'("options")'
 *       CA      use the cellular automaton  tracker and track merger
 *       CM      use the conformal mapping tracker and track merger
 *       SORTED  use CF pre-sorting and corresponding sequential CF
 *               algorithm, by default the algorithm capable of reading
 *               unsorted data is used
 *       RAW     write raw data for all detectors
 *       RAWHLT  write raw data only for HLT
 *       MC      propagate the MC information
* * The macro asumes the data to be already simulated. If it should run * within the initial simulation, comment the corresponding functions * below (SetRunGeneration etc.) * * @author Matthias.Richter@ift.uib.no * @ingroup alihlt_tpc */ sim_hlt_tpc(const char* options="CA") { // this is just a tool to switch the logging systems AliHLTLogging log; //log.SwitchAliLog(0); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // scanning the options // bool bUseCA=true; // use the CA tracker and merger bool bCFSort=false; // CF pre-sorting and sequential CF algorithm bool bRawData=false;// raw data for all detectors bool bRawHLTData=false; // raw data only for HLT bool bPropagateMC=false; TString tsOptions=options; TObjArray* pTokens=tsOptions.Tokenize(","); if (pTokens) { for (int n=0; nGetEntries(); n++) { TString arg=((TObjString*)pTokens->At(n))->GetString(); if (arg.CompareTo("ca", TString::kIgnoreCase)==0) { bUseCA=true; } else if (arg.CompareTo("cm", TString::kIgnoreCase)==0) { bUseCA=false; } else if (arg.CompareTo("sorted", TString::kIgnoreCase)==0) { bCFSort=true; } else if (arg.CompareTo("unsorted", TString::kIgnoreCase)==0) { bCFSort=false; } else if (arg.CompareTo("raw", TString::kIgnoreCase)==0) { bRawData=true; } else if (arg.CompareTo("rawhlt", TString::kIgnoreCase)==0) { bRawHLTData=true; } else if (arg.CompareTo("mc", TString::kIgnoreCase)==0) { bPropagateMC=true; } else { cout << "unknown argument: " << arg << endl; return 0; } } delete pTokens; } // summary cout << "using " << bUseCA?"CA":"CM" << " tracker" << endl; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // init the HLT system in order to define the analysis chain below // AliHLTSystem* gHLT=AliHLTPluginBase::GetInstance(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // define the analysis chain // // load TPCParam from OCDB const char* cdbEntry="TPC/Calib/Parameters"; AliCDBManager* pMan=AliCDBManager::Instance(); AliTPCParam* pTPCParam=NULL; if (pMan) { if (!pMan->IsDefaultStorageSet()) { pMan->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); pMan->SetRun(0); } AliCDBEntry *pEntry = pMan->Get(cdbEntry); if (pEntry && pEntry->GetObject() && (pTPCParam=dynamic_cast(pEntry->GetObject()))) { } else { HLTWarning("can not load AliTPCParam from CDB entry %s", cdbEntry); } } int iMinSlice=0; int iMaxSlice=35; int iMinPart=0; int iMaxPart=5; TString mergerInput; TString writerInput; TString sinkClusterInput; for (int slice=iMinSlice; slice<=iMaxSlice; slice++) { TString trackerInput; for (int part=iMinPart; part<=iMaxPart; part++) { TString arg, publisher, cf; // digit publisher components arg.Form("-slice %d -partition %d", slice, part); publisher.Form("DP_%02d_%d", slice, part); AliHLTConfiguration pubconf(publisher.Data(), "TPCDigitPublisher", NULL , arg.Data()); // cluster finder components arg="-timebins "; if (pTPCParam) arg+=pTPCParam->GetMaxTBin()+1; else arg+=446; // old simulated data if (bCFSort) arg+=" -sorted "; if (bPropagateMC) arg+=" -do-mc "; cf.Form("CF_%02d_%d", slice, part); AliHLTConfiguration cfconf(cf.Data(), "TPCClusterFinderUnpacked", publisher.Data(), ""); if (trackerInput.Length()>0) trackerInput+=" "; trackerInput+=cf; if (sinkClusterInput.Length()>0) sinkClusterInput+=" "; sinkClusterInput+=cf; } TString tracker; // tracker finder components tracker.Form("TR_%02d", slice); if (bUseCA) { AliHLTConfiguration trackerconf(tracker.Data(), "TPCCATracker", trackerInput.Data(), ""); } else { AliHLTConfiguration trackerconf(tracker.Data(), "TPCSliceTracker", trackerInput.Data(), "-pp-run"); } //add all trackers to writer input. Include if you would like all slice tracks written. //if (writerInput.Length()>0) writerInput+=" "; //writerInput+=tracker; // add all clusterfinders to the writer input if (writerInput.Length()>0) writerInput+=" "; writerInput+=trackerInput; if (mergerInput.Length()>0) mergerInput+=" "; mergerInput+=tracker; } // GlobalMerger component if (bUseCA) { AliHLTConfiguration mergerconf("globalmerger","TPCCAGlobalMerger",mergerInput.Data(),""); } else { AliHLTConfiguration mergerconf("globalmerger","TPCGlobalMerger",mergerInput.Data(),""); } TString converterInput="globalmerger"; // collector for the MC information to be propagated from CFs to ESDConverter if (bPropagateMC){ AliHLTConfiguration mcinfo("mcinfo", "BlockFilter" , sinkClusterInput.Data(), "-datatype 'CLMCINFO' 'TPC '"); AliHLTConfiguration mcTrackMarker("mcTrackMarker","TPCTrackMCMarker","globalmerger mcinfo","" ); converterInput+=" mcTrackMarker"; } if (writerInput.Length()>0) writerInput+=" "; writerInput+="globalmerger"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // output section // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // sink1: id=sink-writeall write all blocks AliHLTConfiguration sink1("sink-writeall", "FileWriter" , writerInput.Data(), "-specfmt -subdir=event_%d -blcknofmt=_0x%x -idfmt=_0x%08x"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // sink2: id=sink-esd-file write ESD using the TPCEsdWriter AliHLTConfiguration sink2("sink-esd-file", "TPCEsdWriter" , converterInput.Data(), "-datafile AliHLTESDs.root"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // sink3: id=sink-esd add ESD to HLTOUT using the TPCEsdConverter // the esd converter configuration AliHLTConfiguration sink3("sink-esd", "TPCEsdConverter" , converterInput.Data(), ""); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // sink4: id=sink-clusters add cluster data blocks to HLTOUT AliHLTConfiguration sink4("sink-clusters", "BlockFilter" , sinkClusterInput.Data(), "-datatype 'CLUSTERS' 'TPC '"); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Init and run the HLT simulation // All but HLT simulation is switched off // AliSimulation sim; // switch of simulation and data generation // comment all that stuff to also simulate the events and data sim.SetRunGeneration(kFALSE); sim.SetMakeDigits(""); sim.SetMakeSDigits(""); sim.SetMakeDigitsFromHits(""); //sim.SetMakeTrigger(""); sim.SetRunQA(":"); // the normal simulation sets the specific storage for the GRP entry if (gSystem->AccessPathName("GRP/GRP/Data")) { cerr << "*********************************************************" << endl; cerr << "error: no GRP entry found in the currect directory, simulation might be incomplete. Skip setting specific storage for GRP entry" << endl; cerr << "*********************************************************" << endl << endl; } else { sim.SetSpecificStorage("GRP/GRP/Data", Form("local://%s",gSystem->pwd())); } TString rawDataSelection="HLT"; if (bRawData) rawDataSelection="ALL"; if (bRawHLTData || bRawData) sim.SetWriteRawData(rawDataSelection, "raw.root", kTRUE); // set the options for the HLT simulation sim.SetRunHLT("libAliHLTUtil.so libAliHLTTPC.so loglevel=0x7c " "chains=sink-esd,sink-clusters"); sim.Run(); }