//Author: Anders Strand Vestbo //Last Modified: 15.12.2000 #include #include #include #include "AliL3ConfMapper.h" #include "AliL3Logging.h" #include "AliL3Transform.h" #include "AliL3Vertex.h" #include "AliL3ConfMapTrack.h" #include "AliL3ConfMapPoint.h" #include "AliL3TrackArray.h" // //AliL3ConfMapper // //Conformal mapping base class ClassImp(AliL3ConfMapper) Double_t AliL3ConfMapper::pi=3.14159265358979323846; Double_t AliL3ConfMapper::twopi=2*pi; Double_t AliL3ConfMapper::todeg=180./pi; AliL3ConfMapper::AliL3ConfMapper() { //Default constructor fVertex = NULL; fTrack = NULL; fHit = NULL; fVolume = NULL; fRow = NULL; fBench = (Bool_t)true; fParamSet = (Bool_t)false; fVertexConstraint = (Bool_t)true; } AliL3ConfMapper::~AliL3ConfMapper() { // Destructor. if(fVolume) { delete [] fVolume; } if(fRow) { delete [] fRow; } if(fHit) { delete [] fHit; } if(fTrack) { delete fTrack; } } void AliL3ConfMapper::InitSector(Int_t sector,Int_t *rowrange,Float_t *etarange) { //Initialize tracker for tracking in a given sector. //Resets track and hit arrays. //Here it is also possible to specify a subsector, by defining //rowrange[0]=innermost row; //rowrange[1]=outermostrow; //Finally you can specify etaslices to save time (assuming a good seed from TRD...) if(fHit) { delete [] fHit; } if(fTrack) { delete fTrack; } //Define tracking area: if(rowrange) { fRowMin = rowrange[0]; fRowMax = rowrange[1]; } else //complete sector { fRowMin = 0; fRowMax = 173; } if(etarange) { fEtaMin = etarange[0]; fEtaMax = etarange[1]; } else { fEtaMin = 0; fEtaMax = sector < 18 ? 0.9 : -0.9; } //Set the angles to sector 2: fPhiMin = -1.*10/todeg;//fParam->GetAngle(sector) - 10/todeg; fPhiMax = 10/todeg;//fParam->GetAngle(sector) + 10/todeg; //rotation angles for sector 2: //cos: 0.766044 sin: 0.642788 Int_t max_num_of_tracks = 3000; Int_t max_num_of_hits = 120000; fHit = new AliL3ConfMapPoint[max_num_of_hits]; fTrack = new AliL3TrackArray("AliL3ConfMapTrack",max_num_of_tracks); nTracks=0; fClustersUnused = 0; fNumRowSegment = fRowMax - fRowMin; //number of rows to be considered by tracker } Bool_t AliL3ConfMapper::ReadHits(UInt_t count, AliL3SpacePointData* hits ) { Int_t nhit=(Int_t)count; for (Int_t i=0;iAt(j); AliL3ConfMapPoint *thisHit = &(fHit[j]); thisHit->Setup(fVertex); Int_t localrow = thisHit->GetPadRow(); //reset pointers: thisHit->nextVolumeHit=thisHit->nextRowHit=0; if(localrow < fRowMin || localrow > fRowMax) continue; //Get indexes: thisHit->phiIndex=(Int_t)((thisHit->GetPhi()-fPhiMin)/phiSlice +1); if(thisHit->phiIndex<1 || thisHit->phiIndex>fNumPhiSegment) { fPhiHitsOutOfRange++; continue; } thisHit->etaIndex=(Int_t)((thisHit->GetEta()-fEtaMin)/etaSlice + 1); if(thisHit->etaIndex<1 || thisHit->etaIndex>fNumEtaSegment) { fEtaHitsOutOfRange++; continue; } //set volume pointers volumeIndex = localrow*fNumPhiEtaSegmentPlusOne+thisHit->phiIndex*fNumEtaSegmentPlusOne+thisHit->etaIndex; if(fVolume[volumeIndex].first == NULL) fVolume[volumeIndex].first = (void *)thisHit; else ((AliL3ConfMapPoint *)fVolume[volumeIndex].last)->nextVolumeHit=thisHit; fVolume[volumeIndex].last = (void *)thisHit; //set row pointers if(fRow[localrow].first == NULL) fRow[localrow].first = (void *)thisHit; else ((AliL3ConfMapPoint *)(fRow[localrow].last))->nextRowHit = thisHit; fRow[localrow].last = (void *)thisHit; } } void AliL3ConfMapper::MainVertexTracking_a() { //Tracking with vertex constraint. if(!fParamSet) { LOG(AliL3Log::kError,"AliL3ConfMapper::MainVertexTracking","Parameters")< 2) fGoodDist=goodDist; SetMaxAngleTracklet(maxangle, vertex_constraint); } void AliL3ConfMapper::ClusterLoop() { //Loop over hits, starting at outermost padrow, and trying to build segments. Int_t row_segm,lastrow = fRowMin + fMinPoints[fVertexConstraint]; AliL3ConfMapPoint *hit; //Loop over rows, and try to create tracks from the hits. //Starts at the outermost row, and loops as long as a track can be build, due to length. for(row_segm = fRowMax; row_segm >= lastrow; row_segm--) { if(fRow[row_segm].first && ((AliL3ConfMapPoint*)fRow[row_segm].first)->GetPadRow() < fRowMin + 1) break; for(hit = (AliL3ConfMapPoint*)fRow[row_segm].first; hit!=0; hit=hit->nextRowHit) { if(hit->GetUsage() == true) continue; else CreateTrack(hit); } } return; } void AliL3ConfMapper::CreateTrack(AliL3ConfMapPoint *hit) { //Tries to create a track from the initial hit given by ClusterLoop() AliL3ConfMapPoint *closest_hit = NULL; AliL3ConfMapTrack *track = NULL; Int_t point; Int_t tracks = nTracks; nTracks++; track = (AliL3ConfMapTrack*)fTrack->NextTrack(); //reset hit parameters: track->Reset(); UInt_t *trackhitnumber = track->GetHitNumbers(); //set conformal coordinates if we are looking for non vertex tracks if(!fVertexConstraint) { hit->SetAllCoord(hit); } //fill fit parameters of initial track: track->UpdateParam(hit); //here the number of hits is incremented. trackhitnumber[track->GetNumberOfPoints()-1] = hit->GetHitNumber(); Double_t dx,dy; //create tracklets: for(point=1; pointGetX() - ((AliL3ConfMapPoint*)hit)->GetX(); dy = ((AliL3ConfMapPoint*)closest_hit)->GetY() - ((AliL3ConfMapPoint*)hit)->GetY(); //track->fLength += (Double_t)sqrt ( dx * dx + dy * dy ) ; Double_t length = track->GetLength()+(Double_t)sqrt ( dx * dx + dy * dy ); track->SetLength(length); //closest_hit->SetS(track->fLength); closest_hit->SetS(track->GetLength()); //update fit parameters track->UpdateParam(closest_hit); trackhitnumber[track->GetNumberOfPoints()-1] = closest_hit->GetHitNumber(); hit = closest_hit; } else { //closest hit does not exist: track->DeleteCandidate(); fTrack->RemoveLast(); nTracks--; point = fTrackletLength[fVertexConstraint]; } } //tracklet is long enough to be extended to a track if(track->GetNumberOfPoints() == fTrackletLength[fVertexConstraint]) { track->SetProperties(true); if(TrackletAngle(track) > fMaxAngleTracklet[fVertexConstraint]) {//proof if the first points seem to be a beginning of a track track->SetProperties(false); track->DeleteCandidate(); fTrack->RemoveLast(); nTracks--; } else//good tracklet ->proceed, follow the trackfit { tracks++; //define variables to keep the total chi: Double_t xyChi2 = track->fChiSq[0]; Double_t szChi2 = track->fChiSq[1]; for(point = fTrackletLength[fVertexConstraint]; point <= fNumRowSegment; point++) { track->fChiSq[0] = fHitChi2Cut; closest_hit = GetNextNeighbor((AliL3ConfMapPoint*)track->lastHit,track); if(closest_hit) { //keep total chi: Double_t lxyChi2 = track->fChiSq[0]-track->fChiSq[1]; xyChi2 += lxyChi2; closest_hit->xyChi2 = lxyChi2; //update track length: //track->fLength = closest_hit->GetS(); track->SetLength(closest_hit->GetS()); szChi2 += track->fChiSq[1]; closest_hit->szChi2 = track->fChiSq[1]; track->UpdateParam(closest_hit); trackhitnumber[track->GetNumberOfPoints()-1] = closest_hit->GetHitNumber(); //add closest hit to track closest_hit->SetUsage(true); closest_hit->SetTrackNumber(tracks-1); }//closest_hit else { //closest hit does not exist point = fNumRowSegment; //continue with next hit in segment }//else }//create tracks //store track chi2: track->fChiSq[0] = xyChi2; track->fChiSq[1] = szChi2; Double_t normalized_chi2 = (track->fChiSq[0]+track->fChiSq[1])/track->GetNumberOfPoints(); //remove tracks with not enough points already now if(track->GetNumberOfPoints() < fMinPoints[fVertexConstraint] || normalized_chi2 > fTrackChi2Cut) { track->SetProperties(false); nTracks--; track->DeleteCandidate(); fTrack->RemoveLast(); tracks--; } else { fClustersUnused -= track->GetNumberOfPoints(); track->ComesFromMainVertex(fVertexConstraint); //mark track as main vertex track or not track->SetSector(2); //only needed for testing purposes. track->SetRowRange(fRowMin,fRowMax); if(fVertexConstraint) fMainVertexTracks++; } }//good tracklet } return; } AliL3ConfMapPoint *AliL3ConfMapper::GetNextNeighbor(AliL3ConfMapPoint *start_hit, AliL3ConfMapTrack *track) { //When forming segments: Finds closest hit to input hit //When forming tracks: Find closest hit to track fit. Double_t dist,closest_dist = fMaxDist; AliL3ConfMapPoint *hit = NULL; AliL3ConfMapPoint *closest_hit = NULL; Int_t sub_row_segm; Int_t sub_phi_segm; Int_t sub_eta_segm; Int_t volumeIndex; Int_t test_hit; Int_t max_row = start_hit->GetPadRow()-1; Int_t min_row; if(track) //finding hit close to trackfit { min_row = start_hit->GetPadRow()-fRowScopeTrack[fVertexConstraint]; } else { min_row = start_hit->GetPadRow()-fRowScopeTracklet[fVertexConstraint]; } //make a smart loop Int_t loop_eta[9] = {0,0,0,-1,-1,-1,1,1,1}; Int_t loop_phi[9] = {0,-1,1,0,-1,1,0,-1,1}; if(min_row < fRowMin) min_row = fRowMin; if(max_row < fRowMin) return 0; //reached the last padrow under consideration else { //loop over sub rows for(sub_row_segm=max_row; sub_row_segm>=min_row; sub_row_segm--) { //loop over subsegments, in the order defined above. for(Int_t i=0; i<9; i++) { sub_phi_segm = start_hit->phiIndex + loop_phi[i]; if(sub_phi_segm<0) sub_phi_segm += fNumPhiSegment; else if(sub_phi_segm >=fNumPhiSegment) sub_phi_segm -= fNumPhiSegment; //loop over sub eta segments sub_eta_segm = start_hit->etaIndex + loop_eta[i]; if(sub_eta_segm < 0 || sub_eta_segm >=fNumEtaSegment) continue;//segment exceeds bounds->skip it //loop over hits in this sub segment: volumeIndex= sub_row_segm*fNumPhiEtaSegmentPlusOne + sub_phi_segm*fNumEtaSegmentPlusOne + sub_eta_segm; if(volumeIndex<0) {//debugging LOG(AliL3Log::kError,"AliL3ConfMapper::GetNextNeighbor","Memory")<nextVolumeHit) { if(!hit->GetUsage()) {//hit was not used before //set conformal mapping if looking for nonvertex tracks: if(!fVertexConstraint) { hit->SetAllCoord(start_hit); } if(track)//track search - look for nearest neighbor to extrapolated track { if(!VerifyRange(start_hit,hit)) continue; test_hit = EvaluateHit(start_hit,hit,track); if(test_hit == 0)//chi2 not good enough, keep looking continue; else if(test_hit==2)//chi2 good enough, return it return hit; else closest_hit = hit;//chi2 acceptable, but keep looking }//track search else //tracklet search, look for nearest neighbor { if((dist=CalcDistance(start_hit,hit)) < closest_dist) { if(!VerifyRange(start_hit,hit)) continue; closest_dist = dist; closest_hit = hit; //if this hit is good enough, return it: if(closest_dist < fGoodDist) return closest_hit; } else continue;//sub hit was farther away than a hit before }//tracklet search }//hit not used before else continue; //sub hit was used before }//loop over hits in sub segment }//loop over sub segments }//loop over subrows }//else //closest hit found: if(closest_hit)// && closest_dist < mMaxDist) return closest_hit; else return 0; } Int_t AliL3ConfMapper::EvaluateHit(AliL3ConfMapPoint *start_hit,AliL3ConfMapPoint *hit,AliL3ConfMapTrack *track) { //Check if space point gives a fit with acceptable chi2. Double_t temp,dxy,lchi2,dx,dy,slocal,dsz,lszChi2; temp = (track->a2Xy*hit->GetXprime()-hit->GetYprime()+track->a1Xy); dxy = temp*temp/(track->a2Xy*track->a2Xy + 1.); //Calculate chi2 lchi2 = (dxy*hit->GetXYWeight()); if(lchi2 > track->fChiSq[0])//chi2 was worse than before. return 0; //calculate s and the distance hit-line dx = start_hit->GetX()-hit->GetX(); dy = start_hit->GetY()-hit->GetY(); //slocal = track->fLength+sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); slocal = track->GetLength()+sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); temp = (track->a2Sz*slocal-hit->GetZ()+track->a1Sz); dsz = temp*temp/(track->a2Sz*track->a2Sz+1); //calculate chi2 lszChi2 = dsz*hit->GetZWeight(); lchi2 += lszChi2; //check whether chi2 is better than previous one: if(lchi2 < track->fChiSq[0]) { track->fChiSq[0] = lchi2; track->fChiSq[1] = lszChi2; hit->SetS(slocal); //if chi2 good enough, stop here: if(lchi2 < fGoodHitChi2) return 2; return 1; } return 0; } Double_t AliL3ConfMapper::CalcDistance(const AliL3ConfMapPoint *hit1,const AliL3ConfMapPoint *hit2) const { //Return distance between two clusters, defined by Pablo Double_t phi_diff = fabs( hit1->GetPhi() - hit2->GetPhi() ); if (phi_diff > pi) phi_diff = twopi - phi_diff; return todeg*fabs(hit1->GetPadRow() - hit2->GetPadRow()) * (phi_diff + fabs( hit1->GetEta() - hit2->GetEta() )); } Bool_t AliL3ConfMapper::VerifyRange(const AliL3ConfMapPoint *hit1,const AliL3ConfMapPoint *hit2) const { //Check if the hit are within reasonable range in phi and eta Double_t dphi,deta;//maxphi=0.1,maxeta=0.1; dphi = fabs(hit1->GetPhi() - hit2->GetPhi()); if(dphi > pi) dphi = fabs(twopi - dphi); if(dphi > fMaxPhi) return false; deta = fabs(hit1->GetEta() - hit2->GetEta()); if(deta > fMaxEta) return false; return true; } Double_t AliL3ConfMapper::TrackletAngle(const AliL3ConfMapTrack *track,Int_t n) const { // Returns the angle 'between' the last three points (started at point number n) on this track. return 0; /* Double_t x1[2]; Double_t x2[2]; Double_t angle1,angle2; TObjArray *hits = track->GetHits(); if (n > track->GetNumberOfPoints()) { n = track->GetNumberOfPoints(); } if (n<3) return 0; x1[0] = ((AliL3ConfMapPoint *)hits->At(n-2))->GetX() - ((AliL3ConfMapPoint *)hits->At(n-3))->GetX(); x1[1] = ((AliL3ConfMapPoint *)hits->At(n-2))->GetY() - ((AliL3ConfMapPoint *)hits->At(n-3))->GetY(); x2[0] = ((AliL3ConfMapPoint *)hits->At(n-1))->GetX() - ((AliL3ConfMapPoint *)hits->At(n-2))->GetX(); x2[1] = ((AliL3ConfMapPoint *)hits->At(n-1))->GetY() - ((AliL3ConfMapPoint *)hits->At(n-2))->GetY(); angle1 = atan2(x1[1],x1[0]); angle2 = atan2(x2[1],x1[0]); return fabs(angle1-angle2); */ } Int_t AliL3ConfMapper::FillTracks() { //Fill track parameters. Which basically means do a fit of helix in real space, //which should be done in order to get nice tracks. Int_t num_of_tracks = nTracks; LOG(AliL3Log::kInformational,"AliL3ConfMapper::FillTracks","nTracks")<Sort(); for(int i=0; iGetTrack(i); track->Fill(fVertex,fMaxDca); } return 1; } Double_t AliL3ConfMapper::CpuTime() { //Return the Cputime in seconds. return (Double_t)(clock()) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; }