#include "isajet/pilot.h" LOGICAL FUNCTION REJFRG() C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C- C- This is called after FRGMNT for TWOJET and DRELLYAN events C- to test the fragmentation. REJFRG=.FALSE. keeps the event. C- C----------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(CERNLIB_IMPNONE) IMPLICIT NONE #endif #include "isajet/partcl.inc" INTEGER I,ID REAL PTL,CUTLEP,CUTNU DATA CUTLEP/50./,CUTNU/100./ REJFRG=.FALSE. C*************************************** C Sample REJFRG function which keeps the event if it contains C any lepton satisfying C PT > CUTLEP (charged lepton) C PT > CUTNU (neutrino) C Appropriate values of the cuts must be set by the user. C REJFRG=.TRUE. C DO 1 I=1,NPTCL C IF(IDCAY(I).NE.0) GO TO 1 C ID=IABS(IDENT(I)) C IF(ID.LE.10.OR.ID.GE.20) GO TO 1 C PTL=SQRT(PPTCL(1,I)**2+PPTCL(2,I)**2) C IF((ID.EQ.11.OR.ID.EQ.13.OR.ID.EQ.15).AND.PTL.GT.CUTNU) THEN C REJFRG=.FALSE. C RETURN C ELSEIF((ID.EQ.12..OR.ID.EQ.14).AND.PTL.GT.CUTLEP) THEN C REJFRG=.FALSE. C RETURN C ENDIF C 1 CONTINUE C*************************************** RETURN END