// @(#) $Id$ /************************************************************************** * This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * * All rights reserved. * * * * Primary Author: Jenny Wagner (jwagner@cern.ch) * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /** @file AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro.cxx @author Jenny Wagner @date 29-08-2007 @brief The Huffman compressor */ #include "AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro.h" #if __GNUC__ >= 3 using namespace std; #endif ClassImp(AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro) /** construction without any arguments (used for isolated tests) */ AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro() : fTrainingMode(0), fCompressionSwitch(0), fPointer2InData(NULL), fPointer2OutData(NULL), fInputDataSize(0), fOutputDataSize(0), fNrcuTrailerwords(0), fEntropy(0.0), fTrainingTable(NULL), fTranslationTable(NULL) { // see header file for class documentation } /** construction with arguments: compressionswitch (compress/ decompress), trainingmode (create new CodeTable or not) and translationtable (read in given CodeTable) */ AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro(Bool_t compressionswitch, Bool_t trainingmode, AliHLTCOMPHuffmanCodeData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanCodeStruct* translationtable, Int_t nrcutrailerwords) : fTrainingMode(0), fCompressionSwitch(0), fPointer2InData(NULL), fPointer2OutData(NULL), fInputDataSize(0), fOutputDataSize(0), fNrcuTrailerwords(0), fEntropy(0.0), fTrainingTable(NULL), fTranslationTable(NULL) { // see header file for class documentation // initialise member variables fCompressionSwitch = compressionswitch; fTrainingMode = trainingmode; fTranslationTable = translationtable; fNrcuTrailerwords = nrcutrailerwords; } /** EntropyEncoder destructor */ AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro::~AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro() { /* destructor, see header file for class documentation */ } /** SetInputData takes input data pointer and input data size from component class */ void AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro::SetInputData(void* inputdata, unsigned long datasize) { // see header file for class documentation fPointer2InData = (AliHLTUInt8_t*)inputdata; fInputDataSize = datasize; // size in bytes // error when inputdata = NULL if (inputdata == NULL) { HLTError("Error! Pointer to input data == NULL"); }; // error when datasize < header + trailer if (datasize <= 32 + fNrcuTrailerwords) // 8*32 (headerwords) = 8* 4*8 (headerbytes) { HLTError("Error! Size of input data less than header and trailer"); } } /** SetOuptputData takes output data pointer and outputsize from component class */ void AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro::SetOutputData(AliHLTUInt8_t* outputdata, unsigned long outputsize) { // see header file for class documentation fPointer2OutData = (AliHLTUInt64_t*) outputdata; fOutputDataSize = outputsize; // error when outputdata = NULL if (outputdata == NULL) { HLTError("Error! Pointer to output data == NULL"); }; // errors: compression: when outputdatasize < inputdatasize // decompress.: when outputdatasize < inputMultiplier * inputdatasize // this should not happen with current config in component (inputMultiplier = 4.0 for decomp and 1.0 for comp) if (fCompressionSwitch == kTRUE) // compression { if(outputsize < fInputDataSize) { HLTError("Error! Size of output data not equal to size of input data for compression: reserved memory space might be too small"); }; } else // decompression { if(outputsize < (fInputDataSize << 1)) // smaller than inputdatasize * 2 not possible { HLTError("Error! Size of output data too small for decompression"); }; } } /** GetOutputDataSize delivers output data size for component class to arrange blocks for output writing */ unsigned long AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro::GetOutputDataSize() { // see header file for class documentation // error when fOuputDataSize = 0; (not by training as there is no output when training) if((fOutputDataSize == 0) && (fTrainingMode == kFALSE)) { HLTError("Error! Calculated output data size is zero"); }; return fOutputDataSize; } /** Initialise training table */ void AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro::InitNewTrainingTable() { // see header file for class documentation // define array for training table with amplitudes and abundances fTrainingTable = new AliHLTCOMPHuffmanOccurrenceData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanDataStruct[TIMEBINS]; //initialise this array: for(Int_t ii = 0; ii < TIMEBINS; ii++) { fTrainingTable[ii].famplitude = ii; fTrainingTable[ii].fabundance = 0; fTrainingTable[ii].fcode = 2; //to assure that each leaf is assigned either 0 or 1!!! } } /** write produced code and occurrence table to Huffman Data */ void AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro::SetHuffmanData(AliHLTCOMPHuffmanData* huffmandata) { // see header file for class documentation huffmandata->InitHuffmanData(fTrainingTable, fTranslationTable); } /** GetTrainingTable delivers training table for statistics */ void AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro::GetTrainingTable(AliHLTCOMPHuffmanData* huffmandata) { // see header file for class documentation // take translation table from HuffmanData fTrainingTable = huffmandata->GetOccurrenceTable(fTrainingTable); // print fTrainingTable to screen (non-zero entries only): // for(Int_t jj = 0; jj < TIMEBINS; jj++) // { // if(fTrainingTable[jj].fabundance != 0) // cout << jj << " | " << fTrainingTable[jj].famplitude << " | " << fTrainingTable[jj].fabundance << endl; // } // error when no training table available if (fTrainingTable == NULL) { HLTError("Error! Pointer to training table = NULL"); }; } /** initialisation of the code table for the Huffman compressor/ decompressor */ void AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro::GetTranslationTable(AliHLTCOMPHuffmanData* huffmandata) { // see header file for class documentation // initialise fTranslationTable to be read from a file: fTranslationTable = new AliHLTCOMPHuffmanCodeData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanCodeStruct[TIMEBINS]; for(Int_t kk = 0; kk < TIMEBINS; kk++) { fTranslationTable[kk].famplitude = 0; fTranslationTable[kk].fhuffmancode = 0; // fTranslationTable[kk].morecode = NULL; fTranslationTable[kk].fvalidcodelength = 0; } // take translation table from HuffmanData fTranslationTable = huffmandata->GetCodeTable(fTranslationTable); // print fTranlsationTable to screen (non-zero entries only): // for(Int_t jj = 0; jj < TIMEBINS; jj++) // { // if(fTranslationTable[jj].fvalidcodelength != 0) // cout << jj << " | " << fTranslationTable[jj].fhuffmancode << " | " << fTranslationTable[jj].fvalidcodelength << endl; // } // error when fTranslationTable = NULL if (fTranslationTable == NULL) { HLTError("Error! Pointer to Huffman coding table = NULL"); } } /** ProcessData function to process data compression or decompression */ void AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro::ProcessData() { // see header file for class documentation // set mode to process: if(fCompressionSwitch == kTRUE && fTrainingMode == kFALSE) // encoding without training { EntropyCompression(); // information about compression ratio HLTDebug("original filesize (bytes) = %d", fInputDataSize); HLTDebug("compressed filesize (bytes) = %d", fOutputDataSize); HLTDebug("compression ratio after Huffman encoding is %f", ((Double_t) fOutputDataSize)/fInputDataSize); } else { if(fCompressionSwitch == kTRUE && fTrainingMode == kTRUE) // encoding with training { TrainingData(); // information about calculated entropy (contained in GetEntropy()) and compression ratio CalcEntropy(); GetEntropy(); } else // decoding (no training possible, which is checked for errors by component) { EntropyDecompression(); // information about compression ratio HLTDebug("compressed filesize (bytes) = %d", fInputDataSize); HLTDebug("filesize after decoding (bytes) = %d", fOutputDataSize); HLTDebug("compression ratio calculated from Huffman decompressing has been %f",((Double_t) fInputDataSize)/fOutputDataSize); } } } /** GetEntropy returns entropy and prints it to screen */ Double_t AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro::GetEntropy() { // see header file for class documentation // Information about calculated entropy HLTInfo("Calculated entropy = %f",fEntropy); return fEntropy; } /** Compression: take raw input data, code table and put out entropy encoded data */ Int_t AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro::EntropyCompression() { // see header file for class documentation // initialise input and output pointers AliHLTUInt32_t* pointer2InData = (AliHLTUInt32_t*) fPointer2InData; AliHLTUInt64_t* pointeroutputprop = fPointer2OutData; //first output word has to be initialised pointeroutputprop[0] = 0; // initialise output size fOutputDataSize = 0; // initialise required variables for input reading AliHLTUInt32_t data10 = 0; // temporary number to read out 10bit word UInt_t idxwd = 8; // counts lines in input array (start after 8 x 32 bits header words) UInt_t idx10 = 0; // counts 10-bits words UInt_t bitpswd = 0; // counts current bitposition in idxwd // number of 32-bits trailer and 32-bits common data header words: // (taken out of compression!) // UInt_t fNrcuTrailerwords = 1; // determined by user input as argument UInt_t headerwords = 8; // initialise required variables for ouput creation: UInt_t idxoutwd = headerwords >> 1; // counts lines in output array (start after header words) UInt_t bitpsoutwd = 0; // counts current bitposition in idxoutwd // validation test variables: // Int_t bitcounter = 0; // additional test for number of read in 10 bit words // Int_t sumlength = 0; // additional test for length of encoded file // error and abort when total number of bits cannot be divided by 32: // remember that fInputDataSize is given in BYTES! if (((fInputDataSize << 3) & 0x1F) != 0) { HLTError("Error! Input data size (bytes) %i cannot be divided into 32 bit words", fInputDataSize); return 1; }; // error and abort when input data without trailer words cannot be divided into 10 bit words: if ((( (fInputDataSize << 3) - (fNrcuTrailerwords << 5) - (headerwords << 5)) % 10) != 0) { HLTError("Error! Input data (bytes) %i without trailer (bytes) %i and header words (bytes) %i cannot be divided into 10 bit words", fInputDataSize, (fNrcuTrailerwords << 2),(headerwords << 2)); return 1; }; // last line of 32-bits which is to be encoded UInt_t endNdx = (fInputDataSize>>2)-fNrcuTrailerwords; // write header to output (two 32-bits words input header in one 64-bits word output header): UInt_t headcntr = 0; UInt_t headwordcntr = 0; while(headcntr != (headerwords >> 1)) { // write first header word to the left pointeroutputprop[headcntr] = ((AliHLTUInt64_t) pointer2InData[headwordcntr]); // write second header word to the right pointeroutputprop[headcntr] |= ( ((AliHLTUInt64_t) pointer2InData[headwordcntr+1]) << 32); // goto next header line and next two header words ++headcntr; headwordcntr += 2; } // EntropyCompression() for 10-bit values of ALTRO-Blocks: while (idxwd < endNdx) { // write input data in data10 and cut out 10 bits with mask 0x3FFU = 0011 1111 1111 data10 = (pointer2InData[idxwd] >> bitpswd ) & 0x3FFU; // validation test // cout << "10 bit data cut out from data10 = " << data10 << endl; // if number of bits left in read input less than 10, get remaining bits from next 32-bits word if(bitpswd > 21) { // validation test // cout << "adding bits from next word at bit position " << bitpswd << endl; data10 |= (pointer2InData[idxwd + 1]) << (32 - bitpswd); data10 &= 0x3FFU; // validation test // cout << "complete 10-bits word = << data10 << endl; }; // validation test // print first 100 10-bits words with resp.code and validcodelength to screen... // if (idx10 < 101) // { // cout << "read 10-bits word (HEX) = " << hex << data10 << dec <<" with code (DEC) = " << fTranslationTable[data10].fhuffmancode << " and validcodelength (DEC) = " << fTranslationTable[data10].fvalidcodelength << endl; // }; // start encoding of codes with less than 65 bits codelength if(fTranslationTable[data10].fvalidcodelength < 65) { // error and abortion when validcodelength = 0 if (fTranslationTable[data10].fvalidcodelength == 0) { HLTError("Error! Valid codelength of read 10 bit word (DEC) %i is zero", data10); return 1; } // validation test // bitcounter += 1; // sumlength += fTranslationTable[data10].fvalidcodelength; if(fTranslationTable[data10].fvalidcodelength + bitpsoutwd < 64) //if new code fits in current output line { // validation test // cout << "writing code (HEX) = " << hex << fTranslationTable[data10].fhuffmancode << dec << " to line (HEX) = " << hex << pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] << dec << endl; // shift line to right pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] <<= fTranslationTable[data10].fvalidcodelength; // append code at left side of line pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] |= fTranslationTable[data10].fhuffmancode; // validation test // cout << "code written and current line updated to (HEX) = " << hex << pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] << dec << endl; } else //if not, write lowest bits to next line { // validation test // cout << "writing bits of code (HEX) = " << hex << fTranslationTable[data10].fhuffmancode << dec << " to line (HEX) = " << hex << pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] << dec << endl; // create temporary variable for performance gain: Int_t restcode = fTranslationTable[data10].fvalidcodelength - 64 + bitpsoutwd; // shift line completely to the right pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] <<= (64 - bitpsoutwd); // append upper bits of code to this line pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] |= (fTranslationTable[data10].fhuffmancode >> (restcode)); // validation test // cout << "code bits written and current line updated to (HEX) = " << hex << pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] << dec << endl; // write lowest code bits to next line ++idxoutwd; // trick to cut out already written bits from code AliHLTUInt64_t tempbuffer = fTranslationTable[data10].fhuffmancode; tempbuffer <<= 64-bitpsoutwd; // shift away written code tempbuffer >>= 64-bitpsoutwd; // shift back to get lowest bits pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] = tempbuffer; // validation test // cout << "code bits written and next line started as (HEX) = " << hex << pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] << dec << endl; } } else // if code is longer than 64 bits: use *morecode (not tested therefore left away) { HLTError("Error! Huffman Code Table does not contain codes with valid codelength longer than 64 bits"); return 1; } // validation test // cout << " current positions:" << endl; // cout << "input : idxwd (DEC) = " << idxwd << " bitpswd (DEC) = " << bitpswd << " idx10 (DEC) = " << idx10 << endl; // cout << "output : idxoutwd (DEC) = " << idxoutwd << " bitpsoutwd (DEC) = " << bitpsoutwd << endl; // calculate new positions bitpsoutwd = (fTranslationTable[data10].fvalidcodelength + bitpsoutwd) & 0x3F; ++idx10; // go on reading 10 bit word // bit position word reads position in 32bit word when 10 bits are read out bitpswd = (idx10 * 10) & 0x1F; // index word reads position of 32bit word in input array idxwd = ((idx10 * 10)>>5)+8; // validation test //if(idxoutwd > 2635) // { // cout << " encoding value (HEX) = " << hex << data10 << dec << endl; // cout << " code (HEX) = " << hex << fTranslationTable[data10].fhuffmancode << dec << endl; // cout << " valid code length (DEC) = " << fTranslationTable[data10].fvalidcodelength << endl; // cout << " new positions:" << endl; // cout << "input : idxwd (DEC) = " << idxwd << " bitpswd (DEC) = " << bitpswd << " idx10 (DEC) = " << idx10 << endl; // cout << "output : idxoutwd (DEC) = " << idxoutwd << " bitpsoutwd (DEC) = " << bitpsoutwd << endl; // } }// end of encoding (while loop) // if new line is already started if(bitpsoutwd == 0) { --idxoutwd; bitpsoutwd = 64; } else { // fill rest of line with zeroes pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] <<= (64 - bitpsoutwd); } // next 32 bits are to memorise first bitposition after the code UInt_t lastvalidbitps = bitpsoutwd; // validation test // cout << "last bitpsoutwd = lastvalidbitps (DEC) = " << bitpsoutwd << endl; // validation test // cout << "second last code line (HEX) = " << hex << pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd-1] << dec << endl; // cout << "last code line (HEX) = " << hex << pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] << dec << endl; // cout << "idxoutwd (DEC) = " << idxoutwd << endl; // start new line and write last valid bit position and trailer words there: bitpsoutwd = 32; ++idxoutwd; pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] = lastvalidbitps; // validation test // cout << "first trailer line with lastvalidbitps (HEX) = " << hex << pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] << dec << endl; // cout << "idxoutwd (DEC) = " << idxoutwd << endl; // write first trailerword bitpsoutwd = 64; pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] <<= 32; pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] |= pointer2InData[endNdx]; // validation test // cout << "first trailer line with lastvalidbitpos and first trailerword (HEX) = " << hex << pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] << dec << endl; if(fNrcuTrailerwords > 1) // if there is more than one trailerword { ++idxoutwd; bitpsoutwd = 32; pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] = pointer2InData[endNdx + 1]; // write second // validation test // cout << "last trailer line with second trailerword (HEX) = " << hex << pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] << dec << endl; // cout << "idxoutwd (DEC) = " << idxoutwd << endl; if (fNrcuTrailerwords == 3) // write third { bitpsoutwd = 64; pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] <<= 32; pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] |= pointer2InData[endNdx +2]; // validation test // cout << "last trailer line with last trailerword (HEX) = " << hex << pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] << dec << endl; } } // validation tests // cout << "file ended at current positions:" << endl; // cout << "input : idxwd (DEC) = " << idxwd << " bitpswd (DEC) = " << bitpswd << " idx10 (DEC) = " << idx10 << endl; // cout << "output : idxoutwd (DEC) = " << idxoutwd << " bitpsoutwd (DEC) = " << bitpsoutwd << endl; // cout << "current output line (HEX) = " << hex << pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] << dec << endl; // cout << "sum of codelengths (DEC) = " << sumlength << endl; // cout << "number of read 10 bit data (DEC) = " << bitcounter << endl; // cout << "first input trailer (HEX) = " << hex << pointer2InData[endNdx] << dec << endl; // set fOutputDataSize in byte: // idxoutwd*8 = number of whole 64 bits words in byte // bitpsoutwd/8 = number of wohle 8 bits words within last idxoutwd fOutputDataSize = (Int_t) ((idxoutwd << 3) + (bitpsoutwd >> 3)); // error and abortion when output data size for encoding is larger than input data size if(fOutputDataSize > fInputDataSize) { HLTError("Error! Calculated data size for compressed output stream is larger than input data size"); return 1; }; // validation test // cout << "output data size (DEC) = " << fOutputDataSize << endl; return 0; } /** Mergesort used by TrainingData to sort an array with n entries from high abundance to low abundance */ AliHLTCOMPHuffmanOccurrenceData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanDataStruct* AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro::Mergesort(AliHLTCOMPHuffmanOccurrenceData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanDataStruct *unsortedarray, Int_t n) { // see header file for class documentation //divide array into two halfs: left and right (fleft.size = divlength) Int_t divlength = n >> 1; if (n==1) { // error when unsorted array = NULL if (unsortedarray == NULL) { HLTError("Error! Pointer to final merge sorted abundance array = NULL"); }; return unsortedarray; } else { // sort both halfs recursively: Mergesort(unsortedarray, divlength); //left half Mergesort(&unsortedarray[divlength], n-divlength); //right half // merge together: // create temporary result array: AliHLTCOMPHuffmanOccurrenceData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanDataStruct* temp = new AliHLTCOMPHuffmanOccurrenceData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanDataStruct[n]; // counters: Int_t ii, jj, kk; // if left and right halves both have elements: chose the smaller one: for (ii = 0, jj = divlength, kk = 0; ii < divlength && jj < n;) { if (unsortedarray[ii].fabundance > unsortedarray[jj].fabundance) { temp[kk] = unsortedarray[ii]; ++ii; } else { temp[kk] = unsortedarray[jj]; ++jj; } // increase kk ++kk; } // if one half is empty take elements of the other one: while (ii < divlength) { temp[kk] = unsortedarray[ii]; ++kk; ++ii; } while (jj < n) { temp[kk] = unsortedarray[jj]; ++kk; ++jj; } // copy sorted temp array back into original data array for (Int_t ll = 0; ll < n; ll++) { unsortedarray[ll] = temp[ll]; } // free space delete[] temp; // return pointer to original data array (which is sorted now) return unsortedarray; } } /** CreateHuffmanTree used by TrainingData to create the binary Huffman tree */ AliHLTCOMPHuffmanData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanTreeDataStruct* AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro::CreateHuffmanTree(AliHLTCOMPHuffmanData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanTreeDataStruct* listroot,AliHLTCOMPHuffmanData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanTreeDataStruct* lastelement, Int_t n) { // see header file for class documentation // initialise pointer to go through list //AliHLTCOMPHuffmanData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanTreeDataStruct* nextpointer = listroot; // pointer for validation test below AliHLTCOMPHuffmanData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanTreeDataStruct* lastpointer = lastelement; // build Huffman tree while there are still elements in the list while(n > 2) { // validation test // cout << "current number of remaining list elements n (DEC) = " << n << endl; // cout << "current abundance of last list element (DEC) = " << lastpointer->fleafcontents.fabundance << endl; // cout << "print all list elements from high to low to screen:" << endl; // while(nextpointer != NULL) // { // cout << nextpointer->fleafcontents.fabundance << endl; // nextpointer = nextpointer->fnext; // } // cout << " end of list " << endl; // create new tree element from last two entries in orderedarray AliHLTCOMPHuffmanData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanTreeDataStruct* temptree = new AliHLTCOMPHuffmanData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanTreeDataStruct; // error if temptree = NULL if (temptree == NULL) { HLTError("Error! Allocation of Huffman binary tree failed"); return NULL; }; // initialise the new element: temptree->fleafcontents.famplitude = TIMEBINS; //internal nodes mustn't be confused with real amplitudes (from 0 to bitsize)! // validation test // cout <<"current abundance of last list element (DEC) = " << lastpointer->fleafcontents.fabundance << endl; // initialise abundance starting with last element temptree->fleafcontents.fabundance = lastpointer->fleafcontents.fabundance; // code assignment small ones get 0, large ones get 1: lastpointer->fleafcontents.fcode = 0; // append smallest element on the left and set pointer temptree = parent temptree->fleft = lastpointer; lastpointer->fparent = temptree; // go on to second last element and set abundance, code and append on right side of the new element lastpointer = lastpointer->fprevious; // validation test // cout << "current abundance of second last list element (DEC) = " << lastpointer->fleafcontents.fabundance << endl; cout.flush(); temptree->fleafcontents.fabundance += lastpointer->fleafcontents.fabundance; lastpointer->fleafcontents.fcode = 1; temptree->fright = lastpointer; lastpointer->fparent = temptree; temptree->fnext = NULL; temptree->fprevious = NULL; temptree->fparent = NULL; // validation test // cout << "current abundance of temptree element = sum of leaf abundances (DEC) = " << temptree->fleafcontents.fabundance << endl; // write temptree at the suitable place according to its abundance in the list // initialise searchpointer to go through list AliHLTCOMPHuffmanData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanTreeDataStruct* search = listroot; AliHLTCOMPHuffmanData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanTreeDataStruct* sorting = listroot; // pointer from previous element // check if listroot[0].fleafcontents.fabundance < temptree.fleafcontents.fabundance, // if so, make temptree new root of list if (temptree->fleafcontents.fabundance > listroot[0].fleafcontents.fabundance) { // validation test // cout << "abundance of new element (DEC) = " << temptree->fleafcontents.fabundance << " is larger than root abundance (DEC) = " << listroot[0].fleafcontents.fabundance << endl; // temptree = root temptree->fnext = search; search->fprevious = temptree; //temptree->fprevious = NULL // for first list element is already done! listroot = temptree; } else //sort in at the suitable point in the list { search = listroot->fnext; // go one further than listroot! while(search != NULL) { // validation test // cout << "current abundance of searchpointer (DEC) = " << searchpointer->fleafcontents.fabundance << endl; // if abundance of list entry > abundance of new element, go to next element, // else sort in at that point if(search->fleafcontents.fabundance > temptree->fleafcontents.fabundance) { // validation test // cout << "abundance of searchpointer (DEC) = " << search->fleafcontents.fabundance << " is larger than temptree abundance (DEC) = " << temptree->fleafcontents.fabundance << endl; sorting = search; // remember previous element search = sorting->fnext; // goto next element } else { sorting->fnext = temptree; //insert temptree to previous search->fprevious = temptree; //insert temptree to next temptree->fprevious = sorting; // insert temptree to previous temptree->fnext = search; //insert temptree to next search = NULL; //stop sorting in } } } //end of sorting in // cut the two elements out of the list: lastpointer = lastpointer->fprevious; lastpointer->fnext = NULL; // validation test // cout << "cutting out last two list elements, abundance of current last list element is (DEC) = " << lastpointer->fleafcontents.fabundance << endl; cout.flush(); // validation test // if(n <= 15) // { // cout << "current list with new (temptree) element sorted in:" << endl; // AliHLTCOMPHuffmanData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanTreeDataStruct * showpointer = listroot; // while((showpointer->fnext != NULL) && (showpointer->fleafcontents.fabundance != 0)) // { // cout << "amplitude (DEC) = " << showpointer->fleafcontents.famplitude << " abundance (DEC) = " << showpointer->fleafcontents.fabundance << endl; // showpointer = showpointer->fnext; // } // cout << "amplitude (DEC) = " << showpointer->fleafcontents.famplitude << " abundance (DEC) = " << showpointer->fleafcontents.fabundance << endl; // }; // perform createHuffmanTree with n-1 elements: --n; } // termination for n = 2: // create new tree element from last two entries AliHLTCOMPHuffmanData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanTreeDataStruct* temptree = new AliHLTCOMPHuffmanData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanTreeDataStruct; // error if temptree = NULL if (temptree == NULL) { HLTError("Error! Pointer to root of Huffman binary tree = NULL"); return NULL; }; // initialise the new element: temptree->fleafcontents.famplitude = TIMEBINS; //internal nodes mustn't be confused with real event names (from 0 to TIMEBINS)! // validation test // cout << "assemble last two elements to final tree:" << endl; // cout << "abundance of last list element (DEC) = " << lastpointer->fleafcontents.fabundance << endl; // initialise abundance starting with last element temptree->fleafcontents.fabundance = lastpointer->fleafcontents.fabundance; // code assignment small ones get 0, large ones get 1: lastpointer->fleafcontents.fcode = 0; // append smallest element on the left: temptree->fleft = lastpointer; lastpointer->fparent = temptree; // validation test // cout << "abundance of first list element (DEC) = " << listroot->fleafcontents.fabundance << endl; cout.flush(); // go on to second last element and set abundance, code and append on right side of the new element temptree->fleafcontents.fabundance +=listroot->fleafcontents.fabundance; listroot->fleafcontents.fcode = 1; temptree->fright = listroot; listroot->fparent = temptree; temptree->fnext = NULL; temptree->fprevious = NULL; temptree->fparent = NULL; // validation test // cout << " final abundance of tree root (DEC) = " << temptree->fleafcontents.fabundance << endl; return temptree; } /** HuffmanCode used by TrainingData to create the Huffman code for all leaves of the HuffmanTree */ Int_t AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro::HuffmanCode(AliHLTCOMPHuffmanData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanTreeDataStruct* treeroot, AliHLTCOMPHuffmanCodeData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanCodeStruct* HuffmanCodearray) { // see header file for class documentation while ((treeroot->fleft != NULL) || (treeroot->fright != NULL)) { // define pointer to go through tree AliHLTCOMPHuffmanData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanTreeDataStruct* finder = treeroot; // define temporary HuffmanCode struct to sort into the Huffmanarray later // array necessary for codelengths > 64 bits Int_t tempstructsize = (Int_t) ceil((double) TIMEBINS/64); // maximal codelength: TIMEBINS AliHLTCOMPHuffmanCodeData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanCodeStruct* tempstruct = new AliHLTCOMPHuffmanCodeData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanCodeStruct[tempstructsize]; if (!tempstruct) return -1; for(Int_t jj = 0; jj < tempstructsize; jj++) { tempstruct[jj].fhuffmancode = 0; } Int_t passednodes = 0; // start searching for leaves while (1) { // if finder points at a leaf: if (finder->fright == NULL && finder->fleft == NULL) { //if it is an internal node if(finder->fleafcontents.famplitude == TIMEBINS) { // validation test // cout << "found internal node with following abundance to delete (DEC) = " << finder->fleafcontents.fabundance << endl; //go back to parent and delete node with 256 if (finder->fleafcontents.fcode == 0) // node was left one { AliHLTCOMPHuffmanData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanTreeDataStruct* parent = finder->fparent; parent->fleft = NULL; } else // node was right one { AliHLTCOMPHuffmanData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanTreeDataStruct* parent = finder->fparent; parent->fright = NULL; } break; } else // if it is a leaf { Int_t checkright = 0; // so leaf is left children // leaf can also be a right leaf: if (finder->fleafcontents.fcode == 1) { checkright = 1; // if code == 1, leaf is right children }; // write collected data in the respective array: // validation test if amplitudes are correctly found (after being initialised to TIMEBINS+1 in TrainingData() // HuffmanCodearray[finder->fleafcontents.famplitude].famplitude = finder->fleafcontents.famplitude; // validation test // cout << "found leaf with amplitude (DEC) = " << finder->fleafcontents.famplitude << endl; HuffmanCodearray[finder->fleafcontents.famplitude].fvalidcodelength = passednodes; // validation test // cout << "found leaf with validlength (DEC) = " << HuffmanCodearray[foundleaves].fvalidcodelength << endl; //write code: HuffmanCodearray[finder->fleafcontents.famplitude].fhuffmancode = tempstruct[0].fhuffmancode; // validation test //cout << "found leaf with code (HEX) = " << hex << HuffmanCodearray[finder->fleafcontents.famplitude].fhuffmancode << dec << endl; if(passednodes > 64) // if there is more code to write (not usual in normal zero-suppressed data streams!) { HLTError("Error! Valid codelength for datum (DEC) %d is larger than 64 bits, which is not usual for normal input data", finder->fleafcontents.famplitude); delete[] tempstruct; return 1; } // validation test // cout << "found leaf written after passed nodes (DEC) = " << passednodes << endl; // deleting found leaf from tree AliHLTCOMPHuffmanData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanTreeDataStruct* parent = finder->fparent; // go one up and set pointer to leaf to zero: // validation test // cout << "parent abundance from found leaf (DEC) = " << finder->fleafcontents.fabundance << endl; if (checkright == 1) // if leaf is right children -> delete right { parent->fright = NULL; } else //else: delete fleft { parent->fleft = NULL; } break; } // validation test // cout << " finder pointer at end of deleting the found leaf (DEC) = " << finder << endl; } else // if node is not a leaf { // validation test //cout << "finder pointer to left child (DEC) = " << finder->fleft << endl; //cout << "finder pointer to right child (DEC) = " << finder->fright << endl; if(finder->fleft != NULL) { finder = finder->fleft; // pointer to children // validation test //cout << "left child has abundance (DEC) = " << finder->fleafcontents.fabundance << endl; // shift left to arrange space for new code element which is zero (->left!) // i.e. nothing further needed to create code // validation test //cout << "code for left child is created as (DEC) = " << tempstruct->fhuffmancode << endl; //problem if passednodes > 63 --> inserting another bit becomes tricky: if(passednodes < 64) { tempstruct[0].fhuffmancode = tempstruct[0].fhuffmancode << 1; } else // error as valid codelength should not exceed 64 bits { HLTError("Error! Valid codelength for current encoding process becomes larger than 64 bits, which is not usual for normal input data"); delete[] tempstruct; return 1; } // validation test //cout << "code for left child has been written as (DEC) = " << tempstruct->fhuffmancode << endl; ++passednodes; } else { finder = finder->fright; // goto right children // validation test //cout << "right child has abundance (DEC) = " << finder->fleafcontents.fabundance << endl; // shift left to arrange space for new code element which is one (->right!) // i.e. append 1 at the right end of the code via OR-function // validation test //cout << "code for right child is created as (DEC) = " << tempstruct->fhuffmancode << endl; //problem if passednodes > 63 --> inserting another bit becomes tricky: if(passednodes < 64) { tempstruct[0].fhuffmancode = tempstruct[0].fhuffmancode << 1; tempstruct[0].fhuffmancode = (tempstruct[0].fhuffmancode) | 1; } else { HLTError("Error! Valid codelength for current encoding process becomes larger than 64 bits, which is not usual for normal input data"); } // validation test //cout << "code for right children has been written as (DEC) = " << tempstruct->fhuffmancode << endl; ++passednodes; } // end of right children search } // end of no-leaf-search } // end of while-loop for leaf-search //freespace delete[] tempstruct; } // end of while-loop for tree != root only // error when there is an amplitude = TIMEBINS in the HuffmanArray for(int jj = 0; jj < TIMEBINS; jj++) { if(HuffmanCodearray[jj].famplitude == TIMEBINS) { HLTError("Error! Internal node from Huffman tree in Huffmanarray for 10 bit word (DEC) %i", jj); }; } return 0; } /** Training function to create the HuffmanCode from a binary tree */ Int_t AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro::TrainingData() { // see header file for class documentation // total number of events counted Int_t totalnumber = 0; // 10 BIT READ IN !!! AliHLTUInt32_t* pointer2InData = (AliHLTUInt32_t*)fPointer2InData; // initialise required variables for input reading: AliHLTUInt32_t data10 = 0; // temporary number to read out 10bit word with UInt_t idxwd = 8; // because of common data header words (see below)! UInt_t bitpswd = 0; // number 32-bit trailer and common data header words: // Int_t fNrcuTrailerwords = 1; // determined by user input as argument UInt_t headerwords = 8; // validation test // check if the input data size is appropriate: // cout << "size of input data in bytes (DEC) = " << fInputDataSize << endl; // error and abort when total number of bits cannot be divided by 32: // remember that fInputDataSize is given in BYTES! if (((fInputDataSize << 3) & 0x1F) != 0) { HLTError("Error! Input data size (bytes) %i cannot be divided into 32 bit words", fInputDataSize); return 1; }; // error and abort when input data without trailer words cannot be divided into 10 bit words: if ((( (fInputDataSize << 3) - (fNrcuTrailerwords << 5) - (headerwords << 5)) % 10) != 0) { HLTError("Error! Input data (bytes) %i without trailer (bytes) %i and header words (bytes) %i cannot be divided into 10 bit words", fInputDataSize, (fNrcuTrailerwords << 2),(headerwords << 2)); return 1; }; // index word reads position of 32bit word in input array UInt_t idx10 = 0; // last valid bit UInt_t endNdx = (fInputDataSize>>2)-fNrcuTrailerwords; // start reading input data (which are 10 bit words): while (idxwd < endNdx) { // write input data in temp and cut out 10 bits with mask 0x3FF data10 = (pointer2InData[idxwd] >> bitpswd ) & 0x3FFU; // if number of bits left in read input less than ten, get remaining bits from next 32bit word if(bitpswd > 21) { data10 |= (pointer2InData[idxwd + 1]) << (32 - bitpswd); data10 &= 0x3FFU; }; // fill abundances in training table fTrainingTable[(Int_t)(data10)].fabundance += 1; // increase total number of events totalnumber += 1; ++idx10; // go on reading 10 bit word // bit position word reads position in 32bit word when 10 bits are read out bitpswd = (idx10 * 10) & 0x1F; idxwd = ((idx10 * 10)>>5)+8; } // validation test // cout << "abundance table is now filled " << endl; // set fOutputDataSize to zero as no output has been created: fOutputDataSize = 0; return 0; } /** Create Huffman code table out of abundance table filled by training data in DoEvent function of component */ Int_t AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro::CreateCodeTable() { // see header file for class documentation // using merge sort to sort the list: (stable algorithm, quick even in worst case O(nlogn)) AliHLTCOMPHuffmanOccurrenceData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanDataStruct* HuffmanArraySorted = Mergesort(fTrainingTable, TIMEBINS); // abort when there is no pointer to sorted array (error produced in Mergesort function) if(HuffmanArraySorted == NULL) { return 1; } // error and abort if list not properly sorted: // go through list and watch if current abundance of HuffmanData is always larger than next element for(int kk = 0; kk < TIMEBINS - 1; kk++) { if(HuffmanArraySorted[kk].fabundance < HuffmanArraySorted[kk+1].fabundance) { HLTError("Error! List of 10 bit word abundances not properly sorted by merge sort", "Element with 10 bit word (DEC) %i has abundance %i which is smaller than element with 10 bit word (DEC) %i with abundance %i",HuffmanArraySorted[kk].famplitude, HuffmanArraySorted[kk].fabundance, HuffmanArraySorted[kk+1].famplitude, HuffmanArraySorted[kk+1].fabundance); return 1; }; } // validation test //cout << "merge sort for training table is now done " << endl; // after mergesorting, zero arrays are last ones in array with abundance = 0 // -> count filled array entries UInt_t filled = TIMEBINS; // to ensure that every amplitude (no matter if it appears in training or not) gets a code UInt_t zeroentries = 0; // number of non used 10 bit words (with abundance = 0) // check how many 10 bit words are used ("missing channel problem) for(UInt_t kk = 0; kk < TIMEBINS; kk++) { if((HuffmanArraySorted[kk].fabundance == 0)) { ++zeroentries; }; } // -> new array size is "filled" // validation test // cout << "number of filled array entries (DEC) = " << filled << endl; // warning when there are a lot of non used 10 bit words -> this training table cannot be used in general case and taken to encode other files if(zeroentries > 50) { HLTWarning("Warning! Only %i different 10 bit words out of %i are used, i.e. created Huffman Code table might not be optimal to encode other data", TIMEBINS-zeroentries, TIMEBINS); } // initialise leaves of the tree as list (= queue) ofAliHLTCOMPHuffmanData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanTreeDataStruct, AliHLTCOMPHuffmanData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanTreeDataStruct * HuffmanTreeList = new AliHLTCOMPHuffmanData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanTreeDataStruct[filled]; // initialise first element HuffmanTreeList[0].fleafcontents = HuffmanArraySorted[0]; HuffmanTreeList[0].fleft = NULL; HuffmanTreeList[0].fright = NULL; HuffmanTreeList[0].fnext = &HuffmanTreeList[1]; HuffmanTreeList[0].fprevious = NULL; // validation test // write list to screen // cout <<"Amplitude " << HuffmanTreeList[0].fleafcontents.famplitude << " | " << "Abundance "<< HuffmanTreeList[0].fleafcontents.fabundance << " | " << "Left " << HuffmanTreeList[0].fleft << " | " << "Right " << HuffmanTreeList[0].fright << " | " << "Next " << HuffmanTreeList[0].fnext << endl; // initialise 1 to filled-2 elements UInt_t kk = 1; while(kk < filled-1) { HuffmanTreeList[kk].fleafcontents = HuffmanArraySorted[kk]; HuffmanTreeList[kk].fleft = NULL; HuffmanTreeList[kk].fright = NULL; HuffmanTreeList[kk].fnext = &HuffmanTreeList[kk+1]; HuffmanTreeList[kk].fprevious = &HuffmanTreeList[kk-1]; // validation test // write list to screen // cout <<"Amplitude " << HuffmanTreeList[kk].fleafcontents.famplitude << " | " << "Abundance "<< HuffmanTreeList[kk].fleafcontents.fabundance << " | " << "Left " << HuffmanTreeList[kk].fleft << " | " << "Right " << HuffmanTreeList[kk].fright << " | " << "Next " << HuffmanTreeList[kk].fnext << endl; kk += 1; } // initialise last list entry with next pointer to NULL HuffmanTreeList[filled-1].fleafcontents = HuffmanArraySorted[filled-1]; HuffmanTreeList[filled-1].fleft = NULL; HuffmanTreeList[filled-1].fright = NULL; HuffmanTreeList[filled-1].fnext = NULL; HuffmanTreeList[filled-1].fprevious = &HuffmanTreeList[filled-2]; // initialise pointer to last list element: AliHLTCOMPHuffmanData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanTreeDataStruct* lastelement = &HuffmanTreeList[filled-1]; // validation test // write last element to screen // cout <<"Amplitude " << HuffmanTreeList[filled-1].fleafcontents.famplitude << " | " << "Abundance "<< HuffmanTreeList[filled-1].fleafcontents.fabundance << " | " << "Left " << HuffmanTreeList[filled-1].fleft << " | " << "Right " << HuffmanTreeList[filled-1].fright << " | " << "Next " << HuffmanTreeList[filled-1].fnext << endl; //use this sorted list to build up the binary tree with root pointer to the beginning: AliHLTCOMPHuffmanData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanTreeDataStruct* root = CreateHuffmanTree(HuffmanTreeList, lastelement, filled); // abort if root = NULL (error already produced in CreateHuffmanTree function) delete [] HuffmanTreeList; if(root == NULL) { return 1; }; // validation test // cout << "binary tree is now created " << endl; // create an array for the HuffmanCode data: fTranslationTable = new AliHLTCOMPHuffmanCodeData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanCodeStruct[TIMEBINS]; // initialise the array with validcodelengths 0 and codes = 0 for(Int_t kk1 = 0; kk1 < TIMEBINS; kk1++) { // validation test for correct HuffmanCode() // fTranslationTable[kk1].famplitude = TIMEBINS+1; // check if eventnames are written fTranslationTable[kk1].famplitude = kk1; fTranslationTable[kk1].fhuffmancode = 0; fTranslationTable[kk1].fvalidcodelength = 0; // fTranslationTable[kk1].morecode = NULL; } // create HuffmanCode and abort when HuffmanCode produces errors if(HuffmanCode(root,fTranslationTable) == 1) { return 1; }; // validation test // cout << "Huffman coding is now done " << endl; // validation test // print the Huffman code table to screen // for(Int_t kk = 0; kk < TIMEBINS; kk++) // { // if (fTranslationTable[kk].fvalidcodelength != 0) // cout << fTranslationTable[kk].famplitude << " | " << fTranslationTable[kk].fhuffmancode << " | " << fTranslationTable[kk].fvalidcodelength << endl; // } // findout maximal and minimal codelength and print them out UInt_t maxcodelength = fTranslationTable[0].fvalidcodelength; UInt_t mincodelength = TIMEBINS; for (Int_t kk2 = 0; kk2 < TIMEBINS; kk2++) { // if(fTranslationTable[kk2].fvalidcodelength != 0) {cout << kk2 << " | " << fTranslationTable[kk2].fhuffmancode << " | " << fTranslation "Table[kk2].fvalidcodelength << endl;} if(fTranslationTable[kk2].fvalidcodelength > maxcodelength) { maxcodelength = fTranslationTable[kk2].fvalidcodelength;}; if( (fTranslationTable[kk2].fvalidcodelength != 0) && (fTranslationTable[kk2].fvalidcodelength < mincodelength) ) { mincodelength = fTranslationTable[kk2].fvalidcodelength;}; } // print results to screen HLTInfo("maximal codelength (DEC) = %i ", maxcodelength); HLTInfo("minimal codelength (DEC) = %i ", mincodelength); return 0; } /** TTMergesort used by EntropyDecoding to sort translation table according to validcodelength from low to high */ AliHLTCOMPHuffmanCodeData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanCodeStruct* AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro::TTMergesort(AliHLTCOMPHuffmanCodeData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanCodeStruct *unsortedarray, Int_t n) { // see heaeder file for class documentation //divide array into two halfs: left and right (fleft.size = divlength) Int_t divlength = n >> 1; if (n==1) { // error when unsorted array = NULL if (unsortedarray == NULL) { HLTError("Error! Pointer to final merge sorted code table = NULL"); }; return unsortedarray; } else { // sort both halfs recursively: TTMergesort(unsortedarray, divlength); //left half TTMergesort(&unsortedarray[divlength], n-divlength); //right half // merge together: // create temporary result array: AliHLTCOMPHuffmanCodeData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanCodeStruct* temp = new AliHLTCOMPHuffmanCodeData::AliHLTCOMPHuffmanCodeStruct[n]; // counters: Int_t ii, jj, kk; // if left and right halves both have elements: chose the smaller one: for (ii = 0, jj = divlength, kk = 0; ii < divlength && jj < n;) { if (unsortedarray[ii].fvalidcodelength < unsortedarray[jj].fvalidcodelength) { temp[kk] = unsortedarray[ii]; ++ii; } else { temp[kk] = unsortedarray[jj]; ++jj; } // increase kk ++kk; } // if one half is empty take elements of the other one: while (ii < divlength) { temp[kk] = unsortedarray[ii]; ++kk; ++ii; } while (jj < n) { temp[kk] = unsortedarray[jj]; ++kk; ++jj; } // copy sorted temp array back into original data array for (Int_t ll = 0; ll < n; ll++) { unsortedarray[ll] = temp[ll]; } // free space delete[] temp; // return pointer to original data array (which is sorted now) return unsortedarray; } } /** function for the entropy decoding, needed input: code table, input data pointer and size and pointer where to write decoded data */ Int_t AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro::EntropyDecompression() { // see heaeder file for class documentation // validation test // print translation table to screen // for(int kk= 0; kk < TIMEBINS; kk++) // { // cout << fTranslationTable[kk].famplitude << " | " << fTranslationTable[kk].fhuffmancode << " | " << fTranslationTable[kk].fvalidcodelength << endl; // } // sort translation table according to validcodelengths from low to high (codes that occur often are found quickly) fTranslationTable = TTMergesort(fTranslationTable, TIMEBINS); // validation test // print merge sorted translation table to screen // for(int kk= 0; kk < TIMEBINS; kk++) // { // cout << fTranslationTable[kk].famplitude << " | " << fTranslationTable[kk].fhuffmancode << " | " << fTranslationTable[kk].fvalidcodelength << endl; // } // do set output data first in order to know the size of the decompressed array! // take care of trailers and headers when decoding! // initialise reading pointer on compressed data AliHLTUInt64_t* pointerprop = (AliHLTUInt64_t*)fPointer2InData; // initialise writing pointer for decompressed output array AliHLTUInt64_t* pointeroutputprop = (AliHLTUInt64_t*) fPointer2OutData; // outputdata size initialised fOutputDataSize = 0; // validation test // cout << "input data size of encoded data (DEC) = " << fInputDataSize << endl; // cout << "output data size of decoded data (DEC) = " << fOutputDataSize << endl; // create temporary word to read out 1 bit from, maximal length: 64 bits */ AliHLTUInt64_t codedata = 0; UInt_t codedatalength = 0; // number of 32-bit trailer and common data header words: UInt_t headerwords = 8; UInt_t header64 = headerwords >> 1; // initialise counter variables for input array: UInt_t idxwd = header64; // due to 8*32 = 4*64 bit header words UInt_t bitpswd = 0; // initialise counter variables for output array: UInt_t idxoutwd = header64; // due to 8*32 = 4*64 bit header words // UInt_t idx10out = 0; // only used for validation test UInt_t bitpsoutwd = 0; // write header to output (two words input header in one word output header): UInt_t head64cntr = 0; while(head64cntr < header64) { pointeroutputprop[head64cntr] = pointerprop[head64cntr]; // validation test //cout << "header line in output stream (HEX) = " << hex << pointeroutputprop[head64cntr] << dec << endl; ++head64cntr; } // end of encoded ALTRO-blocks [Byte] = finputdatasize - (number of 32-bit-trailer-words + 1) / 4 // match this with idxwd as number of 64-bit-words (endNdx[#64-bit-wds] = endNdx[#8-bit-wds]*8/64) UInt_t lastfullline = (fInputDataSize) >> 3; UInt_t lastbit = (fInputDataSize << 3) & 0x3F; UInt_t lastcodeline = lastfullline - ((fNrcuTrailerwords +1) >> 1); --lastfullline; --lastcodeline; if (lastbit == 0) { lastbit = 64; } // initialise last valid bit position and trailer array AliHLTUInt32_t lastvalidbitpos = 0; AliHLTUInt64_t* trailer = new AliHLTUInt64_t[fNrcuTrailerwords]; if (!trailer) return -1; // validation test // cout << "last bit (DEC) = " << lastbit << endl; // cout << "lastfullline (DEC) = " << lastfullline << endl; // cout << "lastcodeline(DEC) = " << lastcodeline << endl; // cout << "second last code line data (HEX) = " << hex << pointerprop[lastcodeline-1] << dec << endl; // cout << "last code line data (HEX) = " << hex << pointerprop[lastcodeline] << dec << endl; // cout << "last full line data (HEX) = " << hex << pointerprop[lastfullline] << dec << endl; // get last valid bit position (first 32 bit word in first trailer line after code // and trailerwords if (fNrcuTrailerwords < 3) // then lastfullline = only trailerline { lastvalidbitpos = (pointerprop[lastfullline] >> 32); // first trailerword trailer[0] = ((pointerprop[lastfullline] << 32 ) >> 32); // second trailerword if(fNrcuTrailerwords == 2) { trailer[1] = ((pointerprop[lastfullline+1] << 32) >> 32); }; } else { lastvalidbitpos = (pointerprop[lastfullline-1] >> 32); // first trailerword trailer[0] = ((pointerprop[lastfullline-1] << 32 ) >> 32); //second trailerword trailer[1] = (pointerprop[lastfullline] >> 32); // third trailerword trailer[2] =((pointerprop[lastfullline] << 32 ) >> 32); } // validation test // cout << "last valid bit position (DEC) = " << lastvalidbitpos << endl; // warning if one of the trailer words is zero: for (UInt_t kk = 0; kk < fNrcuTrailerwords; kk++) { if(trailer[kk] == 0) { HLTWarning("Warning! Trailer word %i is zero",kk+1); }; } // validation test // print trailer array to screen // for(Int_t ii=0; ii < fNrcuTrailerwords; ii++) // { // cout << "trailerword " << ii+1 << " after getting whole trailer (HEX) = " << hex << trailer[ii] << dec << endl; // } // find minmal validcodelength from first entry of translation table and // read in minimal validcodelength bits if codedata is zero... UInt_t minimalcodelength = fTranslationTable[0].fvalidcodelength; // validation test // cout << "minimal codelength (DEC) = " << minimalcodelength << endl; Int_t readnewcode = 1; // read new code = 1; go on with old code = 0 // start decoding // NEW (bitpswd >= lastvalidbitpos) instead of (bitpswd > lastvalidbitpos) while (!((idxwd >= lastcodeline) && (bitpswd >= lastvalidbitpos)) ) { if((idxwd == lastcodeline+1) && (bitpswd == 0)) break; // abortion when lastvalidbitpos = 64 if (codedatalength < 64) // if codedata can still get one further bit { // if new code word is read before end position if((readnewcode == 1) && !((idxwd >= lastcodeline) && (bitpswd + minimalcodelength > lastvalidbitpos))) { // codedata gets next bits from encoded input file: codedata <<= minimalcodelength; //shift bits left if (bitpswd + minimalcodelength < 65) // all bits in the same line { codedata |= ((pointerprop[idxwd] << bitpswd)) >> (64 - minimalcodelength); //append bits from input file to the right } else // some of this bits in the next line { // append bits of current line to the right end of codedata codedata |= (((pointerprop[idxwd] << bitpswd)) >> (bitpswd)) << (minimalcodelength - 64 + bitpswd); // append bits of next line to the right end of codedata codedata |= (pointerprop[idxwd+1] >> (128 - minimalcodelength - bitpswd)); // 128 - mcl - bitpswd = 64 - (mcl - (64 - bitpswd)) } codedatalength += minimalcodelength; // new code is read, set readnewcode back to 0 again readnewcode = 0; // go and get next input bit bitpswd += minimalcodelength; } else { // codedata gets on bit after another from encoded input file: codedata <<= 1; //shift one bit left codedata |= ((pointerprop[idxwd] << bitpswd)) >> 63; //append next bit from input file to the right ++codedatalength; // go and get next input bit ++bitpswd; } // go and get next input bit if(bitpswd > 63) { ++idxwd; bitpswd = bitpswd & 0x3F; }; // compare if new codedata is in translation table: for(UInt_t kk = 0; kk < TIMEBINS; kk++) { // stopping when current codedatalength smaller than lookup validcodelength (i.e. current code not in table, read next bit) if(fTranslationTable[kk].fvalidcodelength > codedatalength) { break; }; if(fTranslationTable[kk].fhuffmancode == codedata) //lookup bit pattern { if(fTranslationTable[kk].fvalidcodelength == codedatalength) //lookup correct codelength { // validation test // if( idxoutwd >= 2636) //{ // cout << "write 10 bit word to decoded output (DEC) = " << fTranslationTable[kk].famplitude << endl; // cout << "current idxwd (DEC) = " << idxwd << endl; // cout << "current idxoutwd (DEC) = " << idxoutwd << endl; //} if(bitpsoutwd + 10 < 65) //fits in old line { // valdidation test for end of decoded data // print all relevant quantities to screen //if(idxwd > 2635) // { // cout << "current input in codedata (HEX) = " << hex << (pointerprop[idxwd] << bitpswd) << dec << endl; // cout << "current idxwd (DEC) = " << idxwd << endl; // cout << "current bitpswd (DEC) = " << bitpswd << endl; // cout << "current idxoutwd (DEC) = " << idxoutwd << endl; // cout << "current bitpsoutwd (DEC) = " << bitpsoutwd << endl; // cout << "decoding value (DEC) = " << codedata << endl; // cout << "value length (DEC) = " << codedatalength << endl; // cout << "10 bit value (HEX) = " << hex << fTranslationTable[kk].famplitude << dec << endl; // } pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] |= ((AliHLTUInt64_t)(fTranslationTable[kk].famplitude)) << bitpsoutwd; // validation test // if (idxoutwd > 362880) // { // cout << "updated output line (HEX) = " < 2635) //{ // cout << "current input in codedata (HEX) = " << hex << (pointerprop[idxwd] << bitpswd) << dec << endl; // cout << "current idxwd (DEC) = " << idxwd << endl; // cout << "current bitpswd (DEC) = " << bitpswd << endl; // cout << "current idxoutwd (DEC) = " << idxoutwd << endl; // cout << "current bitpsoutwd (DEC) = " << bitpsoutwd << endl; // cout << "decoding value (DEC) = " << codedata << endl; // cout << "value length (DEC) = " << codedatalength << endl; // cout << "10 bit value (HEX) = " << hex << fTranslationTable[kk].famplitude << dec << endl; //} // write next line AliHLTUInt64_t buffer = fTranslationTable[kk].famplitude; buffer >>= (64 - bitpsoutwd); pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] = buffer; // validation test // if (idxoutwd > 362880) // { // cout << "new line (HEX) = " << hex << pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] << dec << endl; // } // go to next bit position bitpsoutwd -= 54; } // set buffers to zero again codedata = 0; codedatalength = 0; // prepare codedata to read new code word readnewcode = 1; // validation test // ++idx10out; // go on with next code bits from input break; }; }; } } else // if *morecode is used { HLTError("Error! Valid codelength for current decoding is larger than 64 bits, error in recognising the correct code"); delete [] trailer; return 1; } } // last (incomplete) line from input encoded data // after all code is read, bitpsoutwd at lastvalidbitpos // -> go to next byte (i.e. start of trailer) // validation test // cout << "bit position after decoding (DEC) = " << bitpsoutwd << endl; // cout << "line position after decoding (DEC) = " << idxoutwd << endl; // warning if byte position is not 8-bits aligned if ((bitpsoutwd & 0x07) != 0 ) { HLTWarning("Warning! Bit position after decoding %i is not aligned to 8 bits", bitpsoutwd); }; if(bitpsoutwd + 32 < 65) // trailer fits in current line, append on the right { pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] <<= 32; pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] |= trailer[0]; bitpsoutwd += 32; } else { pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] <<= 64 - bitpsoutwd; pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd]|= (trailer[0] >> (bitpsoutwd - 32)); // go to next line ++idxoutwd; // get rid of upper, already written bits trailer[0] <<= 96 - bitpsoutwd; trailer[0] >>= 96 - bitpsoutwd; pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] = trailer[0]; // write lower bits to next line bitpsoutwd -= 32; } if(fNrcuTrailerwords > 1) { if(bitpsoutwd == 64) { bitpsoutwd = 0; ++idxoutwd; } for(UInt_t ii = 1; ii < fNrcuTrailerwords; ii++) { // write second trailer to output data if(bitpsoutwd + 32 < 65) // trailer fits in current line, append on the right { pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] <<= 32; pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] |= trailer[ii]; bitpsoutwd += 32; if(bitpsoutwd == 64) { bitpsoutwd = 0; ++idxoutwd; } } else { pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] <<= 64 - bitpsoutwd; pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd]|= (trailer[ii] >> (bitpsoutwd - 32)); // go to next line ++idxoutwd; // get rid of upper, already written bits trailer[ii] <<= 96 - bitpsoutwd; trailer[ii] >>= 96 - bitpsoutwd; pointeroutputprop[idxoutwd] = trailer[ii]; // write lower bits to next line bitpsoutwd -= 32; } } } // validation test // cout << "bitpswd after decoding (DEC) = " << bitpswd << endl; // cout << "bitpsoutwd after decoding (DEC) = " << bitpsoutwd << endl; // cout << "idxwd after decoding (DEC) = " << idxwd << endl; // cout << "idxoutwd after decoding (DEC) = " << idxoutwd << endl; // write trailer to decoded output // set fOutputDataSize in byte: // idxoutwd*8 = number of whole 64 bits words in byte // bitpsoutwd/8 = number of wohle 8 bits words within last idxoutwd // (bitpsoutwd%8)?1:0 = determine whether one more byte has to be used for "left over" bits fOutputDataSize = (Int_t) ((idxoutwd << 3) + (bitpsoutwd >> 3) + ((bitpsoutwd & 0x7) ? 1 : 0) ); delete [] trailer; // error and abort when output data size smaller than input data size (impossible when decompressing) if(fOutputDataSize < fInputDataSize) { HLTError("Error! Data size for decompressed output stream (bytes) %i is smaller than compressed input data size (bytes) %i", fOutputDataSize, fInputDataSize); return 1; }; // validation test // cout << "output data size (DEC) = " << fOutputDataSize << endl; return 0; } /** CalcEntropy is to calculate entropy for 10 bits amplitudes of input data (per event only!) */ Int_t AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro::CalcEntropy() { // see heaeder file for class documentation // create result array with TIMEBINS entries according to their abundance in the input data: UInt_t* histogrammarray = new UInt_t[TIMEBINS]; if (!histogrammarray) return -1; // initialise histrogramm: for(UInt_t jj = 0; jj < TIMEBINS; jj++) { histogrammarray[jj] = 0; } // total number of counted data UInt_t totalnumber = 0; fEntropy = 0.0; // 10 BIT READ IN !!! AliHLTUInt32_t* pointer2InData = (AliHLTUInt32_t*)fPointer2InData; // initialise required variables for input reading: AliHLTUInt32_t data10 = 0; // temporary number to read out 10bit word with UInt_t idxwd = 8; // because of common data header words (see below)! UInt_t bitpswd = 0; // number 32-bit trailer and common data header words: // Int_t fNrcuTrailerwords = 1; // determined by user input as argument UInt_t headerwords = 8; // validation test // check if the input data size is appropriate: // cout << "size of input data in bytes (DEC) = " << fInputDataSize << endl; // error and abort when total number of bits cannot be divided by 32: // remember that fInputDataSize is given in BYTES! if (((fInputDataSize << 3) & 0x1F) != 0) { HLTError("Error! Input data size (bytes) %i cannot be divided into 32 bit words", fInputDataSize); delete [] histogrammarray; return 1; }; // error and abort when input data without trailer words cannot be divided into 10 bit words: if ((( (fInputDataSize << 3) - (fNrcuTrailerwords << 5) - (headerwords << 5)) % 10) != 0) { HLTError("Error! Input data without trailer and header words (bytes) %i cannot be divided into 10 bit words", fInputDataSize); delete [] histogrammarray; return 1; }; // index to watch current bit position of 10 bits words UInt_t idx10 = 0; // last valid bit for read in UInt_t endNdx = (fInputDataSize>>2)-fNrcuTrailerwords; // start reading and encoding input data (which are 10 bit words): while (idxwd < endNdx) { // write input data in temp and cut out 10 bits with mask 0x3FF data10 = (pointer2InData[idxwd] >> bitpswd ) & 0x3FFU; // if number of bits left in read input less than ten, get remaining bits from next 32bit word if(bitpswd > 21) { data10 |= (pointer2InData[idxwd + 1]) << (32 - bitpswd); data10 &= 0x3FFU; }; // validation test // print first 10 bits words to screen // if (idx10 < 100) // { // cout << "read 10 bits word (HEX) = " << hex << data10 << dec << endl; // }; // store abundance of data10 in histogrammarray histogrammarray[(UInt_t) data10] += 1; ++totalnumber; idx10 += 1; // go on reading 10 bit word // bit position word reads position in 32bit word when 10 bits are read out bitpswd = (idx10 * 10) & 0x1F; idxwd = ((idx10 * 10)>>5)+8; } // validation test // print abundance table to screen // for (Int_t jj=0; jj < TIMEBINS; jj++) // { // cout << histogrammarray[jj] << endl; // } // save log(2) in special variable for performance gain: double l2 = log(2.0); // calculate the entropy of the array for(UInt_t jj = 0; jj < TIMEBINS; jj++) { if (histogrammarray[jj] != 0) { fEntropy += (- (Double_t) histogrammarray[jj] / (Double_t) totalnumber ) * log( ( (Double_t) histogrammarray[jj] / (Double_t) totalnumber )) / (l2); }; } // free space delete[] histogrammarray; return 0; } /* CopyData is just a function for performance testing */ Int_t AliHLTCOMPHuffmanAltro::CopyData() { // see heaeder file for class documentation // output data: fPointer2OutData (to 8-bit words) // initialise propagation pointer for output array AliHLTUInt32_t* pointer2InData = (AliHLTUInt32_t*) fPointer2InData; AliHLTUInt32_t* pointeroutprop = (AliHLTUInt32_t*) fPointer2OutData; //first output word has to be initialised pointeroutprop[0] = 0; fOutputDataSize = fInputDataSize; // initialise required variables for input reading: AliHLTUInt32_t data10 = 0; // temporary number to read out 10bit word with UInt_t idxwd = 8; UInt_t idx10 = 0; UInt_t bitpswd = 0; // number of 32-bit trailer and common data header words: // (taken out of compression!) // UInt_t headerwords = 8; // initialise required variables for ouput creation: UInt_t idxoutwd = 0; // Int_t bitcounter = 0; // additional test for number of read in 10 bit words // Int_t sumlength = 0; // additional test for length of encoded file UInt_t endNdx = (fInputDataSize>>2)-fNrcuTrailerwords; // start reading and encoding input data (which are 10 bit words): while (idxwd < endNdx) { // write input data in temp and cut out 10 bits with mask 0x3FF data10 = (pointer2InData[idxwd] >> bitpswd ) & 0x3FFU; // validation test //cout << "current 10 bits word (DEC) = " << data10 << endl; // if number of bits left in read input less than ten, get remaining bits from next 32bit word if(bitpswd > 21) { data10 |= (pointer2InData[idxwd + 1]) << (32 - bitpswd); data10 &= 0x3FFU; }; // validation test // print first 10 bits words to screen // if (idx10 < 100) // { // cout << "read data: " << hex << data10 << dec << endl; // }; // write data to 32 bit output: pointeroutprop[idxoutwd] |= (data10 << bitpswd); if(bitpswd > 21) { pointeroutprop[idxoutwd + 1] = (data10 >> (32 - bitpswd)); } // validation test // cout << "next bitpswd (DEC) = " << bitpswd << endl; ++idx10; // go on reading 10 bit word // index word reads position of 32bit word in input array idxoutwd = (idx10 * 10); bitpswd = idxoutwd & 0x1F; idxoutwd >>= 5; idxwd = idxoutwd+8; // bit position word reads position in 32bit word when 10 bits are read out } // validation test // cout << "output data size (DEC) = " << fOutputDataSize << endl; // cout << "sum of codelengths (DEC) = " << sumlength << endl; // cout << "number of 10 bits words (DEC) = " << bitcounter << endl; return 0; }