// @(#) $Id$ // Author: Anders Vestbo //*-- Copyright © ALICE HLT Group #include "AliL3StandardIncludes.h" #include "AliL3Logging.h" #include "AliL3ConfMapFit.h" #include "AliL3Vertex.h" #include "AliL3ConfMapTrack.h" #include "AliL3ConfMapPoint.h" #include "AliL3Transform.h" /** \class AliL3ConfMapFit
// AliL3ConfMapFit
// Fit class for conformal mapping tracking
*/ ClassImp(AliL3ConfMapFit) Double_t AliL3ConfMapFit::pi=3.14159265358979323846; AliL3ConfMapFit::AliL3ConfMapFit(AliL3ConfMapTrack *track,AliL3Vertex *vertex) { //constructor fTrack = track; fVertex = vertex; BFACT = 0.0029980; } Int_t AliL3ConfMapFit::FitHelix() { if(FitCircle()) { LOG(AliL3Log::kError,"AliL3ConfMapFit::FitHelix","TrackFit")<GetNumberOfPoints(); // // Loop over hits calculating average Int_t co=0; for(fTrack->StartLoop(); fTrack->LoopDone(); fTrack->GetNextHit()) { co++; AliL3ConfMapPoint *cHit = (AliL3ConfMapPoint*)fTrack->currentHit; cHit->SetXYWeight( 1./ (Double_t)(cHit->GetXerr()*cHit->GetXerr() + cHit->GetYerr()*cHit->GetYerr()) ); wsum += cHit->GetXYWeight() ; xav += cHit->GetXYWeight() * cHit->GetX() ; yav += cHit->GetXYWeight() * cHit->GetY() ; } if(co!=num_of_hits) LOG(AliL3Log::kError,"AliL3ConfMapFit::FitCircle","TrackFit")<ComesFromMainVertex() == true) { wsum += fVertex->GetXYWeight() ; xav += fVertex->GetX() ; yav += fVertex->GetY() ; } xav = xav / wsum ; yav = yav / wsum ; // // CALCULATE , , AND WITH = 0, & = 0 // Double_t xxav = 0.0 ; Double_t xyav = 0.0 ; Double_t yyav = 0.0 ; Double_t xi, yi ; for(fTrack->StartLoop(); fTrack->LoopDone(); fTrack->GetNextHit()) { //AliL3ConfMapPoint *cHit = (AliL3ConfMapPoint *)hits->At(hit_counter); AliL3ConfMapPoint *cHit = (AliL3ConfMapPoint*)fTrack->currentHit; xi = cHit->GetX() - xav ; yi = cHit->GetY() - yav ; xxav += xi * xi * cHit->GetXYWeight() ; xyav += xi * yi * cHit->GetXYWeight() ; yyav += yi * yi * cHit->GetXYWeight() ; } if (fTrack->ComesFromMainVertex() == true) { xi = fVertex->GetX() - xav ; yi = fVertex->GetY() - yav ; xxav += xi * xi * fVertex->GetXYWeight() ; xyav += xi * yi * fVertex->GetXYWeight() ; yyav += yi * yi * fVertex->GetXYWeight() ; } xxav = xxav / wsum ; xyav = xyav / wsum ; yyav = yyav / wsum ; // //--> ROTATE COORDINATES SO THAT = 0 // //--> SIGN(C**2 - S**2) = SIGN(XXAV - YYAV) > //--> & > ==> NEW : (XXAV-YYAV) > 0 //--> SIGN(S) = SIGN(XYAV) > Double_t a = fabs( xxav - yyav ) ; Double_t b = 4.0 * xyav * xyav ; Double_t asqpb = a * a + b ; Double_t rasqpb = sqrt ( asqpb) ; Double_t splus = 1.0 + a / rasqpb ; Double_t sminus = b / (asqpb * splus) ; splus = sqrt (0.5 * splus ) ; sminus = sqrt (0.5 * sminus) ; // //-> FIRST REQUIRE : SIGN(C**2 - S**2) = SIGN(XXAV - YYAV) // Double_t sinrot, cosrot ; if ( xxav <= yyav ) { cosrot = sminus ; sinrot = splus ; } else { cosrot = splus ; sinrot = sminus ; } // //-> REQUIRE : SIGN(S) = SIGN(XYAV) * SIGN(C) (ASSUMING SIGN(C) > 0) // if ( xyav < 0.0 ) sinrot = - sinrot ; // //--> WE NOW HAVE THE SMALLEST ANGLE THAT GUARANTEES > //--> TO GET THE SIGN OF THE CHARGE RIGHT, THE NEW X-AXIS MUST POINT //--> OUTWARD FROM THE ORGIN. WE ARE FREE TO CHANGE SIGNS OF BOTH //--> COSROT AND SINROT SIMULTANEOUSLY TO ACCOMPLISH THIS. // //--> CHOOSE SIGN OF C WISELY TO BE ABLE TO GET THE SIGN OF THE CHARGE // if ( cosrot*xav+sinrot*yav < 0.0 ) { cosrot = -cosrot ; sinrot = -sinrot ; } // //-> NOW GET AND RSCALE= SQRT() // Double_t rrav = xxav + yyav ; Double_t rscale = sqrt(rrav) ; xxav = 0.0 ; yyav = 0.0 ; xyav = 0.0 ; Double_t xrrav = 0.0 ; Double_t yrrav = 0.0 ; Double_t rrrrav = 0.0 ; Double_t xixi, yiyi, riri, wiriri, xold, yold ; //for (hit_counter=0; hit_counterStartLoop(); fTrack->LoopDone(); fTrack->GetNextHit()) { //AliL3ConfMapPoint *cHit = (AliL3ConfMapPoint*)hits->At(hit_counter); AliL3ConfMapPoint* cHit = (AliL3ConfMapPoint*)fTrack->currentHit; xold = cHit->GetX() - xav ; yold = cHit->GetY() - yav ; // //--> ROTATE SO THAT = 0 & DIVIDE BY RSCALE SO THAT = 1 // xi = ( cosrot * xold + sinrot * yold ) / rscale ; yi = ( -sinrot * xold + cosrot * yold ) / rscale ; xixi = xi * xi ; yiyi = yi * yi ; riri = xixi + yiyi ; wiriri = cHit->GetXYWeight() * riri ; xyav += cHit->GetXYWeight() * xi * yi ; xxav += cHit->GetXYWeight() * xixi ; yyav += cHit->GetXYWeight() * yiyi ; xrrav += wiriri * xi ; yrrav += wiriri * yi ; rrrrav += wiriri * riri ; } // // Include vertex if required // if (fTrack->ComesFromMainVertex() == true) { xold = fVertex->GetX() - xav ; yold = fVertex->GetY() - yav ; // //--> ROTATE SO THAT = 0 & DIVIDE BY RSCALE SO THAT = 1 // xi = ( cosrot * xold + sinrot * yold ) / rscale ; yi = ( -sinrot * xold + cosrot * yold ) / rscale ; xixi = xi * xi ; yiyi = yi * yi ; riri = xixi + yiyi ; wiriri = fVertex->GetXYWeight() * riri ; xyav += fVertex->GetXYWeight() * xi * yi ; xxav += fVertex->GetXYWeight() * xixi ; yyav += fVertex->GetXYWeight() * yiyi ; xrrav += wiriri * xi ; yrrav += wiriri * yi ; rrrrav += wiriri * riri ; } // // // //--> DIVIDE BY WSUM TO MAKE AVERAGES // xxav = xxav / wsum ; yyav = yyav / wsum ; xrrav = xrrav / wsum ; yrrav = yrrav / wsum ; rrrrav = rrrrav / wsum ; xyav = xyav / wsum ; Int_t const ntry = 5 ; // //--> USE THESE TO GET THE COEFFICIENTS OF THE 4-TH ORDER POLYNIMIAL //--> DON'T PANIC - THE THIRD ORDER TERM IS ZERO ! // Double_t xrrxrr = xrrav * xrrav ; Double_t yrryrr = yrrav * yrrav ; Double_t rrrrm1 = rrrrav - 1.0 ; Double_t xxyy = xxav * yyav ; Double_t c0 = rrrrm1*xxyy - xrrxrr*yyav - yrryrr*xxav ; Double_t c1 = - rrrrm1 + xrrxrr + yrryrr - 4.0*xxyy ; Double_t c2 = 4.0 + rrrrm1 - 4.0*xxyy ; Double_t c4 = - 4.0 ; // //--> COEFFICIENTS OF THE DERIVATIVE - USED IN NEWTON-RAPHSON ITERATIONS // Double_t c2d = 2.0 * c2 ; Double_t c4d = 4.0 * c4 ; // //--> 0'TH VALUE OF LAMDA - LINEAR INTERPOLATION BETWEEN P(0) & P(YYAV) // // LAMDA = YYAV * C0 / (C0 + YRRSQ * (XXAV-YYAV)) Double_t lamda = 0.0 ; Double_t dlamda = 0.0 ; // Double_t chiscl = wsum * rscale * rscale ; Double_t dlamax = 0.001 / chiscl ; Double_t p, pd ; for ( int itry = 1 ; itry <= ntry ; itry++ ) { p = c0 + lamda * (c1 + lamda * (c2 + lamda * lamda * c4 )) ; pd = (c1 + lamda * (c2d + lamda * lamda * c4d)) ; dlamda = -p / pd ; lamda = lamda + dlamda ; if (fabs(dlamda)< dlamax) break ; } Double_t chi2 = (Double_t)(chiscl * lamda) ; fTrack->SetChiSq1(chi2); // Double_t dchisq = chiscl * dlamda ; // //--> NOW CALCULATE THE MATRIX ELEMENTS FOR ALPHA, BETA & KAPPA // Double_t h11 = xxav - lamda ; Double_t h14 = xrrav ; Double_t h22 = yyav - lamda ; Double_t h24 = yrrav ; Double_t h34 = 1.0 + 2.0*lamda ; if ( h11 == 0.0 || h22 == 0.0 ){ LOG(AliL3Log::kError,"AliL3ConfMapFit::FitCircle","TrackFit")< fabs(h24) ) { ratio = h24 / h22 ; rootsq = ratio * ratio + rootsq ; kappa = 1.0 / sqrt(rootsq) ; beta = - ratio * kappa ; } else { ratio = h22 / h24 ; rootsq = 1.0 + ratio * ratio * rootsq ; beta = 1.0 / sqrt(rootsq) ; if ( h24 > 0 ) beta = - beta ; kappa = -ratio * beta ; } Double_t alpha = - (h14/h11) * kappa ; // //--> transform these into the lab coordinate system //--> first get kappa and back to real dimensions // Double_t kappa1 = kappa / rscale ; Double_t dbro = 0.5 / kappa1 ; // //--> next rotate alpha and beta and scale // Double_t alphar = (cosrot * alpha - sinrot * beta)* dbro ; Double_t betar = (sinrot * alpha + cosrot * beta)* dbro ; // //--> then translate by (xav,yav) // Double_t acent = (double)(xav - alphar) ; Double_t bcent = (double)(yav - betar ) ; Double_t radius = (double)dbro ; // // Get charge // Int_t q = ( ( yrrav < 0 ) ? 1 : -1 ) ; fTrack->SetCharge(q); // // Get other track parameters // Double_t x0, y0,phi0,r0,psi,pt ; if ( fTrack->ComesFromMainVertex() == true ) { //flag = 1 ; // primary track flag x0 = fVertex->GetX() ; y0 = fVertex->GetY() ; phi0 = fVertex->GetPhi() ; r0 = fVertex->GetR() ; fTrack->SetPhi0(phi0); fTrack->SetR0(r0); } else { //AliL3ConfMapPoint *lHit = (AliL3ConfMapPoint*)hits->Last(); AliL3ConfMapPoint *lHit = (AliL3ConfMapPoint*)fTrack->lastHit; //flag = 0 ; // primary track flag x0 = lHit->GetX() ; y0 = lHit->GetY() ; phi0 = atan2(lHit->GetY(),lHit->GetX()); if ( phi0 < 0 ) phi0 += 2*pi; r0 = sqrt ( lHit->GetX() * lHit->GetX() + lHit->GetY() * lHit->GetY() ) ; fTrack->SetPhi0(phi0); fTrack->SetR0(r0); } // psi = (Double_t)atan2(bcent-y0,acent-x0) ; psi = psi + q * 0.5F * pi ; if ( psi < 0 ) psi = psi + 2*pi; pt = (Double_t)(BFACT * AliL3Transform::GetBField() * radius ) ; fTrack->SetPsi(psi); fTrack->SetPt(pt); // // Get errors from fast fit // //if ( getPara()->getErrors ) getErrorsCircleFit ( acent, bcent, radius ) ; // return 0 ; } //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // Fit Line in s-z plane //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Int_t AliL3ConfMapFit::FitLine ( ) { // //Initialization // Double_t sum = 0.F ; Double_t ss = 0.F ; Double_t sz = 0.F ; Double_t sss = 0.F ; Double_t ssz = 0.F ; // //find sum , sums ,sumz, sumss // Double_t dx, dy ; Double_t radius = (Double_t)(fTrack->GetPt() / ( BFACT * AliL3Transform::GetBField() ) ) ; //TObjArray *hits = fTrack->GetHits(); //Int_t num_of_hits = fTrack->GetNumberOfPoints(); if ( fTrack->ComesFromMainVertex() == true ) { dx = ((AliL3ConfMapPoint*)fTrack->firstHit)->GetX() - fVertex->GetX(); dy = ((AliL3ConfMapPoint*)fTrack->firstHit)->GetY() - fVertex->GetY() ; } else { dx = ((AliL3ConfMapPoint *)fTrack->firstHit)->GetX() - ((AliL3ConfMapPoint *)fTrack->lastHit)->GetX() ; dy = ((AliL3ConfMapPoint *)fTrack->firstHit)->GetY() - ((AliL3ConfMapPoint *)fTrack->lastHit)->GetY() ; //dx = ((AliL3ConfMapPoint *)hits->First())->GetX() - ((AliL3ConfMapPoint *)hits->Last())->GetX() ; //dy = ((AliL3ConfMapPoint *)hits->First())->GetY() - ((AliL3ConfMapPoint *)hits->Last())->GetY() ; } Double_t localPsi = 0.5F * sqrt ( dx*dx + dy*dy ) / radius ; Double_t total_s ; if ( fabs(localPsi) < 1. ) { total_s = 2.0 * radius * asin ( localPsi ) ; } else { total_s = 2.0 * radius * pi ; } AliL3ConfMapPoint *previousHit = NULL; // FtfBaseHit *previousHit = 0 ; //for ( startLoop() ; done() ; nextHit() ) { Double_t dpsi,s; // for(hit_counter=0; hit_counterStartLoop(); fTrack->LoopDone(); fTrack->GetNextHit()) { // AliL3ConfMapPoint *cHit = (AliL3ConfMapPoint*)hits->At(hit_counter); AliL3ConfMapPoint *cHit = (AliL3ConfMapPoint*)fTrack->currentHit; // if ( currentHit != firstHit ) if(cHit != fTrack->firstHit)// hits->First()) { dx = cHit->GetX() - previousHit->GetX() ; dy = cHit->GetY() - previousHit->GetY() ; dpsi = 0.5 * (Double_t)sqrt ( dx*dx + dy*dy ) / radius ; fTrack->SetPsierr(dpsi); s = previousHit->GetS() - 2.0 * radius * (Double_t)asin ( dpsi ) ; cHit->SetS(s); } else cHit->SetS(total_s); // cHit->s = total_s ; sum += cHit->GetZWeight() ; ss += cHit->GetZWeight() * cHit->GetS() ; sz += cHit->GetZWeight() * cHit->GetZ() ; sss += cHit->GetZWeight() * cHit->GetS() * cHit->GetS() ; ssz += cHit->GetZWeight() * cHit->GetS() * cHit->GetZ() ; previousHit = cHit ; } Double_t chi2,det = sum * sss - ss * ss; if ( fabs(det) < 1e-20) { chi2 = 99999.F ; fTrack->SetChiSq2(chi2); return 0 ; } //Compute the best fitted parameters A,B Double_t tanl,z0,dtanl,dz0; tanl = (Double_t)((sum * ssz - ss * sz ) / det ); z0 = (Double_t)((sz * sss - ssz * ss ) / det ); fTrack->SetTgl(tanl); fTrack->SetZ0(z0); // calculate chi-square chi2 = 0.; Double_t r1 ; //for(hit_counter=0; hit_counterStartLoop(); fTrack->LoopDone(); fTrack->GetNextHit()) { //AliL3ConfMapPoint *cHit = (AliL3ConfMapPoint*)hits->At(hit_counter); AliL3ConfMapPoint *cHit = (AliL3ConfMapPoint*)fTrack->currentHit; r1 = cHit->GetZ() - tanl * cHit->GetS() - z0 ; chi2 += (Double_t) ( (Double_t)cHit->GetZWeight() * (r1 * r1) ); } fTrack->SetChiSq2(chi2); // // calculate estimated variance // varsq=chi/(double(n)-2.) // calculate covariance matrix // siga=sqrt(varsq*sxx/det) // sigb=sqrt(varsq*sum/det) // dtanl = (Double_t) ( sum / det ); dz0 = (Double_t) ( sss / det ); fTrack->SetTglerr(dtanl); fTrack->SetZ0err(dz0); return 0 ; }