// $Id$ #ifndef ALIHLTTRDCLUSTERIZERCOMPONENT_H #define ALIHLTTRDCLUSTERIZERCOMPONENT_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /** @file AliHLTTRDClusterizerComponent.h @author Timm Steinbeck, Matthias Richter @date @brief Declaration of a TRDClusterizer component. */ #include "AliHLTProcessor.h" class AliCDBManager; class AliTRDclusterizerHLT; class AliRawReaderMemory; class TFile; class TGeoManager; class AliTRDrecoParam; class AliTRDReconstructor; /** * @class AliHLTTRDClusterizerComponent * @brief A TRDClusterizer HLT processing component. * * An implementiation of a TRDClusterizer component that just copies its input data * as a test, demonstration, and example of the HLT component scheme. * @ingroup alihlt_tutorial */ class AliHLTTRDClusterizerComponent : public AliHLTProcessor { public: AliHLTTRDClusterizerComponent(); virtual ~AliHLTTRDClusterizerComponent(); // Public functions to implement AliHLTComponent's interface. // These functions are required for the registration process const char* GetComponentID(); void GetInputDataTypes( vector& list); AliHLTComponent_DataType GetOutputDataType(); virtual void GetOutputDataSize( unsigned long& constBase, double& inputMultiplier ); AliHLTComponent* Spawn(); protected: // Protected functions to implement AliHLTComponent's interface. // These functions provide initialization as well as the actual processing // capabilities of the component. int DoInit( int argc, const char** argv ); int DoDeinit(); int DoEvent( const AliHLTComponent_EventData& evtData, const AliHLTComponent_BlockData* blocks, AliHLTComponent_TriggerData& trigData, AliHLTUInt8_t* outputPtr, AliHLTUInt32_t& size, vector& outputBlocks ); using AliHLTProcessor::DoEvent; private: /** copy constructor prohibited */ AliHLTTRDClusterizerComponent(const AliHLTTRDClusterizerComponent&); /** assignment operator prohibited */ AliHLTTRDClusterizerComponent& operator=(const AliHLTTRDClusterizerComponent&); // The size of the output data produced, as a percentage of the input data's size. // Can be greater than 100 (%) unsigned fOutputPercentage; // Output volume in percentage of the input string fStrorageDBpath; // Default path for OCDB AliTRDReconstructor *fReconstructor; //! AliTRDclusterizerHLT *fClusterizer; //! Offline derived HLT clusterizer AliTRDrecoParam *fRecoParam; //! Offline reco params AliCDBManager *fCDB; //! Pointer to OCDB AliRawReaderMemory *fMemReader; //! Input raw data reader string fGeometryFileName; // Path to geometry file TFile *fGeometryFile; //! // Pointer to the geom root file TGeoManager *fGeoManager; //! Pointer to geometry manager ClassDef(AliHLTTRDClusterizerComponent, 0) }; #endif