void AliITSAnalizeSPDHits(TString hfn="galice.root",Int_t mod=-1, Int_t evnt=-1){ // Macro to analize hits in the SPD to chatch posible problems // Dynamically link some shared libs if (gClassTable->GetID("AliRun") < 0) { gROOT->LoadMacro("loadlibs.C"); loadlibs(); } else { if(gAlice){ delete AliRunLoader::Instance(); delete gAlice; gAlice=0; } } gROOT->LoadMacro("$(ALICE_ROOT)/ITS/AliITSstandard.C"); // Set OCDB if needed AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); if (!man->IsDefaultStorageSet()) { printf("Setting a local default storage and run number 0\n"); man->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT"); man->SetRun(0); }else { printf("Using deafult storage \n"); } // retrives geometry TString geof(gSystem->DirName(hfn)); geof += "/geometry.root"; TGeoManager::Import(geof.Data()); if (!gGeoManager) { cout<<"geometry not found\n"; return -1; } AliRunLoader *rl = AccessFile(hfn); // Set up to read in Data Int_t retval = rl->LoadHeader(); if (retval){ cerr<<"AliITSPrintHits.C : LoadHeader returned error"<GetLoader("ITSLoader"); if(!ITSloader){ cerr<<"AliITSPrintHits.C : ITS loader not found"<LoadHits("read"); AliITS *ITS = (AliITS*)gAlice->GetDetector("ITS"); if(!ITS || ITS==0){ cout << "Error: no ITS found. Aborting"<GetMajorVersion(),ITS->GetMinorVersion()); //cout << initgeom << endl; AliITSgeom *geom = initgeom->CreateAliITSgeom(); if(!geom){ cout << "Error: not AliITSgeom object found."<SetITSgeom(geom); Int_t evNumber1 = 0; Int_t evNumber2 = AliRunLoader::GetNumberOfEvents(); if(evnt>=0){ evNumber1 = evnt; evNumber2 = evnt+1; } // end if evnt>=0 Int_t mod1 = 0; Int_t mod2 = geom->GetIndexMax(); if(mod>=0){ mod1 = mod; mod2 = mod+1; } // end if mod>=0 AliITShit *hp = 0; Int_t i; Double_t zbin[161]; for(i=0;i<161;i++) zbin[i] = 425.0E-4; zbin[32] = zbin[64] = zbin[96] = zbin[128] = 625.0E-4; zbin[0] = -3.536; for(i=1;i<161;i++) zbin[i] += zbin[i-1]; TH1I *phiDistribution1 = new TH1I("phiDistribution1", "Phi Distribution for the inner most layer of the SPD", 5027,0.0,360.0); TH2I *detCoverage1 = new TH2I("detCoverage1", "The SPD layer 1 cell coverage summed over the first ladder per sector", 160,(Double_t *)zbin,256,-0.64,+0.64); TH2I *detCoverage1a = new TH2I("detCoverage1a", "The SPD layer 1 cell coverage sum over the second ladder per sector", 160,(Double_t *)zbin,256,-0.64,+0.64); TH2I *detThicknessZ1 = new TH2I("detThicknessZ1", "Hit local y distribution as a function of z", 160,(Double_t*)zbin,200,-100.E-4,+100.E-4); TH2I *detThicknessX1 = new TH2I("detThicknessX1", "Hit local y distribution as a function of x", 256,-0.64,+0.64,200,-100.E-4,+100.E-4); TH1I *phiDistribution2 = new TH1I("phiDistribution2", "Phi Distribution for the outer most layer of the SPD", 8800,0.0,360.0); TH2I *detCoverage2 = new TH2I("detCoverage2", "The SPD layer 2 cell coverage summed over all but the forth ladder per sector", 160,(Double_t *)zbin,256,-0.64,+0.64); TH2I *detCoverage2a = new TH2I("detCoverage2a", "The SPD layer 2 cell coverage summed over all forth ladder per sector", 160,(Double_t *)zbin,256,-0.64,+0.64); TH2I *detThicknessZ2 = new TH2I("detThicknessZ2", "Hit local y distribution as a function of z", 160,(Double_t*)zbin,200,-100.E-4,+100.E-4); TH2I *detThicknessX2 = new TH2I("detThicknessX2", "Hit local y distribution as a function of x", 256,-0.64,+0.64,200,-100.E-4,+100.E-4); TH2I *xySpace = new TH2I("xySpace", "ALICE global coorinate location of hits in X,y", 100,-8.0,+8.0,100,-8.0,+8.0); TH2I *zrSpace = new TH2I("zrSpace", "ALICE global coorinate location of hits in z,r", 100,-15.0,+15.0,100,0.0,+8.0); Double_t xg,yg,zg,xl,yl,zl,phi; Int_t nmodules,size=-1; Int_t event,m,i,i2,hit,trk,lay,lad,det; for(event = evNumber1; event < evNumber2; event++){ //cout<<"Processing event "<GetEvent(event); ITS->InitModules(size,nmodules); ITS->FillModules(event,0,-1," "," "); for(m=mod1;mGetModuleType(m)==(AliITSDetector)(0)){ i2 = (ITS->GetModule(m))->GetNhits(); //cout << "Event=" << event << " module=" << m << // " Number of Hits=" << i2 <GetModule(m))->GetHitTrackIndex(i); hit = (ITS->GetModule(m))->GetHitHitIndex(i); hp = (ITS->GetModule(m))->GetHit(i); hp->GetPositionG(xg,yg,zg); hp->GetPositionL(xl,yl,zl); geom->GetModuleId(m,lay,lad,det); phi = TMath::ATan2(yg,xg)*TMath::RadToDeg(); if(phi<0.0) phi+=360.0; switch(lay){ case 1: phiDistribution1->Fill(phi,1.0); if(lad%2==1) detCoverage1->Fill(zl,xl,1.0); if(lad%2==0) detCoverage1a->Fill(zl,xl,1.0); detThicknessZ1->Fill(zl,yl,1.0); detThicknessX1->Fill(xl,yl,1.0); break; case 2: phiDistribution2->Fill(phi,1.0); if(lad%4!=0) detCoverage2->Fill(zl,xl,1.0); if(lad%4==0) detCoverage2a->Fill(zl,xl,1.0); detThicknessZ2->Fill(zl,yl,1.0); detThicknessX2->Fill(xl,yl,1.0); break; default: } // end switch } // end for i } // end for m ITS->ClearModules(); } // end for event // cout << "Creating pad"<Range(0,0,1,1); c0->Divide(3,2); // pad = c0->cd(1); phiDistribution2->Draw(); pad = c0->cd(4); phiDistribution1->Draw(); TPad *pad2 = c0->cd(2); delete pad2; c0->cd(0); TPad *pad21 = new TPad("pad21","CoverageZ",0.34,0.875,0.65,1.0); pad21->Draw(); pad21->cd(); pad21->Range(0,0,1,1); pad21->Modified(); detCoverage2->Draw(); c0->Update(); c0->cd(0); TPad *pad22 = new TPad("pad22","CoverageZa",0.34,0.75,0.65,0.875); pad22->Draw(); pad22->cd(); pad22->Range(0,0,1,1); pad22->Modified(); detCoverage2a->Draw(); c0->Update(); c0->cd(0); TPad *pad23 = new TPad("pad23","ThicknessZ",0.34,0.625,0.65,0.75); pad23->Draw(); pad23->cd(); pad23->Range(0,0,1,1); pad23->Modified(); detThicknessZ2->Draw(); c0->Update(); c0->cd(0); TPad *pad24 = new TPad("pad24","ThicknessX",0.34,0.50,0.65,0.625); pad24->Draw(); pad24->cd(); pad24->Range(0,0,1,1); pad24->Modified(); detThicknessX2->Draw(); c0->Update(); // c0->cd(0); TPad *pad5 = c0->cd(5); delete pad5; c0->cd(0); TPad *pad51 = new TPad("pad51","CoverageZ",0.34,0.375,0.65,0.50); pad51->Draw(); pad51->cd(); pad51->Range(0,0,1,1); pad51->Modified(); detCoverage1->Draw(); c0->Update(); c0->cd(0); TPad *pad52 = new TPad("pad52","CoverageZa",0.34,0.25,0.65,0.375); pad52->Draw(); pad52->cd(); pad52->Range(0,0,1,1); pad52->Modified(); detCoverage1a->Draw(); c0->Update(); c0->cd(0); TPad *pad53 = new TPad("pad53","ThicknessZ",0.34,0.125,0.65,0.25); pad53->Draw(); pad53->cd(); pad53->Range(0,0,1,1); pad53->Modified(); detThicknessZ1->Draw(); c0->Update(); c0->cd(0); TPad *pad54 = new TPad("pad54","ThicknessX",0.34,0.00,0.65,0.125); pad54->Draw(); pad54->cd(); pad54->Range(0,0,1,1); pad54->Modified(); detThicknessX1->Draw(); c0->Update(); // TList *tvTreeList = new TList; TTree *tvTree = (TTree *) gROOT->FindObject("TreeH"); tvTreeList->Add(tvTree); pad = c0->cd(3); tvTree->Draw("ITS.fY:ITS.fX","ITS.fModule<240","", 100000, 0); pad = c0->cd(6); tvTree->Draw("ITS.fX*ITS.fX+ITS.fY*ITS.fY:ITS.fZ","ITS.fModule<240","", 100000, 0); }