// @(#) $Id$ // origin hough/AliL3HoughBaseTransformer.h,v 1.22 Tue Mar 22 13:11:58 2005 UTC by cvetan #ifndef ALIHLTTPCHOUGHBASETRANSFORMER_H #define ALIHLTTPCHOUGHBASETRANSFORMER_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /** @file AliHLTTPCHoughTransformer.h @author Anders Vestbo @date @brief Base class for TPC hough tracking algorithms */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class AliHLTTPCHoughTransformer // This is the base class for all the Hough Transformer tracking // algorithms for HLT. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "AliHLTStdIncludes.h" #include "AliHLTTPCRootTypes.h" #ifdef do_mc const UInt_t MaxTrack=120; struct AliHLTTrackIndex { Int_t fLabel[MaxTrack];//MC label UChar_t fNHits[MaxTrack];//Number of different mc labels UChar_t fCurrentRow[MaxTrack];//Index of the current row while filling Hough space }; typedef struct AliHLTTrackIndex AliHLTTrackIndex; #endif class AliHLTTPCDigitRowData; class AliHLTTPCHistogram; class AliTPCRawStream; /** * @class AliHLTTPCHoughTransformer * Base class for TPC hough tracking transfomers. */ class AliHLTTPCHoughTransformer { public: /** standard constructor */ AliHLTTPCHoughTransformer(); /** constructor */ AliHLTTPCHoughTransformer(Int_t slice,Int_t patch,Int_t netasegments,Float_t zvertex=0.0); /** standard destructor */ virtual ~AliHLTTPCHoughTransformer(); void SetInputData(UInt_t /*ndigits*/,AliHLTTPCDigitRowData *ptr) {fDigitRowData = ptr;} //this is for adaptave histograms virtual void CreateHistograms(Float_t /*ptmin*/,Float_t /*ptmax*/,Float_t /*pres*/,Int_t /*nybin*/,Float_t /*psi*/) {STDCERR<<"Adaptive histograms are not supported for this Transformer!"<