//===================== ANALYSIS TRAIN ========================================= // To use: copy this macro to your work directory, modify the global part to match // your needs, then run root. // root[0] .L AnalysisTrainHMPID.C // Grid full mode as below (other modes: test, offline, submit, terminate) // root[1] AnalysisTrainHMPID("grid", "full") // CAF mode (requires root v5-23-02 + aliroot v4-16-Rev08) // root[2] AnalysisTrainHMPID("proof") // Local mode requires AliESds.root or AliAOD.root in ./data directory // root[3] AnalysisTrainHMPID("local") // In proof and grid modes, a token is needed and sourcing the produced environment file. // // ============================================================================= // ### General Steering variables // ============================================================================= //== general setup variables TString kTrainName = "hmpidAnalysis"; // (no blancs or special characters) TString kJobTag = "HMPID Tasks analysis train configured"; // Bool_t kUsePAR = kFALSE; // use par files for extra libs Bool_t kUseCPAR = kFALSE; // use par files for common libs Bool_t kFillAOD = kFALSE; // switch of AOD filling for on the fly analysis Int_t iAODanalysis = 0; // Analysis on input AOD's Int_t iAODhandler = 1; // Analysis produces an AOD or dAOD's Int_t iESDfilter = 0; // ESD to AOD filter (barrel + muon tracks) Int_t iPhysicsSelection = 1; // Physics selection task Int_t iCentrality = 0; // Physics selection task Bool_t kUseKinefilter = kFALSE; // use Kinematics filter Bool_t kUseMuonfilter = kFALSE; // use muon filter TString kCommonOutputFileName = "HmpidOutput.root"; //== general process variables // ### Other flags to steer the analysis //============================================================================== Bool_t kSkipTerminate = kFALSE; // Do not call Teminate Bool_t kDebugLevel = kTRUE; // activate debugging Int_t kUseSysInfo = 0; // activate debugging Long64_t kNumberOfEvents = 1234567890; // number of events to process from the chain Bool_t kUseMC = kFALSE; // use MC info Bool_t kIsMC = kFALSE; // is MC info, if false it overwrites Use(AOD)MC Bool_t kUseESDTags = kFALSE; // use ESD tags for selection Bool_t kUseTR = kFALSE; // use track references // ### Analysis modules to be included. Some may not be yet fully implemented. //============================================================================== Int_t iHMPID = 1; // Basic HMPID analysis task Int_t iHMPIDperf = 0; // Basic HMPID performance task Int_t iJETAN = 0; // Jet analysis (PWGJE) // 1 write standard 2 write non-standard jets Int_t iHMPIDJets = 0; // Jet chemistry with HMPID Int_t iJETANLib = 0; Int_t kHighPtFilterMask = 16; // change depending on the used AOD Filter //============================================================================== // ### PROOF Steering varibales //============================================================================== //== proof setup variables TString kProofCluster = "alice-caf.cern.ch"; Bool_t kProofUseAFPAR = kTRUE; // use AF special par file TString kProofAFversion = "VO_ALICE@AliRoot::v4-20-08-AN"; //== proof input and output variables TString kProofDataSet = "/alice/sim/LHC10d2_117220"; //== proof process variables Bool_t kProofClearPackages = kFALSE; Int_t kProofEvents = 10000; Int_t kProofOffset = 0; //============================================================================== // ### Grid plugin Steering varibiables //============================================================================== //== grid plugin setup variables Bool_t kPluginUse = kTRUE; // do not change Bool_t kPluginUseProductionMode = kFALSE; // use the plugin in production mode TString kPluginRootVersion = "v5-33-02b"; // *CHANGE ME IF MORE RECENT IN GRID* TString kPluginAliRootVersion = "v5-03-31-AN"; // *CHANGE ME IF MORE RECENT IN GRID* Bool_t kPluginMergeViaJDL = kTRUE; // merge via JDL Bool_t kPluginFastReadOption = kFALSE; // use xrootd flags to reduce timeouts Bool_t kPluginOverwriteMode = kTRUE; // overwrite existing collections Int_t kPluginOutputToRunNumber = 1; // write the output to subdirs named after run number TString kPluginExecutableCommand = "aliroot -b -q"; // == grid plugin input and output variables TString kGridDatadir = "/alice/data/2010/LHC10e"; TString kGridLocalRunList = ""; TString kGridWorkDir = ""; // Alien working directory TString kGridOutdir = ""; // AliEn output directory. If blank will become output_ TString kGridDataSet = ""; // sub working directory not to confuse different run xmls Int_t kGridRunRange[2] = {128260,128260}; // Set the run range TString kGridRunPattern = "%03d"; // important for leading zeroes!! TString kGridPassPattern = "/ESDs/pass2"; TString kGridExtraFiles = ""; // files that will be added to the input list in the JDL... Int_t kGridMaxMergeFiles = 12; // Number of files merged in a chunk grid run range Int_t kGridMaxMergeStages = 3; // Number of stages in the merging procedure TString kGridMergeExclude = "AliAOD.root"; // Files that should not be merged TString kGridOutputStorages = "disk=2"; // Make replicas on the storages // == grid process variables Int_t kGridRunsPerMaster = 1; // Number of runs per master job Int_t kGridFilesPerJob = 50; // Maximum number of files per job (gives size of AOD) //============================================================================== // ### Local Steering variables //============================================================================== //== local setup variables //== local input and output variables TString kLocalXMLDataset = ""; // Change local xml dataset for local interactive analysis TString kLocalDataList = "local_deltaaod.txt"; // Change local xml dataset for local interactive analysis // == local process variables // Temporaries. TString anaPars = ""; TString anaLibs = ""; TString anaLibsExtra = ""; TString anaSources = ""; // Function signatures class AliAnalysisAlien; //______________________________________________________________________________ void AnalysisTrainHMPID(const char *analysis_mode="local", const char *plugin_mode="", const char *config_file="",Int_t iOffset = 0) { // Main analysis train macro. If a configuration file is provided, all parameters // are taken from there but may be altered by CheckModuleFlags. if (strlen(config_file) && !LoadConfig(config_file)) return; if(iOffset)kProofOffset = iOffset; TString smode(analysis_mode); smode.ToUpper(); // Check compatibility of selected modules CheckModuleFlags(smode); printf("==================================================================\n"); printf("=========== RUNNING ANALYSIS TRAIN %s IN %s MODE ==========\n", kTrainName.Data(),smode.Data()); printf("==================================================================\n"); printf("= Configuring analysis train for: =\n"); if (iAODanalysis) printf("= AOD analysis =\n"); else printf("= ESD analysis =\n"); if (iPhysicsSelection) printf("= Physics selection =\n"); if (iCentrality) printf("= Centrality =\n"); if (iESDfilter) printf("= ESD filter =\n"); if (iJETAN) printf("= Jet analysis =\n"); if (iHMPID) printf("= HMPID generic =\n"); if (iHMPIDperf) printf("= HMPID performance =\n"); if (iHMPIDJets) printf("= HMPID Jet chemistry =\n"); printf("==================================================================\n"); printf(":: use MC truth %d\n", (UInt_t)kUseMC); printf(":: use KINE filter %d\n", (UInt_t)kUseKinefilter); printf(":: use track refs %d\n", (UInt_t)kUseTR); printf(":: use tags %d\n", (UInt_t)kUseESDTags); printf(":: use debugging %d\n", (UInt_t)kDebugLevel); printf(":: use PAR files %d\n", (UInt_t)kUsePAR); printf(":: use AliEn plugin %d\n", (UInt_t)kPluginUse); //========================================================================== // Connect to back-end system if (!Connect(smode)) { ::Error("AnalysisTrain", "Could not connect to %s back-end", analysis_mode); return; } // Load common libraries and set include path if (!LoadCommonLibraries(smode)) { ::Error("AnalysisTrain", "Could not load common libraries"); return; } // Make the analysis manager and connect event handlers AliAnalysisManager *mgr = new AliAnalysisManager("HMPIDTrain", "HMPID train"); if (kCommonOutputFileName.Length()>0)mgr->SetCommonFileName(kCommonOutputFileName.Data()); mgr->SetNSysInfo(0); if (!strcmp(plugin_mode, "test")) mgr->SetNSysInfo(1); if (kUseSysInfo)mgr->SetNSysInfo(kUseSysInfo); mgr->SetSkipTerminate(kSkipTerminate); // Load analysis specific libraries if (!LoadAnalysisLibraries(smode)) { ::Error("AnalysisTrain", "Could not load analysis libraries"); return; } // Create input handler (input container created automatically) if (iAODanalysis) { // AOD input handler AliAODInputHandler *aodH = new AliAODInputHandler(); mgr->SetInputEventHandler(aodH); } else { // ESD input handler AliESDInputHandler *esdHandler = new AliESDInputHandler(); if (kUseESDTags) esdHandler->SetReadTags(); esdHandler->SetReadFriends(kFALSE); mgr->SetInputEventHandler(esdHandler); } // Monte Carlo handler if (kUseMC && !iAODanalysis) { AliMCEventHandler* mcHandler = new AliMCEventHandler(); mgr->SetMCtruthEventHandler(mcHandler); mcHandler->SetReadTR(kUseTR); } // AOD output container, created automatically when setting an AOD handler if (iAODhandler) { // AOD output handler AliAODHandler* aodHandler = new AliAODHandler(); aodHandler->SetOutputFileName("AliAOD.root"); aodHandler->SetFillAODforRun(kFillAOD); mgr->SetOutputEventHandler(aodHandler); AliAnalysisDataContainer *cout_aod = mgr->GetCommonOutputContainer(); cout_aod->SetSpecialOutput(); } // Debugging if needed if (kDebugLevel){ mgr->SetDebugLevel(3); } if(kUseSysInfo>0){ mgr->RegisterExtraFile("syswatch.root"); if(kGridMergeExclude.Length())kGridMergeExclude += " "; kGridMergeExclude += "syswatch.root"; } else { AliLog::SetGlobalLogLevel(AliLog::kError); } //========================================================================== // Create the chain. In this example it is created only from ALIEN files but // can be done to work in batch or grid mode as well. TChain *chain = CreateChain(smode, plugin_mode); //========================================================================== // Load the tasks configuration macros for all wagons. These files are supposed now to be // in the current workdir, but in AliEn they will be in the file catalog, // mapped from AliRoot and pecified in the jdl input list. if(iPhysicsSelection && !iAODanalysis){ gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/OADB/macros/AddTaskPhysicsSelection.C"); AliPhysicsSelectionTask* physSelTask = AddTaskPhysicsSelection(kIsMC,kTRUE,kTRUE); // last flag also adds information on } if(iCentrality && !iAODanalysis){ gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/OADB/macros/AddTaskCentrality.C"); AliCentralitySelectionTask *taskCentrality = AddTaskCentrality(); taskCentrality->SetPass(2); // remember to set the pass you are processing!!! } if (iESDfilter && !iAODanalysis) { // ESD filter task configuration. gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/ANALYSIS/macros/AddTaskESDFilter.C"); AliAnalysisTaskESDfilter *taskesdfilter = AddTaskESDFilter(kUseKinefilter,kUseMuonfilter); // if jet analysis is included, better use the following macro with kHighPtFilterMask=272 /* gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGJE/macros/AddTaskESDFilterPWGJETrain.C"); AliAnalysisTaskESDfilter *taskesdfilter = AddTaskESDFilterPWGJETrain(kUseKinefilter,kUseMuonfilter); taskesdfilter->DisableV0s(); taskesdfilter->DisableCascades(); taskesdfilter->DisableKinks(); taskesdfilter->DisablePmdClusters(); taskesdfilter->DisableCaloClusters(); taskesdfilter->DisableCells();*/ if(kIsMC){ mgr->RegisterExtraFile("pyxsec_hists.root"); if(kGridMergeExclude.Length())kGridMergeExclude += " "; kGridMergeExclude += "pyxsec_hists.root"; } } // Jet analysis if (iJETAN) { gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGJE/macros/AddTaskJets.C"); AliAnalysisTaskJets *taskjets = 0; if (iJETAN&1) taskjets = AddTaskJets("AOD","FASTJET",0.4,kHighPtFilterMask); if (!taskjets) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainHMPID", "AliAnalysisTaskJets cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED"); } if(iHMPID){ gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/HMPID/AddTaskHMPID.C"); AliHMPIDAnalysisTask *taskHmpid = AddTaskHMPID(kUseMC); if (!taskHmpid) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainHMPID", "AliHMPIDAnalysisTask cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED"); } if(iHMPIDperf){ gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/HMPID/AddTaskHMPIDPerformance.C"); AliHMPIDPerformanceTask *taskHmpidPerformance = AddTaskHMPIDPerformance(kUseMC); if (!taskHmpidPerformance) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainHMPID", "AliHMPIDPerformanceTask cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED"); } if(iHMPIDJets){ gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/HMPID/AddTaskJetsHMPID.C"); AliAnalysisTaskJetsHMPID *taskHmpidJets = AddTaskJetsHMPID("jetsAOD_FASTJET04_B0_Filter00272_Cut00150","jeteventbackground_clustersAOD_KT04_B0_Filter00256_Cut00150_Skip00"); if (!taskHmpidJets) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainHMPID", "AliAnalysisTaskJetsHMPID cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED"); } if (kPluginUse) { AliAnalysisGrid *alienHandler = CreateAlienHandler(plugin_mode); AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->SetGridHandler(alienHandler); } if (mgr->InitAnalysis()) { mgr->PrintStatus(); if (!strcmp(plugin_mode,"submit") && smode=="GRID"){ TString alien_workdir = gGrid->GetHomeDirectory(); alien_workdir += kGridWorkDir.Data(); if(kGridDataSet.Length()>0)alien_workdir += Form("/%s",kGridDataSet.Data()); AliAnalysisAlien *gridhandler = (AliAnalysisAlien*)mgr->GetGridHandler(); printf("=== AnalysisTrainHMPID:: Registering jdl in the work directory alien://%s/%s, should be done by the manager! ===\n", alien_workdir.Data(),gridhandler->GetGridOutputDir()); TString dest; dest = Form("%s/%s/%s.jdl",alien_workdir.Data(),gridhandler->GetGridOutputDir(),kTrainName.Data()); if(AliAnalysisAlien::FileExists(dest.Data())){ // Printf("%s exist on grid removing...",dest.Data()); // gGrid->Rm(dest.Data()); } TFile::Cp(Form("file:%s.jdl",kTrainName.Data()),Form("alien://%s",dest.Data())); TString dest; dest = Form("%s/%s/%s_merge.jdl",alien_workdir.Data(),gridhandler->GetGridOutputDir(),kTrainName.Data()); if(AliAnalysisAlien::FileExists(dest.Data())){ // Printf("%s exist on grid removing...",dest.Data()); // gGrid->Rm(dest.Data()); } TFile::Cp(Form("file:%s_merge.jdl",kTrainName.Data()),Form("alien://%s",dest.Data())); } AliLog::SetGlobalLogLevel(AliLog::kError); if((kUseSysInfo>0 && smode=="LOCAL") || !strcmp(plugin_mode, "test")){ TFile *fM = TFile::Open("manager_local.root","RECREATE"); mgr->Write(); fM->Close(); } StartAnalysis(smode, chain); if((kUseSysInfo>0 && smode=="LOCAL") || !strcmp(plugin_mode, "test")){ for(int i = 0;i < mgr->GetTopTasks()->GetEntries();i++){ mgr->ProfileTask(i); } } if (!strcmp(plugin_mode, "offline") && smode=="GRID"){ // Offline mode path files // PatchJDL(); PatchAnalysisMacro(); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void StartAnalysis(const char *mode, TChain *chain) { Int_t imode = -1; AliAnalysisManager *mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); if (!strcmp(mode, "LOCAL")) imode = 0; if (!strcmp(mode, "PROOF")) imode = 1; if (!strcmp(mode, "GRID")) imode = 2; switch (imode) { case 0: if (!chain) { ::Error("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::StartAnalysis", "Cannot create the chain"); return; } mgr->StartAnalysis(mode, chain, kNumberOfEvents); return; case 1: if (!kProofDataSet.Length()) { ::Error("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::StartAnalysis", "kProofDataSet is empty"); return; } mgr->StartAnalysis(mode, kProofDataSet, kProofEvents,kProofOffset); return; case 2: if (kPluginUse) { if (!mgr->GetGridHandler()) { ::Error("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::StartAnalysis", "Grid plugin not initialized"); return; } mgr->StartAnalysis("grid"); } else { if (!chain) { ::Error("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::StartAnalysis", "Cannot create the chain"); return; } mgr->StartAnalysis(mode, chain); } return; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void CheckModuleFlags(const char *mode) { // Checks selected modules and insure compatibility Int_t imode = -1; if (!strcmp(mode, "LOCAL")) imode = 0; if (!strcmp(mode, "PROOF")) imode = 1; if (!strcmp(mode, "GRID")) imode = 2; if (kUseCPAR) { kPluginAliRootVersion = ""; // NO aliroot if we use CPAR } if (imode==1) { if (!kUsePAR) { ::Info("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::CheckModuleFlags", "PAR files enabled due to PROOF analysis"); kUsePAR = kTRUE; } } if (imode != 2) { ::Info("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::CheckModuleFlags", "AliEn plugin disabled since not in GRID mode"); kPluginUse = kFALSE; } if(!kIsMC){ // switch off anything related to MC kUseMC = kFALSE; kUseTR = kFALSE; } if (iAODanalysis) { // AOD analysis if (kUseMC) ::Info("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::CheckModuleFlags", "MC usage disabled in analysis on AOD's"); kUseMC = kFALSE; kUseTR = kFALSE; if (iESDfilter) ::Info("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::CheckModuleFlags", "ESD filter disabled in analysis on AOD's"); iESDfilter = 0; if (iPhysicsSelection) ::Info("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::CheckModuleFlags", "Physics Selection disabled in analysis on AOD's"); iPhysicsSelection = 0; if (!iAODhandler) { if (iJETAN) ::Info("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::CheckModuleFlags", "JETAN disabled in analysis on AOD's without AOD handler"); iJETAN = 0; } if(iHMPID)::Info("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::CheckModuleFlags", "HMPID analysis disabled in analysis on AOD's"); iHMPID = 0; if(iHMPIDperf)::Info("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::CheckModuleFlags", "HMPID performance disabled in analysis on AOD's"); iHMPIDperf = 0; } else { // ESD analysis if (!kUseMC){ kUseTR = kFALSE; if(kUseKinefilter)::Info("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::CheckModuleFlags", "Kine Filter disabled in analysis without MC"); kUseKinefilter = kFALSE; } if (iJETAN){ iESDfilter=1; } if (!iESDfilter){ kUseKinefilter = kFALSE; kUseMuonfilter = kFALSE; } } iJETANLib = iJETAN && 1; if (iESDfilter) {iAODhandler=1;} if (kUseKinefilter && !kUseMC) kUseKinefilter = kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t Connect(const char *mode) { // Connect to the back-end system. Int_t imode = -1; if (!strcmp(mode, "LOCAL")) imode = 0; if (!strcmp(mode, "PROOF")) imode = 1; if (!strcmp(mode, "GRID")) imode = 2; TString username = gSystem->Getenv("alien_API_USER"); switch (imode) { case 0: break; case 1: if (!username.Length()) { ::Error(Form("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::Connect <%s>", mode), "Make sure you:\n \ 1. Have called: alien-token-init \n \ 2. Have called: >source /tmp/gclient_env_$UID"); return kFALSE; } ::Info("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::Connect", "Connecting user <%s> to PROOF cluster <%s>", username.Data(), kProofCluster.Data()); gEnv->SetValue("XSec.GSI.DelegProxy", "2"); TProof::Open(Form("%s@%s", username.Data(), kProofCluster.Data())); if (!gProof) { if (strcmp(gSystem->Getenv("XrdSecGSISRVNAMES"), "lxfsrd0506.cern.ch")) ::Error(Form("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::Connect <%s>", mode), "Environment XrdSecGSISRVNAMES different from lxfsrd0506.cern.ch"); return kFALSE; } if(kProofClearPackages)gProof->ClearPackages(); break; case 2: if (!username.Length()) { ::Error(Form("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::Connect <%s>", mode), "Make sure you:\n \ 1. Have called: alien-token-init \n \ 2. Have called: >source /tmp/gclient_env_$UID"); return kFALSE; } if (kPluginUse && !gSystem->Getenv("alien_CLOSE_SE")) { ::Error(Form("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::Connect <%s>", mode), "When using the AliEn plugin it is preferable to define the \ variable alien_CLOSE_SE in your environment."); return kFALSE; } ::Info("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::Connect", "Connecting user <%s> to AliEn ...", username.Data()); TGrid::Connect("alien://"); if (!gGrid || !gGrid->IsConnected()) return kFALSE; break; default: ::Error("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::Connect", "Unknown run mode: %s", mode); return kFALSE; } ::Info("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::Connect","Connected in %s mode", mode); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t LoadCommonLibraries(const char *mode) { // Load common analysis libraries. Int_t imode = -1; if (!strcmp(mode, "LOCAL")) imode = 0; if (!strcmp(mode, "PROOF")) imode = 1; if (!strcmp(mode, "GRID")) imode = 2; if (!gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT")) { ::Error("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::LoadCommonLibraries", "Analysis train requires that analysis libraries are compiled with a local AliRoot"); return kFALSE; } Bool_t success = kTRUE; // ROOT libraries gSystem->Load("libTree"); gSystem->Load("libGeom"); gSystem->Load("libVMC"); gSystem->Load("libPhysics"); // Load framework classes. Par option ignored here. switch (imode) { case 0: case 2: if (kUseCPAR) { success &= LoadLibrary("STEERBase", mode, kTRUE); success &= LoadLibrary("ESD", mode, kTRUE); success &= LoadLibrary("AOD", mode, kTRUE); success &= LoadLibrary("ANALYSIS", mode, kTRUE); success &= LoadLibrary("ANALYSISalice", mode, kTRUE); success &= LoadLibrary("CORRFW", mode, kTRUE); } else { success &= LoadLibrary("libSTEERBase.so", mode, kTRUE); success &= LoadLibrary("libESD.so", mode, kTRUE); success &= LoadLibrary("libAOD.so", mode, kTRUE); success &= LoadLibrary("libANALYSIS.so", mode, kTRUE); success &= LoadLibrary("libANALYSISalice.so", mode, kTRUE); success &= LoadLibrary("libCORRFW.so", mode, kTRUE); gROOT->ProcessLine(".include $ALICE_ROOT/include"); } break; case 1: if (!kProofUseAFPAR) { success &= LoadLibrary("STEERBase", mode); success &= LoadLibrary("ESD", mode); success &= LoadLibrary("AOD", mode); success &= LoadLibrary("ANALYSIS", mode); success &= LoadLibrary("ANALYSISalice", mode); success &= LoadLibrary("CORRFW", mode); } else { success &= !gProof->EnablePackage(kProofAFversion); success &= LoadLibrary("CORRFW", mode); } break; default: ::Error("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::LoadCommonLibraries", "Unknown run mode: %s", mode); return kFALSE; } if (success) { ::Info("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::LoadCommodLibraries", "Load common libraries: SUCCESS"); ::Info("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::LoadCommodLibraries", "Include path for Aclic compilation:\n%s", gSystem->GetIncludePath()); } else { ::Info("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::LoadCommodLibraries", "Load common libraries: FAILED"); } return success; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t LoadAnalysisLibraries(const char *mode) { // Load common analysis libraries. Bool_t success = kTRUE; if (iESDfilter) { if (!LoadLibrary("PWGHFbase", mode, kTRUE) || !LoadLibrary("PWGmuon", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE; } if (iJETANLib) { // this part needs some rework in case we do not need the fastjed finders for processing if (!LoadLibrary("JETAN", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE; if (!strcmp(mode, "PROOF")){ gProof->Exec("gSystem->Load\(\"/afs/cern.ch/user/d/dperrino/public/libCGAL.so\"\)", kTRUE); gProof->Exec("gSystem->Load\(\"/afs/cern.ch/user/d/dperrino/public/libfastjet.so\"\)", kTRUE); // problem when loading siscone copiled with different gcc version?? // gProof->Exec("gSystem->Load\(\"/afs/cern.ch/user/d/dperrino/public/libsiscone.so\"\)", kTRUE); gProof->Exec("gSystem->Load\(\"/afs/cern.ch/user/d/dperrino/public/libSISConePlugin.so\"\)", kTRUE); } if(!kUsePAR){ if (!LoadLibrary("CGAL", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE; if (!LoadLibrary("fastjet", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE; if (!LoadLibrary("siscone", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE; if (!LoadLibrary("SISConePlugin", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE; } else{ if (!LoadLibrary("libCGAL.so", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE; if (!LoadLibrary("libfastjet.so", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE; if (!LoadLibrary("libsiscone.so", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE; if (!LoadLibrary("libSISConePlugin.so", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE; } if (!LoadLibrary("FASTJETAN", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE; } if(iHMPID){ if (!LoadSource(Form("%s/HMPID/AliHMPIDAnalysisTask.cxx",gSystem->ExpandPathName("$ALICE_ROOT")), mode, kTRUE))return kFALSE; } if(iHMPIDperf){ if (!LoadSource(Form("%s/HMPID/AliHMPIDPerformanceTask.cxx",gSystem->ExpandPathName("$ALICE_ROOT")), mode, kTRUE))return kFALSE; } if(iHMPIDJets){ if (!LoadSource(Form("%s/HMPID/AliAnalysisTaskJetsHMPID.cxx",gSystem->ExpandPathName("$ALICE_ROOT")), mode, kTRUE))return kFALSE; } if (iJETANLib) { if (!LoadLibrary("JETAN", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE; } ::Info("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::LoadAnalysisLibraries", "Load other libraries: SUCCESS"); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t LoadLibrary(const char *module, const char *mode, Bool_t rec=kFALSE) { // Load a module library in a given mode. Reports success. Int_t imode = -1; Int_t result; TString smodule(module); if (!strcmp(mode, "LOCAL")) imode = 0; if (!strcmp(mode, "PROOF")) imode = 1; if (!strcmp(mode, "GRID")) imode = 2; TString mod(module); if (!mod.Length()) { ::Error("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::LoadLibrary", "Empty module name"); return kFALSE; } // If a library is specified, just load it if (smodule.EndsWith(".so")) { mod.Remove(mod.Index(".so")); result = gSystem->Load(mod); if (result < 0) { ::Error("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::LoadLibrary", "Could not load library %s", module); return kFALSE; } if (rec) anaLibs += Form("%s.so ",mod.Data()); if (rec) anaLibsExtra += Form("%s.so ",mod.Data()); return kTRUE; } // Check if the library is already loaded if (strlen(gSystem->GetLibraries(module, "", kFALSE)) > 0) return kTRUE; switch (imode) { case 0: case 2: if (kUsePAR) { result = SetupPar(module); if (rec) anaPars += Form("%s.par ", module); } else { result = gSystem->Load(Form("lib%s", module)); if (rec) anaLibs += Form("lib%s.so ", module); } break; case 1: if(!gSystem->AccessPathName(module)){ ::Info("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::LoadLibrary", "Removing directory %s",module); gSystem->Exec(Form("rm -rf %s",module)); } result = gProof->UploadPackage(module); if (result<0) { result = gProof->UploadPackage(gSystem->ExpandPathName(Form("$ALICE_ROOT/%s.par", module))); if (result<0) { ::Error("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::LoadLibrary", "Could not find module %s.par in current directory nor in $ALICE_ROOT", module); return kFALSE; } } result = gProof->EnablePackage(module); break; default: return kFALSE; } if (result < 0) { ::Error("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::LoadLibrary", "Could not load module %s", module); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t LoadSource(const char *source, const char *mode, Bool_t rec=kFALSE) { // Load a module library in a given mode. Reports success. Int_t imode = -1; Int_t result = -1; if (!strcmp(mode, "LOCAL")) imode = 0; if (!strcmp(mode, "PROOF")) imode = 1; if (!strcmp(mode, "GRID")) imode = 2; TString ssource(source); TString basename = gSystem->BaseName(ssource.Data()); if (!ssource.Length()) { ::Error("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::LoadSource", "Empty task name"); return kFALSE; } // we have a source code so compile it if (ssource.EndsWith(".cxx")) { // need to copy it here other wise the path is also used on grid... ssource.Remove(ssource.Index(".cxx")); basename.Remove(basename.Index(".cxx")); Printf("LoadSources:: Copying... path %s{cxx,h}",ssource.Data()); gSystem->Exec(Form("cp %s.cxx . ",ssource.Data())); gSystem->Exec(Form("cp %s.h . ",ssource.Data())); // Path to code // only needed for local compilation, in grid and proof mode // the task headers are uploaded // path.Remove(path.Index(gSystem->BaseName(path.Data()))); // Printf("LoadSources:: Including path %s",path.Data()); // if(path.Length()>0)gROOT->ProcessLine(Form(".include %s",path.Data())); Printf("LoadSources:: Loading... path %s",basename.Data()); switch (imode) { case 0: result = gROOT->LoadMacro(Form("%s.cxx++g",basename.Data())); break; case 1: result = gProof->Load(Form("%s.cxx++g",basename.Data())); break; case 2: result = gROOT->LoadMacro(Form("%s.cxx++g",basename.Data())); if (rec){ // what we want to compile anaSources += Form("%s.cxx ",basename.Data()); // what we need as input... anaLibs += Form("%s.cxx %s.h ",basename.Data(),basename.Data()); } break; default: return kFALSE; } } if (result < 0) { ::Error("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::LoadSources", "Could not load source %s", source); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TChain *CreateChain(const char *mode, const char *plugin_mode) { // Create the input chain Int_t imode = -1; if (!strcmp(mode, "LOCAL")) imode = 0; if (!strcmp(mode, "PROOF")) imode = 1; if (!strcmp(mode, "GRID")) imode = 2; TChain *chain = NULL; // Local chain switch (imode) { case 0: if (iAODanalysis) { if (!kLocalXMLDataset.Length()) { // Local AOD chain = new TChain("aodTree"); TString line; ifstream in; in.open(kLocalDataList.Data()); while (in.good()) { in >> line; if (line.Length() == 0) continue; // cout << " line = " << line << endl; chain->Add(line.Data()); } } else { // Interactive AOD chain = CreateChainSingle(kLocalXMLDataset, "aodTree"); } } else { if (!kLocalXMLDataset.Length()) { // Local ESD chain = new TChain("esdTree"); TString line; ifstream in; in.open(kLocalDataList.Data()); while (in.good()) { in >> line; if (line.Length() == 0) continue; cout << " line = " << line << endl; chain->Add(line.Data()); } } else { // Interactive ESD chain = CreateChainSingle(kLocalXMLDataset, "esdTree"); } } break; case 1: break; case 2: if (kPluginUse) { AliAnalysisGrid *alienHandler = CreateAlienHandler(plugin_mode); AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->SetGridHandler(alienHandler); } else { TString treeName = "esdTree"; if (iAODanalysis) treeName = "aodTree"; chain = CreateChainSingle("wn.xml", treeName); } break; default: } if (chain && chain->GetNtrees()) return chain; return NULL; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TChain* CreateChainSingle(const char* xmlfile, const char *treeName) { printf("*******************************\n"); printf("*** Getting the ESD Chain ***\n"); printf("*******************************\n"); TAlienCollection * myCollection = TAlienCollection::Open(xmlfile); if (!myCollection) { ::Error("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::CreateChainSingle", "Cannot create an AliEn collection from %s", xmlfile) ; return NULL ; } TChain* chain = new TChain(treeName); myCollection->Reset() ; while ( myCollection->Next() ) chain->Add(myCollection->GetTURL("")) ; chain->ls(); return chain; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t SetupPar(char* pararchivename) { if (!pararchivename || !strlen(pararchivename)) return -1; char processline[1024]; if (gSystem->AccessPathName(Form("%s.par", pararchivename))) { if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(Form("%s/%s.par", gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT"),pararchivename))) { ::Info("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::SetupPar", "Getting %s.par from $ALICE_ROOT", pararchivename); TFile::Cp(gSystem->ExpandPathName(Form("$ALICE_ROOT/%s.par", pararchivename)), Form("%s.par",pararchivename)); } else { ::Error("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::SetupPar", "Cannot find %s.par", pararchivename); return -1; } } gSystem->Exec(Form("tar xvzf %s.par", pararchivename)); TString ocwd = gSystem->WorkingDirectory(); if (!gSystem->ChangeDirectory(pararchivename)) return -1; // check for BUILD.sh and execute if (!gSystem->AccessPathName("PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh")) { printf("*******************************\n"); printf("*** Building PAR archive ***\n"); printf("*******************************\n"); if (gSystem->Exec("PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh")) { Error("runProcess","Cannot Build the PAR Archive! - Abort!"); return -1; } } // check for SETUP.C and execute if (!gSystem->AccessPathName("PROOF-INF/SETUP.C")) { printf("*******************************\n"); printf("*** Setup PAR archive ***\n"); printf("*******************************\n"); gROOT->Macro("PROOF-INF/SETUP.C"); } if (!gSystem->ChangeDirectory(ocwd.Data())) return -1; return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisAlien* CreateAlienHandler(const char *plugin_mode) { // Check if user has a valid token, otherwise make one. This has limitations. // One can always follow the standard procedure of calling alien-token-init then // source /tmp/gclient_env_$UID in the current shell. if (!AliAnalysisGrid::CreateToken()) return NULL; AliAnalysisAlien *plugin = new AliAnalysisAlien(); // Set the run mode (can be "full", "test", "offline", "submit" or "terminate") plugin->SetRunMode(plugin_mode); if (kPluginUseProductionMode) plugin->SetProductionMode(); plugin->SetJobTag(kJobTag); plugin->SetNtestFiles(1); // plugin->SetPreferedSE("ALICE::NIHAM::File"); // Set versions of used packages plugin->SetAPIVersion("V1.1x"); plugin->SetROOTVersion(kPluginRootVersion); plugin->SetAliROOTVersion(kPluginAliRootVersion); // Declare input data to be processed. // Method 1: Create automatically XML collections using alien 'find' command. // Define production directory LFN plugin->SetGridDataDir(kGridDatadir.Data()); // Set data search pattern if (iAODanalysis) plugin->SetDataPattern(" *AliAOD.root"); else plugin->SetDataPattern(Form(" %s/*/*ESDs.root",kGridPassPattern.Data())); // ...then add run numbers to be considered plugin->SetRunPrefix("000"); // if real data plugin->SetRunRange(kGridRunRange[0], kGridRunRange[1]); if(kGridLocalRunList.Length()>0){ ifstream in1; in1.open(kGridLocalRunList.Data()); int iRun; // just use run numbers, negatives will be excluded while(in1>>iRun){ if(iRun>0){ Printf("AnalysisTrainHMPID Adding run number from File %s", Form(kGridRunPattern.Data(),iRun)); plugin->AddRunNumber(Form(kGridRunPattern.Data(),iRun)); } else{ Printf("AnalysisTrainHMPID Skipping run number from File %d", iRun); } } } // Method 2: Declare existing data files (raw collections, xml collections, root file) // If no path mentioned data is supposed to be in the work directory (see SetGridWorkingDir()) // XML collections added via this method can be combined with the first method if // the content is compatible (using or not tags) // plugin->AddDataFile("Hijing.xml"); // plugin->AddDataFile("/alice/data/2008/LHC08c/000057657/raw/Run57657.Merged.RAW.tag.root"); // Define alien work directory where all files will be copied. Relative to alien $HOME. TString alien_workdir = ""; alien_workdir += kGridWorkDir.Data(); if(kGridDataSet.Length()>0)alien_workdir += Form("/%s",kGridDataSet.Data()); plugin->SetGridWorkingDir(alien_workdir.Data()); // Declare alien output directory. Relative to working directory. if (!kGridOutdir.Length()) kGridOutdir = Form("output_%s",kTrainName.Data()); plugin->SetGridOutputDir(kGridOutdir); // Add external packages if (iJETAN) { plugin->AddExternalPackage("boost::v1_43_0"); plugin->AddExternalPackage("cgal::v3.6"); plugin->AddExternalPackage("fastjet::v2.4.2"); } // set extra libs before par file compilation anaLibs += kGridExtraFiles; anaLibs = anaLibs.Strip(); Printf("anaLibs %s",anaLibs.Data()); Printf("anaLibsExtra %s",anaLibsExtra.Data()); if (anaLibs.Length()) plugin->SetAdditionalLibs(anaLibs.Data()); if (anaLibsExtra.Length()) plugin->SetAdditionalRootLibs(anaLibsExtra.Data()); TString ana_sources = ""; TString ana_add = ""; if (kUsePAR && anaPars.Length()) { printf("%s\n", anaPars.Data()); TObjArray *arr; TObjString *objstr; arr = anaPars.Tokenize(" "); TIter next(arr); while ((objstr=(TObjString*)next())) plugin->EnablePackage(objstr->GetString()); delete arr; } // Declare the analysis source files names separated by blancs. To be compiled runtime // using ACLiC on the worker nodes. ana_sources = anaSources.Strip(); // Declare all libraries (other than the default ones for the framework. These will be // loaded by the generated analysis macro. Add all extra files (task .cxx/.h) here. if (ana_sources.Length()) plugin->SetAnalysisSource(ana_sources); plugin->SetExecutableCommand(kPluginExecutableCommand.Data()); // Declare the output file names separated by blancs. // (can be like: file.root or file.root@ALICE::Niham::File) plugin->SetUseSubmitPolicy(kFALSE); plugin->SetMergeExcludes(kGridMergeExclude); plugin->SetMaxMergeFiles(kGridMaxMergeFiles); plugin->SetMaxMergeStages(kGridMaxMergeStages); plugin->SetNrunsPerMaster(kGridRunsPerMaster); plugin->SetMergeViaJDL(kPluginMergeViaJDL); // Use fastread option plugin->SetFastReadOption(kPluginFastReadOption); // UseOverwrite mode plugin->SetOverwriteMode(kPluginOverwriteMode); // Optionally define the files to be archived. // plugin->SetOutputArchive("log_archive.zip:stdout,stderr@ALICE::NIHAM::File root_archive.zip:AliAOD.root,AOD.tag.root@ALICE::NIHAM::File"); plugin->SetOutputToRunNo(kPluginOutputToRunNumber); // write the output to subdirs named after run number // plugin->SetDefaultOutputs(kFALSE); // Put default output files to archive TString listhists = ""; TString listaods = ""; AliAnalysisManager *mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); TIter next(mgr->GetOutputs()); AliAnalysisDataContainer *output; while ((output=(AliAnalysisDataContainer*)next())) { const char *filename = output->GetFileName(); if (!(strcmp(filename, "default"))) { if (!mgr->GetOutputEventHandler()) continue; filename = mgr->GetOutputEventHandler()->GetOutputFileName(); if (listaods.Length()) listaods += " "; listaods += filename; } else { if(!listhists.Contains(filename)){ if (listhists.Length()) listhists += " "; listhists += filename; } } } if (mgr->GetExtraFiles().Length()) { if (listaods.Length()) listaods += " "; listaods += mgr->GetExtraFiles(); } TString outputArchive; outputArchive = Form("log_archive.zip:std*r@%s",kGridOutputStorages.Data()); listaods.ReplaceAll(" ", ","); listhists.ReplaceAll(" ", ","); if (listhists.Length()) listhists = Form("hist_archive.zip:%s@%s", listhists.Data(), kGridOutputStorages.Data()); if (listaods.Length()) listaods = Form("aod_archive.zip:%s@%s", listaods.Data(), kGridOutputStorages.Data()); if (!listhists.Length() && !listaods.Length()) { ::Fatal("AnalysisTrainHMPID", "No task output !"); } if (listaods.Length()) { outputArchive += " "; outputArchive += listaods; } if (listhists.Length()) { outputArchive += " "; outputArchive += listhists; } // plugin->SetOutputArchive(outputArchive); // Optionally set a name for the generated analysis macro (default MyAnalysis.C) plugin->SetAnalysisMacro(Form("%s.C", kTrainName.Data())); // Optionally set maximum number of input files/subjob (default 100, put 0 to ignore) plugin->SetSplitMaxInputFileNumber(kGridFilesPerJob); // Optionally set number of failed jobs that will trigger killing waiting sub-jobs. // plugin->SetMaxInitFailed(5); // Optionally resubmit threshold. // plugin->SetMasterResubmitThreshold(90); // Optionally set time to live (default 30000 sec) plugin->SetTTL(30000); // Optionally set input format (default xml-single) plugin->SetInputFormat("xml-single"); // Optionally modify the name of the generated JDL (default analysis.jdl) plugin->SetJDLName(Form("%s.jdl", kTrainName.Data())); // Optionally modify the executable name (default analysis.sh) plugin->SetExecutable(Form("%s.sh", kTrainName.Data())); // Optionally modify job price (default 1) plugin->SetPrice(1); // Optionally modify split mode (default 'se') plugin->SetSplitMode("se"); plugin->SetCheckCopy(kFALSE); return plugin; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t LoadConfig(const char *filename) { // Read train configuration from file if (gSystem->AccessPathName(filename)) { ::Error("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::LoadConfig", "Config file name not found"); return kFALSE; } gROOT->ProcessLine(Form(".x %s", filename)); ::Info("AnalysisTrainHMPID.C::LoadConfig", "Train configuration loaded from file %s", filename); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PatchJDL(){ Printf(">>> Patching JDL"); AliAnalysisManager *mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); AliAnalysisAlien* gridHandler = (AliAnalysisAlien*)mgr->GetGridHandler(); TGridJDL *jdl = gridHandler->GetGridJDL(); if(iJETAN)jdl->AddToPackages("fastjet","v2.4.0"); gridHandler->WriteJDL(kFALSE); Printf("<<< Patching JDL"); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PatchAnalysisMacro(){ Printf(">>> Patching AnalysisMacro"); gSystem->Exec(Form("mv %s.C %s.C_tmp",kTrainName.Data(),kTrainName.Data())); ifstream in1; in1.open(Form("%s.C_tmp", kTrainName.Data())); char cLine[250]; TString st; while(in1.getline(cLine,250)){ st += cLine; st += "\n"; } Int_t index= -1; index = st.Index("gSystem->Load(\"libPhysics\");"); index += strlen("gSystem->Load(\"libPhysics\");"); /* TObjArray *arr; TObjString *objstr; arr = anaLibs.Tokenize(" "); TIter next(arr); add += "\n\n // added by CKB \n"; while ((objstr=(TObjString*)next())){ if(objstr->GetString().Contains("PWG3"))continue; if(objstr->GetString().EndsWith(".so"))add += Form("gSystem->Load(\"%s\");\n",objstr->GetString().Data()); } delete arr; */ // add += Form("AliLog::SetGlobalLogLevel(%d);\n",AliLog::GetGlobalLogLevel()); TString add = ""; if(index<0)Printf("%s:%d index out of bounds",(char*)__FILE__,__LINE__); add += "\n\n // added by CKB \n"; add += "\n gSystem->AddIncludePath(\"./\"); \n"; if(gGrid && kPluginAliRootVersion.Length()==0){ add += "\n // Dirty hack for TRD reference data \n"; add += "\n gSystem->Setenv(\"ALICE_ROOT\",\""; add += Form("alien://%s/rootfiles/",gGrid->GetHomeDirectory()); add += "\"); \n"; } add += "// BKC \n\n"; st.Insert(index,add.Data()); if(kUseCPAR && kPluginAliRootVersion.Length()==0){ index = st.Index("gSystem->AddIncludePath(\"-I$"); // uncommen $ALICE_ROOT include for par files if(index<0)Printf("%s:%d index out of bounds",(char*)__FILE__,__LINE__); st.Insert(index,"// CKB comment out whehn no aliroot is provided \n //"); } ofstream out; out.open(Form("%s.C", kTrainName.Data())); if (out.bad()) { return kFALSE; } out << st << endl; Printf("<<< Patching AnalysisMacro"); Printf(">>> Patching Merge Macro"); gSystem->Exec(Form("mv %s_merge.C %s_merge.C_tmp",kTrainName.Data(),kTrainName.Data())); ifstream in2; in2.open(Form("%s_merge.C_tmp", kTrainName.Data())); TString st2; while(in2.getline(cLine,250)){ st2 += cLine; st2 += "\n"; } index = st2.Index("gSystem->Load(\"libPhysics\");"); index += strlen("gSystem->Load(\"libPhysics\");"); TString add2 = ""; add2 += "\n gSystem->AddIncludePath(\"./\"); \n"; if(gGrid&&kPluginAliRootVersion.Length()==0){ add2 += "\n // Dirty hack for TRD reference data \n"; add2 += "\n gSystem->Setenv(\"ALICE_ROOT\",\""; add2 += Form("alien://%s/rootfiles/",gGrid->GetHomeDirectory()); add2 += "\"); \n"; } add2 += "// BKC \n\n"; if(index<0)Printf("%s:%d index out of bounds",(char*)__FILE__,__LINE__); st2.Insert(index,add.Data()); if(kUseCPAR&&kPluginAliRootVersion.Length()==0){ index = st2.Index("gSystem->AddIncludePath(\"-I$"); // uncommen $ALICE_ROOT include for par files if(index<0)Printf("%s:%d index out of bounds",(char*)__FILE__,__LINE__); st2.Insert(index,"// CKB comment out whehn no aliroot is provided \n //"); } // do not exclude the extra files from merign, this is done explicitly in this train script index = st2.Index("mergeExcludes +="); // uncommen $ALICE_ROOT include for par files if(index<0)Printf("%s:%d index out of bounds",(char*)__FILE__,__LINE__); st2.Insert(index,"// CKB comment out, handled explicitly by the train macro \n //"); ofstream out2; out2.open(Form("%s_merge.C", kTrainName.Data())); if (out2.bad()) { return kFALSE; } out2 << st2 << endl; Printf("<<< Patching Merging Macro"); return kTRUE; }