/* $Id$ Author: Constantin Loizides */ #include #include #include "AliL3RootTypes.h" #include "AliL3Transform.h" #include "AliL3ClustFinderNew.h" #include "AliL3MemHandler.h" #include "AliL3SpacePointData.h" #include "AliL3Logger.h" #define MAXCLUSTER 15000 /** Example program how to run the "standalone" clusterfinder. Import: give patch=-1 for one-patch slices. */ int main(int argc,char **argv) { Int_t slice=0; Int_t patch=0; Int_t fm=4; Int_t th=10; //AliL3Logger l; //l.Set(AliL3Logger::kAll); //l.UseStdout(); //l.UseStream(); if(argc<2){ cout<<"Usage: runit datafile [slice] [patch] [match] [threshold]"<2) { slice=atoi(argv[2]); } if (argc>3) { patch=atoi(argv[3]); } if (argc>4) { fm=atoi(argv[4]); } if (argc>5) { th=atoi(argv[5]); } AliL3DigitRowData *digits = 0; unsigned int nrows=0; //Storing all specific quantities, needed by the Cluster Finder. Char_t fname[1024]; strcpy(fname,argv[1]); AliL3Transform::Init(dirname(fname)); strcpy(fname,argv[1]); //Does all the file/data handling AliL3MemHandler file; //Give slice and patch information (see filename convention) if((patch>=0)&&(patch<6)) file.Init(slice,patch); else { Int_t srows[2]={0,175}; patch=0; file.Init(slice,patch,srows); } //Open the data file: if(!file.SetBinaryInput(fname)) { cerr<<"Error opening file "<