// @(#) $Id$ #ifndef ALIL3CONFMAPPER_H #define ALIL3CONFMAPPER_H // //Conformal mapping base class // // Author: Anders Vestbo //*-- Copyright © ALICE HLT Group class AliL3ConfMapPoint; class AliL3ConfMapTrack; class AliL3Vertex; class AliL3TrackArray; class AliL3SpacePointData; class AliL3ConfMapper { public: AliL3ConfMapper(); // AliL3ConfMapper(AliTPCParam *param,AliL3Vertex *vertex,Bool_t bench=(Bool_t)false); virtual ~AliL3ConfMapper(); void InitVolumes(); void InitSector(Int_t sector,Int_t *rowrange=0,Float_t *etarange=0); void SetVertex(AliL3Vertex *vertex){fVertex = vertex;} void MainVertexTracking_a(); void MainVertexTracking_b(); void MainVertexTracking(); void NonVertexTracking(); void MainVertexSettings(Int_t trackletlength, Int_t tracklength, Int_t rowscopetracklet, Int_t rowscopetrack,Double_t maxphi=0.1,Double_t maxeta=0.1); void NonVertexSettings(Int_t trackletlength, Int_t tracklength, Int_t rowscopetracklet, Int_t rowscopetrack); Bool_t ReadHits(UInt_t count, AliL3SpacePointData* hits ); void ClusterLoop(); void CreateTrack(AliL3ConfMapPoint *hit); AliL3ConfMapPoint *GetNextNeighbor(AliL3ConfMapPoint *start_hit,AliL3ConfMapTrack *track=NULL); Int_t EvaluateHit(AliL3ConfMapPoint *start_hit,AliL3ConfMapPoint *hit,AliL3ConfMapTrack *track); Double_t CalcDistance(const AliL3ConfMapPoint *hit1,const AliL3ConfMapPoint *hit2) const; Double_t TrackletAngle(AliL3ConfMapTrack *track,Int_t n=3) const; Bool_t VerifyRange(const AliL3ConfMapPoint *hit1,const AliL3ConfMapPoint *hit2) const; Int_t FillTracks(); //getters Int_t GetNumberOfTracks() const {return fNTracks;} AliL3TrackArray *GetTracks() const {return fTrack;} Double_t GetMaxDca() const {return fMaxDca;} AliL3Vertex* GetVertex() const {return fVertex;} Double_t CpuTime(); //setters void SetTrackCuts(Double_t hitChi2Cut, Double_t goodHitChi2, Double_t trackChi2Cut, Int_t maxdist,Bool_t vertexconstraint); void SetTrackletCuts(Double_t maxangle,Double_t goodDist,Bool_t vc); //Set cut of tracklet for the given vertex_constraint void SetNSegments(Int_t f,Int_t g) {fNumPhiSegment=f,fNumEtaSegment=g;} //Set number of subvolumes (#segments in (phi,eta) void SetMaxDca(Double_t f) {fMaxDca = f;} //setter: void SetMinPoints(Int_t f,Bool_t vconstraint) {fMinPoints[(Int_t)vconstraint] = f; } void SetVertexConstraint(Bool_t f) {fVertexConstraint =f;} void SetHitChi2Cut(Double_t f,Bool_t vert) {fHitChi2Cut[(Int_t)vert]=f;} void SetGoodHitChi2(Double_t f,Bool_t vert) {fGoodHitChi2[(Int_t)vert]=f;} void SetTrackChi2Cut(Double_t f,Bool_t vert) {fTrackChi2Cut[(Int_t)vert]=f;} void SetMaxDist(Int_t f,Bool_t vert) {fMaxDist[(Int_t)vert]=f;} void SetTrackletLength(Int_t f,Bool_t vert) {fTrackletLength[(Int_t)vert]=f;} void SetRowScopeTrack(Int_t f, Bool_t vc){fRowScopeTrack[(Int_t)vc] = f;} void SetRowScopeTracklet(Int_t f, Bool_t vc){fRowScopeTracklet[(Int_t)vc] = f;} void SetMaxAngleTracklet(Double_t f, Bool_t vc){fMaxAngleTracklet[(Int_t)vc] = f;} void SetPointers(); void SetParamDone(Bool_t vconstraint) {fParamSet[(Int_t)vconstraint] = kTRUE;} private: struct AliL3ConfMapContainer { void *first; // first track void *last; // last track }; Bool_t fBench; //run-time measurements Int_t fNTracks; //number of tracks build. AliL3Vertex *fVertex; //! Bool_t fParamSet[2]; //! Bool_t fVertexFinder; //Include vertexfinding or not //(latter case vertex=(0,0,0)) AliL3ConfMapPoint *fHit; //! AliL3TrackArray *fTrack; //! Double_t fMaxDca; //cut value for momentum fit AliL3ConfMapContainer *fVolume; //! Segment volume AliL3ConfMapContainer *fRow; //! Row volume //Number of cells (segments) Int_t fNumRowSegment; // Total number of padrows Int_t fNumPhiSegment; // number of phi segments Int_t fNumEtaSegment; // number of eta segments Int_t fNumRowSegmentPlusOne; // row+1 Int_t fNumPhiSegmentPlusOne; // phi+1 Int_t fNumEtaSegmentPlusOne; // eta+1 Int_t fNumPhiEtaSegmentPlusOne;// phieta+1 Int_t fBounds; // bounds Int_t fPhiHitsOutOfRange; // phi hits out of range Int_t fEtaHitsOutOfRange; // eta hits out of range //tracking range: Float_t fPhiMin; //MinPhi angle to consider Float_t fPhiMax; //MaxPhi angle to consider Float_t fEtaMin; //MinEta to consider Float_t fEtaMax; //MaxEta to consider Int_t fRowMin; //Minimum row to consider Int_t fRowMax; //Maximum row to consider Bool_t fVertexConstraint; //vertex constraint (true or false) Int_t fTrackletLength[2]; //minimal length of tracks Int_t fRowScopeTracklet[2]; //number of row segments to look for the next point of a tracklet Int_t fRowScopeTrack[2]; //number of row segments to look for the next point of a track Int_t fMinPoints[2]; //minimum number of points on one track // Cuts Double_t fMaxAngleTracklet[2]; //limit of angle between to pieces of a tracklet Int_t fMaxDist[2]; //maximum distance between two hits Double_t fHitChi2Cut[2]; //Maximum hit chi2 Double_t fGoodHitChi2[2]; //Chi2 to stop looking for next hit Double_t fTrackChi2Cut[2]; //Maximum track chi2 Double_t fGoodDist; //In segment building, distance consider good enough Double_t fMaxPhi; //Maximum phi Double_t fMaxEta; //Maximum eta // Tracking informtion Int_t fMainVertexTracks; //number of tracks coming from the main vertex Int_t fClustersUnused; //number of unused clusters ClassDef(AliL3ConfMapper,1) //Base class for conformal mapping tracking }; #endif