// // Macro to convert ITS local-coordinate points // into globa lones // Int_t AliITSL2GConvertPointsV2 (const char* in_name = "ITS.RecPoints.root", const char* out_name = "ITS.Neural.PointsV2.root", Int_t nev = 0) { TStopwatch timer; // Open output file TFile *in = new TFile(in_name); TFile *out = new TFile(out_name, "recreate"); // Load event files if (gAlice) { delete AliRunLoader::GetRunLoader(); delete gAlice; gAlice=0; } AliRunLoader* rl = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root"); if (rl == 0x0) { cerr << "AliITSL2GConvertPoints.C : Can not open session." << endl; return 3; } Int_t retval = rl->LoadgAlice(); if (retval) { cerr << "AliITSL2GConvertPoints.C : LoadgAlice returned error" << endl; return 3; } gAlice=rl->GetAliRun(); AliITSLoader* gime = (AliITSLoader*)rl->GetLoader("ITSLoader"); if (gime == 0x0) { cerr << "AliITSL2GConvertPoints.C : can not get ITS loader" << endl; return 3; } AliITS *ITS = (AliITS*)gAlice->GetDetector("ITS"); if (!ITS) { cerr << "AliITSL2GConvertPoints.C : AliITS object not found on file" << endl; return 3; } // end if !ITS AliITSgeom *geom = (AliITSgeom*)ITS->GetITSgeom(); if(!geom) { cerr << "AliITSL2GConvertPoints.C : AliITSgeom not found." << endl; return 4; } // end if gime->LoadRecPoints("read"); rl->GetEvent(nev); TTree *TR = gime->TreeR(); if (!TR) { cerr << "AliITSL2GConvertPoints.C : Can't get the clusters tree." << endl; return 4; } // Tree of recpoints Int_t nModules = 0; TTree *TR = (TTree*)in->Get(Form("Event%d/TreeR", nev)); nModules = (Int_t)TR->GetEntries(); if (!nModules) { cout << "Empty TreeR!!!" << endl; return; } timer.Start(); // Converts and stores the ITS points into global coordinate format Int_t pos = 0; AliITSRecPoint *local = 0; AliITSNeuralPoint *global = 0; TTree *TP = new TTree("TreeP", "Event points in global coords"); TP->Branch("pos", &pos, "pos/I"); TP->Branch("Points", "AliITSNeuralPoint", &global); TObjArray *localArray = 0; TR->SetBranchAddress("Clusters", &localArray); Int_t module, layer, i, j, count, index; Double_t locPos[3], globPos[3], locErr[3][3], globErr[3][3]; cout << geom->GetModuleIndex(1,1,1) << endl; cout << geom->GetModuleIndex(2,1,1) << endl; cout << geom->GetModuleIndex(3,1,1) << endl; cout << geom->GetModuleIndex(4,1,1) << endl; cout << geom->GetModuleIndex(5,1,1) << endl; cout << geom->GetModuleIndex(6,1,1) << endl; for(module = 0; module < nModules; module++) { TR->GetEvent(module); count = (Int_t)localArray->GetEntriesFast(); for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { local = (AliITSRecPoint*)localArray->At(index); cout << module << " - " << local->GetDetectorIndex() << endl; global = new AliITSNeuralPoint(local, geom, module, index); global->SetUser(-1); global->ConfMap(0.0, 0.0); TP->Fill(); pos++; } } timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); cout << TP->GetEntries() << " points collected" << endl; out->cd(); out->mkdir(Form("Event%d", nev)); out->cd(Form("Event%d", nev)); TP->Write(Form("TreeP", nev)); out->Close(); }