//-*- Mode: C++ -*- // $Id$ #ifndef ALIHLTTRDTRACK_H #define ALIHLTTRDTRACK_H //* This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * //* ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * //* See cxx source for full Copyright notice * #include "AliTRDtrackV1.h" #include "AliHLTLogging.h" class AliHLTTRDTracklet; class AliHLTTRDTrack { public: AliHLTTRDTrack(); AliHLTTRDTrack(const AliTRDtrackV1* const inTrack); ~AliHLTTRDTrack(); void CopyDataMembers(const AliTRDtrackV1* const inTrack); void ExportTRDTrack(AliTRDtrackV1* const outTrack) const; AliHLTUInt8_t *GetEndPointer() const // Returns pointer to the end of the track { return ((AliHLTUInt8_t *) this + fSize); }; AliHLTUInt32_t GetSize() const {return fSize;}; void Print(Bool_t printTracklets = kTRUE) const; // void ReadTrackletsFromMemory(void* ); private: AliHLTTRDTrack(const AliHLTTRDTrack& inTrack); AliHLTTRDTrack& operator=(const AliHLTTRDTrack& inTrack); void InitArrays(); /* Defenitely need */ //UChar_t fPIDquality; // No of planes used for PID calculation /* Probably need */ Float_t fPID[AliPID::kSPECIES];// PID probabilities Float_t fBudget[3]; // Integrated material budget Float_t fDE; // Integrated delta energy /* ======== From AliKalmanTrack ======== */ /* Defenitely need */ Float_t fFakeRatio; // fake ratio Float_t fChi2; // total chi2 value for this track //Float_t fMass; // mass hypothesis //Int_t fLab; // track label /* Probably need */ Int_t fN; // number of associated clusters Float_t fIntegratedLength; // integrated length // variables for time integration (S.Radomski@gsi.de) /* ======= From AliExternalTrackParam ======== */ /* Defenitely need */ Float_t fX; // X coordinate for the point of parametrisation Float_t fAlpha; // Local <-->global coor.system rotation angle Float_t fP[5]; // The track parameters Float_t fC[15]; // The track parameter covariance matrix /* Not need */ // static Float_t fgMostProbablePt; // "Most probable" pt (to be used if Bz=0) AliHLTUInt32_t fSize; // Size of the track with tracklets and clusters in the memory Bool_t fTrackletAtPlane[AliTRDtrackV1::kNplane]; // Used positions in the original array of tracklets }; #endif