// $Id$ // Author: Constantin Loizides #endif #include /** Example program how to open and read a raw datafile. In addition it shows, how to store (and read) the digits in an Altro like data format. */ int main(Int_t argc,Char_t **argv) { Int_t slice=0; Int_t patch=0; Bool_t altroout=kFALSE; FILE *afile=0; AliHLTLogger l; l.Set(AliHLTLogger::kAll); //l.UseStderr(); //l.UseStdout(); //l.UseStream(); if(argc<2) { cout<<"Usage: read datafile [slice] [patch] [altrodatfile]"<2) { slice=atoi(argv[2]); } if (argc>3) { patch=atoi(argv[3]); } if (argc>4) { altroout=kTRUE; afile=fopen(argv[4],"w"); } //Loading all specific aliroot version quantities, needed. Char_t fname[1024]; strcpy(fname,argv[1]); AliHLTTransform::Init(dirname(fname)); strcpy(fname,argv[1]); //Filehandler object: AliHLTMemHandler file; //Give slice and patch information (see filename convention) if((patch>=0)&&(patch<6)) file.Init(slice,patch); else { Int_t srows[2]={0,175}; patch=0; file.Init(slice,patch,srows); } //Open the data file: if(!file.SetBinaryInput(argv[1])) { cerr<<"Error opening file "<fDigitData; row++; if(lrow+1==row) crows++; //Loop over all digits on this padrow: for(UInt_t ndig=0; ndigfNDigit; ndig++) { lrow=row; pad = dataPt[ndig].fPad; time = dataPt[ndig].fTime; charge = dataPt[ndig].fCharge; cout << "Padrow " << r << " pad " << (int)pad << " time " <<(int) time << " charge " << (int)charge << endl; //cout << "Padrow " << row << " pad " << (int)pad << " time " <<(int) time << " charge " << (int)charge << endl; if(altroout) altromem.Write(r,pad,time,charge); } //Move the pointer to the next padrow: file.UpdateRowPointer(digits); } if(afile) { altromem.WriteFinal(); fclose(afile); #if 0 //test Altro read UShort_t rrow=0,rtime=0,rcharge=0; UChar_t rpad=0; afile=fopen(argv[4],"r"); altromem.SetASCIIInput(afile); while(altromem.Read(rrow,rpad,rtime,rcharge)){ cout << "Padrow " << (int)rrow << " pad " << (int)rpad << " time " <<(int)rtime << " charge " << (int)rcharge << endl; } fclose(afile); #endif #if 0 //test Altro read sequence UShort_t rrow=0,rtime=0; UChar_t rpad=0,n=100,i=100; UShort_t *charges=new UShort_t[100]; afile=fopen(argv[4],"r"); altromem.SetASCIIInput(afile); while(altromem.ReadSequence(rrow,rpad,rtime,i,&charges)){ cout << "Padrow " << (int)rrow << " pad " << (int)rpad << " time " <<(int)rtime << " charges "; for(UChar_t ii=0;ii