/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-2003, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implementation of the ITS clusterer V2 class // // // // Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch // // Revised: Enrico Fragiacomo, enrico.fragiacomo@ts.infn.it // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include "AliITSClusterFinderV2SSD.h" #include "AliITSRecPoint.h" #include "AliITSgeomTGeo.h" #include "AliITSDetTypeRec.h" #include "AliRawReader.h" #include "AliITSRawStreamSSD.h" #include #include "AliITSdigitSSD.h" #include "AliITSCalibrationSSD.h" Short_t *AliITSClusterFinderV2SSD::fgPairs = 0x0; Int_t AliITSClusterFinderV2SSD::fgPairsSize = 0; ClassImp(AliITSClusterFinderV2SSD) AliITSClusterFinderV2SSD::AliITSClusterFinderV2SSD(AliITSDetTypeRec* dettyp):AliITSClusterFinderV2(dettyp), fLastSSD1(AliITSgeomTGeo::GetModuleIndex(6,1,1)-1), fYpitchSSD(0.0095), fHwSSD(3.65), fHlSSD(2.00), fTanP(0.0275), fTanN(0.0075){ //Default constructor } //______________________________________________________________________ AliITSClusterFinderV2SSD::AliITSClusterFinderV2SSD(const AliITSClusterFinderV2SSD &cf) : AliITSClusterFinderV2(cf), fLastSSD1(cf.fLastSSD1), fYpitchSSD(cf.fYpitchSSD), fHwSSD(cf.fHwSSD), fHlSSD(cf.fHlSSD), fTanP(cf.fTanP), fTanN(cf.fTanN) { // Copy constructor } //______________________________________________________________________ AliITSClusterFinderV2SSD& AliITSClusterFinderV2SSD::operator=(const AliITSClusterFinderV2SSD& cf ){ // Assignment operator this->~AliITSClusterFinderV2SSD(); new(this) AliITSClusterFinderV2SSD(cf); return *this; } void AliITSClusterFinderV2SSD::FindRawClusters(Int_t mod){ //Find clusters V2 SetModule(mod); FindClustersSSD(fDigits); } void AliITSClusterFinderV2SSD::FindClustersSSD(TClonesArray *alldigits) { //------------------------------------------------------------ // Actual SSD cluster finder //------------------------------------------------------------ AliITSCalibrationSSD* cal = (AliITSCalibrationSSD*)GetResp(fModule); Float_t gain=0; Int_t smaxall=alldigits->GetEntriesFast(); if (smaxall==0) return; // TObjArray *digits = new TObjArray; TObjArray digits; for (Int_t i=0;iUncheckedAt(i); if(d->IsSideP()) gain = cal->GetGainP(d->GetStripNumber()); else gain = cal->GetGainN(d->GetStripNumber()); Float_t q=gain*d->GetSignal(); // calibration brings mip peaks around 120 (in ADC units) q=cal->ADCToKeV(q); // converts the charge in KeV from ADC units //Float_t q=d->GetSignal()/4.29;// temp. fix (for PID purposed - normalis. to be checked) d->SetSignal(Int_t(q)); if (d->GetSignal()<3) continue; digits.AddLast(d); } Int_t smax = digits.GetEntriesFast(); if (smax==0) return; const Int_t kMax=1000; Int_t np=0, nn=0; Ali1Dcluster pos[kMax], neg[kMax]; Float_t y=0., q=0., qmax=0.; Int_t lab[4]={-2,-2,-2,-2}; AliITSdigitSSD *d=(AliITSdigitSSD*)digits.UncheckedAt(0); q += d->GetSignal(); y += d->GetCoord2()*d->GetSignal(); qmax=d->GetSignal(); lab[0]=d->GetTrack(0); lab[1]=d->GetTrack(1); lab[2]=d->GetTrack(2); Int_t curr=d->GetCoord2(); Int_t flag=d->GetCoord1(); Int_t *n=&nn; Ali1Dcluster *c=neg; Int_t nd=1; Int_t milab[10]; for (Int_t ilab=0;ilab<10;ilab++){ milab[ilab]=-2; } milab[0]=d->GetTrack(0); milab[1]=d->GetTrack(1); milab[2]=d->GetTrack(2); for (Int_t s=1; sGetCoord2(); if ((strip-curr) > 1 || flag!=d->GetCoord1()) { c[*n].SetY(y/q); c[*n].SetQ(q); c[*n].SetNd(nd); CheckLabels2(milab); c[*n].SetLabels(milab); //Split suspiciously big cluster if (nd>4&&nd<25) { c[*n].SetY(y/q-0.25*nd); c[*n].SetQ(0.5*q); (*n)++; if (*n==kMax) { Error("FindClustersSSD","Too many 1D clusters !"); return; } c[*n].SetY(y/q+0.25*nd); c[*n].SetQ(0.5*q); c[*n].SetNd(nd); c[*n].SetLabels(milab); } (*n)++; if (*n==kMax) { Error("FindClustersSSD","Too many 1D clusters !"); return; } y=q=qmax=0.; nd=0; lab[0]=lab[1]=lab[2]=-2; // for (Int_t ilab=0;ilab<10;ilab++){ milab[ilab]=-2; } // if (flag!=d->GetCoord1()) { n=&np; c=pos; } } flag=d->GetCoord1(); q += d->GetSignal(); y += d->GetCoord2()*d->GetSignal(); nd++; if (d->GetSignal()>qmax) { qmax=d->GetSignal(); lab[0]=d->GetTrack(0); lab[1]=d->GetTrack(1); lab[2]=d->GetTrack(2); } for (Int_t ilab=0;ilab<10;ilab++) { if (d->GetTrack(ilab)>=0) AddLabel(milab, (d->GetTrack(ilab))); } curr=strip; } c[*n].SetY(y/q); c[*n].SetQ(q); c[*n].SetNd(nd); c[*n].SetLabels(lab); //Split suspiciously big cluster if (nd>4 && nd<25) { c[*n].SetY(y/q-0.25*nd); c[*n].SetQ(0.5*q); (*n)++; if (*n==kMax) { Error("FindClustersSSD","Too many 1D clusters !"); return; } c[*n].SetY(y/q+0.25*nd); c[*n].SetQ(0.5*q); c[*n].SetNd(nd); c[*n].SetLabels(lab); } (*n)++; if (*n==kMax) { Error("FindClustersSSD","Too many 1D clusters !"); return; } FindClustersSSD(neg, nn, pos, np); } void AliITSClusterFinderV2SSD::RawdataToClusters(AliRawReader* rawReader,TClonesArray** clusters){ //------------------------------------------------------------ // This function creates ITS clusters from raw data //------------------------------------------------------------ rawReader->Reset(); AliITSRawStreamSSD inputSSD(rawReader); // rawReader->SelectEquipment(-1,0,15); FindClustersSSD(&inputSSD,clusters); } void AliITSClusterFinderV2SSD::FindClustersSSD(AliITSRawStreamSSD* input, TClonesArray** clusters) { //------------------------------------------------------------ // Actual SSD cluster finder for raw data //------------------------------------------------------------ Int_t nClustersSSD = 0; const Int_t kMax = 1000; Ali1Dcluster clusters1D[2][kMax]; Int_t nClusters[2] = {0, 0}; Int_t lab[3]={-2,-2,-2}; Float_t q = 0.; Float_t y = 0.; Int_t nDigits = 0; Float_t gain=0; Float_t noise=0.; Float_t oldnoise=0.; AliITSCalibrationSSD* cal=NULL; Int_t matrix[12][1536]; Int_t iddl=-1; Int_t iad=-1; Int_t oddl = -1; Int_t oad = -1; Int_t oadc = -1; Int_t ostrip = -1; Int_t osignal = 65535; Int_t n=0; Bool_t next=0; // read raw data input stream while (kTRUE) { // reset signal matrix for(Int_t i=0; i<12; i++) { for(Int_t j=0; j<1536; j++) { matrix[i][j] = 65535;} } if(osignal!=65535) { n++; matrix[oadc][ostrip] = osignal; // recover data from previous occurence of input->Next() } // buffer data for ddl=iddl and ad=iad while(kTRUE) { next = input->Next(); if((!next)&&(input->flag)) continue; Int_t ddl=input->GetDDL(); Int_t ad=input->GetAD(); Int_t adc = input->GetADC(); adc = (adc<6)? adc : adc - 2; Int_t strip = input->GetStrip(); if(input->GetSideFlag()) strip=1535-strip; Int_t signal = input->GetSignal(); //cout<5*oldnoise)) || (nDigits>1) ) { Ali1Dcluster& cluster = clusters1D[0][nClusters[0]++]; cluster.SetY(y/q); cluster.SetQ(q); cluster.SetNd(nDigits); cluster.SetLabels(lab); //Split suspiciously big cluster if (nDigits > 4&&nDigits < 25) { cluster.SetY(y/q - 0.25*nDigits); cluster.SetQ(0.5*q); if (nClusters[0] == kMax) { Error("FindClustersSSD", "Too many 1D clusters !"); return; } Ali1Dcluster& cluster2 = clusters1D[0][nClusters[0]++]; cluster2.SetY(y/q + 0.25*nDigits); cluster2.SetQ(0.5*q); cluster2.SetNd(nDigits); cluster2.SetLabels(lab); } } y = q = 0.; nDigits = 0; first=0; } oldnoise = 0.; noise = 0.; for(Int_t istrip=768; istrip<1536; istrip++) { // N-side Int_t signal = matrix[iadc][istrip]; Int_t strip = 1535-istrip; oldnoise = noise; noise = cal->GetNoiseN(strip); if(signal<3*noise) signal = 65535; // in case ZS was not done in hw do it now if (signal!=65535) { gain = cal->GetGainN(strip); signal = (Int_t) ( signal * gain); // signal is corrected for gain signal = (Int_t) cal->ADCToKeV( signal ); // signal is converted in KeV // add digit to current cluster q += signal; y += strip * signal; nDigits++; first=1; } else if(first) { if ( ((nDigits==1)&&(q>5*oldnoise)) || (nDigits>1) ) { Ali1Dcluster& cluster = clusters1D[1][nClusters[1]++]; cluster.SetY(y/q); cluster.SetQ(q); cluster.SetNd(nDigits); cluster.SetLabels(lab); //Split suspiciously big cluster if (nDigits > 4&&nDigits < 25) { cluster.SetY(y/q - 0.25*nDigits); cluster.SetQ(0.5*q); if (nClusters[1] == kMax) { Error("FindClustersSSD", "Too many 1D clusters !"); return; } Ali1Dcluster& cluster2 = clusters1D[1][nClusters[1]++]; cluster2.SetY(y/q + 0.25*nDigits); cluster2.SetQ(0.5*q); cluster2.SetNd(nDigits); cluster2.SetLabels(lab); } } y = q = 0.; nDigits = 0; first=0; } } // loop over strips on N-side if(first) { if ( ((nDigits==1)&&(q>5*oldnoise)) || (nDigits>1) ) { Ali1Dcluster& cluster = clusters1D[1][nClusters[1]++]; cluster.SetY(y/q); cluster.SetQ(q); cluster.SetNd(nDigits); cluster.SetLabels(lab); //Split suspiciously big cluster if (nDigits > 4&&nDigits < 25) { cluster.SetY(y/q - 0.25*nDigits); cluster.SetQ(0.5*q); if (nClusters[1] == kMax) { Error("FindClustersSSD", "Too many 1D clusters !"); return; } Ali1Dcluster& cluster2 = clusters1D[1][nClusters[1]++]; cluster2.SetY(y/q + 0.25*nDigits); cluster2.SetQ(0.5*q); cluster2.SetNd(nDigits); cluster2.SetLabels(lab); } } y = q = 0.; nDigits = 0; first=0; } // create recpoints if((nClusters[0])&&(nClusters[1])) { //cout<<"creating recpoint for module="<GetEntriesFast(); nClustersSSD += nClusters; } nClusters[0] = nClusters[1] = 0; y = q = 0.; nDigits = 0; } // loop over adc if(!next) break; } Info("FindClustersSSD", "found clusters in ITS SSD: %d", nClustersSSD); } void AliITSClusterFinderV2SSD:: FindClustersSSD(Ali1Dcluster* neg, Int_t nn, Ali1Dcluster* pos, Int_t np, TClonesArray *clusters) { //------------------------------------------------------------ // Actual SSD cluster finder //------------------------------------------------------------ // Float_t xyz[3]; const TGeoHMatrix *mT2L=AliITSgeomTGeo::GetTracking2LocalMatrix(fModule); TClonesArray &cl=*clusters; // Float_t tanp=fTanP, tann=fTanN; if (fModule>fLastSSD1) {tann=fTanP; tanp=fTanN;} Int_t idet=fNdet[fModule]; Int_t ncl=0; // Int_t negativepair[30000]; Int_t cnegative[3000]; Int_t cused1[3000]; Int_t positivepair[30000]; Int_t cpositive[3000]; Int_t cused2[3000]; for (Int_t i=0;i<3000;i++) {cnegative[i]=0; cused1[i]=0;} for (Int_t i=0;i<3000;i++) {cpositive[i]=0; cused2[i]=0;} for (Int_t i=0;i<30000;i++) {negativepair[i]=0; positivepair[i]=0;} if ((np*nn) > fgPairsSize) { if (fgPairs) delete [] fgPairs; fgPairsSize = 4*np*nn; fgPairs = new Short_t[fgPairsSize]; } memset(fgPairs,0,sizeof(Short_t)*np*nn); // // find available pairs // for (Int_t i=0; iMasterToLocal(loc,trk); lp[0]=trk[1]; lp[1]=trk[2]; } lp[2]=0.0025*0.0025; //SigmaY2 lp[3]=0.110*0.110; //SigmaZ2 lp[4]=qbest; //Q for (Int_t ilab=0;ilab<10;ilab++) milab[ilab]=-2; for (Int_t ilab=0;ilab<3;ilab++){ milab[ilab] = pos[ip].GetLabel(ilab); milab[ilab+3] = neg[j].GetLabel(ilab); } // CheckLabels2(milab); milab[3]=(((ip<<10) + j)<<10) + idet; // pos|neg|det Int_t info[3] = {pos[ip].GetNd(),neg[j].GetNd(),fNlayer[fModule]}; AliITSRecPoint * cl2; if(clusters){ // Note clusters != 0 when method is called for rawdata cl2 = new (cl[ncl]) AliITSRecPoint(milab,lp,info); // cl2-> GetGlobalXYZ(xyz); cout<<"rec "<SetChargeRatio(ratio); cl2->SetType(1); fgPairs[ip*nn+j]=1; if ((pos[ip].GetNd()+neg[j].GetNd())>6){ //multi cluster cl2->SetType(2); fgPairs[ip*nn+j]=2; } cused1[ip]++; cused2[j]++; } else{ // Note clusters == 0 when method is called for digits cl2 = new AliITSRecPoint(milab,lp,info); // cl2-> GetGlobalXYZ(xyz); cout<<"rec "<SetChargeRatio(ratio); cl2->SetType(1); fgPairs[ip*nn+j]=1; if ((pos[ip].GetNd()+neg[j].GetNd())>6){ //multi cluster cl2->SetType(2); fgPairs[ip*nn+j]=2; } cused1[ip]++; cused2[j]++; //cout<<"AliITSClusterFinderV2SSD "<AddRecPoint(*cl2); } ncl++; } } for (Int_t ip=0;ipMasterToLocal(loc,trk); lp[0]=trk[1]; lp[1]=trk[2]; } lp[2]=0.0025*0.0025; //SigmaY2 lp[3]=0.110*0.110; //SigmaZ2 lp[4]=qbest; //Q for (Int_t ilab=0;ilab<10;ilab++) milab[ilab]=-2; for (Int_t ilab=0;ilab<3;ilab++){ milab[ilab] = pos[ip].GetLabel(ilab); milab[ilab+3] = neg[in].GetLabel(ilab); } // CheckLabels2(milab); ratio = (pos[ip].GetQ()-neg[in].GetQ())/(pos[ip].GetQ()+neg[in].GetQ()); milab[3]=(((ip<<10) + in)<<10) + idet; // pos|neg|det Int_t info[3] = {pos[ip].GetNd(),neg[in].GetNd(),fNlayer[fModule]}; AliITSRecPoint * cl2; if(clusters){ cl2 = new (cl[ncl]) AliITSRecPoint(milab,lp,info); // cl2-> GetGlobalXYZ(xyz); cout<<"rec "<SetChargeRatio(ratio); cl2->SetType(5); fgPairs[ip*nn+in] = 5; if ((pos[ip].GetNd()+neg[in].GetNd())>6){ //multi cluster cl2->SetType(6); fgPairs[ip*nn+in] = 6; } } else{ cl2 = new AliITSRecPoint(milab,lp,info); cl2->SetChargeRatio(ratio); cl2->SetType(5); fgPairs[ip*nn+in] = 5; if ((pos[ip].GetNd()+neg[in].GetNd())>6){ //multi cluster cl2->SetType(6); fgPairs[ip*nn+in] = 6; } //cout<<"AliITSClusterFinderV2SSD "<AddRecPoint(*cl2); } ncl++; } // // add second pair // if (!(cused1[ip2] || cused2[in])){ // if (fgPairs[ip2*nn+in]==100){ Float_t yp=pos[ip2].GetY()*fYpitchSSD; Float_t yn=neg[in].GetY()*fYpitchSSD; Float_t zt=(2*fHlSSD*tanp + yp - yn)/(tann+tanp); Float_t yt=yn + tann*zt; zt-=fHlSSD; yt-=fHwSSD; ybest =yt; zbest=zt; qbest =pos[ip2].GetQ(); { Double_t loc[3]={ybest,0.,zbest},trk[3]={0.,0.,0.}; mT2L->MasterToLocal(loc,trk); lp[0]=trk[1]; lp[1]=trk[2]; } lp[2]=0.0025*0.0025; //SigmaY2 lp[3]=0.110*0.110; //SigmaZ2 lp[4]=qbest; //Q for (Int_t ilab=0;ilab<10;ilab++) milab[ilab]=-2; for (Int_t ilab=0;ilab<3;ilab++){ milab[ilab] = pos[ip2].GetLabel(ilab); milab[ilab+3] = neg[in].GetLabel(ilab); } // CheckLabels2(milab); ratio = (pos[ip2].GetQ()-neg[in].GetQ())/(pos[ip2].GetQ()+neg[in].GetQ()); milab[3]=(((ip2<<10) + in)<<10) + idet; // pos|neg|det Int_t info[3] = {pos[ip2].GetNd(),neg[in].GetNd(),fNlayer[fModule]}; AliITSRecPoint * cl2; if(clusters){ cl2 = new (cl[ncl]) AliITSRecPoint(milab,lp,info); // cl2-> GetGlobalXYZ(xyz); cout<<"rec "<SetChargeRatio(ratio); cl2->SetType(5); fgPairs[ip2*nn+in] =5; if ((pos[ip2].GetNd()+neg[in].GetNd())>6){ //multi cluster cl2->SetType(6); fgPairs[ip2*nn+in] =6; } } else{ cl2 = new AliITSRecPoint(milab,lp,info); cl2->SetChargeRatio(ratio); cl2->SetType(5); fgPairs[ip2*nn+in] =5; if ((pos[ip2].GetNd()+neg[in].GetNd())>6){ //multi cluster cl2->SetType(6); fgPairs[ip2*nn+in] =6; } // cout<<"AliITSClusterFinderV2SSD "<AddRecPoint(*cl2); } ncl++; } cused1[ip]++; cused1[ip2]++; cused2[in]++; } } } // for (Int_t jn=0;jnMasterToLocal(loc,trk); lp[0]=trk[1]; lp[1]=trk[2]; } lp[2]=0.0025*0.0025; //SigmaY2 lp[3]=0.110*0.110; //SigmaZ2 lp[4]=qbest; //Q for (Int_t ilab=0;ilab<10;ilab++) milab[ilab]=-2; for (Int_t ilab=0;ilab<3;ilab++){ milab[ilab] = pos[ip].GetLabel(ilab); milab[ilab+3] = neg[jn].GetLabel(ilab); } // CheckLabels2(milab); ratio = (pos[ip].GetQ()-neg[jn].GetQ())/(pos[ip].GetQ()+neg[jn].GetQ()); milab[3]=(((ip<<10) + jn)<<10) + idet; // pos|neg|det Int_t info[3] = {pos[ip].GetNd(),neg[jn].GetNd(),fNlayer[fModule]}; AliITSRecPoint * cl2; if(clusters){ cl2 = new (cl[ncl]) AliITSRecPoint(milab,lp,info); // cl2-> GetGlobalXYZ(xyz); cout<<"rec "<SetChargeRatio(ratio); cl2->SetType(7); fgPairs[ip*nn+jn] =7; if ((pos[ip].GetNd()+neg[jn].GetNd())>6){ //multi cluster cl2->SetType(8); fgPairs[ip*nn+jn]=8; } } else{ cl2 = new AliITSRecPoint(milab,lp,info); cl2->SetChargeRatio(ratio); cl2->SetType(7); fgPairs[ip*nn+jn] =7; if ((pos[ip].GetNd()+neg[jn].GetNd())>6){ //multi cluster cl2->SetType(8); fgPairs[ip*nn+jn]=8; } //cout<<"AliITSClusterFinderV2SSD "<AddRecPoint(*cl2); } ncl++; } // // add second pair // if (!(cused1[ip]||cused2[jn2])){ if (fgPairs[ip*nn+jn2]==100){ Float_t yn=neg[jn2].GetY()*fYpitchSSD; Double_t yp=pos[ip].GetY()*fYpitchSSD; Double_t zt=(2*fHlSSD*tanp + yp - yn)/(tann+tanp); Double_t yt=yn + tann*zt; zt-=fHlSSD; yt-=fHwSSD; ybest =yt; zbest=zt; qbest =neg[jn2].GetQ(); { Double_t loc[3]={ybest,0.,zbest},trk[3]={0.,0.,0.}; mT2L->MasterToLocal(loc,trk); lp[0]=trk[1]; lp[1]=trk[2]; } lp[2]=0.0025*0.0025; //SigmaY2 lp[3]=0.110*0.110; //SigmaZ2 lp[4]=qbest; //Q for (Int_t ilab=0;ilab<10;ilab++) milab[ilab]=-2; for (Int_t ilab=0;ilab<3;ilab++){ milab[ilab] = pos[ip].GetLabel(ilab); milab[ilab+3] = neg[jn2].GetLabel(ilab); } // CheckLabels2(milab); ratio = (pos[ip].GetQ()-neg[jn2].GetQ())/(pos[ip].GetQ()+neg[jn2].GetQ()); milab[3]=(((ip<<10) + jn2)<<10) + idet; // pos|neg|det Int_t info[3] = {pos[ip].GetNd(),neg[jn2].GetNd(),fNlayer[fModule]}; AliITSRecPoint * cl2; if(clusters){ cl2 = new (cl[ncl]) AliITSRecPoint(milab,lp,info); // cl2-> GetGlobalXYZ(xyz); cout<<"rec "<SetChargeRatio(ratio); fgPairs[ip*nn+jn2]=7; cl2->SetType(7); if ((pos[ip].GetNd()+neg[jn2].GetNd())>6){ //multi cluster cl2->SetType(8); fgPairs[ip*nn+jn2]=8; } } else{ cl2 = new AliITSRecPoint(milab,lp,info); cl2->SetChargeRatio(ratio); fgPairs[ip*nn+jn2]=7; cl2->SetType(7); if ((pos[ip].GetNd()+neg[jn2].GetNd())>6){ //multi cluster cl2->SetType(8); fgPairs[ip*nn+jn2]=8; } //cout<<"AliITSClusterFinderV2SSD "<AddRecPoint(*cl2); } ncl++; } cused1[ip]++; cused2[jn]++; cused2[jn2]++; } } } for (Int_t ip=0;ip1) continue; // more than one "proper" cluster for positive // count =0; for (Int_t dj=0;dj1) continue; // more than one "proper" cluster for negative Int_t jp = 0; count =0; for (Int_t dj=0;dj1) continue; if (fgPairs[ip*nn+j]<100) continue; // //almost gold clusters Float_t yp=pos[ip].GetY()*fYpitchSSD; Float_t yn=neg[j].GetY()*fYpitchSSD; Float_t zt=(2*fHlSSD*tanp + yp - yn)/(tann+tanp); Float_t yt=yn + tann*zt; zt-=fHlSSD; yt-=fHwSSD; ybest=yt; zbest=zt; qbest=0.5*(pos[ip].GetQ()+neg[j].GetQ()); { Double_t loc[3]={ybest,0.,zbest},trk[3]={0.,0.,0.}; mT2L->MasterToLocal(loc,trk); lp[0]=trk[1]; lp[1]=trk[2]; } lp[2]=0.0025*0.0025; //SigmaY2 lp[3]=0.110*0.110; //SigmaZ2 lp[4]=qbest; //Q for (Int_t ilab=0;ilab<10;ilab++) milab[ilab]=-2; for (Int_t ilab=0;ilab<3;ilab++){ milab[ilab] = pos[ip].GetLabel(ilab); milab[ilab+3] = neg[j].GetLabel(ilab); } // CheckLabels2(milab); ratio = (pos[ip].GetQ()-neg[j].GetQ())/(pos[ip].GetQ()+neg[j].GetQ()); milab[3]=(((ip<<10) + j)<<10) + idet; // pos|neg|det Int_t info[3] = {pos[ip].GetNd(),neg[j].GetNd(),fNlayer[fModule]}; AliITSRecPoint * cl2; if(clusters){ cl2 = new (cl[ncl]) AliITSRecPoint(milab,lp,info); // cl2-> GetGlobalXYZ(xyz); cout<<"rec "<SetChargeRatio(ratio); cl2->SetType(10); fgPairs[ip*nn+j]=10; if ((pos[ip].GetNd()+neg[j].GetNd())>6){ //multi cluster cl2->SetType(11); fgPairs[ip*nn+j]=11; } cused1[ip]++; cused2[j]++; } else{ cl2 = new AliITSRecPoint(milab,lp,info); cl2->SetChargeRatio(ratio); cl2->SetType(10); fgPairs[ip*nn+j]=10; if ((pos[ip].GetNd()+neg[j].GetNd())>6){ //multi cluster cl2->SetType(11); fgPairs[ip*nn+j]=11; } cused1[ip]++; cused2[j]++; //cout<<"AliITSClusterFinderV2SSD "<AddRecPoint(*cl2); } ncl++; } } // for (Int_t i=0; i0 &&fgPairs[i*nn+j]<100) continue; ratio = (pos[i].GetQ()-neg[j].GetQ())/(pos[i].GetQ()+neg[j].GetQ()); Float_t yn=neg[j].GetY()*fYpitchSSD; Float_t zt=(2*fHlSSD*tanp + yp - yn)/(tann+tanp); Float_t yt=yn + tann*zt; zt-=fHlSSD; yt-=fHwSSD; if (TMath::Abs(yt)MasterToLocal(loc,trk); lp[0]=trk[1]; lp[1]=trk[2]; } lp[2]=0.0025*0.0025; //SigmaY2 lp[3]=0.110*0.110; //SigmaZ2 lp[4]=qbest; //Q for (Int_t ilab=0;ilab<10;ilab++) milab[ilab]=-2; for (Int_t ilab=0;ilab<3;ilab++){ milab[ilab] = pos[i].GetLabel(ilab); milab[ilab+3] = neg[j].GetLabel(ilab); } // CheckLabels2(milab); milab[3]=(((i<<10) + j)<<10) + idet; // pos|neg|det Int_t info[3] = {pos[i].GetNd(),neg[j].GetNd(),fNlayer[fModule]}; AliITSRecPoint * cl2; if(clusters){ cl2 = new (cl[ncl]) AliITSRecPoint(milab,lp,info); // cl2-> GetGlobalXYZ(xyz); cout<<"rec "<SetChargeRatio(ratio); cl2->SetType(100+cpositive[j]+cnegative[i]); } else{ cl2 = new AliITSRecPoint(milab,lp,info); cl2->SetChargeRatio(ratio); cl2->SetType(100+cpositive[j]+cnegative[i]); //cout<<"AliITSClusterFinderV2SSD "<AddRecPoint(*cl2); } ncl++; //cl2->SetType(0); /* if (fgPairs[i*nn+j]<100){ printf("problem:- %d\n", fgPairs[i*nn+j]); } if (cnegative[i]<2&&cpositive[j]<2){ printf("problem:- %d\n", fgPairs[i*nn+j]); } */ } } } }