//-*- Mode: C++ -*- // $Id$ // ************************************************************************ // This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * // ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * // See cxx source for full Copyright notice * // * //************************************************************************* #ifndef ALITPCTRACKERCA_H #define ALITPCTRACKERCA_H #include "AliTracker.h" class AliTPCParam; class AliESD; class TTree; class AliTPCclusterMI; class AliTPCtrack; /** * @class AliTPCtrackerCA * * Interface from HLT TPC tracker AliHLTTPCCAGBTracker to off-line * The reconstruction algorithm is based on the Cellular Automaton method * */ class AliTPCtrackerCA : public AliTracker { public: AliTPCtrackerCA(); AliTPCtrackerCA( const AliTPCParam *par ); virtual ~AliTPCtrackerCA(); // int RefitInward ( AliESDEvent *event ); int PropagateBack( AliESDEvent *event ); // int Clusters2Tracks ( AliESDEvent *esd ); int LoadClusters ( TTree * tree ); void UnloadClusters() { return ; } AliCluster * GetCluster( int index ) const; bool DoHLTPerformance() const { return fDoHLTPerformance; } bool DoHLTPerformanceClusters() const { return fDoHLTPerformanceClusters; } // protected: const AliTPCParam *fkParam; //* TPC parameters AliTPCclusterMI *fClusters; //* array of clusters unsigned int *fClusterSliceRow; //* slice and row number for clusters int fNClusters; //* N clusters bool fDoHLTPerformance; //* flag for call AliHLTTPCCAPerformance bool fDoHLTPerformanceClusters; //* flag for call AliHLTTPCCAPerformance with cluster pulls (takes some time to load TPC MC points) double fStatCPUTime; //* Total reconstruction time double fStatRealTime; //* Total reconstruction time int fStatNEvents; //* N of reconstructed events private: /// copy constructor prohibited AliTPCtrackerCA( const AliTPCtrackerCA & ); /// assignment operator prohibited AliTPCtrackerCA & operator=( const AliTPCtrackerCA& ); ClassDef( AliTPCtrackerCA, 1 ) }; #endif //ALITPCTRACKERCA_H