#ifndef AliHMPIDRecon_h #define AliHMPIDRecon_h /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // AliHMPIDRecon // // // // HMPID class to perfom pattern recognition based on Hough transfrom // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include //base class #include //fields class TClonesArray; //CkovAngle() class AliESDtrack; //CkovAngle() class AliHMPIDRecon : public TTask { public : AliHMPIDRecon(); virtual ~AliHMPIDRecon() {} void CkovAngle (AliESDtrack *pTrk,TClonesArray *pCluLst,Double_t nmean ); //reconstructed Theta Cerenkov Bool_t FindPhotCkov (Double_t cluX,Double_t cluY,Double_t &thetaCer,Double_t &phiCer ); //find ckov angle for single photon candidate Double_t FindRingCkov (Int_t iNclus ); //best ckov for ring formed by found photon candidates Double_t FindRingArea (Double_t ckov )const;//estimated area of ring in cm^2 Int_t FlagPhot (Double_t ckov ); //is photon ckov near most probable track ckov Double_t HoughResponse( ); //most probable track ckov angle void Propagate (const TVector3 dir, TVector3 &pos,Double_t z )const;//propagate photon alogn the line void Refract ( TVector3 &dir, Double_t n1, Double_t n2)const;//refract photon on the boundary TVector2 TracePhot (Double_t ckovTh,Double_t ckovPh )const;//trace photon created by track to PC TVector2 TraceForward (TVector3 dirCkov )const;//tracing forward a photon from (x,y) to PC void RecPhot (TVector3 dirCkov,Double_t &thetaCer,Double_t &phiCer ); //theta,phi cerenkov reconstructed void SetTrack (Double_t xRad,Double_t yRad,Double_t theta,Double_t phi ) {fTrkDir.SetMagThetaPhi(1,theta,phi); fTrkPos.Set(xRad,yRad);} //set track parameter at RAD void SetImpPC (Double_t xPc,Double_t yPc ) {fPc.Set(xPc,yPc);} //set track impact to PC Double_t SigLoc (Double_t ckovTh,Double_t ckovPh,Double_t beta )const;//error due to cathode segmetation Double_t SigGeom (Double_t ckovTh,Double_t ckovPh,Double_t beta )const;//error due to unknown photon origin Double_t SigCrom (Double_t ckovTh,Double_t ckovPh,Double_t beta )const;//error due to unknonw photon energy Double_t Sigma2 (Double_t ckovTh,Double_t ckovPh )const;//photon candidate sigma enum ETrackingFlags {kMipDistCut=-9,kMipQdcCut=-5,kNoPhotAccept=-11}; // hidden track algorithm void CkovHiddenTrk (TClonesArray *pCluLst,Double_t nmean); //Pattern recognition without trackinf information void CluPreFilter ( ); //Pre clustering filter to cut bkg clusters void DoRecHiddenTrk ( ); //Calling to the fitted procedures Bool_t FitEllipse (Double_t &phiRec ); //Fit clusters with a conical section (kTRUE only for ellipses) void FitFree (Double_t phiRec ); //Fit (th,ph) of the track and ckovFit as result Double_t FunConSect (Double_t *c,Double_t x,Double_t y ); //Function of a general conical section void SetCkovFit (Double_t ckov ) {fCkovFit=ckov;} //Setter for ckof fitted void SetTrkFit (Double_t th,Double_t ph ) {fThTrkFit = th;fPhTrkFit = ph;}//Setter for (th,ph) of the track static void FunMinEl (Int_t&/* */,Double_t* /* */,Double_t &f,Double_t *par,Int_t /* */); //Fit function to find ellipes parameters static void FunMinPhot(Int_t&/* */,Double_t* /* */,Double_t &f,Double_t *par,Int_t /* */); //Fit function to minimize thetaCer RMS/Sqrt(n) of n clusters Int_t IdxMip ()const {return fIdxMip;} //Getter index of MIP Double_t MipX ()const {return fMipX;} //Getter of x MIP in LORS Double_t MipY ()const {return fMipY;} //Getter of y MIP in LORS Int_t NClu ()const {return fNClu;} //Getter of cluster multiplicity Double_t XClu (Int_t i)const {return fXClu[i];} //Getter of x clu Double_t YClu (Int_t i)const {return fYClu[i];} //Getter of y clu Double_t CkovFit ()const {return fCkovFit;} //Getter of ckov angle fitted Double_t ThTrkFit ()const {return fThTrkFit;} //Getter of theta fitted of the track Double_t PhTrkFit ()const {return fPhTrkFit;} //Getter of phi fitted of the track // protected: Double_t fRadNmean; //C6F14 mean refractive index Int_t fPhotCnt; // counter of photons candidate Int_t fPhotFlag[3000]; // flags of photon candidates Double_t fPhotCkov[3000]; // Ckov angles of photon candidates, [rad] Double_t fPhotPhi [3000]; // phis of photons candidates, [rad] Double_t fPhotWei [3000]; // weigths of photon candidates Double_t fCkovSigma2; // sigma2 of the reconstructed ring Bool_t fIsWEIGHT; // flag to consider weight procedure Float_t fDTheta; // Step for sliding window Float_t fWindowWidth; // Hough width of sliding window TVector3 fTrkDir; //track direction in LORS at RAD TVector2 fTrkPos; //track positon in LORS at RAD TVector2 fPc; //track position at PC // hidden track algorithm Double_t fMipX; //mip X position for Hidden Track Algorithm Double_t fMipY; //mip Y position for Hidden Track Algorithm Int_t fIdxMip; //mip index in the clus list Int_t fNClu; //n clusters to fit Double_t fXClu[1000]; //container for x clus position Double_t fYClu[1000]; //container for y clus position Double_t fThTrkFit; //theta fitted of the track Double_t fPhTrkFit; //phi fitted of the track Double_t fCkovFit; //estimated ring Cherenkov angle // private: static const Double_t fgkRadThick; //radiator thickness static const Double_t fgkWinThick; //window thickness static const Double_t fgkGapThick; //proximity gap thickness static const Double_t fgkWinIdx; //mean refractive index of WIN material (SiO2) static const Double_t fgkGapIdx; //mean refractive index of GAP material (CH4) ClassDef(AliHMPIDRecon,0) }; #endif // #ifdef AliHMPIDRecon_cxx