//-*- Mode: C++ -*- // @(#) $Id$ // ************************************************************************ // This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * // ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * // See cxx source for full Copyright notice * // * //************************************************************************* #ifndef ALIHLTTPCCATRACKER_H #define ALIHLTTPCCATRACKER_H #include "AliHLTTPCCADef.h" #include "AliHLTTPCCAGPUConfig.h" #include "AliHLTTPCCAParam.h" #include #include "AliHLTTPCCAHitId.h" #include "AliHLTTPCCASliceData.h" #include "AliHLTTPCCASliceOutput.h" #include "AliHLTTPCCATrackletConstructor.h" #include "AliHLTTPCCATracklet.h" class AliHLTTPCCATrack; class AliHLTTPCCATrackParam; class AliHLTTPCCAClusterData; class AliHLTTPCCARow; /** * @class AliHLTTPCCATracker * * Slice tracker for ALICE HLT. * The class reconstructs tracks in one slice of TPC. * The reconstruction algorithm is based on the Cellular Automaton method * * The CA tracker is designed stand-alone. * It is integrated to the HLT framework via AliHLTTPCCATrackerComponent interface. * The class is under construction. * */ class AliHLTTPCCAClusterData; class AliHLTTPCCATracker { public: AliHLTTPCCATracker() : #ifdef HLTCA_STANDALONE fStageAtSync( NULL ), fLinkTmpMemory( NULL ), #endif fParam(), fOutputControl(), fClusterData( 0 ), fData(), fIsGPUTracker( false ), fGPUDebugLevel( 0 ), fGPUDebugOut( 0 ), fRowStartHitCountOffset( NULL ), fTrackletTmpStartHits( NULL ), fGPUTrackletTemp( NULL ), fRowBlockTracklets( NULL ), fRowBlockPos( NULL ), fBlockStartingTracklet( NULL ), fGPUParametersConst(), fCommonMem( 0 ), fHitMemory( 0 ), fHitMemorySize( 0 ), fTrackletMemory( 0 ), fTrackletMemorySize( 0 ), fTrackMemory( 0 ), fTrackMemorySize( 0 ), fTrackletStartHits( 0 ), fTracklets( 0 ), fTrackletRowHits( NULL ), fTracks( 0 ), fTrackHits( 0 ), fOutput( 0 ) { // constructor } ~AliHLTTPCCATracker(); struct StructGPUParameters { StructGPUParameters() : fScheduleFirstDynamicTracklet( 0 ), fGPUError( 0 ) {} int fScheduleFirstDynamicTracklet; //Last Tracklet with fixed position in sheduling int fGPUError; //Signalizes error on GPU during GPU Reconstruction, kind of return value }; struct StructGPUParametersConst { StructGPUParametersConst() : fGPUFixedBlockCount( 0 ), fGPUiSlice( 0 ), fGPUnSlices( 0 ) {} int fGPUFixedBlockCount; //Count of blocks that is used for this tracker in fixed schedule situations int fGPUiSlice; // slice number processed by running GPU MP int fGPUnSlices; // n of slices to be processed in parallel }; struct commonMemoryStruct { commonMemoryStruct() : fNTracklets( 0 ), fNTracks( 0 ), fNTrackHits( 0 ), fGPUParameters() {} int fNTracklets; // number of tracklets int fNTracks; // number of reconstructed tracks int fNTrackHits; // number of track hits StructGPUParameters fGPUParameters; // GPU parameters }; void Initialize( const AliHLTTPCCAParam ¶m ); void StartEvent(); int CheckEmptySlice() const; void WriteOutput(); #if !defined(HLTCA_GPUCODE) void Reconstruct(); #endif //!HLTCA_GPUCODE //Make Reconstruction steps directly callable (Used for GPU debugging) void RunNeighboursFinder(); void RunNeighboursCleaner(); void RunStartHitsFinder(); void RunTrackletConstructor(); void RunTrackletSelector(); //GPU Tracker Interface void SetGPUTracker(); void SetGPUDebugLevel(int Level, std::ostream *NewDebugOut = NULL) {fGPUDebugLevel = Level;if (NewDebugOut) fGPUDebugOut = NewDebugOut;} char* SetGPUTrackerCommonMemory(char* const pGPUMemory); char* SetGPUTrackerHitsMemory(char* pGPUMemory, int MaxNHits); char* SetGPUTrackerTrackletsMemory(char* pGPUMemory, int MaxNTracklets, int constructorBlockCount); char* SetGPUTrackerTracksMemory(char* pGPUMemory, int MaxNTracks, int MaxNHits ); //Debugging Stuff void DumpSliceData(std::ostream &out); //Dump Input Slice Data void DumpLinks(std::ostream &out); //Dump all links to file (for comparison after NeighboursFinder/Cleaner) void DumpStartHits(std::ostream &out); //Same for Start Hits void DumpHitWeights(std::ostream &out); //.... void DumpTrackHits(std::ostream &out); //Same for Track Hits void DumpTrackletHits(std::ostream &out); //Same for Track Hits GPUd() void GetErrors2( int iRow, const AliHLTTPCCATrackParam &t, float &Err2Y, float &Err2Z ) const; GPUd() void GetErrors2( int iRow, float z, float sinPhi, float cosPhi, float DzDs, float &Err2Y, float &Err2Z ) const; void FitTrack( const AliHLTTPCCATrack &track, float *t0 = 0 ) const; void FitTrackFull( const AliHLTTPCCATrack &track, float *t0 = 0 ) const; void SetupCommonMemory(); void SetPointersHits( int MaxNHits ); void SetPointersTracklets ( int MaxNTracklets ); void SetPointersTracks( int MaxNTracks, int MaxNHits ); size_t SetPointersSliceData(const AliHLTTPCCAClusterData *data, bool allocate = false) { return(fData.SetPointers(data, allocate)); } void SetOutput( AliHLTTPCCASliceOutput** out ) { fOutput = out; } void ReadEvent( AliHLTTPCCAClusterData *clusterData ); #if !defined(HLTCA_GPUCODE) GPUh() void WriteEvent( std::ostream &out ); GPUh() void WriteTracks( std::ostream &out ) ; GPUh() void ReadTracks( std::istream &in ); #endif //!HLTCA_GPUCODE GPUhd() const AliHLTTPCCAParam &Param() const { return fParam; } GPUhd() void SetParam( const AliHLTTPCCAParam &v ) { fParam = v; } GPUhd() const AliHLTTPCCASliceOutput::outputControlStruct* OutputControl() const { return fOutputControl; } GPUh() void SetOutputControl( AliHLTTPCCASliceOutput::outputControlStruct* const val) { fOutputControl = val; } GPUhd() AliHLTTPCCAClusterData *ClusterData() const { return fClusterData; } GPUhd() const AliHLTTPCCASliceData &Data() const { return fData; } GPUh() void ClearSliceDataHitWeights() {fData.ClearHitWeights();} GPUhd() const AliHLTTPCCARow &Row( int rowIndex ) const { return fData.Row( rowIndex ); } GPUh() const AliHLTTPCCARow &Row( const AliHLTTPCCAHitId &HitId ) const { return fData.Row( HitId.RowIndex() ); } GPUhd() double Timer( int i ) const { return fTimers[i]; } GPUhd() void SetTimer( int i, double v ) { fTimers[i] = v; } GPUhd() int NHitsTotal() const { return fData.NumberOfHits(); } GPUd() void SetHitLinkUpData( const AliHLTTPCCARow &row, int hitIndex, short v ) { fData.SetHitLinkUpData( row, hitIndex, v ); } GPUd() void SetHitLinkDownData( const AliHLTTPCCARow &row, int hitIndex, short v ) { fData.SetHitLinkDownData( row, hitIndex, v ); } GPUd() short HitLinkUpData( const AliHLTTPCCARow &row, int hitIndex ) const { return fData.HitLinkUpData( row, hitIndex ); } GPUd() short HitLinkDownData( const AliHLTTPCCARow &row, int hitIndex ) const { return fData.HitLinkDownData( row, hitIndex ); } GPUd() const ushort2 *HitData( const AliHLTTPCCARow &row ) const { return fData.HitData(row); } GPUd() const short_v *HitLinkUpData ( const AliHLTTPCCARow &row ) const { return fData.HitLinkUpData(row); } GPUd() const short_v *HitLinkDownData( const AliHLTTPCCARow &row ) const { return fData.HitLinkDownData(row); } GPUd() const ushort_v *FirstHitInBin( const AliHLTTPCCARow &row ) const { return fData.FirstHitInBin(row); } GPUd() int FirstHitInBin( const AliHLTTPCCARow &row, int binIndex ) const { return fData.FirstHitInBin( row, binIndex ); } GPUd() unsigned short HitDataY( const AliHLTTPCCARow &row, int hitIndex ) const { return fData.HitDataY( row, hitIndex ); } GPUd() unsigned short HitDataZ( const AliHLTTPCCARow &row, int hitIndex ) const { return fData.HitDataZ( row, hitIndex ); } GPUd() ushort2 HitData( const AliHLTTPCCARow &row, int hitIndex ) const { return fData.HitData( row, hitIndex ); } GPUhd() int HitInputID( const AliHLTTPCCARow &row, int hitIndex ) const { return fData.ClusterDataIndex( row, hitIndex ); } /** * The hit weight is used to determine whether a hit belongs to a certain tracklet or another one * competing for the same hit. The tracklet that has a higher weight wins. Comparison is done * using the the number of hits in the tracklet (the more hits it has the more it keeps). If * tracklets have the same number of hits then it doesn't matter who gets it, but it should be * only one. So a unique number (row index is good) is added in the least significant part of * the weight */ GPUd() static int CalculateHitWeight( int NHits, float chi2, int ) { const float chi2_suppress = 6.f; float weight = (((float) NHits * (chi2_suppress - chi2 / 500.f)) * (1e9 / chi2_suppress / 160.)); if (weight < 0 || weight > 2e9) weight = 0; return ( (int) weight ); //return( (NHits << 16) + num); } GPUd() void MaximizeHitWeight( const AliHLTTPCCARow &row, int hitIndex, int weight ) { fData.MaximizeHitWeight( row, hitIndex, weight ); } GPUd() int HitWeight( const AliHLTTPCCARow &row, int hitIndex ) const { return fData.HitWeight( row, hitIndex ); } GPUhd() int *NTracklets() const { return &fCommonMem->fNTracklets; } GPUhd() const AliHLTTPCCAHitId &TrackletStartHit( int i ) const { return fTrackletStartHits[i]; } GPUhd() AliHLTTPCCAHitId *TrackletStartHits() const { return fTrackletStartHits; } GPUhd() AliHLTTPCCAHitId *TrackletTmpStartHits() const { return fTrackletTmpStartHits; } GPUhd() const AliHLTTPCCATracklet &Tracklet( int i ) const { return fTracklets[i]; } GPUhd() AliHLTTPCCATracklet *Tracklets() const { return fTracklets;} GPUhd() int* TrackletRowHits() const { return fTrackletRowHits; } GPUhd() int *NTracks() const { return &fCommonMem->fNTracks; } GPUhd() AliHLTTPCCATrack *Tracks() const { return fTracks; } GPUhd() int *NTrackHits() const { return &fCommonMem->fNTrackHits; } GPUhd() AliHLTTPCCAHitId *TrackHits() const { return fTrackHits; } GPUhd() AliHLTTPCCASliceOutput** Output() const { return fOutput; } GPUh() commonMemoryStruct *CommonMemory() const {return(fCommonMem); } GPUh() static size_t CommonMemorySize() { return(sizeof(AliHLTTPCCATracker::commonMemoryStruct)); } GPUh() char* HitMemory() const {return(fHitMemory); } GPUh() size_t HitMemorySize() const {return(fHitMemorySize); } GPUh() char* TrackletMemory() {return(fTrackletMemory); } GPUh() size_t TrackletMemorySize() const {return(fTrackletMemorySize); } GPUh() char* TrackMemory() {return(fTrackMemory); } GPUh() size_t TrackMemorySize() const {return(fTrackMemorySize); } GPUhd() AliHLTTPCCARow* SliceDataRows() const {return(fData.Rows()); } GPUhd() uint3* RowStartHitCountOffset() const {return(fRowStartHitCountOffset);} GPUhd() AliHLTTPCCATrackletConstructor::AliHLTTPCCAGPUTempMemory* GPUTrackletTemp() const {return(fGPUTrackletTemp);} GPUhd() int* RowBlockTracklets(int reverse, int iRowBlock) const {return(&fRowBlockTracklets[(reverse * ((fParam.NRows() / HLTCA_GPU_SCHED_ROW_STEP) + 1) + iRowBlock) * fCommonMem->fNTracklets]);} GPUhd() int* RowBlockTracklets() const {return(fRowBlockTracklets);} GPUhd() int4* RowBlockPos(int reverse, int iRowBlock) const {return(&fRowBlockPos[reverse * ((fParam.NRows() / HLTCA_GPU_SCHED_ROW_STEP) + 1) + iRowBlock]);} GPUhd() int4* RowBlockPos() const {return(fRowBlockPos);} GPUhd() uint2* BlockStartingTracklet() const {return(fBlockStartingTracklet);} GPUhd() StructGPUParameters* GPUParameters() const {return(&fCommonMem->fGPUParameters);} GPUhd() StructGPUParametersConst* GPUParametersConst() {return(&fGPUParametersConst);} GPUhd() void SetGPUTextureBase(char* val) { fData.SetGPUTextureBase(val); } GPUh() void SetGPUSliceDataMemory(void* const pSliceMemory, void* const pRowMemory) { fData.SetGPUSliceDataMemory(pSliceMemory, pRowMemory); } GPUh() unsigned long long int* PerfTimer(unsigned int i) {return &fPerfTimers[i]; } #ifdef HLTCA_STANDALONE GPUhd() char* StageAtSync() {return(fStageAtSync);} GPUh() const char* LinkTmpMemory() const {return(fLinkTmpMemory);} #endif private: //Temporary Variables for Standalone measurements #ifdef HLTCA_STANDALONE char* fStageAtSync; //Pointer to array storing current stage for every thread at every sync point char *fLinkTmpMemory; //tmp memory for hits after neighbours finder #endif AliHLTTPCCAParam fParam; // parameters double fTimers[10]; // timers unsigned long long int fPerfTimers[16]; // running CPU time for different parts of the algorithm void StandalonePerfTime(int i); AliHLTTPCCASliceOutput::outputControlStruct* fOutputControl; // output control /** A pointer to the ClusterData object that the SliceData was created from. This can be used to * merge clusters from inside the SliceTracker code and recreate the SliceData. */ AliHLTTPCCAClusterData *fClusterData; // ^ AliHLTTPCCASliceData fData; // The SliceData object. It is used to encapsulate the storage in memory from the access bool fIsGPUTracker; // is it GPU tracker object int fGPUDebugLevel; // debug level std::ostream *fGPUDebugOut; // debug stream //GPU Temp Arrays uint3* fRowStartHitCountOffset; //Offset, length and new offset of start hits in row AliHLTTPCCAHitId *fTrackletTmpStartHits; //Unsorted start hits AliHLTTPCCATrackletConstructor::AliHLTTPCCAGPUTempMemory *fGPUTrackletTemp; //Temp Memory for GPU Tracklet Constructor int* fRowBlockTracklets; //Reference which tracklet is processed in which rowblock next int4* fRowBlockPos; //x is last tracklet to be processed, y is last tracklet already processed, z is last tracklet to be processed in next iteration, w is initial x value to check if tracklet must be initialized uint2* fBlockStartingTracklet; // First Tracklet that is to be processed by current GPU MP StructGPUParametersConst fGPUParametersConst; // Parameters for GPU if this is a GPU tracker // event commonMemoryStruct *fCommonMem; // common event memory char *fHitMemory; // event memory for hits size_t fHitMemorySize; // size of the event memory for hits [bytes] char *fTrackletMemory; //event memory for tracklets size_t fTrackletMemorySize; //size of the event memory for tracklets char *fTrackMemory; // event memory for tracks size_t fTrackMemorySize; // size of the event memory for tracks [bytes] AliHLTTPCCAHitId *fTrackletStartHits; // start hits for the tracklets AliHLTTPCCATracklet *fTracklets; // tracklets int *fTrackletRowHits; //Hits for each Tracklet in each row // AliHLTTPCCATrack *fTracks; // reconstructed tracks AliHLTTPCCAHitId *fTrackHits; // array of track hit numbers // output AliHLTTPCCASliceOutput **fOutput; //address of pointer pointing to SliceOutput Object // disable copy AliHLTTPCCATracker( const AliHLTTPCCATracker& ); AliHLTTPCCATracker &operator=( const AliHLTTPCCATracker& ); static int StarthitSortComparison(const void*a, const void* b); }; #endif //ALIHLTTPCCATRACKER_H