// $Id$ #if !defined(__CINT__) #include "TString.h" #include "TGrid.h" #include "AliCDBManager.h" #include "AliSimulation.h" #include using namespace std; #endif /** * @file simhlt.C * @brief Run HLT reconstruction embedded into AliSimulation * *
 * Usage: aliroot -b -q -l \
 *     aliroot -b -q -l simhlt.C'("hltoption", "rawdataoptions", nofEvents, runNo, "cdbUri")'
 * Examples:
 *     simhlt.C'("loglevel=0x7c chains=GLOBAL-esd-converter")'
 *       load all default libraries and run the chain 'GLOBAL-esd-converter'
 *     simhlt.C'("loglevel=0x7c !libAliHLTITS.so")'
 *       load all default libraries but the libAliHLTITS.so and run the
 *       default chain, skips the ITS tracking
 *     simhlt.C'("loglevel=0x7c rawfile=")'
 *       run explicitly on digit data
 * Defaults
 *     rawdataoptions=""         -> skip generation of raw data
 *     nofEvents=-1              -> take event count from simulated sample
 *     runNo=-1                  -> take run number from simulated sample
 *     cdbUri="local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"
 * Running with precompiled macro:
 *     gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$ROOTSYS/include -I$ALICE_ROOT/include");
 *     gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/HLT/exa/simhlt.C++");
 *     simhlt("loglevel=0x7c");
* * This macro can be used to run the 'HLT simulation' standalone with an * already simulated data sample. 'HLT simulation' means HLT reconstruction * on simulated data, and is carried out at the end of the AliSimulation * sequence. * * The definition of the HLT reconstruction chain depends on the available * module plugins (component libraries). Each library defines a number of * component configurations identified by a unique string. Here are a couple * of definitions, but the list is by far not complete: * - libAliHLTTPC.so: TPC-clusters, TPC-globalmerger * - libAliHLTITS.so: ITS-tracker, ITS-SPD-vertexer * - libAliHLTGlobal.so: GLOBAL-esd-converter, GLOBAL-vertexhisto * - libAliHLTTrigger.so: GLOBAL-Trigger * * This list will certainly develop over time, it is planned to add some * helper functionality to AliHLTSystem for querying of such information. * * The definition of the chain depends on the availability of simulated raw * data. If raw data is available, the HLT chain runs on this, otherwise on * the digit data. \b NOTE: propagation of MC information is only possible * for the latter case. Raw data generation must be either switched of, i.e. * rawdataoptions is empty, or explicitly explicitly ignored by the HLT * option 'rawfile=' (note the empty argument to the option). * * The output of the simulation are the HLT.Digits.root file and (if enabled) * the HLT raw data files. You must run AliReconstruction in order to extract * the simulated HLT data. A typical test sequence can be like: * *
 * cd $ALICE_ROOT/test/ppbench
 * ./runtest.sh
 * aliroot -b -q -l simhlt.C'("loglevel=0x7c chains=GLOBAL-esd-converter")' \
 *         | tee simhlt.C
 * aliroot -b -q -l rec.C | tee rec.log
* * @author Matthias.Richter@ift.uib.no * @ingroup alihlt_tutorial */ void simhlt(const char *hltOptions, const char *rawDataSelection="", int nofEvents=-1, int runNo=-1, const char *cdbURI="local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB" ) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // connect to the GRID if we use a file or OCDB from the GRID TString struri=cdbURI; if (struri.Contains("://") && !struri.Contains("local://")) { TGrid::Connect("alien"); } // Set the CDB storage location AliCDBManager * man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); man->SetDefaultStorage(cdbURI); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Init and run the HLT simulation // All but HLT simulation is switched off // AliSimulation sim; // switch of simulation and data generation // comment all that stuff to also simulate the events and data sim.SetRunGeneration(kFALSE); sim.SetMakeDigits(""); sim.SetMakeSDigits(""); sim.SetMakeDigitsFromHits(""); //sim.SetMakeTrigger(""); sim.SetRunQA("HLT:ALL"); // the normal simulation sets the specific storage for the GRP entry if (gSystem->AccessPathName("GRP/GRP/Data")) { cerr << "*********************************************************" << endl; cerr << "error: no GRP entry found in the currect directory, simulation might be incomplete. Skip setting specific storage for GRP entry" << endl; cerr << "*********************************************************" << endl << endl; } else { sim.SetSpecificStorage("GRP/GRP/Data", Form("local://%s",gSystem->pwd())); } // set the options for writing raw data, possible values e.g. ALL; HLT if (rawDataSelection && rawDataSelection[0]!=0) { sim.SetWriteRawData(rawDataSelection, "raw.root", kTRUE); } // set the options for the HLT simulation sim.SetRunHLT(hltOptions); if (runNo>=0) sim.SetRunNumber(runNo); if (nofEvents>0) sim.Run(nofEvents); else sim.Run(); } void simhlt() { cout << "recraw-local: Run HLT reconstruction embedded into AliSimulation" << endl; cout << " Usage: aliroot -b -q -l \\" << endl; cout << " aliroot -q simhlt.C'(\"hltoption\", \"rawdataoptions\", nofEvents, runNo, \"cdbUri\")'" << endl; cout << "" << endl; cout << " Examples:" << endl; cout << " aliroot -q simhlt.C'(\"loglevel=0x7c chains=GLOBAL-esd-converter\")'" << endl; cout << " aliroot -q simhlt.C'(\"loglevel=0x7c !libAliHLTITS.so\")' " << endl; cout << " aliroot -q simhlt.C'(\"loglevel=0x7c rawfile=\")' " << endl; cout << "" << endl; cout << " Defaults" << endl; cout << " rawdataoptions=\"\" -> skip generation of raw data " << endl; cout << " nofEvents=-1 -> take event count from simulated sample" << endl; cout << " runNo=-1 -> take run number from simulated sample " << endl; cout << " cdbUri=\"local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB\" " << endl; cout << "" << endl; cout << " The definition of the chain depends on the availability of simulated raw " << endl; cout << " data. If raw data is available, the HLT chain runs on this, otherwise on " << endl; cout << " the digit data. \b NOTE: propagation of MC information is only possible " << endl; cout << " for the latter case. Raw data generation must be either switched of, i.e." << endl; cout << " rawdataoptions is empty, or explicitly explicitly ignored by the HLT " << endl; cout << " option 'rawfile=' (note the empty argument to the option). " << endl; }