#ifndef ALITRDCLUSTERIZERHLT_H #define ALITRDCLUSTERIZERHLT_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TRD cluster finder // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "AliTRDclusterizer.h" /* class AliTRDdataArrayI; */ /* class AliTRDdataArrayF; */ /* class AliTRDdigitsManager; */ class AliRawReader; class AliRawReaderMemory; class AliTRDrawData; class AliTRDclusterizerHLT : public AliTRDclusterizer { public: AliTRDclusterizerHLT(); AliTRDclusterizerHLT(const Text_t* name, const Text_t* title); AliTRDclusterizerHLT(const AliTRDclusterizerHLT &c); virtual ~AliTRDclusterizerHLT(); AliTRDclusterizerHLT &operator=(const AliTRDclusterizerHLT &c); virtual void Copy(TObject &c) const; //virtual Bool_t MakeClusters(); virtual Bool_t ReadDigits(AliRawReaderMemory* rawReader); using AliTRDclusterizer::ReadDigits; //virtual Bool_t TreeClusters(Int_t idet); virtual Bool_t InitClusterTree(); virtual Bool_t InsertClusters(TObjArray *tobjarr, Int_t idet); virtual Int_t CountClusters(); virtual Int_t GetNclusters(); virtual Bool_t ResetTree(); TTree * GetClusterTree() {return fClusterTree;} virtual Bool_t IsTreeOwner() const {return fTreeCreatedHere;} protected: virtual Bool_t ReadDigits() const {return kFALSE;} //this method not to be used on HLT virtual Bool_t ReadDigits(AliRawReader* rawReader) const {if (!rawReader); return kFALSE;} //this method not to be used on HLT Bool_t fTreeCreatedHere; //flag indicating that AliTRDclusterizerHLT has created the cluster tree private: Int_t fNclusters; //number of clusters found - updated by ::GetNclusters() AliTRDrawData *fRawDataSource; //! pointer to the TRD raw data stream ClassDef(AliTRDclusterizerHLT,1) // TRD-Cluster finder, slow simulator }; #endif