#include "AliHLTTriggerFastJet.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliESDtrackCuts.h" #include "AliESDCaloCluster.h" #include "AliHLTCaloClusterReader.h" #include "AliHLTCaloClusterDataStruct.h" #include "AliESDVZERO.h" #include "AliHLTTriggerDecision.h" #include "AliHLTDomainEntry.h" #include "TLorentzVector.h" #include "TRefArray.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TMap.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TArrayI.h" #include "AliFJWrapper.h" ClassImp(AliHLTTriggerFastJet) AliHLTTriggerFastJet::AliHLTTriggerFastJet() : AliHLTTrigger(), fEThreshold(0.0), fDetector("EMCAL"), fFastJetWrapper(NULL), EsdTrackCuts(NULL), fOCDBEntry("HLT/ConfigHLT/EmcalJetTrigger") { fFastJetWrapper = new AliFJWrapper("FastJet","FastJet"); } //_____________________________________________________________ AliHLTTriggerFastJet::~AliHLTTriggerFastJet() { if (fFastJetWrapper) delete fFastJetWrapper; fFastJetWrapper = NULL; if (EsdTrackCuts) delete EsdTrackCuts; EsdTrackCuts = NULL; } //_____________________________________________________________ int AliHLTTriggerFastJet::DoInit(int argc, const char** argv) { int iResult = ConfigureFromCDBTObjString(fOCDBEntry); if ( iResult>=0 && argc>0 ) { iResult = ConfigureFromArgumentString(argc, argv); HLTImportant("Trigger threshold set from argument string : %.02f GeV:", fEThreshold ); } else if ( iResult>=0 ) { HLTImportant("Trigger threshold set from OCDB database entry : %.02f Gev:", fEThreshold ); } return iResult; } //______________________________________________________________ int AliHLTTriggerFastJet::DoDeInit() { return 0; } //______________________________________________________________ AliHLTComponent* AliHLTTriggerFastJet::Spawn() { // see header file for class documentation return new AliHLTTriggerFastJet; } const char* AliHLTTriggerFastJet::GetTriggerName() const { // see header file for class documentation return "EmcalJetTrigger"; } Int_t AliHLTTriggerFastJet::DoTrigger() { Int_t iResult = 0; if ( GetFirstInputBlock( kAliHLTDataTypeSOR ) || GetFirstInputBlock( kAliHLTDataTypeEOR ) ) return 0; const TObject *obj = GetFirstInputObject( kAliHLTAllDataTypes, "AliESDEvent" ); AliESDEvent *esd = dynamic_cast(const_cast(obj)); // check for MatchedTrack to avoid double counting if ( esd != NULL ) { esd->GetStdContent(); //Double_t vertex[3] = {0,0,0}; //esd->GetVertex()->GetXYZ(vertex); //cout << "Vertex " << vertex[0] << vertex[1] << vertex [2] << endl; //TLorentzVector gamma; // -- add VZERO // uncomment for usage (to avoid warning) /* AliESDVZERO *v0 = esd->GetVZEROData(); Float_t MtotVOA = v0->GetMTotV0A(); Float_t MtotVOC = v0->GetMTotV0A(); */ Int_t nTracks = esd->GetNumberOfTracks(); TObjArray *tracks = new TObjArray(nTracks); tracks->SetOwner(1); EsdTrackCuts = AliESDtrackCuts::GetStandardTPCOnlyTrackCuts(); EsdTrackCuts->SetMinNClustersTPC(70); // add the tracks to FastJet Wrapper for ( Int_t i = 0; i < nTracks; i++ ) { const AliESDVertex *vtxTPC = esd->GetPrimaryVertexTPC(); if (!vtxTPC) continue; cout << "Got primary vertex " << endl; AliESDtrack *esdtrack = esd->GetTrack(i); if (!esdtrack) continue; tracks->Add(esdtrack); cout << "Got esd track " << endl; AliESDtrack *tpctrack = AliESDtrackCuts::GetTPCOnlyTrack(const_cast(esd),esdtrack->GetID()); if (!tpctrack) continue; cout << "Got tpc track " << endl; AliExternalTrackParam exParam; Bool_t relate = tpctrack->RelateToVertexTPC(vtxTPC,esd->GetMagneticField(),kVeryBig,&exParam); if (!relate) { delete tpctrack; continue; } tpctrack->Set(exParam.GetX(),exParam.GetAlpha(),exParam.GetParameter(),exParam.GetCovariance()); cout << "Set param to tpctrack " << endl; fFastJetWrapper->AddInputVector(tpctrack->Px(),tpctrack->Py(),tpctrack->Pz(),tpctrack->P()); cout << "Added track with P: " << tpctrack->P() << endl; } // // add the Calo Clusters to FastJet Wrapper // TRefArray *caloClustersArr = new TRefArray(); // esd->GetEMCALClusters(caloClustersArr); // const Int_t nEMCALClusters = caloClustersArr->GetEntries(); // // for ( UInt_t ic = 0; ic < nEMCALClusters; ic++ ) // { // AliESDCaloCluster *cluster = dynamic_cast( caloClustersArr->At(ic) ); // Double_t clusterEn = cluster->E(); // Double_t subE = 0; // // TArrayI *matched = cluster->GetTracksMatched(); // for ( UInt_t jk = 0; jk < matched->GetSize(); jk++ ) // { // if ( matched->At(jk) > -1 && matched->At(jk) < esd ->GetNumberOfTracks() ) // { // AliESDtrack *track = dynamic_cast( tracks->At( (matched->At(jk)) ) ); // if ( !track ) continue; // subE += track->P(); // } // } // clusterEn -= subE; // if ( clusterEn < 0) // clusterEn = 0; // cluster->SetE( clusterEn ); // if ( cluster->E() == 0 ) continue; // // cluster->GetMomentum( gamma, vertex ); // fFastJetWrapper->AddInputVector( gamma.Px(), gamma.Py(), gamma.Pz(), clusterEn ); // gamma.Clear(); // } // } for ( Int_t j = 0; j< esd->GetNumberOfCaloClusters(); j++) { //AliESDCaloCluster *cluster = static_cast(esd->GetCaloCluster(j)); AliVCluster *cluster = dynamic_cast(esd->GetCaloCluster(j)); if ( cluster->IsEMCAL() ) { Int_t trackindex = cluster->GetTrackMatchedIndex(); if (trackindex<0) continue; AliESDtrack *track = esd->GetTrack(trackindex); if (!track) continue; fFastJetWrapper->AddInputVector(track->Px(),track->Py(),track->Pz(),cluster->E()); cout << "Added cluster with E: " << cluster->E() << endl; } } } fFastJetWrapper->SetupStrategyfromOpt("Best"); fFastJetWrapper->SetupAlgorithmfromOpt("antikt"); fFastJetWrapper->SetupSchemefromOpt("BIpt"); fFastJetWrapper->SetupAreaTypefromOpt("active"); fFastJetWrapper->SetNRepeats(1); fFastJetWrapper->SetGhostArea(0.01); fFastJetWrapper->SetMaxRap(0.9); fFastJetWrapper->SetR(0.4); double median = 0.0; double sigma = 0.0; fFastJetWrapper->Run(); fFastJetWrapper->GetMedianAndSigma(median,sigma); if ( TriggerOnJet(fFastJetWrapper->GetSubtractedJetsPts(median)) ) { return iResult; } TString description; description.Form(" No jets with energy > %.02f GeV found! ", fDetector.Data(), fEThreshold); SetDescription(description.Data()); TriggerEvent(kFALSE); return iResult; } //______________________________________________________________ template Bool_t AliHLTTriggerFastJet::TriggerOnJet(T Jet) { for ( unsigned int ij = 0; ij fEThreshold ) { TString description; description.Form(" Event contains at least one %s jet with energy > %.02f GeV! ", fDetector.Data(), fEThreshold); SetDescription(description.Data()); // Enable the detectors for readout GetReadoutList().Enable(AliHLTReadoutList::kEMCAL | AliHLTReadoutList::kTPC); // Add the available HLT info for readout GetTriggerDomain().Add(kAliHLTAnyDataTypeID, fDetector.Data()); // Set trigger desicion TriggerEvent(kTRUE); return(kTRUE); } } return kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________ int AliHLTTriggerFastJet::Reconfigure(const char* cdbEntry, const char* /*chainId*/) { const char* entry = cdbEntry; if ( !entry || entry[0]==0 ) entry=fOCDBEntry; return ConfigureFromCDBTObjString(entry); } //______________________________________________________________ int AliHLTTriggerFastJet::ScanConfigurationArgument(int argc, const char** argv) { if ( argc<=0 ) return 0; int i = 0; TString argument = argv[i]; if ( argument.CompareTo("-energy") == 0 ) { if (++i>=argc) return -EPROTO; argument = argv[i]; fEThreshold=argument.Atof(); return 2; } return -EINVAL; } //______________________________________________________________ void AliHLTTriggerFastJet::GetOutputDataSize(unsigned long &constBase, double &inputMultiplier) { constBase = sizeof(AliHLTTriggerDecision) + sizeof(AliHLTDomainEntry)*14; inputMultiplier = 1; } //______________________________________________________________ void AliHLTTriggerFastJet::GetOCDBObjectDescription(TMap* const targetMap) { if ( !targetMap ) return; targetMap->Add(new TObjString(fOCDBEntry), new TObjString(Form("%s threshold trigger OCDB object", fDetector.Data()) ) ); } //_______________________________________________________________