//*-- Author : Anders Strand Vestbo // @(#) 16.12.2000 //*-- Copyright © ASV #include #include "AliL3Logging.h" #include "AliL3ClustFinder.h" #include "AliL3Transform.h" #include "AliL3DigitData.h" #include "AliL3SpacePointData.h" // // AliL3ClusterFinder // ClassImp(AliL3ClustFinder) AliL3ClustFinder::AliL3ClustFinder() { fDeconvTime=false; fDeconvPad=false; fXYErr = 0; fZErr = 0; } AliL3ClustFinder::AliL3ClustFinder(AliL3Transform *transform) { fTransform = transform; fThreshold = 20; fDeconvTime = true; fDeconvPad = true; } AliL3ClustFinder::~AliL3ClustFinder() { //destructor } void AliL3ClustFinder::SetTransformer( AliL3Transform *transform ) { fTransform = transform; } void AliL3ClustFinder::InitSlice(Int_t slice,Int_t patch,Int_t firstrow, Int_t lastrow,Int_t nmaxpoints) { fNClusters = 0; fMaxNClusters = nmaxpoints; fCurrentSlice = slice; fCurrentPatch = patch; fFirstRow = firstrow; fLastRow = lastrow; } void AliL3ClustFinder::InitSlice(Int_t slice,Int_t patch,Int_t nmaxpoints) { fNClusters = 0; fMaxNClusters = nmaxpoints; fCurrentSlice = slice; fCurrentPatch = patch; } void AliL3ClustFinder::SetOutputArray(AliL3SpacePointData *pt) { fSpacePointData = pt; } void AliL3ClustFinder::Read(UInt_t ndigits,AliL3DigitRowData *ptr) { fNDigitRowData = ndigits; fDigitRowData = ptr; } void AliL3ClustFinder::ProcessDigits() { //Loop over rows, and call processrow AliL3DigitRowData *tempPt = (AliL3DigitRowData*)fDigitRowData; for(Int_t i=fFirstRow; i<=fLastRow; i++) { fCurrentRow = i; ProcessRow(tempPt); Byte_t *tmp = (Byte_t*)tempPt; Int_t size = sizeof(AliL3DigitRowData) + tempPt->fNDigit*sizeof(AliL3DigitData); tmp += size; tempPt = (AliL3DigitRowData*)tmp; } LOG(AliL3Log::kInformational,"AliL3ClustFinder","Cluster Finder") <fNDigit; start++) { AliL3DigitData *bins = tempPt->fDigitData; if(bins[start].fPad!=last_pad) {//new pad last_pad=bins[start].fPad; if(r2==pres2) { r1=pres2; r2=pres1; } else { r1=pres1; r2=pres2; } pres_cou1=pres_cou2; pres_cou2=0; start_new=-1; cl_counter=0; prev_start=0; }//Looping over pads UInt_t av,charge; UInt_t mean; UInt_t flags; Int_t last_falling=0; // UInt_t *ri; resx **ri; UInt_t tmp_charge; //Set flag: flags=0; cl_counter++; if(cl_counter>MAX_C) {LOG(AliL3Log::kWarning,"AliL3ClustFinder::ProcessRow","Cluster Finder") <-1) { start=start_new; start_new=-1; } } //average and charge av=charge=0; //ok, create a new cluster: go_on=1; if(fDeconvTime) { last_falling=flags=0; } if(fDeconvPad) { flags=0; } //block to introduce new variables: { UInt_t last_a; last_a=0; //Loop over this sequenz: while(1) { UInt_t aa; //Int_t start_temp=start; //get the adc-value: aa=bins[start].fCharge; if(fDeconvTime) { //Check if the last pixel in this sequenz is bigger or smaller than this: if(aa>last_a) { if(last_falling) { start_new=start; break; } } else last_falling=1; last_a=aa; } //sum of total charge of this cluster on this pad charge +=aa; //this one is needed to determine the mean over all pads: //av += start * (aa); av+=bins[start].fTime*(aa); if((bins[start+1].fTime)!=(bins[start].fTime+1) || ((bins[start+1].fPad)!=(bins[start].fPad))) break; start++; }//Loop over sequenz }//block of new variables if(fDeconvTime) { if(start_new>0) flags = FLAG_DOUBLE_T; } //calculate mean in time direction for this sequenz: if(charge) { //mean=cog for this sequenz: mean=av/charge; } else { charge=1; mean=1; } //get the pointer to results on previous pad(s) ri=r1; //Center of gravity in pad direction //tmp_charge=charge*bins[start-1].fPad; tmp_charge=charge*bins[start].fPad; //compare with prevously stored results (previous pads) for(int k=0; kmean; if(v<-PARAM1) break; //goto next mean on previous pad ri++; //is there a matching cluster on previous pad: if(v<=PARAM1) { //ok, we got a new one, so we will add the new and the old rr=&rr_local; //Add this function somewhere memcpy7((UInt_t *)rr,(UInt_t *)rr_tmp); /* in case we found another sequenz-section on this pad don't loop over all sequenzes on last pad but start where we found a matching candidate for this sequenz- section, adjust upper limit (=pres_cou1)*/ r1=ri; pres_cou1-=1+k; if(fDeconvPad) { if(charge>rr->scharge) { if(rr->falling) { //previous state was falling flags |= FLAG_DOUBLE_PAD; rr_tmp->flags |= flags; //and create a new one break; } } else { rr->falling = 1; } } //don't create a new one go_on=0; //store the pointer to the matched in "2" // r2[pres_cou2++] = (UInt_t) rr_tmp; r2[pres_cou2++] = rr_tmp; //calculate and fill the new means, charge etc. in rr_tmp //charge on this pad to determine whether we cut in pad direction rr->scharge = charge; //unset FLAG_ONEPAD since we have at least 2 pads rr->flags &= (~FLAG_ONEPAD); //summ the charges for de/dx rr->charge += charge; //calculate mean in pad direction rr->pad += tmp_charge; //calculate mean in time direction rr->t+=av; //store the mean of this sequenz on this pad rr->mean = mean; //Copy it back to storage memcpy7((UInt_t *)rr_tmp,(UInt_t *)rr); //we found a matching one so stop looping over pads on previous pad break; }//matching cluster on previous pads }//loop: means on previous pad //here we create from scratch new clusters if(go_on) { //store this one beacuse it is the first // r2[pres_cou2++]= (UInt_t )r; r2[pres_cou2++]= r; mstore((UInt_t *)r,av,tmp_charge,charge,flags|FLAG_ONEPAD,mean,trackID); r++; } if(fDeconvTime) { //maybe we still have to do something if(start_new>=0) goto redo; } }//end of loop over digits //number of clusters found cl_found = r-aliresx; //tot_cl_found+=cl_found; //there was something on this padrow rows++; WriteClusters(cl_found,aliresx); } void AliL3ClustFinder::memcpy7(UInt_t *dst, UInt_t *src) { Int_t i; for(i=0; i<7; i++) { *dst++ = *src++; } return; } void AliL3ClustFinder::mstore(UInt_t *r,UInt_t av,UInt_t pad,UInt_t ch,UInt_t flags,UInt_t mean,Int_t *trackID) { resx *rr = (resx *) r; rr->mean = mean; rr->charge = ch; rr->flags =flags; rr->scharge = ch; rr->pad = pad; rr->t = av; rr->falling=0; rr->trackID[0]=trackID[0]; rr->trackID[1]=trackID[1]; rr->trackID[2]=trackID[2]; return; } void AliL3ClustFinder::WriteClusters(Int_t ncl,resx *r) { /* if(fNClusters >= fMaxNClusters) { LOG(AliL3Log::kError,"AliL3ClustFinder::WriteClusters","Cluster Finder") <Slice2Sector(fCurrentSlice,fCurrentRow,thissector,thisrow); //if(fCurrentRow > 54) {thisrow = fCurrentRow-55; thissector = fCurrentSlice+36;} //else {thisrow = fCurrentRow; thissector = fCurrentSlice;} fTransform->Raw2Local(xyz,thissector,thisrow,fpad,ftime); if(xyz[0]==0) LOG(AliL3Log::kError,"AliL3ClustFinder","Cluster Finder") <= fMaxNClusters) { LOG(AliL3Log::kError,"AliL3ClustFinder::WriteClusters","Cluster Finder") <