// $Id$ /************************************************************************** * This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * * ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Primary Authors: Sebastian Bablok * * Kenneth Aamodt * * for The ALICE HLT Project. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /** * @file AliHLTPreprocessor.cxx * @author Kenneth Aamodt, Sebastian Bablok * @date 2007-12-06 * @brief Implementation of the HLT preprocessor (used by the Offline Shuttle) */ // see header file for class documentation // or // refer to README to build package // or // visit http://web.ift.uib.no/~kjeks/doc/alice-hlt #include "AliHLTPreprocessor.h" //#include //#include #include #include #include #include #include ClassImp(AliHLTPreprocessor) AliHLTPreprocessor::AliHLTPreprocessor(AliShuttleInterface* shuttle) : AliPreprocessor(fgkHLTPreproc, shuttle), fRun(0), fStartTime(0), fEndTime(0) { // see header file for class documentation // or // refer to README to build package // or // visit http://web.ift.uib.no/~kjeks/doc/alice-hlt } const Int_t AliHLTPreprocessor::fgkHuffmanTablesNum = 6; const char* AliHLTPreprocessor::fgkHLTPreproc = "HLT"; const char* AliHLTPreprocessor::fgkHuffmanFileBase = "huffmanData_"; const char* AliHLTPreprocessor::fgkHuffmanFileDetector = "TPC_"; // at the moment only one const char* AliHLTPreprocessor::fgkTempHistoFileName = "HLTTemperatureHistograms.root"; AliHLTPreprocessor::~AliHLTPreprocessor() { // see header file for function documentation } void AliHLTPreprocessor::Initialize(Int_t run, UInt_t startTime, UInt_t endTime) { // see header file for function documentation fRun = run; fStartTime = startTime; fEndTime = endTime; TString msg("Preprocessor for HLT initialized for run: "); msg += run; // Log(msg.Data()); } UInt_t AliHLTPreprocessor::Process(TMap* dcsAliasMap) { // see header file for function documentation UInt_t retVal = 0; // const char* localFileName = 0; if (!GetHLTStatus()) { return 0; } // get Huffman tables for (Int_t i = 0; i < fgkHuffmanTablesNum; i++) { TString runNumberString; runNumberString.Form("%08d", fRun); TString filename(fgkHuffmanFileBase); filename += fgkHuffmanFileDetector; filename += runNumberString; filename += "_0x23000"; filename += i; filename += "0"; filename += i; filename += ".root"; //spec 0x23000Y0Y -> huffmanData___.root TList* HLTlist = GetFileSources(kHLT, filename.Data()); if (!HLTlist) { Log("Missing list for the HLT"); continue; } if (HLTlist->GetSize() != 1) { Log(Form("Problem on the size of the list: %d (HLT)", HLTlist->GetSize())); continue; } TObjString* location = (TObjString*) HLTlist->At(0); if (location == 0) { Log("Error in location HLT list."); continue; } TString localFileName = GetFile(kHLT, filename.Data(), location->String().Data()); /* TFile localFile(localFileName); AliCDBMetaData meta("Jennifer Wagner"); TString name("huffmanData_"); name += kDetector; name += "Patch_"; name += i; if (!(Store("CalibTPC", name.Data(), (TObject*) &localFile, &meta, 0, kTRUE))) { */ if (!(StoreReferenceFile(localFileName.Data(), filename.Data()))) { TString msg("Storing of object '"); msg += filename; msg += "' to Reference Storage failed!"; Log(msg.Data()); retVal = 1; // I think this is then really an error and should return an error code } } // get Temp Histogram map TList* HLTlist = GetFileSources(kHLT, fgkTempHistoFileName); if (!HLTlist) { Log("Missing list for the HLT"); return 0; } if (HLTlist->GetSize() != 1) { Log(Form("Problem on the size of the list: %d (HLT)", HLTlist->GetSize())); return 0; } TObjString* location = (TObjString*) HLTlist->At(0); if (location == 0) { Log("Error in location HLT list."); return 0; } TString localFileName = GetFile(kHLT, fgkTempHistoFileName, location->String().Data()); /* TFile localFile(localFileName); AliCDBMetaData meta("Sebastian Bablok"); if (!(Store("Calib", kTempHistoFileName, (TObject*) &localFile, &meta, 0, kTRUE))) { */ if (!(StoreReferenceFile(localFileName.Data(), fgkTempHistoFileName))) { TString msg("Storing of object '"); msg += fgkTempHistoFileName; msg += "' to Reference Storage failed!"; Log(msg.Data()); retVal = 1; // I think this is then really an error and should return an error code } return retVal; } Bool_t AliHLTPreprocessor::ProcessDCS() { // see header file for function documentation return kFALSE; }