//-*- Mode: C++ -*- // $Id: AliHLTTPCCABaseTrackParam.h 35151 2009-10-01 13:35:10Z sgorbuno $ // ************************************************************************ // This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * // ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * // See cxx source for full Copyright notice * // * //************************************************************************* #ifndef ALIHLTTPCCABASETRACKPARAM_H #define ALIHLTTPCCABASETRACKPARAM_H #include "AliHLTTPCCADef.h" MEM_CLASS_PRE() class AliHLTTPCCATrackParam; /** * @class AliHLTTPCCABaseTrackParam * * AliHLTTPCCABaseTrackParam class contains track parameters * used in output of the AliHLTTPCCATracker slice tracker. * This class is used for transfer between tracker and merger and does not contain the covariance matrice */ MEM_CLASS_PRE() class AliHLTTPCCABaseTrackParam { public: GPUd() float X() const { return fX; } GPUd() float Y() const { return fP[0]; } GPUd() float Z() const { return fP[1]; } GPUd() float SinPhi() const { return fP[2]; } GPUd() float DzDs() const { return fP[3]; } GPUd() float QPt() const { return fP[4]; } GPUhd() float GetX() const { return fX; } GPUhd() float GetY() const { return fP[0]; } GPUhd() float GetZ() const { return fP[1]; } GPUhd() float GetSinPhi() const { return fP[2]; } GPUhd() float GetDzDs() const { return fP[3]; } GPUhd() float GetQPt() const { return fP[4]; } GPUd() float GetKappa( float Bz ) const { return -fP[4]*Bz; } GPUhd() MakeType(const float*) Par() const { return fP; } GPUd() const MakeType(float*) GetPar() const { return fP; } GPUd() float GetPar(int i) const { return(fP[i]); } GPUhd() void SetPar( int i, float v ) { fP[i] = v; } GPUd() void SetX( float v ) { fX = v; } GPUd() void SetY( float v ) { fP[0] = v; } GPUd() void SetZ( float v ) { fP[1] = v; } GPUd() void SetSinPhi( float v ) { fP[2] = v; } GPUd() void SetDzDs( float v ) { fP[3] = v; } GPUd() void SetQPt( float v ) { fP[4] = v; } private: //WARNING, Track Param Data is copied in the GPU Tracklet Constructor element by element instead of using copy constructor!!! //This is neccessary for performance reasons!!! //Changes to Elements of this class therefore must also be applied to TrackletConstructor!!! float fX; // x position float fP[5]; // 'active' track parameters: Y, Z, SinPhi, DzDs, q/Pt }; #endif