// @(#) $Id$ //************************************************************************* // This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * // ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * // * // Primary Authors: Jochen Thaeder * // Ivan Kisel * // for The ALICE HLT Project. * // * // Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * // documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * // without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * // copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * // appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * // about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * // provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * //************************************************************************* #include "AliHLTTPCCADisplay.h" #include "AliHLTTPCCATracker.h" #include "TString.h" #include "Riostream.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include ClassImp(AliHLTTPCCADisplay); AliHLTTPCCADisplay &AliHLTTPCCADisplay::Instance() { // reference to static object static AliHLTTPCCADisplay gAliHLTTPCCADisplay; return gAliHLTTPCCADisplay; } AliHLTTPCCADisplay::AliHLTTPCCADisplay() : fXY(0), fZY(0), fAsk(1), fSectorView(1), fSector(0), fCos(1), fSin(0), fZMin(-250), fZMax(250), fRInnerMin(83.65), fRInnerMax(133.3), fROuterMin(133.5), fROuterMax(247.7), fTPCZMin(-250.), fTPCZMax(250), fArc(), fLine(), fPLine(), fMarker(), fBox(), fCrown(), fLatex() { // constructor } AliHLTTPCCADisplay::AliHLTTPCCADisplay( const AliHLTTPCCADisplay& ) : fXY(0), fZY(0), fAsk(1), fSectorView(1), fSector(0), fCos(1), fSin(0), fZMin(-250), fZMax(250), fRInnerMin(83.65), fRInnerMax(133.3), fROuterMin(133.5), fROuterMax(247.7), fTPCZMin(-250.), fTPCZMax(250), fArc(), fLine(), fPLine(), fMarker(), fBox(), fCrown(), fLatex() { // dummy } AliHLTTPCCADisplay& AliHLTTPCCADisplay::operator=( const AliHLTTPCCADisplay& ) { // dummy return *this; } AliHLTTPCCADisplay::~AliHLTTPCCADisplay() { // destructor delete fXY; delete fZY; } void AliHLTTPCCADisplay::Init() { // initialization gStyle->SetCanvasBorderMode(0); gStyle->SetCanvasBorderSize(1); gStyle->SetCanvasColor(0); fXY = new TCanvas ("XY", "XY window", -1, 0, 600, 600); fZY = new TCanvas ("ZY", "ZY window", -610, 0, 590, 600); fMarker = TMarker(0.0, 0.0, 6); } void AliHLTTPCCADisplay::Update() { // update windows if( !fAsk ) return; fXY->Update(); fZY->Update(); } void AliHLTTPCCADisplay::Clear() { // clear windows fXY->Clear(); fZY->Clear(); } void AliHLTTPCCADisplay::Ask() { // whait for the pressed key, when "r" pressed, don't ask anymore char symbol; if (fAsk){ Update(); cout<<"ask> "<Param().SinAlpha(); fSin = - sec->Param().CosAlpha(); fZMin = sec->Param().ZMin(); fZMax = sec->Param().ZMax(); Clear(); Double_t r0 = .5*(sec->Param().RMax()+sec->Param().RMin()); Double_t dr = .5*(sec->Param().RMax()-sec->Param().RMin()); Double_t cx = 0; Double_t cy = r0; fXY->Range(cx-dr, cy-dr, cx+dr, cy+dr); Double_t cz = .5*(sec->Param().ZMax()+sec->Param().ZMin()); Double_t dz = .5*(sec->Param().ZMax()-sec->Param().ZMin())*1.2; fZY->Range(cz-dz, cy-dr, cz+dz, cy+dr); } } Int_t AliHLTTPCCADisplay::GetColor( Double_t z ) const { // Get color with respect to Z coordinate const Color_t kMyColor[11] = { kGreen, kBlue, kYellow, kMagenta, kCyan, kOrange, kSpring, kTeal, kAzure, kViolet, kPink }; Double_t zz = (z-fZMin)/(fZMax-fZMin); Int_t iz = (int) (zz*11); if( iz<0 ) iz = 0; if( iz>10 ) iz = 10; return kMyColor[iz]-4; } void AliHLTTPCCADisplay::Global2View( Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t *xv, Double_t *yv ) const { // convert coordinates global->view *xv = x*fCos + y*fSin; *yv = y*fCos - x*fSin; } void AliHLTTPCCADisplay::Sec2View( Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t *xv, Double_t *yv ) const { // convert coordinates sector->view Double_t xg = x*fSector->Param().CosAlpha() - y*fSector->Param().SinAlpha(); Double_t yg = y*fSector->Param().CosAlpha() + x*fSector->Param().SinAlpha(); *xv = xg*fCos + yg*fSin; *yv = yg*fCos - xg*fSin; } void AliHLTTPCCADisplay::DrawTPC() { // schematically draw TPC detector fXY->Range(-fROuterMax, -fROuterMax, fROuterMax, fROuterMax); fXY->Clear(); { fArc.SetLineColor(kBlack); fArc.SetFillStyle(0); fXY->cd(); for( Int_t iSec=0; iSec<18; iSec++){ fCrown.SetLineColor(kBlack); fCrown.SetFillStyle(0); fCrown.DrawCrown(0,0,fRInnerMin, fRInnerMax, 360./18.*iSec, 360./18.*(iSec+1) ); fCrown.DrawCrown(0,0,fROuterMin, fROuterMax, 360./18.*iSec, 360./18.*(iSec+1) ); } } fZY->cd(); fZY->Range( fTPCZMin, -fROuterMax, fTPCZMax, fROuterMax ); fZY->Clear(); } void AliHLTTPCCADisplay::DrawSector( AliHLTTPCCATracker *sec ) { // draw current the TPC sector fXY->cd(); Double_t r0 = .5*(sec->Param().RMax()+sec->Param().RMin()); Double_t dr = .5*(sec->Param().RMax()-sec->Param().RMin()); Double_t cx = r0*sec->Param().CosAlpha(); Double_t cy = r0*sec->Param().SinAlpha(); Double_t raddeg = 180./3.1415; Double_t a0 = raddeg*.5*(sec->Param().AngleMax() + sec->Param().AngleMin()); Double_t da = raddeg*.5*(sec->Param().AngleMax() - sec->Param().AngleMin()); if( fSectorView ){ cx = 0; cy = r0; a0 = 90.; fLatex.DrawLatex(cx-dr+dr*.05,cy-dr+dr*.05, Form("Sec.%2i",sec->Param().ISec())); } fArc.SetLineColor(kBlack); fArc.SetFillStyle(0); fCrown.SetLineColor(kBlack); fCrown.SetFillStyle(0); fCrown.DrawCrown(0,0, sec->Param().RMin(),sec->Param().RMax(), a0-da, a0+da ); fLine.SetLineColor(kBlack); fZY->cd(); Double_t cz = .5*(sec->Param().ZMax()+sec->Param().ZMin()); Double_t dz = .5*(sec->Param().ZMax()-sec->Param().ZMin())*1.2; //fLine.DrawLine(cz+dz, cy-dr, cz+dz, cy+dr ); if( fSectorView ) fLatex.DrawLatex(cz-dz+dz*.05,cy-dr+dr*.05, Form("Sec.%2i",sec->Param().ISec())); } void AliHLTTPCCADisplay::DrawHit( Int_t iRow, Int_t iHit, Int_t color ) { // draw hit if( !fSector ) return; AliHLTTPCCARow &row = fSector->Rows()[iRow]; AliHLTTPCCAHit *h = &(row.Hits()[iHit]); if( color<0 ) color = GetColor( h->Z() ); Double_t dgy = 3.*TMath::Abs(h->ErrY()*fSector->Param().CosAlpha() - fSector->Param().ErrX()*fSector->Param().SinAlpha() ); Double_t dx = fSector->Param().ErrX()*TMath::Sqrt(12.)/2.; Double_t dy = h->ErrY()*3.; Double_t dz = h->ErrZ()*3.; fMarker.SetMarkerColor(color); fArc.SetLineColor(color); fArc.SetFillStyle(0); Double_t vx, vy; Sec2View( row.X(), h->Y(), &vx, &vy ); fXY->cd(); if( fSectorView ) fArc.DrawEllipse( vx, vy, dx, dy, 0,360, 90); else fArc.DrawEllipse( vx, vy, dx, dy, 0,360, fSector->Param().Alpha()*180./3.1415); fMarker.DrawMarker(vx, vy); fZY->cd(); if( fSectorView ) fArc.DrawEllipse( h->Z(), vy, dz, dx, 0,360, 90 ); else fArc.DrawEllipse( h->Z(), vy, dz, dgy, 0,360, fSector->Param().Alpha()*180./3.1415); fMarker.DrawMarker(h->Z(), vy); } void AliHLTTPCCADisplay::DrawCell( Int_t iRow, AliHLTTPCCACell &cell, Int_t width, Int_t color ) { // draw cell AliHLTTPCCARow &row = fSector->Rows()[iRow]; Double_t vx, vy, vdx, vdy; Sec2View(row.X(), cell.Y(), &vx, &vy); Sec2View(0, cell.ErrY()*3, &vdx, &vdy); if( color<0 ) color = GetColor(cell.Z()); fLine.SetLineColor(color); fLine.SetLineWidth(width); fXY->cd(); fLine.DrawLine(vx-vdx,vy-vdy, vx+vdx, vy+vdy ); fZY->cd(); fLine.DrawLine(cell.Z()-3*cell.ErrZ(),vy-vdy, cell.Z()+3*cell.ErrZ(), vy+vdy ); fLine.SetLineWidth(1); } void AliHLTTPCCADisplay::DrawCell( Int_t iRow, Int_t iCell, Int_t width, Int_t color ) { // draw cell AliHLTTPCCARow &row = fSector->Rows()[iRow]; DrawCell( iRow, row.Cells()[iCell], width, color ); } void AliHLTTPCCADisplay::ConnectCells( Int_t iRow1, AliHLTTPCCACell &cell1, Int_t iRow2, AliHLTTPCCACell &cell2, Int_t color ) { // connect two cells on display, kind of row is drawing AliHLTTPCCARow &row1 = fSector->Rows()[iRow1]; AliHLTTPCCARow &row2 = fSector->Rows()[iRow2]; AliHLTTPCCAHit &h11 = row1.GetCellHit(cell1,0); AliHLTTPCCAHit &h12 = row1.GetCellHit(cell1,cell1.NHits()-1); AliHLTTPCCAHit &h21 = row2.GetCellHit(cell2,0); AliHLTTPCCAHit &h22= row2.GetCellHit(cell2,cell2.NHits()-1); Double_t x11 = row1.X(); Double_t x12 = row1.X(); Double_t y11 = h11.Y() - h11.ErrY()*3; Double_t y12 = h12.Y() + h12.ErrY()*3; Double_t z11 = h11.Z(); Double_t z12 = h12.Z(); Double_t x21 = row2.X(); Double_t x22 = row2.X(); Double_t y21 = h21.Y() - h21.ErrY()*3; Double_t y22 = h22.Y() + h22.ErrY()*3; Double_t z21 = h21.Z(); Double_t z22 = h22.Z(); Double_t vx11, vx12, vy11, vy12, vx21, vx22, vy21, vy22; Sec2View(x11,y11, &vx11, &vy11 ); Sec2View(x12,y12, &vx12, &vy12 ); Sec2View(x21,y21, &vx21, &vy21 ); Sec2View(x22,y22, &vx22, &vy22 ); Double_t lx[] = { vx11, vx12, vx22, vx21, vx11 }; Double_t ly[] = { vy11, vy12, vy22, vy21, vy11 }; Double_t lz[] = { z11, z12, z22, z21, z11 }; if( color<0 ) color = GetColor( (z11+z12+z22+z21)/4. ); fPLine.SetLineColor(color); fPLine.SetLineWidth(1); //fPLine.SetFillColor(color); fPLine.SetFillStyle(-1); fXY->cd(); fPLine.DrawPolyLine(5, lx, ly ); fZY->cd(); fPLine.DrawPolyLine(5, lz, ly ); DrawCell( iRow1, cell1, 1, color ); DrawCell( iRow2, cell2, 1, color ); } Bool_t CompareCellDS( const pair &a, const pair &b ) { // function used to sort cells track along trajectory, pair return (a.second > vCells; AliHLTTPCCATrackPar t = track.Param(); for( Int_t iCell=0; iCellGetTrackCell(track,iCell); AliHLTTPCCARow &row = fSector->GetTrackCellRow(track,iCell); Double_t xyz[3] = {row.X(), c.Y(), c.Z()}; if( iCell==0 ) t.TransportBz(-5, xyz); pair tmp(iCell, t.GetDsToPointBz(-5.,xyz)); vCells.push_back(tmp); } sort(vCells.begin(), vCells.end(), CompareCellDS ); t.Normalize(); const Double_t kCLight = 0.000299792458; Double_t bc = b*kCLight; Double_t pt = sqrt(t.Par()[3]*t.Par()[3] +t.Par()[4]*t.Par()[4] ); //Double_t p = sqrt(pt*pt +t.Par()[5]*t.Par()[5] ); Double_t q = t.Par()[6]; //for( Int_t iCell=0; iCellGetTrackCell(track,vCells[0].first); AliHLTTPCCACell &c2 = fSector->GetTrackCell(track,vCells[track.NCells()-1].first); AliHLTTPCCARow &row1 = fSector->GetTrackCellRow(track,vCells[0].first); AliHLTTPCCARow &row2 = fSector->GetTrackCellRow(track,vCells[track.NCells()-1].first); if( color<0 ) color = GetColor( (c1.Z()+c2.Z())/2. ); Double_t vx1, vy1, vx2, vy2; Sec2View(row1.X(), c1.Y(), &vx1, &vy1 ); Sec2View(row2.X(), c2.Y(), &vx2, &vy2 ); fLine.SetLineColor( color ); fLine.SetLineWidth(3); if( TMath::Abs(q)>.1 ){ Double_t qq = pt/q; Double_t xc = t.Par()[0] + qq*t.Par()[4]/pt/bc; Double_t yc = t.Par()[1] - qq*t.Par()[3]/pt/bc; Double_t r = TMath::Abs(qq)/fabs(bc); Double_t vx, vy; Sec2View( xc, yc, &vx, &vy ); Double_t a1 = TMath::ATan2(vy1-vy, vx1-vx)/TMath::Pi()*180.; Double_t a2 = TMath::ATan2(vy2-vy, vx2-vx)/TMath::Pi()*180.; Double_t da= a2-a1; if( da>=180 ) da=360-da; if( da<=-180 ) da=360-da; a1 = a2-da; fArc.SetFillStyle(0); fArc.SetLineColor(color); fArc.SetLineWidth(3); fXY->cd(); fArc.DrawArc(vx,vy,r, a1,a2,"only"); } else { fXY->cd(); fLine.DrawLine(vx1,vy1, vx2, vy2 ); } } for( Int_t iCell=0; iCellGetTrackCell(track,vCells[iCell].first); AliHLTTPCCACell &c2 = fSector->GetTrackCell(track,vCells[iCell+1].first); AliHLTTPCCARow &row1 = fSector->GetTrackCellRow(track,vCells[iCell].first); AliHLTTPCCARow &row2 = fSector->GetTrackCellRow(track,vCells[iCell+1].first); Double_t x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2; { Double_t xyz[3] = {row1.X(), c1.Y(), c1.Z()}; t.TransportBz(-5, xyz); x1 = t.Par()[0]; y1 = t.Par()[1]; z1 = t.Par()[2]; } { Double_t xyz[3] = {row2.X(), c2.Y(), c2.Z()}; t.TransportBz(-5, xyz); x2 = t.Par()[0]; y2 = t.Par()[1]; z2 = t.Par()[2]; } Double_t vx1, vy1, vx2, vy2; Sec2View(x1, y1, &vx1, &vy1 ); Sec2View(x2, y2, &vx2, &vy2 ); fLine.SetLineColor(color); fLine.SetLineWidth(1); fZY->cd(); fLine.DrawLine(z1,vy1, z2, vy2 ); } fLine.SetLineWidth(1); }