// @(#) $Id$ // origin: hough/AliL3HoughMaxFinder.cxx,v 1.13 Tue Mar 28 18:05:12 2006 UTC by alibrary // Author: Anders Vestbo //*-- Copyright © ALICE HLT Group #include #include #include #include "AliHLTTPCLogging.h" #include "AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder.h" #include "AliHLTTPCHistogram.h" #include "AliHLTTPCTrackArray.h" #include "AliHLTTPCHoughTrack.h" #include "AliHLTTPCTransform.h" #include "AliHLTTPCHoughTransformerRow.h" #if __GNUC__ >= 3 using namespace std; #endif /** \class AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder
// AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder
// Maximum finder
*/ ClassImp(AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder) AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder::AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder() { //Default constructor fThreshold = 0; fCurrentEtaSlice = -1; fHistoType=0; fXPeaks=0; fYPeaks=0; fWeight=0; fNPeaks=0; fN1PeaksPrevEtaSlice=0; fN2PeaksPrevEtaSlice=0; fSTARTXPeaks=0; fSTARTYPeaks=0; fENDXPeaks=0; fENDYPeaks=0; fSTARTETAPeaks=0; fENDETAPeaks=0; fNMax=0; fGradX=1; fGradY=1; fNtuppel = 0; } AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder::AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder(Char_t *histotype,Int_t nmax,AliHLTTPCHistogram *hist) { //Constructor //fTracks = new AliHLTTPCTrackArray("AliHLTTPCHoughTrack"); if(strcmp(histotype,"KappaPhi")==0) fHistoType='c'; if(strcmp(histotype,"DPsi")==0) fHistoType='l'; fCurrentEtaSlice = -1; if(hist) fCurrentHisto = hist; fGradX=1; fGradY=1; fNMax=nmax; fXPeaks = new Float_t[fNMax]; fYPeaks = new Float_t[fNMax]; fWeight = new Int_t[fNMax]; fSTARTXPeaks = new Int_t[fNMax]; fSTARTYPeaks = new Int_t[fNMax]; fENDXPeaks = new Int_t[fNMax]; fENDYPeaks = new Int_t[fNMax]; fSTARTETAPeaks = new Int_t[fNMax]; fENDETAPeaks = new Int_t[fNMax]; fNtuppel = 0; fThreshold=0; } AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder::~AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder() { //Destructor if(fXPeaks) delete [] fXPeaks; if(fYPeaks) delete [] fYPeaks; if(fWeight) delete [] fWeight; if(fSTARTXPeaks) delete [] fSTARTXPeaks; if(fSTARTYPeaks) delete [] fSTARTYPeaks; if(fENDXPeaks) delete [] fENDXPeaks; if(fENDYPeaks) delete [] fENDYPeaks; if(fSTARTETAPeaks) delete [] fSTARTETAPeaks; if(fENDETAPeaks) delete [] fENDETAPeaks; if(fNtuppel) delete fNtuppel; } void AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder::Reset() { // Method to reinit the Peak Finder for(Int_t i=0; iSetDirectory(0); } void AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder::WriteNtuppel(Char_t *filename) { // Write the NTuple with the peak parameters TFile *file = TFile::Open(filename,"RECREATE"); if(!file) { cerr<<"AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder::WriteNtuppel : Error opening file "<Write(); file->Close(); } void AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder::FindAbsMaxima() { // Simple Peak Finder in the Hough space if(!fCurrentHisto) { cerr<<"AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder::FindAbsMaxima : No histogram"<GetNEntries() == 0) return; Int_t xmin = hist->GetFirstXbin(); Int_t xmax = hist->GetLastXbin(); Int_t ymin = hist->GetFirstYbin(); Int_t ymax = hist->GetLastYbin(); Int_t bin; Double_t value,maxvalue=0; Int_t maxxbin=0,maxybin=0; for(Int_t xbin=xmin; xbin<=xmax; xbin++) { for(Int_t ybin=ymin; ybin<=ymax; ybin++) { bin = hist->GetBin(xbin,ybin); value = hist->GetBinContent(bin); if(value>maxvalue) { maxvalue = value; maxxbin = xbin; maxybin = ybin; } } } if(maxvalue == 0) return; if(fNPeaks > fNMax) { cerr<<"AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder::FindAbsMaxima : Array out of range : "<GetBinCenterX(maxxbin); Double_t maxy = hist->GetBinCenterY(maxybin); fXPeaks[fNPeaks] = maxx; fYPeaks[fNPeaks] = maxy; fWeight[fNPeaks] = (Int_t)maxvalue; fNPeaks++; if(fNtuppel) { Int_t bin3 = hist->GetBin(maxxbin-1,maxybin); Int_t bin5 = hist->GetBin(maxxbin+1,maxybin); Int_t bin1 = hist->GetBin(maxxbin,maxybin-1); Int_t bin7 = hist->GetBin(maxxbin,maxybin+1); fNtuppel->Fill(maxx,maxy,maxvalue,hist->GetBinContent(bin3),hist->GetBinContent(bin5),hist->GetBinContent(bin1),hist->GetBinContent(bin7)); } } void AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder::FindBigMaxima() { // Another Peak finder AliHLTTPCHistogram *hist = fCurrentHisto; if(hist->GetNEntries() == 0) return; Int_t xmin = hist->GetFirstXbin(); Int_t xmax = hist->GetLastXbin(); Int_t ymin = hist->GetFirstYbin(); Int_t ymax = hist->GetLastYbin(); Int_t bin[25],binindex; Double_t value[25]; for(Int_t xbin=xmin+2; xbinGetBin(xb,yb); value[binindex]=hist->GetBinContent(bin[binindex]); binindex++; } } if(value[12]==0) continue; Int_t b=0; while(1) { if(value[b] > value[12] || b==binindex) break; b++; //printf("b %d\n",b); } if(b == binindex) { //Found maxima if(fNPeaks > fNMax) { cerr<<"AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder::FindBigMaxima : Array out of range "<GetBinCenterX(xbin); Double_t maxy = hist->GetBinCenterY(ybin); fXPeaks[fNPeaks] = maxx; fYPeaks[fNPeaks] = maxy; fNPeaks++; } } } } void AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder::FindMaxima(Int_t threshold) { //Locate all the maxima in input histogram. //Maxima is defined as bins with more entries than the //immediately neighbouring bins. if(fCurrentHisto->GetNEntries() == 0) return; Int_t xmin = fCurrentHisto->GetFirstXbin(); Int_t xmax = fCurrentHisto->GetLastXbin(); Int_t ymin = fCurrentHisto->GetFirstYbin(); Int_t ymax = fCurrentHisto->GetLastYbin(); Int_t bin[9]; Double_t value[9]; //Float_t max_kappa = 0.001; //Float_t max_phi0 = 0.08; for(Int_t xbin=xmin+1; xbin<=xmax-1; xbin++) { for(Int_t ybin=ymin+1; ybin<=ymax-1; ybin++) { bin[0] = fCurrentHisto->GetBin(xbin-1,ybin-1); bin[1] = fCurrentHisto->GetBin(xbin,ybin-1); bin[2] = fCurrentHisto->GetBin(xbin+1,ybin-1); bin[3] = fCurrentHisto->GetBin(xbin-1,ybin); bin[4] = fCurrentHisto->GetBin(xbin,ybin); bin[5] = fCurrentHisto->GetBin(xbin+1,ybin); bin[6] = fCurrentHisto->GetBin(xbin-1,ybin+1); bin[7] = fCurrentHisto->GetBin(xbin,ybin+1); bin[8] = fCurrentHisto->GetBin(xbin+1,ybin+1); value[0] = fCurrentHisto->GetBinContent(bin[0]); value[1] = fCurrentHisto->GetBinContent(bin[1]); value[2] = fCurrentHisto->GetBinContent(bin[2]); value[3] = fCurrentHisto->GetBinContent(bin[3]); value[4] = fCurrentHisto->GetBinContent(bin[4]); value[5] = fCurrentHisto->GetBinContent(bin[5]); value[6] = fCurrentHisto->GetBinContent(bin[6]); value[7] = fCurrentHisto->GetBinContent(bin[7]); value[8] = fCurrentHisto->GetBinContent(bin[8]); if(value[4]>value[0] && value[4]>value[1] && value[4]>value[2] && value[4]>value[3] && value[4]>value[5] && value[4]>value[6] && value[4]>value[7] && value[4]>value[8]) { //Found a local maxima Float_t maxx = fCurrentHisto->GetBinCenterX(xbin); Float_t maxy = fCurrentHisto->GetBinCenterY(ybin); if((Int_t)value[4] <= threshold) continue;//central bin below threshold if(fNPeaks >= fNMax) { cout<<"AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder::FindMaxima : Array out of range "< fGradX && value[5]/value[4] > fGradX) continue; if(value[1]/value[4] > fGradY && value[7]/value[4] > fGradY) continue; fXPeaks[fNPeaks] = maxx; fYPeaks[fNPeaks] = maxy; fWeight[fNPeaks] = (Int_t)value[4]; fNPeaks++; /* //Check if the peak is overlapping with a previous: Bool_t bigger = kFALSE; for(Int_t p=0; p fWeight[p]) //this peak is bigger. { fXPeaks[p] = maxx; fYPeaks[p] = maxy; fWeight[p] = (Int_t)value[4]; } else continue; //previous peak is bigger. } } if(!bigger) //there were no overlapping peaks. { fXPeaks[fNPeaks] = maxx; fYPeaks[fNPeaks] = maxy; fWeight[fNPeaks] = (Int_t)value[4]; fNPeaks++; } */ } } } } struct AliHLTTPCWindow { Int_t fStart; // Start Int_t fSum; // Sum }; void AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder::FindAdaptedPeaks(Int_t kappawindow,Float_t cutratio) { //Peak finder which looks for peaks with a certain shape. //The first step involves a pre-peak finder, which looks for peaks //in windows (size controlled by kappawindow) summing over each psi-bin. //These pre-preaks are then matched between neighbouring kappa-bins to //look for real 2D peaks exhbiting the typical cross-shape in the Hough circle transform. //The maximum bin within this region is marked as the peak itself, and //a few checks is performed to avoid the clear fake peaks (asymmetry check etc.) AliHLTTPCHistogram *hist = fCurrentHisto; if(!hist) { cerr<<"AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder : No histogram!"<GetNEntries() == 0) return; Int_t xmin = hist->GetFirstXbin(); Int_t xmax = hist->GetLastXbin(); Int_t ymin = hist->GetFirstYbin(); Int_t ymax = hist->GetLastYbin(); //Start by looking for pre-peaks: AliHLTTPCWindow **localmaxima = new AliHLTTPCWindow*[hist->GetNbinsY()]; Short_t *nmaxs = new Short_t[hist->GetNbinsY()]; Int_t n,lastsum,sum; Bool_t sumwasrising; for(Int_t ybin=ymin; ybin<=ymax; ybin++) { localmaxima[ybin-ymin] = new AliHLTTPCWindow[hist->GetNbinsX()]; nmaxs[ybin-ymin] = 0; sumwasrising=0; lastsum=0; n=0; for(Int_t xbin=xmin; xbin<=xmax-kappawindow; xbin++) { sum=0; for(Int_t lbin=xbin; lbinGetBinContent(hist->GetBin(lbin,ybin)); if(sum < lastsum) { if(sum > fThreshold) if(sumwasrising)//Previous sum was a local maxima { localmaxima[ybin-ymin][nmaxs[ybin-ymin]].fStart = xbin-1; localmaxima[ybin-ymin][nmaxs[ybin-ymin]].fSum = lastsum; nmaxs[ybin-ymin]++; } sumwasrising=0; } else if(sum > 0) sumwasrising=1; lastsum=sum; } } Int_t match=0; Int_t *starts = new Int_t[hist->GetNbinsY()+1]; Int_t *maxs = new Int_t[hist->GetNbinsY()+1]; for(Int_t ybin=ymax; ybin >= ymin+1; ybin--) { for(Int_t i=0; iGetBinContent(hist->GetBin(k,ybin)) > maxvalue) { maxvalue = hist->GetBinContent(hist->GetBin(k,ybin)); maxybin = ybin; maxxbin = k; } //start expanding in the psi-direction: Int_t lb = localmaxima[ybin-ymin][i].fStart; //Int_t ystart=ybin; starts[ybin] = localmaxima[ybin-ymin][i].fStart; maxs[ybin] = maxxbin; Int_t yl=ybin-1,nybins=1; //cout<<"Starting search at ybin "<= ymin) { Bool_t found=0; for(Int_t j=0; j= lb && localmaxima[yl-ymin][j].fSum > 0) { //cout<<"match at ybin "<GetBinCenterY(yl)<<" start "<GetBinContent(hist->GetBin(k,yl)) > maxvalue) { maxvalue = hist->GetBinContent(hist->GetBin(k,yl)); maxxbin = k; maxybin = yl; maxwindow = j; } if(hist->GetBinContent(hist->GetBin(k,yl)) > lmaxvalue)//local maxima value { lmaxvalue=hist->GetBinContent(hist->GetBin(k,yl)); lmaxxbin=k; } } nybins++; starts[yl] = localmaxima[yl-ymin][j].fStart; maxs[yl] = lmaxxbin; localmaxima[yl-ymin][j].fSum=-1; //Mark as used found=1; lb = localmaxima[yl-ymin][j].fStart; break;//Since we found a match in this bin, we dont have to search it anymore, goto next bin. } } if(!found || yl == ymin)//no more local maximas to be matched, so write the final peak and break the expansion: { if(nybins > 4) { //cout<<"ystart "<GetBinContent(hist->GetBin(w,r)); } } for(Int_t w=maxxbin-1; w>=maxxbin-3; w--) { for(Int_t r=maxybin+1; r<=maxybin+3; r++) { left += (Float_t)hist->GetBinContent(hist->GetBin(w,r)); } } //cout<<"ratio "<=maxybin-3; r--) { right += (Float_t)hist->GetBinContent(hist->GetBin(w,r)); } } for(Int_t w=maxxbin-1; w>=maxxbin-3; w--) { for(Int_t r=maxybin-1; r>=maxybin-3; r--) { left += (Float_t)hist->GetBinContent(hist->GetBin(w,r)); } } //cout<<"ratio "< cutratio || lowerratio > cutratio) truepeak=kFALSE; if(truepeak) { fXPeaks[fNPeaks] = hist->GetBinCenterX(maxxbin); fYPeaks[fNPeaks] = hist->GetBinCenterY(maxybin); fWeight[fNPeaks] = maxvalue; fNPeaks++; /* //Calculate the peak using weigthed means: Float_t sum=0; fYPeaks[fNPeaks]=0; for(Int_t k=maxybin-1; k<=maxybin+1; k++) { Float_t lsum = 0; for(Int_t l=starts[k]; lGetBinContent(hist->GetBin(l,k)); sum += (Float_t)hist->GetBinContent(hist->GetBin(l,k)); } fYPeaks[fNPeaks] += lsum*hist->GetBinCenterY(k); } fYPeaks[fNPeaks] /= sum; Int_t ybin1,ybin2; if(fYPeaks[fNPeaks] < hist->GetBinCenterY(hist->FindYbin(fYPeaks[fNPeaks]))) { ybin1 = hist->FindYbin(fYPeaks[fNPeaks])-1; ybin2 = ybin1+1; } else { ybin1 = hist->FindYbin(fYPeaks[fNPeaks]); ybin2 = ybin1+1; } Float_t kappa1=0,kappa2=0; sum=0; for(Int_t k=starts[ybin1]; kGetBinCenterX(k)*hist->GetBinContent(hist->GetBin(k,ybin1)); sum += (Float_t)hist->GetBinContent(hist->GetBin(k,ybin1)); } kappa1 /= sum; sum=0; for(Int_t k=starts[ybin2]; kGetBinCenterX(k)*hist->GetBinContent(hist->GetBin(k,ybin2)); sum += (Float_t)hist->GetBinContent(hist->GetBin(k,ybin2)); } kappa2 /= sum; fXPeaks[fNPeaks] = ( kappa1*( hist->GetBinCenterY(ybin2) - fYPeaks[fNPeaks] ) + kappa2*( fYPeaks[fNPeaks] - hist->GetBinCenterY(ybin1) ) ) / (hist->GetBinCenterY(ybin2) - hist->GetBinCenterY(ybin1)); fNPeaks++; */ } } break; } else yl--;//Search continues... } } } for(Int_t i=0; iGetNbinsY(); i++) delete localmaxima[i]; delete [] localmaxima; delete [] nmaxs; delete [] starts; delete [] maxs; } struct AliHLTTPCPreYPeak { Int_t fStartPosition; // Start position in X Int_t fEndPosition; // End position in X Int_t fMinValue; // Minimum value inside the prepeak Int_t fMaxValue; // Maximum value inside the prepeak Int_t fPrevValue; // Neighbour values Int_t fLeftValue; // Neighbour values Int_t fRightValue; // Neighbour values }; void AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder::FindAdaptedRowPeaks(Int_t kappawindow,Int_t xsize,Int_t ysize) { // Peak finder which is working over the Hough Space provided by the AliHLTTPCHoughTransformerRow class AliHLTTPCHistogram *hist = fCurrentHisto; if(!hist) { cerr<<"AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder : No histogram!"<GetNEntries() == 0) return; Int_t xmin = hist->GetFirstXbin(); Int_t xmax = hist->GetLastXbin(); Int_t ymin = hist->GetFirstYbin(); Int_t ymax = hist->GetLastYbin(); Int_t nxbins = hist->GetNbinsX()+2; Int_t *content = hist->GetContentArray(); //Start by looking for pre-peaks: AliHLTTPCPreYPeak **localmaxima = new AliHLTTPCPreYPeak*[hist->GetNbinsY()]; Short_t *nmaxs = new Short_t[hist->GetNbinsY()]; memset(nmaxs,0,hist->GetNbinsY()*sizeof(Short_t)); Int_t lastvalue=0,value=0; for(Int_t ybin=fNextRow[ymin]; ybin<=ymax; ybin = fNextRow[ybin+1]) { localmaxima[ybin-ymin] = new AliHLTTPCPreYPeak[nxbins-2]; lastvalue = 0; Bool_t found = 0; for(Int_t xbin=xmin; xbin<=xmax; xbin++) { value = content[xbin + nxbins*ybin]; //value = hist->GetBinContent(xbin + nxbins*ybin); //value = hist->GetBinContent(hist->GetBin(xbin,ybin)); if(value > 0) { if((value - lastvalue) > 1) { localmaxima[ybin-ymin][nmaxs[ybin-ymin]].fStartPosition = xbin; localmaxima[ybin-ymin][nmaxs[ybin-ymin]].fEndPosition = xbin; localmaxima[ybin-ymin][nmaxs[ybin-ymin]].fMinValue = value; localmaxima[ybin-ymin][nmaxs[ybin-ymin]].fMaxValue = value; localmaxima[ybin-ymin][nmaxs[ybin-ymin]].fPrevValue = 0; localmaxima[ybin-ymin][nmaxs[ybin-ymin]].fLeftValue = lastvalue; found = 1; } if(abs(value - lastvalue) <= 1) { if(found) { localmaxima[ybin-ymin][nmaxs[ybin-ymin]].fEndPosition = xbin; if(value>localmaxima[ybin-ymin][nmaxs[ybin-ymin]].fMaxValue) localmaxima[ybin-ymin][nmaxs[ybin-ymin]].fMaxValue = value; if(value= ymin; ybin--) { for(Int_t i=0; i= ymin) { Bool_t found=0; for(Int_t j=0; j= (tempxstart - kappawindow))) { if((localmaxima[localy-ymin][j].fMinValue <= localmaxvalue) && (localmaxima[localy-ymin][j].fMaxValue >= localminvalue)) { if(localmaxima[localy-ymin][j].fEndPosition > localxend) localxend = localmaxima[localy-ymin][j].fEndPosition; if(localmaxima[localy-ymin][j].fStartPosition < localxstart) localxstart = localmaxima[localy-ymin][j].fStartPosition; tempxstart = localmaxima[localy-ymin][j].fStartPosition; tempxend = localmaxima[localy-ymin][j].fEndPosition; if(localmaxima[localy-ymin][j].fMinValue < localminvalue) localminvalue = localmaxima[localy-ymin][j].fMinValue; if(localmaxima[localy-ymin][j].fMaxValue > localmaxvalue) localmaxvalue = localmaxima[localy-ymin][j].fMaxValue; if(localmaxima[localy-ymin][j].fRightValue > localrightvalue) localrightvalue = localmaxima[localy-ymin][j].fRightValue; if(localmaxima[localy-ymin][j].fLeftValue > localleftvalue) localleftvalue = localmaxima[localy-ymin][j].fLeftValue; localmaxima[localy-ymin][j].fMinValue = -1; found = 1; nybins++; break; } else { if(localmaxvalue > localmaxima[localy-ymin][j].fPrevValue) localmaxima[localy-ymin][j].fPrevValue = localmaxvalue; if(localmaxima[localy-ymin][j].fMaxValue > localnextvalue) localnextvalue = localmaxima[localy-ymin][j].fMaxValue; } } } if(!found || localy == ymin)//no more local maximas to be matched, so write the final peak and break the expansion: { if((nybins > ysize) && ((localxend-localxstart+1) > xsize) && (localmaxvalue > localprevvalue) && (localmaxvalue > localnextvalue) && (localmaxvalue > localleftvalue) && (localmaxvalue > localrightvalue)) // if((nybins > ysize) && ((localxend-localxstart+1) > xsize)) { maxima[nmaxima].fX = ((Float_t)localxstart+(Float_t)localxend)/2.0; maxima[nmaxima].fY = ((Float_t)ybin+(Float_t)(localy+1))/2.0; maxima[nmaxima].fSizeX = localxend-localxstart+1; maxima[nmaxima].fSizeY = nybins; maxima[nmaxima].fWeight = (localminvalue+localmaxvalue)/2; maxima[nmaxima].fStartX = localxstart; maxima[nmaxima].fEndX = localxend; maxima[nmaxima].fStartY = localy +1; maxima[nmaxima].fEndY = ybin; #ifdef do_mc // cout<<"Peak found at: "<<((Float_t)localxstart+(Float_t)localxend)/2.0<<" "<<((Float_t)ybin+(Float_t)(localy+1))/2.0<<" "<= 2) continue; if((maxima[i].fStartX <= fENDXPeaks[j]+1) && (maxima[i].fEndX >= fSTARTXPeaks[j]-1) && (maxima[i].fStartY <= fENDYPeaks[j]+1) && (maxima[i].fEndY >= fSTARTYPeaks[j]-1)){ //merge merged = kTRUE; if(fWeight[j] > 0) { fXPeaks[fNPeaks] = (hist->GetPreciseBinCenterX(maxima[i].fX)+(fENDETAPeaks[j]-fSTARTETAPeaks[j]+1)*fXPeaks[j])/(fENDETAPeaks[j]-fSTARTETAPeaks[j]+2); fYPeaks[fNPeaks] = (hist->GetPreciseBinCenterY(maxima[i].fY)+(fENDETAPeaks[j]-fSTARTETAPeaks[j]+1)*fYPeaks[j])/(fENDETAPeaks[j]-fSTARTETAPeaks[j]+2); fSTARTXPeaks[fNPeaks] = maxima[i].fStartX; fSTARTYPeaks[fNPeaks] = maxima[i].fStartY; fENDXPeaks[fNPeaks] = maxima[i].fEndX; fENDYPeaks[fNPeaks] = maxima[i].fEndY; fWeight[fNPeaks] = abs((Int_t)maxima[i].fWeight) + abs(fWeight[j]); fSTARTETAPeaks[fNPeaks] = fSTARTETAPeaks[j]; fENDETAPeaks[fNPeaks] = fCurrentEtaSlice; fNPeaks++; } fWeight[j] = -abs(fWeight[j]); } } fXPeaks[fNPeaks] = hist->GetPreciseBinCenterX(maxima[i].fX); fYPeaks[fNPeaks] = hist->GetPreciseBinCenterY(maxima[i].fY); if(!merged) fWeight[fNPeaks] = abs((Int_t)maxima[i].fWeight); else fWeight[fNPeaks] = -abs((Int_t)maxima[i].fWeight); fSTARTXPeaks[fNPeaks] = maxima[i].fStartX; fSTARTYPeaks[fNPeaks] = maxima[i].fStartY; fENDXPeaks[fNPeaks] = maxima[i].fEndX; fENDYPeaks[fNPeaks] = maxima[i].fEndY; fSTARTETAPeaks[fNPeaks] = fCurrentEtaSlice; fENDETAPeaks[fNPeaks] = fCurrentEtaSlice; fNPeaks++; } fN1PeaksPrevEtaSlice = currentnpeaks; fN2PeaksPrevEtaSlice = fNPeaks; for(Int_t ybin=fNextRow[ymin]; ybin<=ymax; ybin = fNextRow[ybin+1]) delete [] localmaxima[ybin-ymin]; delete [] localmaxima; delete [] nmaxs; } void AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder::FindPeak1(Int_t ywindow,Int_t xbinsides) { //Testing mutliple peakfinding. //The algorithm searches the histogram for prepreaks by looking in windows //for each bin on the xaxis. The size of these windows is controlled by ywindow. //Then the prepreaks are sorted according to their weight (sum inside window), //and the peak positions are calculated by taking the weighted mean in both //x and y direction. The size of the peak in x-direction is controlled by xbinsides. if(!fCurrentHisto) { printf("AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder::FindPeak1 : No input histogram\n"); return; } if(fCurrentHisto->GetNEntries()==0) return; //Int_t ywindow=2; //Int_t xbinsides=1; //Float_t max_kappa = 0.001; //Float_t max_phi0 = 0.08; Int_t maxsum=0; Int_t xmin = fCurrentHisto->GetFirstXbin(); Int_t xmax = fCurrentHisto->GetLastXbin(); Int_t ymin = fCurrentHisto->GetFirstYbin(); Int_t ymax = fCurrentHisto->GetLastYbin(); Int_t nbinsx = fCurrentHisto->GetNbinsX()+1; AliHLTTPCAxisWindow **windowPt = new AliHLTTPCAxisWindow*[nbinsx]; AliHLTTPCAxisWindow **anotherPt = new AliHLTTPCAxisWindow*[nbinsx]; for(Int_t i=0; iGetBin(xbin,b); suminwindow += (Int_t)fCurrentHisto->GetBinContent(bin); } if(suminwindow > maxsum) { maxsum = suminwindow; windowPt[xbin]->fYmin = ybin; windowPt[xbin]->fYmax = ybin + ywindow; windowPt[xbin]->fWeight = suminwindow; windowPt[xbin]->fXbin = xbin; } } } //Sort the windows according to the weight SortPeaks(windowPt,0,nbinsx); Float_t top,butt; for(Int_t i=0; ifXbin; if(xbin xmax-1) continue; //Check if this is really a local maxima if(anotherPt[xbin-1]->fWeight > anotherPt[xbin]->fWeight || anotherPt[xbin+1]->fWeight > anotherPt[xbin]->fWeight) continue; for(Int_t j=windowPt[i]->fYmin; jfYmax; j++) { //Calculate the mean in y direction: Int_t bin = fCurrentHisto->GetBin(windowPt[i]->fXbin,j); top += (fCurrentHisto->GetBinCenterY(j))*(fCurrentHisto->GetBinContent(bin)); butt += fCurrentHisto->GetBinContent(bin); } if(butt < fThreshold) continue; fXPeaks[fNPeaks] = fCurrentHisto->GetBinCenterX(windowPt[i]->fXbin); fYPeaks[fNPeaks] = top/butt; fWeight[fNPeaks] = (Int_t)butt; //cout<<"mean in y "<xbin<<" content "<FindXbin(fXPeaks[i]); if(xbin - xbinsides < xmin || xbin + xbinsides > xmax) continue; top=butt=0; ytop=0,ybutt=0; w=0; prev = xbin - xbinsides+1; for(Int_t j=xbin-xbinsides; j<=xbin+xbinsides; j++) { /* //Check if the windows are overlapping: if(anotherPt[j]->ymin > anotherPt[prev]->ymax) {prev=j; continue;} if(anotherPt[j]->ymax < anotherPt[prev]->ymin) {prev=j; continue;} prev = j; */ top += fCurrentHisto->GetBinCenterX(j)*anotherPt[j]->fWeight; butt += anotherPt[j]->fWeight; for(Int_t k=anotherPt[j]->fYmin; kfYmax; k++) { Int_t bin = fCurrentHisto->GetBin(j,k); ytop += (fCurrentHisto->GetBinCenterY(k))*(fCurrentHisto->GetBinContent(bin)); ybutt += fCurrentHisto->GetBinContent(bin); w+=(Int_t)fCurrentHisto->GetBinContent(bin); } } fXPeaks[i] = top/butt; fYPeaks[i] = ytop/ybutt; fWeight[i] = w; //cout<<"Setting weight "< 1) { i = first; j = last; for (;;) { while (++i < last && PeakCompare(a[i], a[first]) < 0) ; while (--j > first && PeakCompare(a[j], a[first]) > 0) ; if (i >= j) break; tmp = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = tmp; } if (j == first) { ++first; continue; } tmp = a[first]; a[first] = a[j]; a[j] = tmp; if (j - first < last - (j + 1)) { SortPeaks(a, first, j); first = j + 1; // QSort(j + 1, last); } else { SortPeaks(a, j + 1, last); last = j; // QSort(first, j); } } } Int_t AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder::PeakCompare(struct AliHLTTPCAxisWindow *a,struct AliHLTTPCAxisWindow *b) const { // Peak comparison based on peaks weight if(a->fWeight < b->fWeight) return 1; if(a->fWeight > b->fWeight) return -1; return 0; } void AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder::FindPeak(Int_t t1,Double_t t2,Int_t t3) { //Attempt of a more sophisticated peak finder. //Finds the best peak in the histogram, and returns the corresponding //track object. if(!fCurrentHisto) { printf("AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder::FindPeak : No histogram!!\n"); return; } AliHLTTPCHistogram *hist = fCurrentHisto; if(hist->GetNEntries()==0) return; Int_t xmin = hist->GetFirstXbin(); Int_t xmax = hist->GetLastXbin(); Int_t ymin = hist->GetFirstYbin(); Int_t ymax = hist->GetLastYbin(); Int_t nbinsx = hist->GetNbinsX()+1; Int_t *m = new Int_t[nbinsx]; Int_t *mlow = new Int_t[nbinsx]; Int_t *mup = new Int_t[nbinsx]; recompute: //this is a goto. for(Int_t i=0; iymax) break; //Inside window bin = hist->GetBin(xbin,y); sum += (Int_t)hist->GetBinContent(bin); } if(sum > m[xbin]) //Max value locally in this xbin { m[xbin]=sum; mlow[xbin]=ybin; mup[xbin]=ybin + t1; } } if(m[xbin] > maxx) //Max value globally in x-direction { maxxbin = xbin; maxx = m[xbin];//sum; } } //printf("maxxbin %d maxx %d mlow %d mup %d\n",maxxbin,maxx,mlow[maxxbin],mup[maxxbin]); //printf("ylow %f yup %f\n",hist->GetBinCenterY(mlow[maxxbin]),hist->GetBinCenterY(mup[maxxbin])); //Determine a width in the x-direction Int_t xlow=0,xup=0; for(Int_t xbin=maxxbin-1; xbin >= xmin; xbin--) { if(m[xbin] < maxx*t2) { xlow = xbin+1; break; } } for(Int_t xbin = maxxbin+1; xbin <=xmax; xbin++) { if(m[xbin] < maxx*t2) { xup = xbin-1; break; } } Double_t top=0,butt=0,value,xpeak; if(xup - xlow + 1 > t3) { t1 -= 1; printf("\nxrange out if limit xup %d xlow %d t1 %d\n\n",xlow,xup,t1); if(t1 > 1) goto recompute; else { xpeak = hist->GetBinCenterX(maxxbin); goto moveon; } } //printf("xlow %f xup %f\n",hist->GetBinCenterX(xlow),hist->GetBinCenterX(xup)); //printf("Spread in x %d\n",xup-xlow +1); //Now, calculate the center of mass in x-direction for(Int_t xbin=xlow; xbin <= xup; xbin++) { value = hist->GetBinCenterX(xbin); top += value*m[xbin]; butt += m[xbin]; } xpeak = top/butt; moveon: //Find the peak in y direction: Int_t xl = hist->FindXbin(xpeak); if(hist->GetBinCenterX(xl) > xpeak) xl--; Int_t xu = xl + 1; if(hist->GetBinCenterX(xl) > xpeak || hist->GetBinCenterX(xu) <= xpeak) printf("\nAliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder::FindPeak : Wrong xrange %f %f %f\n\n",hist->GetBinCenterX(xl),xpeak,hist->GetBinCenterX(xu)); //printf("\nxlow %f xup %f\n",hist->GetBinCenterX(xl),hist->GetBinCenterX(xu)); value=top=butt=0; //printf("ylow %f yup %f\n",hist->GetBinCenterY(mlow[xl]),hist->GetBinCenterY(mup[xl])); //printf("ylow %f yup %f\n",hist->GetBinCenterY(mlow[xu]),hist->GetBinCenterY(mup[xu])); for(Int_t ybin=mlow[xl]; ybin <= mup[xl]; ybin++) { value = hist->GetBinCenterY(ybin); bin = hist->GetBin(xl,ybin); top += value*hist->GetBinContent(bin); butt += hist->GetBinContent(bin); } Double_t ypeaklow = top/butt; //printf("ypeaklow %f\n",ypeaklow); value=top=butt=0; for(Int_t ybin=mlow[xu]; ybin <= mup[xu]; ybin++) { value = hist->GetBinCenterY(ybin); bin = hist->GetBin(xu,ybin); top += value*hist->GetBinContent(bin); butt += hist->GetBinContent(bin); } Double_t ypeakup = top/butt; //printf("ypeakup %f\n",ypeakup); Double_t xvalueup = hist->GetBinCenterX(xu); Double_t xvaluelow = hist->GetBinCenterX(xl); Double_t ypeak = (ypeaklow*(xvalueup - xpeak) + ypeakup*(xpeak - xvaluelow))/(xvalueup - xvaluelow); //Find the weight: //bin = hist->FindBin(xpeak,ypeak); //Int_t weight = (Int_t)hist->GetBinContent(bin); //AliHLTTPCHoughTrack *track = new AliHLTTPCHoughTrack(); //track->SetTrackParameters(xpeak,ypeak,weight); fXPeaks[fNPeaks]=xpeak; fYPeaks[fNPeaks]=ypeak; fWeight[fNPeaks]=(Int_t)hist->GetBinContent(bin); fNPeaks++; delete [] m; delete [] mlow; delete [] mup; //return track; } Float_t AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder::GetXPeakSize(Int_t i) const { // Get X size of a peak if(i<0 || i>fNMax) { STDCERR<<"AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder::GetXPeakSize : Invalid index "<GetBinWidthX(); return binwidth*(fENDXPeaks[i]-fSTARTXPeaks[i]+1); } Float_t AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder::GetYPeakSize(Int_t i) const { // Get Y size of a peak if(i<0 || i>fNMax) { STDCERR<<"AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder::GetYPeak : Invalid index "<GetBinWidthY(); return binwidth*(fENDYPeaks[i]-fSTARTYPeaks[i]+1); } Bool_t AliHLTTPCHoughMaxFinder::MergeRowPeaks(AliHLTTPCPre2DPeak *maxima1, AliHLTTPCPre2DPeak *maxima2, Float_t distance) { // Check the distance between tracks corresponding to given Hough space peaks and if the // distance is smaller than some threshold value marks the smaller peak as fake AliHLTTPCHistogram *hist = fCurrentHisto; Int_t nxbins = hist->GetNbinsX()+2; Int_t xtrack1=0,xtrack2=0,ytrack1=0,ytrack2=0; Int_t deltax = 9999; for(Int_t ix1 = maxima1->fStartX; ix1 <= maxima1->fEndX; ix1++) { for(Int_t ix2 = maxima2->fStartX; ix2 <= maxima2->fEndX; ix2++) { if(abs(ix1 - ix2) < deltax) { deltax = abs(ix1 - ix2); xtrack1 = ix1; xtrack2 = ix2; } } } Int_t deltay = 9999; for(Int_t iy1 = maxima1->fStartY; iy1 <= maxima1->fEndY; iy1++) { for(Int_t iy2 = maxima2->fStartY; iy2 <= maxima2->fEndY; iy2++) { if(abs(iy1 - iy2) < deltay) { deltay = abs(iy1 - iy2); ytrack1 = iy1; ytrack2 = iy2; } } } Int_t firstrow1 = fTrackFirstRow[xtrack1 + nxbins*ytrack1]; Int_t lastrow1 = fTrackLastRow[xtrack1 + nxbins*ytrack1]; Int_t firstrow2 = fTrackFirstRow[xtrack1 + nxbins*ytrack1]; Int_t lastrow2 = fTrackLastRow[xtrack1 + nxbins*ytrack1]; Int_t firstrow,lastrow; if(firstrow1 < firstrow2) firstrow = firstrow2; else firstrow = firstrow1; if(lastrow1 > lastrow2) lastrow = lastrow2; else lastrow = lastrow1; AliHLTTPCHoughTrack track1; Float_t x1 = hist->GetPreciseBinCenterX(xtrack1); Float_t y1 = hist->GetPreciseBinCenterY(ytrack1); Float_t psi1 = atan((x1-y1)/(AliHLTTPCHoughTransformerRow::GetBeta1()-AliHLTTPCHoughTransformerRow::GetBeta2())); Float_t kappa1 = 2.0*(x1*cos(psi1)-AliHLTTPCHoughTransformerRow::GetBeta1()*sin(psi1)); track1.SetTrackParameters(kappa1,psi1,1); Float_t firsthit1[3]; if(!track1.GetCrossingPoint(firstrow,firsthit1)) return kFALSE; Float_t lasthit1[3]; if(!track1.GetCrossingPoint(lastrow,lasthit1)) return kFALSE; AliHLTTPCHoughTrack track2; Float_t x2 = hist->GetPreciseBinCenterX(xtrack2); Float_t y2 = hist->GetPreciseBinCenterY(ytrack2); Float_t psi2 = atan((x2-y2)/(AliHLTTPCHoughTransformerRow::GetBeta1()-AliHLTTPCHoughTransformerRow::GetBeta2())); Float_t kappa2 = 2.0*(x2*cos(psi2)-AliHLTTPCHoughTransformerRow::GetBeta1()*sin(psi2)); track2.SetTrackParameters(kappa2,psi2,1); Float_t firsthit2[3]; if(!track2.GetCrossingPoint(firstrow,firsthit2)) return kFALSE; Float_t lasthit2[3]; if(!track2.GetCrossingPoint(lastrow,lasthit2)) return kFALSE; Float_t padpitchlow = AliHLTTPCTransform::GetPadPitchWidth(AliHLTTPCTransform::GetPatch(firstrow)); Float_t padpitchup = AliHLTTPCTransform::GetPadPitchWidth(AliHLTTPCTransform::GetPatch(lastrow)); // check the distance between tracks at the edges // cout<<"Check "<fSizeX*maxima1->fSizeY > maxima2->fSizeX*maxima2->fSizeY) maxima2->fWeight = -fabs(maxima2->fWeight); if(maxima1->fSizeX*maxima1->fSizeY < maxima2->fSizeX*maxima2->fSizeY) maxima1->fWeight = -fabs(maxima1->fWeight); if(maxima1->fSizeX*maxima1->fSizeY == maxima2->fSizeX*maxima2->fSizeY) { if(maxima1->fStartX > maxima2->fStartX) maxima1->fStartX = maxima2->fStartX; if(maxima1->fStartY > maxima2->fStartY) maxima1->fStartY = maxima2->fStartY; if(maxima1->fEndX < maxima2->fEndX) maxima1->fEndX = maxima2->fEndX; if(maxima1->fEndY < maxima2->fEndY) maxima1->fEndY = maxima2->fEndY; maxima1->fX = ((Float_t)maxima1->fStartX + (Float_t)maxima1->fEndX)/2.0; maxima1->fY = ((Float_t)maxima1->fStartY + (Float_t)maxima1->fEndY)/2.0; maxima1->fSizeX = (maxima1->fEndX - maxima1->fStartX + 1); maxima1->fSizeY = (maxima1->fEndY - maxima1->fStartY + 1); maxima2->fWeight = -fabs(maxima2->fWeight); } return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; }