// @(#) $Id$ // Author: C. Loizides //*-- Copyright © ALICE HLT Group #include "AliHLTStopwatch.h" #ifdef no_root #include "AliHLTStandardIncludes.h" #if __GNUC__ == 3 using namespace std; #endif /** \class AliHLTStopwatch
// AliHLTStopwatch
// Stopwatch class. This class returns the real and cpu time between   
// the start and stop events (taken from Root)
*/ ClassImp(AliHLTStopwatch) clock_t AliHLTStopwatch::gTicks = 0; AliHLTStopwatch::AliHLTStopwatch() { // Create a stopwatch and start it. if (!gTicks) gTicks = (clock_t)sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); fState = kUndefined; fTotalCpuTime = 0; fTotalRealTime = 0; fCounter = 0; Start(); } AliHLTStopwatch::~AliHLTStopwatch() { } void AliHLTStopwatch::Start(Bool_t reset) { // Start the stopwatch. If reset is kTRUE reset the stopwatch before // starting it (including the stopwatch counter). // Use kFALSE to continue timing after a Stop() without // resetting the stopwatch. if (reset) { fTotalCpuTime = 0; fTotalRealTime = 0; fCounter = 0; } if (fState != kRunning) { fStartRealTime = GetRealTime(); fStartCpuTime = GetCPUTime(); } fState = kRunning; fCounter++; } void AliHLTStopwatch::Stop() { // Stop the stopwatch. fStopRealTime = GetRealTime(); fStopCpuTime = GetCPUTime(); if (fState == kRunning) { fTotalCpuTime += fStopCpuTime - fStartCpuTime; fTotalRealTime += fStopRealTime - fStartRealTime; } fState = kStopped; } void AliHLTStopwatch::Continue() { // Resume a stopped stopwatch. The stopwatch continues counting from the last // Start() onwards (this is like the laptimer function). if (fState == kUndefined){ cerr << "Error in AliHLTStopwatch::Continue! Stopwatch not started." << endl; return; } if (fState == kStopped) { fTotalCpuTime -= fStopCpuTime - fStartCpuTime; fTotalRealTime -= fStopRealTime - fStartRealTime; } fState = kRunning; } Double_t AliHLTStopwatch::RealTime() { // Return the realtime passed between the start and stop events. If the // stopwatch was still running stop it first. if (fState == kUndefined){ cerr << "Error in AliHLTStopwatch::RealTime! Stopwatch not started." << endl; return -1.0; } if (fState == kRunning) Stop(); return fTotalRealTime; } Double_t AliHLTStopwatch::CpuTime() { // Return the cputime passed between the start and stop events. If the // stopwatch was still running stop it first. if (fState == kUndefined){ cerr << "Error in AliHLTStopwatch::CpuTime! Stopwatch not started." << endl; return -1.0; } if (fState == kRunning) Stop(); return fTotalCpuTime; } Double_t AliHLTStopwatch::GetRealTime() { struct tms cpt; Double_t trt = (Double_t)times(&cpt); return trt / (Double_t)gTicks; } Double_t AliHLTStopwatch::GetCPUTime() { struct tms cpt; times(&cpt); return (Double_t)(cpt.tms_utime+cpt.tms_stime) / gTicks; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliHLTStopwatch::Print(Char_t *opt) const { // Print the real and cpu time passed between the start and stop events. // and the number of times (slices) this TStopwatch was called // (if this number > 1) Double_t realt = ((AliHLTStopwatch*)(this))->RealTime(); Int_t hours = Int_t(realt / 3600); realt -= hours * 3600; Int_t min = Int_t(realt / 60); realt -= min * 60; Int_t sec = Int_t(realt); Int_t counter = Counter(); if (counter <= 1 ) printf("Real time %d:%d:%d, CP time %.3f", hours, min, sec, ((AliHLTStopwatch*)(this))->CpuTime()); else printf("Real time %d:%d:%d, CP time %.3f, %d slices", hours, min, sec, ((AliHLTStopwatch*)(this))->CpuTime(),counter); } #endif