// @(#) $Id$ // Author: Cvetan Cheshkov #include "AliHLTStandardIncludes.h" #include "AliHLTLogging.h" #include "AliHLTMemHandler.h" #include "AliHLTTransform.h" #include "AliHLTDigitData.h" #include "AliHLTHistogramAdaptive.h" #include "AliHLTHoughTrack.h" #include "AliHLTHoughTransformerRow.h" #if __GNUC__ >= 3 using namespace std; #endif //_____________________________________________________________ // AliHLTHoughTransformerRow // // Impelementation of the so called "TPC rows Hough transformation" class // // Transforms the TPC data into the hough space and counts the missed TPC // rows corresponding to each track cnadidate - hough space bin ClassImp(AliHLTHoughTransformerRow) Float_t AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::fgBeta1 = 1.0/AliHLTTransform::Row2X(84); Float_t AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::fgBeta2 = 1.0/(AliHLTTransform::Row2X(158)*(1.0+tan(AliHLTTransform::Pi()*10/180)*tan(AliHLTTransform::Pi()*10/180))); Float_t AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::fgDAlpha = 0.22; Float_t AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::fgDEta = 0.40; Double_t AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::fgEtaCalcParam1 = 1.0289; Double_t AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::fgEtaCalcParam2 = 0.15192; Double_t AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::fgEtaCalcParam3 = 1./(32.*600.*600.); AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::AliHLTHoughTransformerRow() { //Default constructor fParamSpace = 0; fGapCount = 0; fCurrentRowCount = 0; #ifdef do_mc fTrackID = 0; #endif fTrackNRows = 0; fTrackFirstRow = 0; fTrackLastRow = 0; fInitialGapCount = 0; fPrevBin = 0; fNextBin = 0; fNextRow = 0; fStartPadParams = 0; fEndPadParams = 0; fLUTr = 0; fLUTforwardZ = 0; fLUTbackwardZ = 0; } AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::AliHLTHoughTransformerRow(Int_t slice,Int_t patch,Int_t netasegments,Bool_t /*DoMC*/,Float_t zvertex) : AliHLTHoughBaseTransformer(slice,patch,netasegments,zvertex) { //Normal constructor fParamSpace = 0; fGapCount = 0; fCurrentRowCount = 0; #ifdef do_mc fTrackID = 0; #endif fTrackNRows = 0; fTrackFirstRow = 0; fTrackLastRow = 0; fInitialGapCount = 0; fPrevBin = 0; fNextBin = 0; fNextRow = 0; fStartPadParams = 0; fEndPadParams = 0; fLUTr = 0; fLUTforwardZ = 0; fLUTbackwardZ = 0; } AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::~AliHLTHoughTransformerRow() { //Destructor if(fLastTransformer) return; DeleteHistograms(); #ifdef do_mc if(fTrackID) { for(Int_t i=0; iGetNbinsX()+3)/2; Int_t ncellsy = (hist->GetNbinsY()+3)/2; Int_t ncells = ncellsx*ncellsy; if(!fTrackID) { LOG(AliHLTLog::kInformational,"AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::CreateHistograms()","") <<"Transformer: Allocating "<GetNbinsX()+2)*(hist->GetNbinsY()+2); if(!fGapCount) { LOG(AliHLTLog::kInformational,"AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::CreateHistograms()","") <<"Transformer: Allocating "<GetNbinsY()+2; if(!fNextRow) { LOG(AliHLTLog::kInformational,"AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::CreateHistograms()","") <<"Transformer: Allocating "<GetFirstXbin(); Int_t xmax = hist->GetLastXbin(); Int_t xmiddle = (hist->GetNbinsX()+1)/2; Int_t ymin = hist->GetFirstYbin(); Int_t ymax = hist->GetLastYbin(); Int_t nxbins = hist->GetNbinsX()+2; Int_t nxgrid = (hist->GetNbinsX()+3)/2+1; Int_t nygrid = hist->GetNbinsY()+3; AliHLTTrackLength *tracklength = new AliHLTTrackLength[nxgrid*nygrid]; memset(tracklength,0,nxgrid*nygrid*sizeof(AliHLTTrackLength)); for(Int_t ybin=ymin-1; ybin<=(ymax+1); ybin++) { for(Int_t xbin=xmin-1; xbin<=xmiddle; xbin++) { fTrackNRows[xbin + ybin*nxbins] = 255; for(Int_t deltay = 0; deltay <= 1; deltay++) { for(Int_t deltax = 0; deltax <= 1; deltax++) { AliHLTTrackLength *curtracklength = &tracklength[(xbin + deltax) + (ybin + deltay)*nxgrid]; UInt_t maxfirstrow = 0; UInt_t maxlastrow = 0; Float_t maxtrackpt = 0; if(curtracklength->fIsFilled) { maxfirstrow = curtracklength->fFirstRow; maxlastrow = curtracklength->fLastRow; maxtrackpt = curtracklength->fTrackPt; } else { Float_t xtrack = hist->GetPreciseBinCenterX((Float_t)xbin+0.5*(Float_t)(2*deltax-1)); Float_t ytrack = hist->GetPreciseBinCenterY((Float_t)ybin+0.5*(Float_t)(2*deltay-1)); Float_t psi = atan((xtrack-ytrack)/(fgBeta1-fgBeta2)); Float_t kappa = 2.0*(xtrack*cos(psi)-fgBeta1*sin(psi)); track.SetTrackParameters(kappa,psi,1); maxtrackpt = track.GetPt(); if(maxtrackpt < 0.9*0.1*AliHLTTransform::GetSolenoidField()) { maxfirstrow = maxlastrow = 0; curtracklength->fIsFilled = kTRUE; curtracklength->fFirstRow = maxfirstrow; curtracklength->fLastRow = maxlastrow; curtracklength->fTrackPt = maxtrackpt; } else { Bool_t firstrow = kFALSE; UInt_t curfirstrow = 0; UInt_t curlastrow = 0; Double_t centerx = track.GetCenterX(); Double_t centery = track.GetCenterY(); Double_t radius = track.GetRadius(); for(Int_t j=AliHLTTransform::GetFirstRow(0); j<=AliHLTTransform::GetLastRow(5); j++) { Float_t hit[3]; // if(!track.GetCrossingPoint(j,hit)) continue; hit[0] = AliHLTTransform::Row2X(j); Double_t aa = (hit[0] - centerx)*(hit[0] - centerx); Double_t r2 = radius*radius; if(aa > r2) continue; Double_t aa2 = sqrt(r2 - aa); Double_t y1 = centery + aa2; Double_t y2 = centery - aa2; hit[1] = y1; if(fabs(y2) < fabs(y1)) hit[1] = y2; hit[2] = 0; AliHLTTransform::LocHLT2Raw(hit,0,j); hit[1] += 0.5; if(hit[1]>=0 && hit[1]= (maxlastrow-maxfirstrow)) { maxfirstrow = curfirstrow; maxlastrow = curlastrow; } } } } if((curlastrow-curfirstrow) >= (maxlastrow-maxfirstrow)) { maxfirstrow = curfirstrow; maxlastrow = curlastrow; } curtracklength->fIsFilled = kTRUE; curtracklength->fFirstRow = maxfirstrow; curtracklength->fLastRow = maxlastrow; curtracklength->fTrackPt = maxtrackpt; } } if((maxlastrow-maxfirstrow) < fTrackNRows[xbin + ybin*nxbins]) { fTrackNRows[xbin + ybin*nxbins] = maxlastrow-maxfirstrow; fInitialGapCount[xbin + ybin*nxbins] = 1; if((maxlastrow-maxfirstrow+1)<=MIN_TRACK_LENGTH) fInitialGapCount[xbin + ybin*nxbins] = MAX_N_GAPS+1; if(maxtrackpt < 0.9*0.1*AliHLTTransform::GetSolenoidField()) fInitialGapCount[xbin + ybin*nxbins] = MAX_N_GAPS; fTrackFirstRow[xbin + ybin*nxbins] = maxfirstrow; fTrackLastRow[xbin + ybin*nxbins] = maxlastrow; Int_t xmirror = xmax - xbin + 1; Int_t ymirror = ymax - ybin + 1; fTrackNRows[xmirror + ymirror*nxbins] = fTrackNRows[xbin + ybin*nxbins]; fInitialGapCount[xmirror + ymirror*nxbins] = fInitialGapCount[xbin + ybin*nxbins]; fTrackFirstRow[xmirror + ymirror*nxbins] = fTrackFirstRow[xbin + ybin*nxbins]; fTrackLastRow[xmirror + ymirror*nxbins] = fTrackLastRow[xbin + ybin*nxbins]; } } } // cout<<" fTrackNRows "<<(Int_t)fInitialGapCount[xbin + ybin*nxbins]<<" "<GetYmin(); Float_t histbin = hist->GetBinWidthY(); Float_t xmin = hist->GetXmin(); Float_t xmax = hist->GetXmax(); Float_t xbin = (xmax-xmin)/hist->GetNbinsX(); Int_t firstbinx = hist->GetFirstXbin(); Int_t lastbinx = hist->GetLastXbin(); Int_t nbinx = hist->GetNbinsX()+2; Int_t firstbin = hist->GetFirstYbin(); Int_t lastbin = hist->GetLastYbin(); for(Int_t i=AliHLTTransform::GetFirstRow(0); i<=AliHLTTransform::GetLastRow(5); i++) { Int_t npads = AliHLTTransform::GetNPads(i); Int_t ipatch = AliHLTTransform::GetPatch(i); Double_t padpitch = AliHLTTransform::GetPadPitchWidth(ipatch); Float_t x = AliHLTTransform::Row2X(i); Float_t x2 = x*x; fStartPadParams[i] = new AliHLTPadHoughParams[npads]; fEndPadParams[i] = new AliHLTPadHoughParams[npads]; fLUTr[i] = new Float_t[npads]; for(Int_t pad=0; pad=0) alpha2 += deltaalpha2; fStartPadParams[i][pad].fAlpha = alpha1; fStartPadParams[i][pad].fDeltaAlpha = deltaalpha1; fEndPadParams[i][pad].fAlpha = alpha2; fEndPadParams[i][pad].fDeltaAlpha = deltaalpha2; //Find the first and last bin rows to be filled Bool_t binfound1 = kFALSE; Bool_t binfound2 = kFALSE; Int_t firstbin1 = lastbin; Int_t firstbin2 = lastbin; Int_t lastbin1 = firstbin; Int_t lastbin2 = firstbin; for(Int_t b=firstbin; b<=lastbin; b++, alpha1 += deltaalpha1, alpha2 += deltaalpha2) { Int_t binx1 = 1 + (Int_t)alpha1; if(binx1<=lastbinx) { UChar_t initialgapcount; if(binx1>=firstbinx) initialgapcount = fInitialGapCount[binx1 + b*nbinx]; else initialgapcount = fInitialGapCount[firstbinx + b*nbinx]; if(initialgapcount != MAX_N_GAPS) { if(!binfound1) { firstbin1 = b; binfound1 = kTRUE; } lastbin1 = b; } } Int_t binx2 = 1 + (Int_t)alpha2; if(binx2>=firstbin) { UChar_t initialgapcount; if(binx2<=lastbinx) initialgapcount = fInitialGapCount[binx2 + b*nbinx]; else initialgapcount = fInitialGapCount[lastbinx + b*nbinx]; if(initialgapcount != MAX_N_GAPS) { if(!binfound2) { firstbin2 = b; binfound2 = kTRUE; } lastbin2 = b; } } } fStartPadParams[i][pad].fFirstBin=firstbin1; fStartPadParams[i][pad].fLastBin=lastbin1; fEndPadParams[i][pad].fFirstBin=firstbin2; fEndPadParams[i][pad].fLastBin=lastbin2; } } } //create lookup table for z of the digits if(!fLUTforwardZ) { Int_t ntimebins = AliHLTTransform::GetNTimeBins(); LOG(AliHLTLog::kInformational,"AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::CreateHistograms()","") <<"Transformer: Allocating "<Reset(); #ifdef do_mc { AliHLTHistogram *hist = fParamSpace[0]; Int_t ncellsx = (hist->GetNbinsX()+3)/2; Int_t ncellsy = (hist->GetNbinsY()+3)/2; Int_t ncells = ncellsx*ncellsy; for(Int_t i=0; iGetNbinsX()+2)*(hist->GetNbinsY()+2); for(Int_t i=0; i= GetNEtaSegments() || etaindex < 0) return 0; if(!fParamSpace[etaindex]) return 0; return fParamSpace[etaindex]; } Double_t AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::GetEta(Int_t etaindex,Int_t /*slice*/) const { // Return eta calculated in the middle of the eta slice Double_t etaslice = (GetEtaMax()-GetEtaMin())/GetNEtaSegments(); Double_t eta=0; eta=(Double_t)((etaindex+0.5)*etaslice); return eta; } void AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::TransformCircle() { // This method contains the hough transformation // Depending on the option selected, it reads as an input // either the preloaded array with digits or directly raw // data stream (option fast_raw) if(GetDataPointer()) TransformCircleFromDigitArray(); else if(fTPCRawStream) TransformCircleFromRawStream(); } void AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::TransformCircleFromDigitArray() { //Do the Hough Transform //Load the parameters used by the fast calculation of eta Double_t etaparam1 = GetEtaCalcParam1(); Double_t etaparam2 = GetEtaCalcParam2(); Double_t etaparam3 = GetEtaCalcParam3(); Int_t netasegments = GetNEtaSegments(); Double_t etamin = GetEtaMin(); Double_t etaslice = (GetEtaMax() - etamin)/netasegments; Int_t lowerthreshold = GetLowerThreshold(); //Assumes that all the etaslice histos are the same! AliHLTHistogram *h = fParamSpace[0]; Int_t firstbiny = h->GetFirstYbin(); Int_t firstbinx = h->GetFirstXbin(); Int_t lastbinx = h->GetLastXbin(); Int_t nbinx = h->GetNbinsX()+2; UChar_t lastpad; Int_t lastetaindex=-1; AliHLTEtaRow *etaclust = new AliHLTEtaRow[netasegments]; AliHLTDigitRowData *tempPt = GetDataPointer(); if(!tempPt) { LOG(AliHLTLog::kError,"AliHLTHoughTransformer::TransformCircle","Data") <<"No input data "<fDigitData; if((Int_t)i != (Int_t)tempPt->fRow) { LOG(AliHLTLog::kError,"AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::TransformCircle","Data") <<"AliHLTHoughTransform::TransformCircle : Mismatching padrow numbering "<<(Int_t)i<<" "<<(Int_t)tempPt->fRow<fNDigit; j++) { UShort_t charge = digPt[j].fCharge; if((Int_t)charge <= lowerthreshold) continue; UChar_t pad = digPt[j].fPad; UShort_t time = digPt[j].fTime; if(pad != lastpad) { radius = fLUTr[(Int_t)i][(Int_t)pad]; lastetaindex = -1; } Float_t z = lutz[(Int_t)time]; Double_t radiuscorr = radius*(1.+etaparam3*radius*radius); Double_t zovr = z/radiuscorr; Double_t eta = (etaparam1-etaparam2*fabs(zovr))*zovr; //Get the corresponding index, which determines which histogram to fill: Int_t etaindex = (Int_t)((eta-etamin)/etaslice); #ifndef do_mc if(etaindex == lastetaindex) continue; #endif // cout<<" Digit at patch "<= netasegments) continue; if(!etaclust[etaindex].fIsFound) { etaclust[etaindex].fStartPad = pad; etaclust[etaindex].fEndPad = pad; etaclust[etaindex].fIsFound = 1; #ifdef do_mc FillClusterMCLabels(digPt[j],&etaclust[etaindex]); #endif continue; } else { if(pad <= (etaclust[etaindex].fEndPad + 1)) { etaclust[etaindex].fEndPad = pad; #ifdef do_mc FillClusterMCLabels(digPt[j],&etaclust[etaindex]); #endif } else { FillCluster(i,etaindex,etaclust,ilastpatch,firstbinx,lastbinx,nbinx,firstbiny); etaclust[etaindex].fStartPad = pad; etaclust[etaindex].fEndPad = pad; #ifdef do_mc memset(etaclust[etaindex].fMcLabels,0,MaxTrack); FillClusterMCLabels(digPt[j],&etaclust[etaindex]); #endif } } lastpad = pad; lastetaindex = etaindex; } //Write remaining clusters for(Int_t etaindex = 0;etaindex < netasegments;etaindex++) { //Check for empty row if((etaclust[etaindex].fStartPad == 0) && (etaclust[etaindex].fEndPad == 0)) continue; FillCluster(i,etaindex,etaclust,ilastpatch,firstbinx,lastbinx,nbinx,firstbiny); } //Move the data pointer to the next padrow: AliHLTMemHandler::UpdateRowPointer(tempPt); } delete [] etaclust; } void AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::TransformCircleFromRawStream() { //Do the Hough Transform //Load the parameters used by the fast calculation of eta Double_t etaparam1 = GetEtaCalcParam1(); Double_t etaparam2 = GetEtaCalcParam2(); Double_t etaparam3 = GetEtaCalcParam3(); Int_t netasegments = GetNEtaSegments(); Double_t etamin = GetEtaMin(); Double_t etaslice = (GetEtaMax() - etamin)/netasegments; Int_t lowerthreshold = GetLowerThreshold(); //Assumes that all the etaslice histos are the same! AliHLTHistogram *h = fParamSpace[0]; Int_t firstbiny = h->GetFirstYbin(); Int_t firstbinx = h->GetFirstXbin(); Int_t lastbinx = h->GetLastXbin(); Int_t nbinx = h->GetNbinsX()+2; Int_t lastetaindex = -1; AliHLTEtaRow *etaclust = new AliHLTEtaRow[netasegments]; if(!fTPCRawStream) { LOG(AliHLTLog::kError,"AliHLTHoughTransformer::TransformCircle","Data") <<"No input data "<Next()) { if(fTPCRawStream->IsNewSector() || fTPCRawStream->IsNewRow()) { //Write remaining clusters for(Int_t etaindex = 0;etaindex < netasegments;etaindex++) { //Check for empty row if((etaclust[etaindex].fStartPad == 0) && (etaclust[etaindex].fEndPad == 0)) continue; FillCluster(i,etaindex,etaclust,ilastpatch,firstbinx,lastbinx,nbinx,firstbiny); } Int_t sector=fTPCRawStream->GetSector(); Int_t row=fTPCRawStream->GetRow(); Int_t slice,srow; AliHLTTransform::Sector2Slice(slice,srow,sector,row); if(slice!=islice){ LOG(AliHLTLog::kError,"AliHLTDDLDataFileHandler::DDLDigits2Memory","Slice") <rowmax))continue; // cout<<" Starting row "<<(UInt_t)i<IsNewRow() || fTPCRawStream->IsNewPad()) { pad=fTPCRawStream->GetPad(); /* if((pad<0)||(pad>=(npads+1))){ LOG(AliHLTLog::kError,"AliHLTDDLDataFileHandler::DDLDigits2Memory","Pad") <GetTime(); /* if((time<0)||(time>=ntimebins)){ LOG(AliHLTLog::kError,"AliHLTDDLDataFileHandler::DDLDigits2Memory","Time") <GetSignal() <= lowerthreshold) continue; Float_t z = lutz[(Int_t)time]; Double_t radiuscorr = radius*(1.+etaparam3*radius*radius); Double_t zovr = z/radiuscorr; Double_t eta = (etaparam1-etaparam2*fabs(zovr))*zovr; //Get the corresponding index, which determines which histogram to fill: Int_t etaindex = (Int_t)((eta-etamin)/etaslice); #ifndef do_mc if(etaindex == lastetaindex) continue; #endif // cout<<" Digit at patch "<= netasegments) continue; if(!etaclust[etaindex].fIsFound) { etaclust[etaindex].fStartPad = pad; etaclust[etaindex].fEndPad = pad; etaclust[etaindex].fIsFound = 1; continue; } else { if(pad <= (etaclust[etaindex].fEndPad + 1)) { etaclust[etaindex].fEndPad = pad; } else { FillCluster(i,etaindex,etaclust,ilastpatch,firstbinx,lastbinx,nbinx,firstbiny); etaclust[etaindex].fStartPad = pad; etaclust[etaindex].fEndPad = pad; } } lastetaindex = etaindex; } //Write remaining clusters for(Int_t etaindex = 0;etaindex < netasegments;etaindex++) { //Check for empty row if((etaclust[etaindex].fStartPad == 0) && (etaclust[etaindex].fEndPad == 0)) continue; FillCluster(i,etaindex,etaclust,ilastpatch,firstbinx,lastbinx,nbinx,firstbiny); } delete [] etaclust; } #ifndef do_mc Int_t AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::GetTrackID(Int_t /*etaindex*/,Double_t /*alpha1*/,Double_t /*alpha2*/) const { // Does nothing if do_mc undefined LOG(AliHLTLog::kWarning,"AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::GetTrackID","Data") <<"Flag switched off"< GetNEtaSegments()) { LOG(AliHLTLog::kWarning,"AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::GetTrackID","Data") <<"Wrong etaindex "<FindLabelBin(alpha1,alpha2); if(bin==-1) { LOG(AliHLTLog::kWarning,"AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::GetTrackID()","") <<"Track candidate outside Hough space boundaries: "< max) { max = nhits; label = fTrackID[etaindex][bin].fLabel[i]; } } Int_t label2=-1; Int_t max2=0; for(UInt_t i=0; i<(MaxTrack-1); i++) { Int_t nhits=fTrackID[etaindex][bin].fNHits[i]; if(nhits == 0) break; if(nhits > max2) { if(fTrackID[etaindex][bin].fLabel[i]!=label) { max2 = nhits; label2 = fTrackID[etaindex][bin].fLabel[i]; } } } if(max2 !=0 ) { LOG(AliHLTLog::kDebug,"AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::GetTrackID()","") <<" TrackID"<<" label "<FindBin(alpha1,alpha2); if(bin==-1) { LOG(AliHLTLog::kWarning,"AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::GetTrackLength()","") <<"Track candidate outside Hough space boundaries: "< currentrow2[bin]) { ngaps2[bin] += (i-currentrow2[bin]-1); currentrow2[bin]=i; } #ifdef do_mc if(i < lastrow2[bin] && i >= currentrow2[bin]) { for(UInt_t t=0;t<(MaxTrack-1); t++) { Int_t label = etaclust.fMcLabels[t]; if(label == 0) break; UInt_t c; Int_t tempbin2 = (Int_t)(bin/2); for(c=0; c<(MaxTrack-1); c++) if(trackid[tempbin2].fLabel[c] == label || trackid[tempbin2].fNHits[c] == 0) break; trackid[tempbin2].fLabel[c] = label; if(trackid[tempbin2].fCurrentRow[c] != i) { trackid[tempbin2].fNHits[c]++; trackid[tempbin2].fCurrentRow[c] = i; } } } #endif } } } inline void AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::FillCluster(UChar_t i,Int_t etaindex,AliHLTEtaRow *etaclust,Int_t ilastpatch,Int_t firstbinx,Int_t lastbinx,Int_t nbinx,Int_t firstbiny) { // The method is a part of the fast hough transform. // It fills a TPC cluster into the hough space. UChar_t *ngaps = fGapCount[etaindex]; UChar_t *currentrow = fCurrentRowCount[etaindex]; UChar_t *lastrow = fTrackLastRow; UChar_t *prevbin = fPrevBin[etaindex]; UChar_t *nextbin = fNextBin[etaindex]; UChar_t *nextrow = fNextRow[etaindex]; #ifdef do_mc AliHLTTrackIndex *trackid = fTrackID[etaindex]; #endif //Do the transformation: AliHLTPadHoughParams *startparams = &fStartPadParams[(Int_t)i][etaclust[etaindex].fStartPad]; AliHLTPadHoughParams *endparams = &fEndPadParams[(Int_t)i][etaclust[etaindex].fEndPad]; Float_t alpha1 = startparams->fAlpha; Float_t deltaalpha1 = startparams->fDeltaAlpha; Float_t alpha2 = endparams->fAlpha; Float_t deltaalpha2 = endparams->fDeltaAlpha; Int_t firstbin1 = startparams->fFirstBin; Int_t firstbin2 = endparams->fFirstBin; Int_t firstbin = firstbin1; if(firstbin>firstbin2) firstbin = firstbin2; Int_t lastbin1 = startparams->fLastBin; Int_t lastbin2 = endparams->fLastBin; Int_t lastbin = lastbin1; if(lastbinlastbinx) continue; if(binx1lastbinx) binx2 = lastbinx; #ifdef do_mc if(binx2lastbinx) continue; if(binx1lastbinx) binx2 = lastbinx; #ifdef do_mc if(binx2 b) { Int_t deltab = (nextrow[b] - b - 1); b += deltab; alpha1 += deltaalpha1*deltab; alpha2 += deltaalpha2*deltab; continue; } Int_t tempbin = b*nbinx; binx1 = (UInt_t)nextbin[binx1 + tempbin]; binx2 = (UInt_t)prevbin[binx2 + tempbin]; if(binx2fMcLabels[c] == label || etaclust->fMcLabels[c] == 0) break; etaclust->fMcLabels[c] = label; } } #endif void AliHLTHoughTransformerRow::SetTransformerArrays(AliHLTHoughTransformerRow *tr) { // In case of sequential filling of the hough space, the method is used to // transmit the pointers to the hough arrays from one transformer to the // following one. fGapCount = tr->fGapCount; fCurrentRowCount = tr->fCurrentRowCount; #ifdef do_mc fTrackID = tr->fTrackID; #endif fTrackNRows = tr->fTrackNRows; fTrackFirstRow = tr->fTrackFirstRow; fTrackLastRow = tr->fTrackLastRow; fInitialGapCount = tr->fInitialGapCount; fPrevBin = tr->fPrevBin; fNextBin = tr->fNextBin; fNextRow = tr->fNextRow; fStartPadParams = tr->fStartPadParams; fEndPadParams = tr->fEndPadParams; fLUTr = tr->fLUTr; fLUTforwardZ = tr->fLUTforwardZ; fLUTbackwardZ = tr->fLUTbackwardZ; fParamSpace = tr->fParamSpace; return; }