#include #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliITSRecoParam.h" #include "AliITSReconstructor.h" #include "AliITSRecPointContainer.h" #include "AliITSRecPoint.h" #include "AliRunLoader.h" ClassImp(AliITSRecPointContainer) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class to store ITS RecPoints for the duration of // // one event processing // // The container is cleared at each event and new RP // // are loaded from TTree // // Origin masera@to.infn.it Nov. 12 2009 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* $Id$ */ AliITSRecPointContainer* AliITSRecPointContainer::fgInstance = 0x0; //______________________________________________________________________ AliITSRecPointContainer::AliITSRecPointContainer(const AliITSRecoParam* krp):TObject(), fSPDNModules(0), fSDDNModules(0), fSSDNModules(0), fArray(), fCurrentEve(-1000), fNextEvent(-1000), fActualSize(0), fDet(""), fStatusOK(kTRUE){ // Default constructor if(fgkNModules != AliITSgeomTGeo::GetNModules())AliError(Form("The total number of modules is not %d, but %d",fgkNModules,AliITSgeomTGeo::GetNModules())); Int_t modperlay[6]; for(Int_t i=0;i<6;i++)modperlay[i]=AliITSgeomTGeo::GetNDetectors(1+i)*AliITSgeomTGeo::GetNLadders(1+i); fSPDNModules=modperlay[0]+modperlay[1]; fSDDNModules=modperlay[2]+modperlay[3]; fSSDNModules=modperlay[4]+modperlay[5]; // AliInfo(Form("Total modules: %d \n SPD modules=%d , SDD modules=%d, SSD modules=%d ",fgkNModules,fSPDNModules,fSDDNModules,fSSDNModules)); // kLimits[0:5] --> low fluw; kLimits[6,11] --> High flux const Int_t kLimits[12]={25,25,20,20,10,10,300,300,200,200,100,100}; Int_t offset=0; if(!krp){ AliWarning("AliITSRecoParam is missing. Using defaults"); } else { if(krp->GetEventSpecie() == AliRecoParam::kHighMult)offset=6; } Int_t maxval[6]; TString values=""; for(Int_t i=0;i<6;i++){ maxval[i]=kLimits[i+offset]; values+=maxval[i]; values+=" "; if(i>0)modperlay[i]+=modperlay[i-1]; } AliInfo(Form("Container created with sizes/layer: %s",values.Data())); Int_t layer=0; for(Int_t i=0;i=modperlay[layer])++layer; fArray[i]=new TClonesArray("AliITSRecPoint",maxval[layer]); } } //______________________________________________________________________ AliITSRecPointContainer::~AliITSRecPointContainer(){ // Destructor for(Int_t i=0;iDelete(); delete fArray[i]; } } } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSRecPointContainer::CookEntries(){ // From the number of entries in TTree R, the number of ITS subdetectors // active for the present run is inferred if(fActualSize == fgkNModules)fDet="ALL SPD SDD SSD "; if(fActualSize == fSPDNModules) fDet = "SPD "; if(fActualSize == fSDDNModules) fDet = "SDD "; if(fActualSize == fSSDNModules)fDet = "SSD "; if(fActualSize == (fSPDNModules+fSDDNModules)) fDet = "SPD SDD "; if(fActualSize == (fSPDNModules+fSSDNModules))fDet = "SPD SSD "; if(fActualSize == (fSDDNModules+fSSDNModules))fDet = "SDD SSD "; if((!fDet.Contains("SPD")) && (!fDet.Contains("SDD")) && (!fDet.Contains("SSD"))){ AliError(Form("The number of active modules %d does not correspond to any standard configuration of the detector",fActualSize)); fStatusOK = kFALSE; } } //______________________________________________________________________ TClonesArray* AliITSRecPointContainer::FetchClusters(Int_t mod, TTree* tR){ // retrieves Recpoints for module mod (offline mode: the event number is // retrieved via the AliRunLoader object) // The actual access to the RP TTree is done as follows: // If the AliRunLoader object exists, the event number is taken from it // If not, the data member fNextEvent is used. // To set fNextEvent it is necessary to call PrepareToRead in advance. // if this is never done, fNextEvent will have its default negative value // and an error message will be delivered. AliRunLoader* rl = AliRunLoader::Instance(); Int_t cureve; if(rl){ cureve = rl->GetEventNumber(); } else if(fNextEvent>=0){ cureve = fNextEvent; } else { AliError("The RunLoader is not defined, PrepareToRead was not invoked. Revise calling sequence. Nothing done"); return NULL; } return FetchClusters(mod,tR,cureve); } //______________________________________________________________________ TClonesArray* AliITSRecPointContainer::FetchClusters(Int_t mod, TTree* tR,Int_t cureve){ // retrieves Recpoints for module mod // cureve is the current event number. If it is different w.r.t. // the event number stored in fCurrentEve, the recpoints are read from // the TTree. Otherwise, the RP stored in memory are used. if(cureve != fCurrentEve){ fCurrentEve = cureve; Reset(); TBranch *branch = NULL; branch = tR->GetBranch("ITSRecPoints"); if(!branch){ AliError("Branch ITSRecPoints not found on ITS recpoints TTree"); fStatusOK = kFALSE; return NULL; } fActualSize = branch->GetEntries(); CookEntries(); if(fDet.IsNull())return NULL; // it is assumed that the filling order of the tree is SPD, SDD, SSD // even if one or two subdetector are missing if(IsSPDActive()){ for(Int_t i=0;iSetAddress(&fArray[i]); branch->GetEvent(i); } } if(IsSDDActive()){ Int_t start=0; if(IsSPDActive())start+=fSPDNModules; Int_t counter = fSPDNModules; for(Int_t i=start;iSetAddress(&fArray[counter]); ++counter; branch->GetEvent(i); } } if(IsSSDActive()){ Int_t start=0; if(IsSPDActive())start+=fSPDNModules; if(IsSDDActive())start+=fSDDNModules; Int_t counter = fSPDNModules+fSDDNModules; for(Int_t i=start;iSetAddress(&fArray[counter]); ++counter; branch->GetEvent(i); } } } if(CheckBoundaries(mod)){ return fArray[mod]; } else { AliError(Form("Module %d is out of boundaries",mod)); return NULL; } } //______________________________________________________________________ AliITSRecPointContainer* AliITSRecPointContainer::Instance(const AliITSRecoParam* kptr){ // returns AliITSRecPointContainer instance (singleton) if(!fgInstance){ if(!kptr){ fgInstance = new AliITSRecPointContainer(AliITSReconstructor::GetRecoParam()); } else { fgInstance = new AliITSRecPointContainer(kptr); } } return fgInstance; } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSRecPointContainer::Reset(){ // Resets the status of the object for(Int_t i=0;iClear(); } fDet=""; }