############################################################################ # * Copyright(c) 1998-2014, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * # * * # * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * # * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * ############################################################################ ############################################################################ #AliRoot build and install documentation # ############################################################################ AliRoot, ALICE Off-line framework for simulation, reconstruction and analysis, can be build and installed using CMake build system [http://www.cmake.org]. CMake is a cross-platform, open-source build system. One of the most important features of CMake is the capability to build a project outside the source tree. This enables the posibility to build different configurations from the same source tree. In order to build and install AliRoot 3 folders need to be defined. 1. Source tree - The folder which contains AliRoot sources / AliRoot Git clone 2. Build folder - The folder used for the actual build. This folder will contain all intermediary files and generated build files 3. Installation folder - The folder when AliRoot libraries and binaries will be installed. Minimum version of CMake for AliRoot is 2.8.11, but we recommend to stay up to date with the latest stable version. Important Note: All these 3 folders have to be in different locations. Important Note: Developers information below ############################################################################ #Recommended workflow - Build and install # ############################################################################ For an easier AliRoot build and installation we recommend the following first time AliRoot workflow. This workflow can be adapted to suit users purpose. 1. Create a work directory $ mkdir $MY_WORK_DIR $ cd $MY_WORK_DIR 2. Clone AliRoot repository inside your work directory. If this is just a simple build and there is no need to change and submit code, please use Git public interface $ git clone http://git.cern.ch/pub/AliRoot AliRoot For development purpose please use the private interface, https or kerberos $ git clone https://git.cern.ch/reps/AliRoot AliRoot 3. Create the build folder. The worklow is creating a "build" folder but any name can be used. $ mkdir build 4. Create the install folder. The workflow is creating an "install" folder but any name can be used. $ mkdir install We now have the complete configuration to start building AliRoot. Note that the build does not require any environment variables. The only exception is DATE environment needed for the generation of DAs (full documentation HERE -> link to daq documentation) 5. In order to configure and start the build we have to go inside the build folder $ cd build The full build is controlled by CMake configure variables, no environment variables are needed. CMake variables are passed to the build system through -D configure paramenter. Example: $ cmake -DCONFIGURE_PARAM1=ON -DCONFIGURE_PARAM2=/usr/some/location The full list of AliRoot configuration parameters - CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX - mandatory standard CMake paramenter. It points to AliRoot installation directory. - ROOTSYS - mandatory Root installation directory. - ALIEN - AliEn2 installation directory. This configuration parameter is mandatory if Root was build with AliEn2 support - FASTJET - FastJet installation point - ZEROMQ - ZeroMQ custom installation point. Not needed if ZeroMQ is installed on the system. - DIMDIR - DIM installation directory - ODIR - Platform for DIM, usually "linux" - SHUTTLE - default value OFF. To enable Shuttle build it needs to be set to ON - DATE_CONFIG - full location for date-config - AMORE_CONFIG - full location for amore-config - DA - default value OFF. To enable the build of DAs set it to ON - daqDA - location of daqDA libraries - MDCRPM - enable alimdc rpm creation - DARPM - enable DA rpm creation A base cmake configuration would contain the following configuration parameters: $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$MY_WORK_DIR/install -DROOTSYS=$MY_ROOT_INSTALLATION_DIR -DALIEN=$MY_ALIEN_INSTALLATION_DIR $MY_WORK_DIR/AliRoot (or ../AliRoot) If all configuration parameters point correctly to the different installations than the configure step will be successul and we can move to the next step, the actual build. Before building please check that all information reported by the configuration step is correct or what you are expecting to be. If we need to change any configuration paramenter, for example the Root installation point set by ROOTSYS it is mandatory to delete the $MY_WORK_DIR/build/CMakeCache.txt file and rerun the full "cmake" command CMake offers general configuration options that can be set using CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE. Possible values are empty, Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo and MinSizeRel. This variable is only supported for make based generators. If this variable is supported, then CMake will also provide initial values for the variables with the name CMAKE_C_FLAGS_[DEBUG|RELEASE|RELWITHDEBINFO|MINSIZEREL]. For example, if CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is Debug, then CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG will be added to the CMAKE_C_FLAGS. CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE for AliRoot Grid packages is RelWithDebInfo. 5. Build AliRoot After the configuration is done the build can be started. Inside the build directory we type $ make If the configuration permits parallel build than we can run $ make -jNR_OF_PROCESSORS For verbose output $ export VERBOSE=1 # verbose mode enabled for futures make commands $ make -j16 or $ make -j16 VERBOSE=1 # verbose mode enabled only for this make command 6. Install AliRoot If the build finished successfuly than AliRoot can be properly installed inside "install" folder Inside the build folder run: $ make -jNR_OF_PROCESSORS install AliRoot installation follows "standard" installation directory structure. - $MY_WORK_DIR/install/lib - libraries folder - $MY_WORK_DIR/install/bin - binaries/executables folder - $MY_WORK_DIR/install/include - header folder AliRoot specific folders are used for - $MY_WORK_DIR/install/da - DAs installation folder - $MY_WORK_DIR/install/PWG** - different files related to PWG ############################################################################ #Recommended workflow - Running AliRoot # ############################################################################ Although the build and install procedure does not require any environment variables, the actuall running of AliRoot needs to be aware of the different locations of used libraries. For properly running AliRoot we need to set at least 2 environment variables 1. PATH Adding Root and AliRoot to PATH $ export PATH=$MY_ROOT_INSTALLATION_DIR/bin:$MY_WORK_DIR/install/bin:$PATH 2. LD_LIBRARY_PATH Adding Root, AliRoot and AliEn to PATH. If FASTJET or ZEROMQ enabled than we need to add them too. $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$MY_ALIEN_INSTALLATION_DIR/lib:$MY_ALIEN_INSTALLATION_DIR/api/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$MY_ROOT_INSTALLATION_DIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$MY_WORK_DIR/install/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ############################################################################ #Recommended workflow - Developers # ############################################################################ Dear developers, AliRoot build and install system follows standard CMake procedures. Please keep a clean, separate distinction between source tree, build and install directories. For any change related to the CMake files please follow the instructions inside the CMakeLists.txt files. Targets are accessible through standard CMake functions. Try to organize your work in separate folders. Do not forget to install all the folders/files that are needed at run time, remeber, source tree and install directory are different locations. For any question do not hesitate to contact us: aliroot-git-admins@cern.ch Have a nice AliRoot development!