// $Id$ /** * @file hltout-collect-esd.C * @brief Example for the AliHLTEsdCollectorComponent * * Example macro to run a small chain with the AliHLTOUTPublisherComponent * and the AliHLTEsdCollectorComponent. The AliHLTOUTPublisherComponent * is configured to publish all ESD objects from the HLTOUT data, the * AliHLTEsdCollectorComponent writes the files using the AliHLTEsdManager. * * Usage: aliroot -b -q hltout-collect-esd.C | tee hltout-collect-esd.log * * The macro asumes HLTOUT raw data ddl files in order to open an * AliRawReaderFile, e.g. simulated using the default AliSimulation with * at least SetWriteRawData("HLT") enabled. * * \b Note: The example disables a few steps in the AliReconstruction, * mainly because of crashes in various parts of AliRoot. This does not * have any impact to the HLT features to be presented. * * @author Matthias.Richter@ift.uib.no * @ingroup alihlt_tutorial */ void hltout_collect_esd() { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // setup of the HLT system gSystem->Load("libHLTrec"); AliHLTSystem* pHLT=AliHLTReconstructorBase::GetInstance(); if (!pHLT) { cerr << "fatal error: can not get HLT instance" << endl; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // the configuration chain TString arg; // the publisher configuration arg.Form("-typeid ESD_TREE -typeid ALIESDV0"); AliHLTConfiguration publisher("hltout-publisher", "AliHLTOUTPublisher" , NULL, arg.Data()); // the writer configuration arg.Form(""); AliHLTConfiguration collector("sink1", "EsdCollector" , "hltout-publisher", arg.Data()); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // setup of the reconstruction AliReconstruction rec; rec.SetInput("./"); rec.SetRunLocalReconstruction("HLT"); rec.SetRunTracking(""); rec.SetFillESD(""); rec.SetRunQA(":"); rec.SetFillTriggerESD(kFALSE); rec.SetRunVertexFinder(kFALSE); rec.SetOption("HLT", "libAliHLTUtil.so loglevel=0x7c chains=sink1"); rec.Run(); }