void runkalman(Char_t *path = "/tmp/tvik") { Bool_t binary=kFALSE; //Assume input is RLE binary files, or rootfile. Bool_t pileup=kFALSE; //Assume input is pileup event = non RLE binary files. Int_t npatches = 1; //Options; 1, 2 and 6. Char_t trackparams[] = "SetTrackingParameters_1000bf04.C"; //Set this to correspond //with mult. and BField //for aliroot the path should point to a file //containing the tpc geometry called alirunfile.root Bool_t isinit=AliL3Transform::Init("./",!binary); AliL3Kalman *k = new AliL3Kalman(path,0,0); k->Init(); //k->DoMakeSeed(); k->LoadTracks(0,kTRUE); k->WriteFiles(path); k->ProcessTracks(); delete k; }