// $Id$ /** * @file makeComponentConfigurationObject.C * @brief Creation of HLT component configuration objects in OCDB * *
 * Usage:
 *  aliroot -b -q makeComponentConfigurationObject.C'("path", "param", "uri", runmin, runmax)'
 *  aliroot -b -q makeComponentConfigurationObject.C'("path", "key", "param", "uri", runmin, runmax)'
* * Create an OCDB entry with a TObjString containing param. * Many HLT components understand configuration strings containing * arguments and parameters just like the command line arguments. * This macro facilitates the creation of an appropriate object * from a parameter string. * As another approach the TObjString parameters are stored in a TMap * associated to a key. A TMap object is generated if 'key' is specified. * * Parameters:
* - path path of the entry within the OCDB * - param (opt) string to be stored in the TObjSting, default empty * - uri (opt) the OCDB URI, default $ALICE_ROOT * - runmin (opt) default 0 * - runmax (opt) default 999999999 * * Note: The configuration procedure of an HLT component is not * restricted to that scheme. The implementation is up to the * developer and more complex objects are possible. * * @author Matthias.Richter@ift.uib.no * @ingroup alihlt_tutorial */ void makeComponentConfigurationObject(const char* path, const char* key, const char* param, const char* cdbUri, int runmin=0, int runmax=AliCDBRunRange::Infinity(), int runNo=0) { AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); if (!man) { cerr << "can not get AliCDBManager" << end; exit; } TString storage; if (!man->IsDefaultStorageSet()) { if (cdbUri) { storage=cdbUri; if (storage.Contains("://")==0) { storage="local://"; storage+=cdbUri; } } else { storage="local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"; } man->SetDefaultStorage(storage); } else { storage = man->GetDefaultStorage()->GetURI(); } TMap* pMap=NULL; // load existing object and init TMap AliCDBEntry* pExisting=NULL; AliCDBStorage* pStorage=AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetDefaultStorage(); if (key && pStorage->GetLatestVersion(path, runNo)>=0) { pExisting=pStorage->Get(path, runNo); if (pExisting->GetObject()->IsA() == TMap::Class()) { pMap=(TMap*)pExisting->GetObject()->Clone(); } } if (key && !pMap) pMap=new TMap; // here is the actual content of the configuration object TObject* obj=new TObjString(param); if (pMap) { if (pMap->FindObject(key)) { pMap->Remove(new TObjString(key)); } pMap->Add(new TObjString(key), obj); obj=pMap; } AliCDBPath cdbPath(path); AliCDBId cdbId(cdbPath, runmin, runmax); AliCDBMetaData* cdbMetaData=NULL; if (pExisting) cdbMetaData=pExisting->GetMetaData(); else cdbMetaData=new AliCDBMetaData; man->Put(obj, cdbId, cdbMetaData); } void makeComponentConfigurationObject(const char* path, const char* param="", const char* cdbUri=NULL, int runmin=0, int runmax=AliCDBRunRange::Infinity()) { makeComponentConfigurationObject(path, NULL, param, cdbUri, runmin, runmax); } void makeComponentConfigurationObject(const char* path, int runNo, const char* key, const char* param) { makeComponentConfigurationObject(path, key, param, NULL, 0, AliCDBRunRange::Infinity(), runNo); } void makeComponentConfigurationObject() { cout << "===============================================================" << endl; cout << "usage: aliroot -b -q -l makeComponentConfigurationObject.C'(\"path\", \"param\", \"uri\", rangemin, rangemax)'" << endl << endl; cout << " path path of the entry within the OCDB" << endl; cout << " param (opt) string to be stored in the TObjSting, default empty" << endl; cout << " uri (opt) the OCDB URI, default $ALICE_ROOT/OCDB " << endl; cout << " rangemin (opt) default 0" << endl; cout << " rangemax (opt) default AliCDBRunRange::Infinity()" << endl; cout << "===============================================================" << endl; cout << "usage: aliroot -b -q -l makeComponentConfigurationObject.C'(\"path\", \"key\", \"param\", \"uri\", rangemin, rangemax)'" << endl << endl; cout << " path path of the entry within the OCDB" << endl; cout << " param (opt) string to be stored in the TObjSting, default empty" << endl; cout << " uri (opt) the OCDB URI, default $ALICE_ROOT/OCDB " << endl; cout << " rangemin (opt) default 0" << endl; cout << " rangemax (opt) default AliCDBRunRange::Infinity()" << endl; cout << "===============================================================" << endl; }