////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Author: Henrik Tydesjo // // This class implements the use of a map of integers. // // The values are kept in a binary tree, which is automatically // // reordered to be more balanced when the tree height gets too large// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "AliITSIntMap.h" #include "AliITSIntMapNode.h" #include #include AliITSIntMap::AliITSIntMap(): fNrEntries(0), fRoot(NULL), fFastAccess(kFALSE), fFastAccessSerialize(kFALSE), fFastAccessArray(NULL), fDummyIndex(0) {} AliITSIntMap::AliITSIntMap(AliITSIntMapNode* root, UInt_t nrEntries): fNrEntries(nrEntries), fRoot(root), fFastAccess(kFALSE), fFastAccessSerialize(kFALSE), fFastAccessArray(NULL), fDummyIndex(0) {} AliITSIntMap::AliITSIntMap(const AliITSIntMap& imap): fNrEntries(0), fRoot(NULL), fFastAccess(kFALSE), fFastAccessSerialize(kFALSE), fFastAccessArray(NULL), fDummyIndex(0) { // copy constructor *this = imap; } AliITSIntMap::~AliITSIntMap() { Clear(); } AliITSIntMap& AliITSIntMap::operator=(const AliITSIntMap& imap) { // assignment operator if (this!=&imap) { this->Clear(); fRoot = CloneNode(imap.fRoot); fFastAccess=kFALSE; fFastAccessSerialize=kFALSE; fFastAccessArray=NULL; fDummyIndex=0; } return *this; } void AliITSIntMap::Clear() { // clear the whole map ClearFastAccess(); ClearNode(fRoot); } void AliITSIntMap::ClearNode(AliITSIntMapNode* &node) { // clear this node and all children nodes if (node==NULL) return; ClearNode(node->Left()); ClearNode(node->Right()); delete node; fNrEntries--; node = NULL; fFastAccess=kFALSE; fFastAccessSerialize=kFALSE; } AliITSIntMap* AliITSIntMap::Clone() const { // returns a clone of the map AliITSIntMapNode* newRoot; newRoot = CloneNode(fRoot); AliITSIntMap* newMap = new AliITSIntMap(newRoot,fNrEntries); return newMap; } AliITSIntMapNode* AliITSIntMap::CloneNode(AliITSIntMapNode* node) const { if (node==NULL) return NULL; else return new AliITSIntMapNode(node->Key(),node->Val(),CloneNode(node->Left()),CloneNode(node->Right())); } Bool_t AliITSIntMap::Insert(Int_t key, Int_t val) { // insert a new node into the map (returns true if the node was not present before) UInt_t entriesBefore = fNrEntries; InsertNode(key,val,fRoot,0); if (fNrEntries>entriesBefore) return kTRUE; else return kFALSE; } void AliITSIntMap::InsertNode(Int_t key, Int_t val, AliITSIntMapNode* &node, UInt_t height) { // method to insert a node in the tree (used recursively) height++; if (node==NULL) { node = new AliITSIntMapNode(key,val,NULL,NULL); fNrEntries++; fFastAccess=kFALSE; fFastAccessSerialize=kFALSE; UInt_t balanceHeight = (UInt_t) (log(fNrEntries+1)/log(2)+1); if ( (height-balanceHeight)*(height-balanceHeight) > fNrEntries ) { Balance(); } } else if (key < node->Key()) { InsertNode(key,val,node->Left(),height); } else if (key > node->Key()) { InsertNode(key,val,node->Right(),height); } else { // (key==node->Key()): do nothing (avoid duplicates) // Warning("AliITSIntMap::InsertNode","Node with key %d already in map. Not inserted.",key); } } Bool_t AliITSIntMap::Remove(Int_t key) { // remove a node from the map (returns true if the node was found) UInt_t entriesBefore = fNrEntries; RemoveNode(key,fRoot); if (fNrEntriesKey()) { RemoveNode(key,node->Left()); } else if (key > node->Key()) { RemoveNode(key,node->Right()); } else if (node->Left()!=NULL && node->Right()!=NULL) { // Two children if (fNrEntries%2==0) { // for better balance, remove from left or right sub tree AliITSIntMapNode* moveNode = FindMinNode(node->Right()); node->SetKey(moveNode->Key()); node->SetVal(moveNode->Val()); RemoveNode(moveNode->Key(),node->Right()); } else { AliITSIntMapNode* moveNode = FindMaxNode(node->Left()); node->SetKey(moveNode->Key()); node->SetVal(moveNode->Val()); RemoveNode(moveNode->Key(),node->Left()); } } else { AliITSIntMapNode* oldNode = node; node = (node->Left()!=NULL) ? node->Left() : node->Right(); fNrEntries--; delete oldNode; fFastAccess=kFALSE; fFastAccessSerialize=kFALSE; } } Bool_t AliITSIntMap::Pop(Int_t& key, Int_t& val) { // removes one entry (root) from tree, giving its key,val pair if (fRoot!=NULL) { key = fRoot->Key(); val = fRoot->Val(); return Remove(key); } else return kFALSE; } AliITSIntMapNode* AliITSIntMap::FindMinNode(AliITSIntMapNode* node) const { // returns the node with smallest key in the sub tree starting from node if (node==NULL) return NULL; else if (node->Left()==NULL) return node; else return FindMinNode(node->Left()); } AliITSIntMapNode* AliITSIntMap::FindMaxNode(AliITSIntMapNode* node) const { // returns the node with largest key in the sub tree starting from node if (node==NULL) return NULL; else if (node->Right()==NULL) return node; else return FindMaxNode(node->Right()); } AliITSIntMapNode* AliITSIntMap::Find(Int_t key) const { // finds a node and returns it (returns NULL if not found) return FindNode(key,fRoot,0); } AliITSIntMapNode* AliITSIntMap::FindNode(Int_t key, AliITSIntMapNode* node, UInt_t height) const { // method to find a node in the tree (used recursively) if (node==NULL) return NULL; height++; if (keyKey()) return FindNode(key,node->Left(),height); else if (key>node->Key()) return FindNode(key,node->Right(),height); else { // Match // //*** balance if height too high. const above have to be removed if this is needed *** // UInt_t balanceHeight = (UInt_t) (log(fNrEntries+1)/log(2)+1); // if ( (height-balanceHeight)*(height-balanceHeight) > fNrEntries ) { // Balance(); // } return node; } } Int_t AliITSIntMap::GetVal(Int_t key) const { // returns the value for the node with key AliITSIntMapNode* node = Find(key); if (node!=NULL) { return node->Val(); } else { Warning("AliITSIntMap::GetVal","Node with key %d not found in map. Returning -999.",key); return -999; } } void AliITSIntMap::Balance() { // method to balance the tree // printf("balance H=%d --> ",GetTreeHeight()); if (fNrEntries==0) return; if (!fFastAccess) InitFastAccess(); fRoot = BalanceNode(0,fNrEntries-1); // printf("H=%d\n",GetTreeHeight()); } AliITSIntMapNode* AliITSIntMap::BalanceNode(Int_t lowInd, Int_t highInd) { // balances the tree by selecting the center of an index range // (used recursively) if (lowInd>highInd) return NULL; Int_t thisInd = lowInd+(highInd-lowInd)/2; fFastAccessArray[thisInd]->Left() = BalanceNode(lowInd,thisInd-1); fFastAccessArray[thisInd]->Right() = BalanceNode(thisInd+1,highInd); return fFastAccessArray[thisInd]; } void AliITSIntMap::ClearFastAccess(){ // clears the fast access array of pointers if (fFastAccessArray!=NULL) { delete [] fFastAccessArray; fFastAccessArray=NULL; } fFastAccess=kFALSE; fFastAccessSerialize=kFALSE; } void AliITSIntMap::InitFastAccess(){ // initializes the fast access array ClearFastAccess(); if (fNrEntries>0) { fFastAccessArray = new AliITSIntMapNode*[fNrEntries]; fDummyIndex=0; InitFastAccessNode(fRoot); fFastAccess=kTRUE; } } void AliITSIntMap::InitFastAccessNode(AliITSIntMapNode* node) { // initializes the fast access array starting from node (used recursively) if (node==NULL) return; InitFastAccessNode(node->Left()); fFastAccessArray[fDummyIndex++] = node; InitFastAccessNode(node->Right()); } void AliITSIntMap::InitFastAccessSerialize(){ // initializes the fast access array ClearFastAccess(); if (fNrEntries>0) { fFastAccessArray = new AliITSIntMapNode*[fNrEntries]; fDummyIndex=0; InitFastAccessSerializeNode(fRoot); fFastAccessSerialize=kTRUE; } } void AliITSIntMap::InitFastAccessSerializeNode(AliITSIntMapNode* node) { // initializes the fast access array for tree ordering starting from node (used recursively) if (node==NULL) return; fFastAccessArray[fDummyIndex++] = node; InitFastAccessSerializeNode(node->Left()); InitFastAccessSerializeNode(node->Right()); } Int_t AliITSIntMap::GetKeyIndex(UInt_t index) { // returns the key of the node at position 'index' in the map // returns -1 if out of bounds if (indexKey(); } return -1; } Int_t AliITSIntMap::GetValIndex(UInt_t index) { // returns the value of the node at position 'index' in the map // returns -1 if out of bounds if (indexVal(); } return -1; } AliITSIntMapNode* AliITSIntMap::FindNodeIndex(UInt_t index, AliITSIntMapNode* node) const { // method to find the index:th node in the tree (used recursively) // this method should not be needed anymore, since GetKeyIndex/GetValIndex is faster static UInt_t fTmpInd; if (node==fRoot) fTmpInd=0; if (node->Left()!=NULL) { AliITSIntMapNode* tmpResult = FindNodeIndex(index,node->Left()); if (tmpResult != NULL) { return tmpResult; } } if (fTmpInd==index) return node; fTmpInd++; if (node->Right()!=NULL) { AliITSIntMapNode* tmpResult = FindNodeIndex(index,node->Right()); if (tmpResult != NULL) { return tmpResult; } } return NULL; } void AliITSIntMap::PrintEntries() const { // prints all the entries (key,value pairs) of the map printf("*** Map Entries: (key , value)***\n"); PrintNode(fRoot); printf("*********************************\n"); } void AliITSIntMap::PrintNode(AliITSIntMapNode* node) const { // method to print node entry (key,value) (used recursively) if (node==NULL) return; if (node->Left()!=NULL) PrintNode(node->Left()); printf("%d , %d\n",node->Key(),node->Val()); if (node->Right()!=NULL) PrintNode(node->Right()); } UInt_t AliITSIntMap::GetTreeHeight() const { // returns the height of the tree return GetTreeHeightNode(fRoot); } UInt_t AliITSIntMap::GetTreeHeightNode(AliITSIntMapNode* node) const { // returns tree height for the sub tree starting from node (used recursively) if (node==NULL) return 0; UInt_t leftH = GetTreeHeightNode(node->Left()); UInt_t rightH = GetTreeHeightNode(node->Right()); if (leftH>=rightH) return leftH+1; else return rightH+1; }