#include "isajet/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE SIGTC2 C C Compute the techni-rho decay distribution cross section C D(SIGMA)/D(QMW**2)D(YW)D(OMEGA) C for the specified jet types. This is trivial but done for C compatibility with Drell-Yan and Higgs. C #if defined(CERNLIB_IMPNONE) IMPLICIT NONE #endif #include "isajet/itapes.inc" #include "isajet/const.inc" #include "isajet/jetpar.inc" #include "isajet/jetsig.inc" #include "isajet/pjets.inc" #include "isajet/wsig.inc" #include "isajet/tcpar.inc" C REAL AM12,AM22,ANGFAC,S,T,U EQUIVALENCE (S,SHAT),(T,THAT),(U,UHAT) C C Angfac is (1-z**2), and is determined in terms of S,T,U. C Note that both rho+- and rho0 are always elastic. AM12=PJETS(5,1)**2 AM22=PJETS(5,2)**2 ANGFAC=4.*(T*U-AM12*AM22)/((S-AM12-AM22)**2-4.*AM12*AM22) C Differential cross section SIGLLQ=SIGEVT*ANGFAC*3./(8.*PI) RETURN END