//-*- Mode: C++ -*- // $Id$ // ************************************************************************ // This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * // ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * // See cxx source for full Copyright notice * // * //************************************************************************* #ifndef ALIHLTTPCCATRACKPARAM_H #define ALIHLTTPCCATRACKPARAM_H #include "AliHLTTPCCADef.h" #include "AliHLTTPCCAMath.h" #include "AliHLTTPCCABaseTrackParam.h" class AliHLTTPCCATrackLinearisation; /** * @class AliHLTTPCCATrackParam * * AliHLTTPCCATrackParam class describes the track parametrisation * which is used by the AliHLTTPCCATracker slice tracker. * */ MEM_CLASS_PRE() class AliHLTTPCCATrackParam { public: struct AliHLTTPCCATrackFitParam { float fBethe, fE, fTheta2, fEP2, fSigmadE2, fK22, fK33, fK43, fK44;// parameters }; GPUd() MakeType(const MEM_LG(AliHLTTPCCABaseTrackParam)&) GetParam() const { return fParam; } GPUd() void SetParam(const MEM_LG(AliHLTTPCCABaseTrackParam)& v) { fParam = v; } GPUd() void InitParam(); GPUd() float X() const { return fParam.X(); } GPUd() float Y() const { return fParam.Y(); } GPUd() float Z() const { return fParam.Z(); } GPUd() float SinPhi() const { return fParam.SinPhi(); } GPUd() float DzDs() const { return fParam.DzDs(); } GPUd() float QPt() const { return fParam.QPt(); } GPUd() float SignCosPhi() const { return fSignCosPhi; } GPUd() float Chi2() const { return fChi2; } GPUd() int NDF() const { return fNDF; } GPUd() float Err2Y() const { return fC[0]; } GPUd() float Err2Z() const { return fC[2]; } GPUd() float Err2SinPhi() const { return fC[5]; } GPUd() float Err2DzDs() const { return fC[9]; } GPUd() float Err2QPt() const { return fC[14]; } GPUd() float GetX() const { return fParam.GetX(); } GPUd() float GetY() const { return fParam.GetY(); } GPUd() float GetZ() const { return fParam.GetZ(); } GPUd() float GetSinPhi() const { return fParam.GetSinPhi(); } GPUd() float GetDzDs() const { return fParam.GetDzDs(); } GPUd() float GetQPt() const { return fParam.GetQPt(); } GPUd() float GetSignCosPhi() const { return fSignCosPhi; } GPUd() float GetChi2() const { return fChi2; } GPUd() int GetNDF() const { return fNDF; } GPUd() float GetKappa( float Bz ) const { return fParam.GetKappa(Bz); } GPUd() float GetCosPhi() const { return fSignCosPhi*CAMath::Sqrt( 1 - SinPhi()*SinPhi() ); } GPUd() float GetErr2Y() const { return fC[0]; } GPUd() float GetErr2Z() const { return fC[2]; } GPUd() float GetErr2SinPhi() const { return fC[5]; } GPUd() float GetErr2DzDs() const { return fC[9]; } GPUd() float GetErr2QPt() const { return fC[14]; } GPUhd() MakeType(const float*) Par() const { return fParam.Par(); } GPUhd() const float *Cov() const { return fC; } GPUd() const float *GetPar() const { return fParam.GetPar(); } GPUd() float GetPar(int i) const { return(fParam.GetPar(i)); } GPUd() const float *GetCov() const { return fC; } GPUd() float GetCov(int i) const {return fC[i]; } GPUhd() void SetPar( int i, float v ) { fParam.SetPar(i, v); } GPUhd() void SetCov( int i, float v ) { fC[i] = v; } GPUd() void SetX( float v ) { fParam.SetX(v); } GPUd() void SetY( float v ) { fParam.SetY(v); } GPUd() void SetZ( float v ) { fParam.SetZ(v); } GPUd() void SetSinPhi( float v ) { fParam.SetSinPhi(v); } GPUd() void SetDzDs( float v ) { fParam.SetDzDs(v); } GPUd() void SetQPt( float v ) { fParam.SetQPt(v); } GPUd() void SetSignCosPhi( float v ) { fSignCosPhi = v >= 0 ? 1 : -1; } GPUd() void SetChi2( float v ) { fChi2 = v; } GPUd() void SetNDF( int v ) { fNDF = v; } GPUd() float GetDist2( const AliHLTTPCCATrackParam &t ) const; GPUd() float GetDistXZ2( const AliHLTTPCCATrackParam &t ) const; GPUd() float GetS( float x, float y, float Bz ) const; GPUd() void GetDCAPoint( float x, float y, float z, float &px, float &py, float &pz, float Bz ) const; GPUd() bool TransportToX( float x, float Bz, float maxSinPhi = .999 ); GPUd() bool TransportToXWithMaterial( float x, float Bz, float maxSinPhi = .999 ); GPUd() bool TransportToX( float x, AliHLTTPCCATrackLinearisation &t0, float Bz, float maxSinPhi = .999, float *DL = 0 ); GPUd() bool TransportToX( float x, float sinPhi0, float cosPhi0, float Bz, float maxSinPhi = .999 ); GPUd() bool TransportToXWithMaterial( float x, AliHLTTPCCATrackLinearisation &t0, AliHLTTPCCATrackFitParam &par, float Bz, float maxSinPhi = .999 ); GPUd() bool TransportToXWithMaterial( float x, AliHLTTPCCATrackFitParam &par, float Bz, float maxSinPhi = .999 ); GPUd() static float ApproximateBetheBloch( float beta2 ); GPUd() static float BetheBlochGeant( float bg, float kp0 = 2.33, float kp1 = 0.20, float kp2 = 3.00, float kp3 = 173e-9, float kp4 = 0.49848 ); GPUd() static float BetheBlochSolid( float bg ); GPUd() static float BetheBlochGas( float bg ); GPUd() void CalculateFitParameters( AliHLTTPCCATrackFitParam &par, float mass = 0.13957 ); GPUd() bool CorrectForMeanMaterial( float xOverX0, float xTimesRho, const AliHLTTPCCATrackFitParam &par ); GPUd() bool Rotate( float alpha, float maxSinPhi = .999 ); GPUd() bool Rotate( float alpha, AliHLTTPCCATrackLinearisation &t0, float maxSinPhi = .999 ); GPUd() bool Filter( float y, float z, float err2Y, float err2Z, float maxSinPhi = .999 ); GPUd() bool CheckNumericalQuality() const; GPUd() void Print() const; #ifndef HLTCA_GPUCODE private: #endif //!HLTCA_GPUCODE MEM_LG(AliHLTTPCCABaseTrackParam) fParam; // Track Parameters private: //WARNING, Track Param Data is copied in the GPU Tracklet Constructor element by element instead of using copy constructor!!! //This is neccessary for performance reasons!!! //Changes to Elements of this class therefore must also be applied to TrackletConstructor!!! float fC[15]; // the covariance matrix for Y,Z,SinPhi,.. float fSignCosPhi; // sign of cosPhi float fChi2; // the chi^2 value int fNDF; // the Number of Degrees of Freedom }; GPUd() MEM_CLASS_PRE() inline void MEM_LG(AliHLTTPCCATrackParam)::InitParam() { //Initialize Tracklet Parameters using default values SetSinPhi( 0 ); SetDzDs( 0 ); SetQPt( 0 ); SetSignCosPhi( 1 ); SetChi2( 0 ); SetNDF( -3 ); SetCov( 0, 1 ); SetCov( 1, 0 ); SetCov( 2, 1 ); SetCov( 3, 0 ); SetCov( 4, 0 ); SetCov( 5, 1 ); SetCov( 6, 0 ); SetCov( 7, 0 ); SetCov( 8, 0 ); SetCov( 9, 1 ); SetCov( 10, 0 ); SetCov( 11, 0 ); SetCov( 12, 0 ); SetCov( 13, 0 ); SetCov( 14, 10. ); } #endif //ALIHLTTPCCATRACKPARAM_H