/////////////////////////////////////////////// // Author: Henrik Tydesjo // // Preprocessor Class for the SPD // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "AliITSPreprocessorSPD.h" #include "AliITSCalibrationSPD.h" #include "AliITSOnlineCalibrationSPDhandler.h" #include "AliCDBEntry.h" #include "AliCDBMetaData.h" #include "AliShuttleInterface.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include #include #include #include /* $Id$ */ ClassImp(AliITSPreprocessorSPD) //______________________________________________________________________________________________ AliITSPreprocessorSPD::AliITSPreprocessorSPD(AliShuttleInterface* shuttle) : AliPreprocessor("SPD", shuttle), fIdList() { // constructor AddRunType("DAQ_MIN_TH_SCAN"); AddRunType("DAQ_MEAN_TH_SCAN"); AddRunType("DAQ_GEN_DAC_SCAN"); AddRunType("DAQ_UNIFORMITY_SCAN"); AddRunType("DAQ_NOISY_PIX_SCAN"); AddRunType("DAQ_PIX_DELAY_SCAN"); AddRunType("DAQ_FO_UNIF_SCAN"); AddRunType("PHYSICS"); fIdList.SetOwner(kTRUE); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ AliITSPreprocessorSPD::~AliITSPreprocessorSPD() { // destructor } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSPreprocessorSPD::Initialize(Int_t run, UInt_t startTime, UInt_t endTime) { // initialize AliPreprocessor::Initialize(run, startTime, endTime); AliInfo(Form("\n\tRun %d \n\tStartTime %s \n\tEndTime %s", run, TTimeStamp(startTime).AsString(), TTimeStamp(endTime).AsString())); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t AliITSPreprocessorSPD::Process(TMap* /*dcsAliasMap*/) { // Do the actual preprocessing // *** GET RUN TYPE *** TString runType = GetRunType(); fIdList.Clear(); UInt_t nrEqForScan = 0; // UInt_t nrEqForPhysN = 0; // UInt_t nrEqForPhysD = 0; // ******************************************************************************************** // // *** GET THE FILE IDs FOR DEBUGGING *** // if (runType == "DAQ_MIN_TH_SCAN" || runType == "DAQ_MEAN_TH_SCAN" || runType == "DAQ_GEN_DAC_SCAN" || runType == "DAQ_UNIFORMITY_SCAN" || runType == "DAQ_NOISY_PIX_SCAN" || runType == "DAQ_PIX_DELAY_SCAN" || runType == "DAQ_FO_UNIF_SCAN" || runType == "PHYSICS") { TString idListId = "SPD_id_list"; TList* list = GetFileSources(kDAQ,idListId.Data()); UInt_t nrIdFiles = 0; if (list) { TListIter *iter = new TListIter(list); while (TObjString* fileNameEntry = (TObjString*) iter->Next()) { TString fileName = GetFile(kDAQ, idListId.Data(), fileNameEntry->GetString().Data()); if (fileName.IsNull()) { Log(Form("GetFile failed to retrieve file %s.",fileNameEntry->GetString().Data())); return 1; } nrIdFiles++; ifstream idFile; idFile.open(fileName.Data(), ifstream::in); if (idFile.fail()) { Log(Form("Could not open file (%s) for reading.",fileName.Data())); return 1; } else { while(1) { Char_t id[50]; idFile >> id; if (idFile.eof()) break; // Add id to the list; fIdList.AddLast(new TObjString(id)); } } idFile.close(); } delete iter; } if (nrIdFiles==0) { Log("Failed to retrieve any id list file."); return 1; } } // ******************************************************************************************** // // *** REFERENCE DATA *** // // Standalone runs: if (runType == "DAQ_MIN_TH_SCAN" || runType == "DAQ_MEAN_TH_SCAN" || runType == "DAQ_GEN_DAC_SCAN" || runType == "DAQ_UNIFORMITY_SCAN" || runType == "DAQ_NOISY_PIX_SCAN" || runType == "DAQ_PIX_DELAY_SCAN" || runType == "DAQ_FO_UNIF_SCAN") { // Store the scan container files as reference data (0 or 1 file for each equipment) for (UInt_t eq=0; eq<20; eq++) { TString id = Form("SPD_ref_scan_%d",eq); TList* list = GetFileSources(kDAQ,id.Data()); // (the id should be unique, so always 1 file) if (list) { TObjString* fileNameEntry = (TObjString*) list->First(); if (fileNameEntry!=NULL) { nrEqForScan++; TString fileName = GetFile(kDAQ, id, fileNameEntry->GetString().Data()); if (fileName.IsNull()) { Log(Form("GetFile failed to retrieve file %s.",fileNameEntry->GetString().Data())); return 1; } if (!RemoveIdFromList(id.Data())) { Log(Form("Warning: Retrieved file with id %s, that was not in the id list!",id.Data())); } TString refCAT = Form("SPD_ref_scan_eq_%d",eq); if (!StoreReferenceFile(fileName.Data(),refCAT.Data())) { Log(Form("Failed to store reference file %s.",fileName.Data())); return 1; } } } } } // Physics runs (online monitoring): if (runType == "PHYSICS") { // Store the phys "per run" container files as reference data if (!StoreRefFromTarForId("SPD_ref_phys")) return 1; // Store the phys "dead" container files as reference data if (!StoreRefFromTarForId("SPD_ref_phys_dead")) return 1; } // *** OLD CODE NOT TARED // for (UInt_t eq=0; eq<20; eq++) { // TString id = Form("SPD_ref_phys_%d",eq); // TList* list = GetFileSources(kDAQ,id.Data()); // (the id should be unique, so always 1 file) // if (list) { // TObjString* fileNameEntry = (TObjString*) list->First(); // if (fileNameEntry!=NULL) { // nrEqForPhysN++; // TString fileName = GetFile(kDAQ, id, fileNameEntry->GetString().Data()); // if (fileName.IsNull()) { // Log(Form("GetFile failed to retrieve file %s.",fileNameEntry->GetString().Data())); // return 1; // } // if (!RemoveIdFromList(id.Data())) { // Log(Form("Warning: Retrieved file with id %s, that was not in the id list!",id.Data())); // } // TString refCAT = Form("SPD_ref_phys_eq_%d",eq); // if (!StoreReferenceFile(fileName.Data(),refCAT.Data())) { // Log(Form("Failed to store reference file %s.",fileName.Data())); // return 1; // } // } // } // } // *** // *** OLD CODE NOT TARED // // Store the phys "dead" container files as reference data (0 or 1 file for each equipment) // for (UInt_t eq=0; eq<20; eq++) { // TString id = Form("SPD_ref_phys_dead_%d",eq); // TList* list = GetFileSources(kDAQ,id.Data()); // (the id should be unique, so always 1 file) // if (list) { // TObjString* fileNameEntry = (TObjString*) list->First(); // if (fileNameEntry!=NULL) { // nrEqForPhysD++; // TString fileName = GetFile(kDAQ, id, fileNameEntry->GetString().Data()); // if (fileName.IsNull()) { // Log(Form("GetFile failed to retrieve file %s.",fileNameEntry->GetString().Data())); // return 1; // } // if (!RemoveIdFromList(id.Data())) { // Log(Form("Warning: Retrieved file with id %s, that was not in the id list!",id.Data())); // } // TString refCAT = Form("SPD_ref_phys_dead_eq_%d",eq); // if (!StoreReferenceFile(fileName.Data(),refCAT.Data())) { // Log(Form("Failed to store reference file %s.",fileName.Data())); // return 1; // } // } // } // } // } // *** // ******************************************************************************************** // // *** NOISY AND DEAD DATA *** // // Standalone runs: if (runType == "DAQ_NOISY_PIX_SCAN") { // Retrieve and unpack tared calibration files from FXS TString id = "SPD_scan_noisy"; TList* list = GetFileSources(kDAQ,id.Data()); if (list) { UInt_t index = 0; while (list->At(index)!=NULL) { TObjString* fileNameEntry = (TObjString*) list->At(index); TString fileName = GetFile(kDAQ, id.Data(), fileNameEntry->GetString().Data()); if (fileName.IsNull()) { Log(Form("GetFile failed to retrieve file %s.",fileNameEntry->GetString().Data())); return 1; } if (!RemoveIdFromList("SPD_scan_noisy")) { Log(Form("Warning: Retrieved file with id %s, that was not in the id list!",id.Data())); } TString command = Form("tar -xf %s",fileName.Data()); gSystem->Exec(command.Data()); index++; } } // Create new database entries TObjArray* spdEntryNoisy = new TObjArray(240); spdEntryNoisy->SetOwner(kTRUE); for(UInt_t module=0; module<240; module++){ AliITSCalibrationSPD* calObj = new AliITSCalibrationSPD(); spdEntryNoisy->Add(calObj); } // Add noisy from the copied FXS files AliITSOnlineCalibrationSPDhandler* handler = new AliITSOnlineCalibrationSPDhandler(); TString fileLoc = "."; handler->SetFileLocation(fileLoc.Data()); handler->ReadNoisyFromFiles(); for (Int_t module=0; module<240; module++) { ((AliITSCalibrationSPD*) spdEntryNoisy->At(module)) -> SetNrBad( handler->GetNrNoisy(module) ); ((AliITSCalibrationSPD*) spdEntryNoisy->At(module)) -> SetBadList( handler->GetNoisyArray(module) ); } delete handler; // Store the new calibration objects in OCDB Log("Noisy lists (scan) will be stored..."); AliCDBMetaData metaData; metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaData.SetResponsible("Henrik Tydesjo"); metaData.SetComment("Created by SPD PreProcessor"); // validity for this run until infinity if (!Store("Calib", "SPDNoisy", spdEntryNoisy, &metaData, 0, kTRUE)) { Log("Failed to store calibration data."); return 1; } Log("Database updated."); delete spdEntryNoisy; } // Physics runs (online monitoring): else if (runType == "PHYSICS") { // Noisy pixels: // Read noisy from previous calibration AliCDBEntry* cdbEntry = GetFromOCDB("Calib", "SPDNoisy"); TObjArray* spdEntryNoisy; if(cdbEntry) { spdEntryNoisy = (TObjArray*)cdbEntry->GetObject(); if(!spdEntryNoisy) return 1; } else { Log("Old calibration not found in database. This is required for further processing."); return 1; } AliITSOnlineCalibrationSPDhandler* handOld = new AliITSOnlineCalibrationSPDhandler(); handOld->ReadNoisyFromCalibObj(spdEntryNoisy); // Retrieve and unpack tared calibration files from FXS TString idN = "SPD_phys_noisy"; TList* listN = GetFileSources(kDAQ,idN.Data()); if (listN) { UInt_t index = 0; while (listN->At(index)!=NULL) { TObjString* fileNameEntry = (TObjString*) listN->At(index); TString fileName = GetFile(kDAQ, idN.Data(), fileNameEntry->GetString().Data()); if (fileName.IsNull()) { Log(Form("GetFile failed to retrieve file %s.",fileNameEntry->GetString().Data())); return 1; } if (!RemoveIdFromList(idN.Data())) { Log(Form("Warning: Retrieved file with id %s, that was not in the id list!",idN.Data())); } TString command = Form("tar -xf %s",fileName.Data()); gSystem->Exec(command.Data()); index++; } } AliITSOnlineCalibrationSPDhandler* handNew = new AliITSOnlineCalibrationSPDhandler(); handNew->SetFileLocation("."); handNew->ReadNoisyFromFiles(); // add the new list to the old one UInt_t nrNewNoisy = handOld->AddNoisyFrom(handNew); // If new noisy pixels were found: Update calibration objects if (nrNewNoisy>0) { for (Int_t module=0; module<240; module++) { ((AliITSCalibrationSPD*) spdEntryNoisy->At(module)) -> SetNrBad( handOld->GetNrNoisy(module) ); ((AliITSCalibrationSPD*) spdEntryNoisy->At(module)) -> SetBadList( handOld->GetNoisyArray(module) ); } // Store the new calibration objects in OCDB Log("Noisy lists (phys) will be stored..."); AliCDBMetaData metaData; metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaData.SetResponsible("Henrik Tydesjo"); metaData.SetComment("Created by SPD PreProcessor"); // validity for this run only if (!Store("Calib", "SPDNoisy", spdEntryNoisy, &metaData, 0, kFALSE)) { Log("Failed to store calibration data."); return 1; } Log("Database updated."); } delete handNew; // Dead pixels: // Retrieve and unpack tared calibration files from FXS TString idD = "SPD_phys_dead"; TList* listD = GetFileSources(kDAQ,idD.Data()); UInt_t nrPhysDeadFiles = 0; if (listD) { UInt_t index = 0; while (listD->At(index)!=NULL) { TObjString* fileNameEntry = (TObjString*) listD->At(index); TString fileName = GetFile(kDAQ, idD.Data(), fileNameEntry->GetString().Data()); if (fileName.IsNull()) { Log(Form("GetFile failed to retrieve file %s.",fileNameEntry->GetString().Data())); return 1; } nrPhysDeadFiles++; if (!RemoveIdFromList("SPD_phys_dead")) { Log(Form("Warning: Retrieved file with id %s, that was not in the id list!",idD.Data())); } TString command = Form("tar -xf %s",fileName.Data()); gSystem->Exec(command.Data()); index++; } } if (nrPhysDeadFiles==0) { Log(Form("Could not find files with id %s. Should be present for each run.",idD.Data())); return 1; } // Create new database entries TObjArray* spdEntryDead = new TObjArray(240); spdEntryDead->SetOwner(kTRUE); for(UInt_t module=0; module<240; module++){ AliITSCalibrationSPD* calObj = new AliITSCalibrationSPD(); spdEntryDead->Add(calObj); } // Add dead from the copied FXS files handOld->SetFileLocation("."); handOld->ReadSilentFromFiles(); for (Int_t module=0; module<240; module++) { ((AliITSCalibrationSPD*) spdEntryDead->At(module)) -> SetNrBad( handOld->GetNrSilent(module) ); ((AliITSCalibrationSPD*) spdEntryDead->At(module)) -> SetBadList( handOld->GetSilentArray(module) ); } delete handOld; // Store the new calibration objects in OCDB Log("Dead lists (phys) will be stored..."); AliCDBMetaData metaData; metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaData.SetResponsible("Henrik Tydesjo"); metaData.SetComment("Created by SPD PreProcessor"); // validity for this run only if (!Store("Calib", "SPDDead", spdEntryDead, &metaData, 0, kFALSE)) { Log("Failed to store calibration data."); return 1; } Log("Database updated."); delete spdEntryDead; } // check that there are no ids left in the list: if (fIdList.First()!=NULL) { TString logMessage = ""; TListIter *iter = new TListIter(&fIdList); while (TObjString *st = (TObjString*)iter->Next()) { logMessage.Append(st->GetString()); logMessage.Append(" "); } delete iter; Log(Form("Files with the following ids were never retrieved: %s.",logMessage.Data())); return 1; } fIdList.Clear(); return 0; // 0 means success } //_________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSPreprocessorSPD::RemoveIdFromList(const Char_t *id) { // removes id from the list of ids Bool_t found = kFALSE; TListIter *iter = new TListIter(&fIdList); while (TObjString *st = (TObjString*)iter->Next()) { if (st->GetString().CompareTo(id)==0) { fIdList.Remove(st); found = kTRUE; break; } } delete iter; return found; } //_________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSPreprocessorSPD::StoreRefFromTarForId(const Char_t *id) { // store reference files from tar file for the id given (this is just to not duplicate code) TList* list = GetFileSources(kDAQ,id); if (list) { UInt_t index = 0; while (list->At(index)!=NULL) { TObjString* fileNameEntry = (TObjString*) list->At(index); TString fileName = GetFile(kDAQ, id, fileNameEntry->GetString().Data()); if (fileName.IsNull()) { Log(Form("GetFile failed to retrieve file %s.",fileNameEntry->GetString().Data())); return kFALSE; } if (!RemoveIdFromList(id)) { Log(Form("Warning: Retrieved file with id %s, that was not in the id list!",id)); } // get the file names from the tar file // TString pwd = gSystem->pwd(); // TString tempFileName = Form("%s/tempTar.txt",pwd.Data()); TString tempFileName = "tempTar.txt"; TString command = Form("tar -tf %s > %s",fileName.Data(),tempFileName.Data()); gSystem->Exec(command.Data()); TList fList; ifstream tempFile; tempFile.open(tempFileName.Data(), ifstream::in); if (tempFile.fail()) { Log(Form("Could not open file (%s) for reading.",tempFileName.Data())); return kFALSE; } else { while(1) { Char_t fileN[100]; tempFile >> fileN; if (tempFile.eof()) break; fList.AddLast(new TObjString(fileN)); } } // close and remove temp file tempFile.close(); command = Form("rm -f %s",tempFileName.Data()); gSystem->Exec(command.Data()); // unpack command = Form("tar -xf %s",fileName.Data()); gSystem->Exec(command.Data()); // store each file UInt_t index2 = 0; while (fList.At(index2)!=NULL) { TString eqFileName = ((TObjString*)fList.At(index2))->GetString(); // get eq id TString eqStr = eqFileName.Data(); UInt_t len = eqStr.Length(); eqStr.Replace(0,len-7,"",0); eqStr.ReplaceAll("_",1,"",0); eqStr.ReplaceAll(".root",5,"",0); Int_t eqId = eqStr.Atoi(); if (eqId>=0 && eqId<20) { TString refCAT = Form("%s_eq_%d",id,eqId); if (!StoreReferenceFile(eqFileName.Data(),refCAT.Data())) { Log(Form("Failed to store reference file %s.",eqFileName.Data())); return kFALSE; } } else { Log(Form("Eq ID %d out of bounds for file %s",eqId,eqFileName.Data())); fList.Clear(); return kFALSE; } index2++; } fList.Clear(); index++; } } return kTRUE; }