//Author: Anders Strand Vestbo //Author: Uli Frankenfeld //Last Modified: 06.03.2001 //____________________________________ // AliL3Track // // Base track class for L3 //Changes: //14.03.01: Moved fHitNumbers from protected to private.-ASV // Set memory to zero in ctor. // Moved fNHits 2 private. Protected data members not a good idea after all. //19.03.01: Made the method void Set(AliL3Track) virtual. #include "AliL3RootTypes.h" #include "AliL3Logging.h" #include "AliL3Track.h" #include ClassImp(AliL3Track) Float_t AliL3Track::BFACT = 0.0029980; Float_t AliL3Track::bField = 0.2; Double_t AliL3Track::pi=3.14159265358979323846; AliL3Track::AliL3Track() { //Constructor fNHits = 0; fMCid = -1; fKappa=0; fRadius=0; fCenterX=0; fCenterY=0; ComesFromMainVertex(false); fQ = 0; fPhi0=0; fPsi=0; fR0=0; fTanl=0; fZ0=0; fPt=0; fLength=0; fIsLocal=true; fRowRange[0]=0; fRowRange[1]=0; memset(fHitNumbers,0,174*sizeof(UInt_t)); } void AliL3Track::Set(AliL3Track *tpt){ SetRowRange(tpt->GetFirstRow(),tpt->GetLastRow()); SetPhi0(tpt->GetPhi0()); SetKappa(tpt->GetKappa()); SetNHits(tpt->GetNHits()); SetFirstPoint(tpt->GetFirstPointX(),tpt->GetFirstPointY(),tpt->GetFirstPointZ()); SetLastPoint(tpt->GetLastPointX(),tpt->GetLastPointY(),tpt->GetLastPointZ()); SetPt(tpt->GetPt()); SetPsi(tpt->GetPsi()); SetTgl(tpt->GetTgl()); SetCharge(tpt->GetCharge()); SetHits(tpt->GetNHits(),(UInt_t *)tpt->GetHitNumbers()); } AliL3Track::~AliL3Track() { } Double_t AliL3Track::GetP() const { // Returns total momentum. return fabs(GetPt())*sqrt(1. + GetTgl()*GetTgl()); } Double_t AliL3Track::GetPseudoRapidity() const { return 0.5 * log((GetP() + GetPz()) / (GetP() - GetPz())); } Double_t AliL3Track::GetEta() const { return GetPseudoRapidity(); } Double_t AliL3Track::GetRapidity() const { Double_t m_pi = 0.13957; return 0.5 * log((m_pi + GetPz()) / (m_pi - GetPz())); } void AliL3Track::CalculateHelix(){ //Calculate Radius, CenterX and Centery from Psi, X0, Y0 // fRadius = fPt / (BFACT*bField); if(fRadius) fKappa = 1./fRadius; else fRadius = 999999; //just zero Double_t trackPhi0 = fPsi + fQ *0.5 * pi; fCenterX = fFirstPoint[0] - fRadius * cos(trackPhi0); fCenterY = fFirstPoint[1] - fRadius * sin(trackPhi0); } Bool_t AliL3Track::CalculateReferencePoint(Double_t angle){ // Global coordinate: crossing point with y = ax+ b; a=tan(angle-Pi/2); // const Double_t rr=132; //position of referece plane const Double_t xr = cos(angle) *rr; const Double_t yr = sin(angle) *rr; Double_t a = tan(angle-pi/2); Double_t b = yr - a * xr; Double_t pp=(fCenterX+a*fCenterY-a*b)/(1+pow(a,2)); Double_t qq=(pow(fCenterX,2)+pow(fCenterY,2)-2*fCenterY*b+pow(b,2)-pow(fRadius,2))/(1+pow(a,2)); Double_t racine = pp*pp-qq; if(racine<0) return IsPoint(kFALSE); //no Point Double_t rootRacine = sqrt(racine); Double_t x0 = pp+rootRacine; Double_t x1 = pp-rootRacine; Double_t y0 = a*x0 + b; Double_t y1 = a*x1 + b; Double_t diff0 = sqrt(pow(x0-xr,2)+pow(y0-yr,2)); Double_t diff1 = sqrt(pow(x1-xr,2)+pow(y1-yr,2)); if(diff0pi){ if(trackPhi0rmin&&r0rmin&&r1pi){ if(trackPhi0pi){ if(trackPhi0