//-*- Mode: C++ -*- // $Id$ /************************************************************************** * This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * * ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Primary Authors: Jochen Thaeder * * for The ALICE HLT Project. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /** @file AliHLTTriggerSelectiveReadoutComponent.cxx @author Jochen Thaeder @date @brief Component for the Selective Readout Trigger */ // see header file for class documentation // or // refer to README to build package // or // visit http://web.ift.uib.no/~kjeks/doc/alice-hlt #if __GNUC__ >= 3 using namespace std; #endif #include "AliHLTTriggerSelectiveReadoutComponent.h" #include "AliHLTTPCDefinitions.h" #include "TMath.h" #include #include // ** This is a global object used for automatic component registration, do not use this AliHLTTriggerSelectiveReadoutComponent gAliHLTTriggerSelectivereadoutComponent; ClassImp(AliHLTTriggerSelectiveReadoutComponent) AliHLTTriggerSelectiveReadoutComponent::AliHLTTriggerSelectiveReadoutComponent() : fDetector(), fEnableThresholdSize(kFALSE) { // see header file for class documentation // or // refer to README to build package // or // visit http://web.ift.uib.no/~kjeks/doc/alice-hlt memset( fThreshold, 0, (fkNThreshold * sizeof(AliHLTUInt32_t)) ); } AliHLTTriggerSelectiveReadoutComponent::~AliHLTTriggerSelectiveReadoutComponent() { // see header file for class documentation } // Public functions to implement AliHLTComponent's interface. // These functions are required for the registration process const char* AliHLTTriggerSelectiveReadoutComponent::GetComponentID() { // see header file for class documentation return "TriggerSelectiveReadout"; } void AliHLTTriggerSelectiveReadoutComponent::GetInputDataTypes(AliHLTComponentDataTypeList& list) { // see header file for class documentation list.clear(); list.push_back( kAliHLTDataTypeDDLRaw ); } AliHLTComponentDataType AliHLTTriggerSelectiveReadoutComponent::GetOutputDataType() { // see header file for class documentation return kAliHLTMultipleDataType; } Int_t AliHLTTriggerSelectiveReadoutComponent::GetOutputDataTypes( AliHLTComponentDataTypeList& tgtList) { // see header file for class documentation tgtList.clear(); tgtList.push_back( kAliHLTDataTypeDDLRaw ); tgtList.push_back( kAliHLTDataTypeDDL ); return tgtList.size(); } void AliHLTTriggerSelectiveReadoutComponent::GetOutputDataSize( unsigned long& constBase, double& inputMultiplier ) { // see header file for class documentation constBase = sizeof( AliHLTEventDDL ); inputMultiplier = 0.0; } // Spawn function, return new instance of this class AliHLTComponent* AliHLTTriggerSelectiveReadoutComponent::Spawn() { // see header file for class documentation return new AliHLTTriggerSelectiveReadoutComponent; } Int_t AliHLTTriggerSelectiveReadoutComponent::DoInit( int argc, const char** argv ) { // see header file for class documentation Int_t iResult = 0; TString argument = ""; TString parameter = ""; Int_t bMissingParam=0; for ( Int_t ii=0; ii=0; ii++ ) { argument = argv[ii]; if ( argument.IsNull() ) continue; // -detector if ( ! argument.CompareTo("-detector") ) { if ( ( bMissingParam=( ++ii >= argc ) ) ) break; fDetector = argv[ii]; fDetector.Remove(TString::kLeading, ' '); fDetector.Resize(4); HLTInfo( "Detector has been set to '%s'.", fDetector.Data() ); } // -enableThreshold else if ( ! argument.CompareTo("-enableThreshold") ) { if ( ( bMissingParam=( ++ii >= argc ) ) ) break; parameter = argv[ii]; parameter.Remove( TString::kLeading, ' ' ); if ( ! parameter.CompareTo("size") ) { fEnableThresholdSize = kTRUE; HLTInfo( "Threshold on data 'size' has been enabled." ); } else { HLTError( "This threshold '%s' has not been implemented.", parameter.Data() ); iResult = -EPROTO; } } // -threshold else if ( ! argument.CompareTo("-threshold") ) { if ( ( bMissingParam=( ++ii >= argc ) ) ) break; Int_t jj = 0; for ( jj ; ( jj < fkNThreshold ) && ( ( ii + jj ) < argc ); jj++ ) { parameter = argv[ii+jj]; parameter.Remove( TString::kLeading, ' ' ); if ( parameter.BeginsWith( '-' ) ) break; if (parameter.IsDigit() ) { fThreshold[jj] = (AliHLTUInt32_t) parameter.Atoi(); HLTInfo( "Threshold for %d is set to %d.", jj, fThreshold[jj] ); } else { HLTError( "Cannot convert %d. threshold specifier '%s'.", jj, parameter.Data() ); iResult = -EINVAL; break; } } // for ( jj ; ( jj < fkNThreshold ) && ( ( ii + jj ) < argc ); jj++ ) { ii += --jj; } // - unknow parameter else { iResult = -EINVAL; HLTError("Unknown argument '%s'", argument.Data() ); } } // for ( Int_t ii=0; ii=0; ii++ ) { if ( bMissingParam ) { HLTError( "Missing parameter for argument '%s'.", argument.Data() ); iResult = -EPROTO; } if ( fDetector.IsNull() ) { HLTError( "No Detector has been supplied, this is mandatory." ); iResult = -EPROTO; } return iResult; } Int_t AliHLTTriggerSelectiveReadoutComponent::DoDeinit() { // see header file for class documentation return 0; } Int_t AliHLTTriggerSelectiveReadoutComponent::DoEvent( const AliHLTComponentEventData& /*evtData*/, AliHLTComponentTriggerData& trigData ) { // see header file for class documentation // ** No readout list for SOR and EOR event if ( GetFirstInputBlock( kAliHLTDataTypeSOR ) || GetFirstInputBlock( kAliHLTDataTypeEOR ) ) return 0; // ** Create empty Readoutlist AliHLTEventDDL readoutList; memset( &readoutList, 0, sizeof(AliHLTEventDDL) ); const AliHLTComponentBlockData* iter = NULL; Int_t ddlId = 0; AliHLTUInt8_t patch = 0; // ** Loop over all input blocks and specify which data format should be read - only select Raw Data for ( iter = GetFirstInputBlock(kAliHLTDataTypeDDLRaw|fDetector.Data()); iter != NULL; iter = GetNextInputBlock() ) { // ** Check if block has only the CDH Header ( 32 Bytes = gkAliHLTCommonHeaderCount *sizeof(AliHLTUInt32_t) ) if ( iter->fSize <= ( gkAliHLTCommonHeaderCount * sizeof(AliHLTUInt32_t) ) ) { continue; } // // ** Check for detector specifications // // ** Check for TPC specifc specification if ( ! fDetector.CompareTo("TPC ") ) { // ** Get DDL ID AliHLTUInt8_t slice = AliHLTTPCDefinitions::GetMinSliceNr( *iter ); patch = AliHLTTPCDefinitions::GetMinPatchNr( *iter ); if (patch < 2) ddlId = 768 + (2 * slice) + patch; else ddlId = 838 + (4*slice) + patch; HLTDebug ( "Input Data - TPC - Slice/Patch: %d/%d - EquipmentID : %d.", slice, patch, ddlId ); } // if ( ! fDetector.CompareTo("TPC ") ) { // ** Check for other detector specifc specification else { HLTError("Detector '%s' has not been implemented yet.", fDetector.Data() ); continue; } // // ** Check if threshold should be considerd // if ( fEnableThresholdSize ) { // ** Check for TPC threshold if ( ! fDetector.CompareTo("TPC ") ) { if ( patch < fkNThreshold ){ // ** if datablock to big, do not put it in HLT readout, enable for DAQ readout if ( ( fThreshold[patch] !=0 ) && ( iter->fSize > fThreshold[patch] ) ) { EnableDDLBit( readoutList, ddlId ); HLTDebug ( "DDL Id %d enabled for DAQ readout - size %d > threshold %d.", ddlId, iter->fSize, fThreshold[patch] ); continue; } } } // if ( ! fDetector.CompareTo("TPC ") ) { // ** Check for other detector threshold else HLTError("Check for size threshold as not been implemented yet for Detector '%s'.", fDetector.Data() ); } // if ( fEnableThresholdSize ) { // // ** PushForward data block // PushBack( iter->fPtr , iter->fSize, iter->fDataType, iter->fSpecification); } // for ( iter = GetFirstInputBlock(kAliHLTDataTypeDDLRaw|fDetector.Data()); iter != NULL; iter = GetNextInputBlock() ) { // // ** PushBack readout list // PushBack( &readoutList, sizeof(AliHLTEventDDL), kAliHLTDataTypeDDL, (AliHLTUInt32_t) 0 ); return 0; }