// $Id$ #include "AliL3StandardIncludes.h" #include "AliL3RootTypes.h" #include #include #include #include "AliL3Track.h" #include "AliL3KalmanTrack.h" #include "AliL3Benchmark.h" #include "AliL3MemHandler.h" #include "AliL3FileHandler.h" #include "AliL3DataHandler.h" #include "AliL3Transform.h" #include "AliL3SpacePointData.h" #include "AliL3DigitData.h" #include "AliL3Logging.h" #include "AliL3TrackArray.h" #include "AliL3TrackSegmentData.h" #include "AliL3InterMerger.h" #include "AliL3TrackMerger.h" #include "AliL3Kalman.h" /* AliL3Kalman */ ClassImp(AliL3Kalman) AliL3Kalman::AliL3Kalman(Char_t *datapath, Int_t *slice, Int_t min_clusters = 0){ // Constructor if (slice) { fMinSlice = slice[0]; fMaxSlice = slice[1]; } else { fMinSlice = 0; fMaxSlice = 35; } sprintf(fPath,"%s",datapath); fMinPointsOnTrack = 0; //min_clusters; fTracks = 0; fKalmanTracks = 0; // NB! fNrow under only for single-patch, must include other possibilities // later on. ?? Maybe better also to put it in an Init-function fRow[0][0] = 0; fRow[0][1] = AliL3Transform::GetLastRow(-1); fWriteOut = kTRUE; fBenchmark = 0; } AliL3Kalman::~AliL3Kalman() { // Destructor if (fBenchmark) delete fBenchmark; } void AliL3Kalman::Init() { fBenchmark = new AliL3Benchmark(); } void AliL3Kalman::LoadTracks(Int_t event, Bool_t sp) { // Load space points and tracks from conformal tracker // Must also be possible to take seeds (and clusters) from Hough-transform?? Double_t initTime,cpuTime; initTime = GetCpuTime(); fBenchmark->Start("Load tracks"); // Load space points Char_t fname[1024]; AliL3FileHandler *clusterfile[36][6]; for(Int_t s=fMinSlice; s<=fMaxSlice; s++) { for(Int_t p=0; pSetBinaryInput(fname)) { LOG(AliL3Log::kError,"AliL3Evaluation::Setup","File Open") <<"Inputfile "<Allocate(); clusterfile[s][p]->Binary2Memory(fNcl[s][p],fClusters[s][p]); clusterfile[s][p]->CloseBinaryInput(); if(sp==kTRUE) break; delete clusterfile[s][p]; } } // Load tracks //sprintf(fname,"%s/kalmantracks_%d.raw",fPath,event); sprintf(fname,"%s/tracks_%d.raw",fPath,event); AliL3FileHandler *tfile = new AliL3FileHandler(); if(!tfile->SetBinaryInput(fname)){ LOG(AliL3Log::kError,"AliL3Evaluation::Setup","File Open") <<"Inputfile "<Binary2TrackArray(fTracks); tfile->CloseBinaryInput(); delete tfile; fBenchmark->Stop("Load tracks"); cpuTime = GetCpuTime() - initTime; LOG(AliL3Log::kInformational,"AliL3Kalman::LoadTracks()","Timing") <<"Loading tracks in "<Start("Process tracks"); fTracks->QSort(); fKalmanTracks = new AliL3TrackArray(); // Make a ntuple to store state vector, covariance matrix and chisquare // Will eventually not need a TTree?? TNtuple *kalmanTree = new TNtuple("kalmanTree","kalmantracks","x0:x1:x2:x3:x4:c0:c1:c2:c3:c4:c5:c6:c7:c8:c9:c10:c11:c12:c13:c14:chisq"); Float_t meas[21]; // Go through the tracks from conformal or hough tracker for (Int_t iTrack = 0; iTrack < fTracks->GetNTracks(); iTrack++) { /*Double_t initTime,cpuTime; initTime = GetCpuTime(); fBenchmark->Start("Process tracks");*/ AliL3Track *track = (AliL3Track*)fTracks->GetCheckedTrack(iTrack); if (!track) continue; if (track->GetNumberOfPoints() < fMinPointsOnTrack) continue; AliL3KalmanTrack *kalmantrack = new AliL3KalmanTrack(); Bool_t save = kTRUE; /*if (InitKalmanTrack(kalmantrack, track) == 0) { save = kFALSE; continue; }*/ if (MakeKalmanSeed(kalmantrack,track) ==0) { save = kFALSE; continue; } if (Propagate(kalmantrack, track) == 0) { save = kFALSE; } if (save) {// cout << track->GetPt() << endl; Float_t x[5]; kalmantrack->GetStateVector(x); Float_t c[15]; kalmantrack->GetCovariance(c); Float_t chisq = kalmantrack->GetChisq(); meas[0] = x[0]; meas[1] = x[1]; meas[2] = x[2]; meas[3] = x[3]; meas[4] = x[4]; meas[5] = c[0]; meas[6] = c[1]; meas[7] = c[2]; meas[8] = c[3]; meas[9] = c[4]; meas[10] = c[5]; meas[11] = c[6]; meas[12] = c[7]; meas[13] = c[8]; meas[14] = c[9]; meas[15] = c[10]; meas[16] = c[11]; meas[17] = c[12]; meas[18] = c[13]; meas[19] = c[14]; meas[20] = chisq; // Add the track to the trackarray AliL3Track *outtrack = (AliL3Track*)fKalmanTracks->NextTrack(); outtrack->Set(track); // SET THE PARAMETERS ACCORDING TO KALMAN FILTER outtrack->SetTgl(x[3]); // The factor 2 in the expression for Pt is not included in the similar offline expression. However // it should be like this if I use a factor 1/2 in the calculation of par4?? //outtrack->SetPt(1/(2*TMath::Abs(1e-9*TMath::Abs(x[4])/x[4] + x[4])/(0.0029980*AliL3Transform::GetBField()))); //outtrack->SetPt(1/(TMath::Abs(x[4])/0.0029980*AliL3Transform::GetBField())); outtrack->SetPsi(x[2]); //outtrack->Set(track); // Fill the ntuple with the state vector, covariance matrix and // chisquare kalmanTree->Fill(meas); } delete track; delete kalmantrack; /*fBenchmark->Stop("Process tracks"); cpuTime = GetCpuTime() - initTime; LOG(AliL3Log::kInformational,"AliL3Kalman::ProcessTracks()","Timing") <<"Processed track "<Stop("Process tracks"); cpuTime = GetCpuTime() - initTime; LOG(AliL3Log::kInformational,"AliL3Kalman::ProcessTracks()","Timing") <<"Process tracks in "<SetBinaryOutput(tname); mem->TrackArray2Binary(fKalmanTracks); mem->CloseBinaryOutput(); delete mem; } // This will be removed?? TFile *out = new TFile("kalmantracks.root","recreate"); kalmanTree->Write(); out->Close(); delete kalmanTree; } Int_t AliL3Kalman::MakeKalmanSeed(AliL3KalmanTrack *kalmantrack, AliL3Track *track) { Int_t num_of_clusters = track->GetNumberOfPoints(); UInt_t *hitnum = track->GetHitNumbers(); UInt_t id; id = hitnum[0]; Int_t slice0 = (id>>25) & 0x7f; Int_t patch0 = (id>>22) & 0x7; UInt_t pos0 = id&0x3fffff; AliL3SpacePointData *points0 = fClusters[slice0][patch0]; id = hitnum[Int_t(num_of_clusters/2)]; Int_t slice1 = (id>>25) & 0x7f; Int_t patch1 = (id>>22) & 0x7; UInt_t pos1 = id&0x3fffff; AliL3SpacePointData *points1 = fClusters[slice1][patch1]; id = hitnum[num_of_clusters-1]; Int_t slice2 = (id>>25) & 0x7f; Int_t patch2 = (id>>22) & 0x7; UInt_t pos2 = id&0x3fffff; AliL3SpacePointData *points2 = fClusters[slice2][patch2]; return kalmantrack->MakeSeed(track, points0, pos0, slice0, points1, pos1, slice1, points2, pos2, slice2); } Int_t AliL3Kalman::InitKalmanTrack(AliL3KalmanTrack *kalmantrack, AliL3Track *track) { UInt_t *hitnum = track->GetHitNumbers(); UInt_t id; id = hitnum[0]; Int_t slice = (id>>25) & 0x7f; Int_t patch = (id>>22) & 0x7; UInt_t pos = id&0x3fffff; AliL3SpacePointData *points = fClusters[slice][patch]; return kalmantrack->Init(track, points, pos, slice); } Int_t AliL3Kalman::Propagate(AliL3KalmanTrack *kalmantrack, AliL3Track *track) { // This function propagtes the kalmantrack to the next cluster of the loaded // track Int_t num_of_clusters = track->GetNumberOfPoints(); UInt_t *hitnum = track->GetHitNumbers(); UInt_t id; UInt_t badpoint = 0; for (Int_t icl = 1; icl < num_of_clusters; icl++) { id = hitnum[icl]; Int_t slice = (id>>25) & 0x7f; Int_t patch = (id>>22) & 0x7; UInt_t pos = id&0x3fffff; AliL3SpacePointData *points = fClusters[slice][patch]; if (!points) continue; if (kalmantrack->Propagate(points,pos,slice) == 0) { badpoint++; continue; } } // If too many clusters are missing, the track is no good if (badpoint >= UInt_t(num_of_clusters*0.8)) return 0; return 1; } Double_t AliL3Kalman::GetCpuTime() { //Return the Cputime in seconds. struct timeval tv; gettimeofday( &tv, NULL ); return tv.tv_sec+(((Double_t)tv.tv_usec)/1000000.); //return (Double_t)(clock()) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; }