/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * * * * * ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// * * * * This class performs a fast fit of helices going through the <=6 * * points of the ITS, with the goal of studying tracking and * * vertexing performances. * * Generated kinematics is used to take into account different weights * * associated to points in different layers (with different multiple * * scattering-originated errors). * * * * Based on the work by A. Strandlie, R. Fruhwirth * * * * First implementation by N. Bustreo, R. Turrisi - July 2000 * * * * Further modifications by A. Dainese, R. Turrisi * * * * Contact: Rosario Turrisi, rosario.turrisi@pd.infn.it * * * * **************************************************************************/ // // // Modified November, 7th 2001 by Rosario Turrisi // (rosario.turrisi@pd.infn.it) // // FitHelix returns different values. 0=ok, >0 =problem // void FitLinear -> Int_t FitLinear to give feedback of errors to FitHelix // // // Modified July, 30th 2001 by Rosario Turrisi // (rosario.turrisi@pd.infn.it) // // Fit for z now in (z,s) plane. // Returns parameters in order to write the helix equation // and find the right phase/initial point. // // "PROPER WEIGHTS": (1+R^2)^2/(\sigma_x^2 + \sigma_y^2 + \sigma_MS^2) // #include #include "AliITSRiemannFit.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "Riostream.h" #include "TH2.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TGraphErrors.h" #include "TMinuit.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TRandom.h" #include "TParticle.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "AliITSRecPoint.h" #include "AliITSgeom.h" #include "AliITSmodule.h" #include "AliMC.h" ClassImp(AliITSRiemannFit) AliITSRiemannFit::AliITSRiemannFit() { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Default constructor. // Set everything to zero. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// fSizeEvent = 0; fPoints = 0; fPrimaryTracks = 0; fPointRecs = 0; // // test erase // fspdi = 0; // fspdo = 0; for(Int_t i=0;i<6;i++)fPLay[i] = 0; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- AliITSRiemannFit::~AliITSRiemannFit() { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Default destructor. // if arrays exist delete them. Then set everything to zero. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(fPointRecs!=0){ for(Int_t i=0;iphi = phi; Points[i]->eta = -0.5*tan(0.5*TMath::ATan2(r,z)); Points[i]->fx = x; Points[i]->fy = y; Points[i]->fz = z; Points[i]->fdx = error[0]; Points[i]->fdy = error[1]; Points[i]->fdz = error[2]; Points[i]->fr = r; Points[i]->track = track; Points[i]->lay = id[0], Points[i]->lad = id[1]; Points[i]->det = id[2]; Points[i]->fMomentum = PE; Points[i]->fOrigin = OT; Points[i]->fPt = sqrt(PE.X()*PE.X()+PE.Y()*PE.Y()); Points[i]->fCode = code; Points[i]->fName = name; Points[i]->vertexPhi = phiorigin; index++; return; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliITSRiemannFit::InitPoints(Int_t ntracks,AliITS *ITS, TTree *TR,Int_t nparticles){ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Fill the class member fPointRecs with the reconstructed points // Set All other members to the real values // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("\n ************* Starting Init Points *************\n"); TParticle *part; AliITSgeom *gm = (AliITSgeom*)ITS->GetITSgeom(); //get pointer to modules array TObjArray *ITSmodules = ITS->GetModules(); Int_t nmodules=ITSmodules->GetEntriesFast(); printf("nmodules = %d \n",nmodules); // Get the points from points file AliITSmodule *itsModule; Int_t mod,irec; Stat_t nent; AliITSRecPoint *recp; nent=TR->GetEntries(); TClonesArray *ITSrec = ITS->RecPoints(); Int_t TotRP=0; for (mod=0; modAt(mod); ITS->ResetRecPoints(); TR->GetEvent(mod); Int_t nrecp = ITSrec->GetEntries(); if(!nrecp) continue; TotRP += nrecp; } Int_t iMAX = TotRP; fPrimaryTracks = ntracks; fParticles = nparticles; Point_tl *global = new Point_tl[iMAX]; fPointRecs = new Point_tl*[iMAX]; // // test erase // Point_tl *first = new Point_tl[iMAX]; // Point_tl *second = new Point_tl[iMAX]; // fspdi = new Point_tl*[iMAX]; // fspdo = new Point_tl*[iMAX]; for(Int_t j=0;jAt(mod); ITS->ResetRecPoints(); TR->GetEvent(mod); Int_t nrecp = ITSrec->GetEntries(); if (!nrecp) continue; itsModule->GetID(layer,ladder,detector); for (irec=0;irecUncheckedAt(irec); track=recp->fTracks[0]; if(track <0 ) continue; xcluster=recp->GetX(); // x on cluster zcluster=recp->GetZ(); // z on cluster part = (TParticle*) gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(track); part->ProductionVertex(OT); // set the vertex part->Momentum(PE); // set the vertex momentum name = part->GetName(); code = part->GetPdgCode(); Phi = part->Phi(); id[0]=layer; id[1]=ladder; id[2]=detector; id[3]=irec; locals[0]=xcluster; // x on cluster locals[1]=0.0; // y on cluster locals[2]=zcluster; // z on cluster locals_error[0]=sqrt(recp->GetSigmaX2()); locals_error[1]=0.0; locals_error[2]=sqrt(recp->GetSigmaZ2()); locals_plus[0]=xcluster+sqrt(recp->GetSigmaX2()); // x on cluster if(layer==1||layer==2) locals_plus[1]=0.0150/2; // y on cluster else if(layer==3||layer==4) locals_plus[1]=0.0280/2; // y on cluster else if(layer==5||layer==6) locals_plus[1]=0.0300/2; // y on cluster locals_plus[2]=zcluster+sqrt(recp->GetSigmaZ2()); // z on cluster locals_minus[0]=xcluster-sqrt(recp->GetSigmaX2()); // x on cluster locals_minus[1]=0.0; // y on cluster locals_minus[2]=zcluster-sqrt(recp->GetSigmaZ2()); // z on cluster gm->LtoG(layer,ladder,detector,locals,xpoint); gm->LtoG(layer,ladder,detector,locals_plus,error_plus); gm->LtoG(layer,ladder,detector,locals_minus,error_minus); global_error[0]=0.5*TMath::Abs(error_plus[0]-error_minus[0]); global_error[1]=0.5*TMath::Abs(error_plus[1]-error_minus[1]); global_error[2]=0.5*TMath::Abs(error_plus[2]-error_minus[2]); if(trackEta())<=1.0) ieta++; if(TMath::Abs(part->Eta())<=0.5) ieta2++; } if(!(id[0]==idold[0]&&id[1]==idold[1]&& id[2]==idold[2]&&id[3]==idold[3])) { FillPoints(fPointRecs,num,xpoint,global_error,PE,OT,id,track,name,code,Phi); // // test erase switch (idold[0]) { case 1: nspdi++; break; case 2: nspdo++; break; case 3: nsddi++; break; case 4: nsddo++; break; case 5: nssdi++; break; case 6: nssdo++; break; } // if(idold[0]==1){ // FillPoints(fspdi,nspdi,xpoint,global_error,PE,OT,id,track,name,code,Phi); // } // if(idold[0]==2){ // FillPoints(fspdo,nspdo,xpoint,global_error,PE,OT,id,track,name,code,Phi); // } // if(idold[0]==3){ // nsddi++; // } // if(idold[0]==4){ // nsddo++; // } // if(idold[0]==5){ // nssdi++; // } // if(idold[0]==6){ // nssdo++; // } for(i=0;i<4;i++) idold[i] = id[i]; for(i=0;i<3;i++) xpoint[i] = 0.0; } // end if id != idold } // end for irec }// end for mod fPoints = num; fSizeEvent = num; fPLay[0] = nspdi ; fPLay[1] = nspdo ; fPLay[2] = nsddi ; fPLay[3] = nsddo ; fPLay[4] = nssdi ; fPLay[5] = nssdo ; printf("%d primary tracks in eta=+-1\n",ieta); printf("%d primary tracks#2 in eta=+-0.5\n",ieta2); printf("\nInitPoints :\n\nPoints on Layer1 : %d on Layer2 : %d\n",nspdi,nspdo); printf("Points on Layer3 : %d on Layer4 : %d\n",nsddi,nsddo); printf("Points on Layer5 : %d on Layer6 : %d\n",nssdi,nssdo); printf("Points on all Layers: %d\n",num); printf("\n ************* Init Points Finished *************\n"); return; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Functions for sorting the fPointRecs array /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Bool_t SortZ(const Point_tl *s1,const Point_tl *s2){ // Z sorting function for qsort. Float_t a; a = s1->fz - s2->fz; if(a<0.0) return kTRUE; if(a>0.0) return kFALSE; return kFALSE; } Bool_t SortTrack(const Point_tl *s1,const Point_tl *s2){ // track sorting function for qsort. Float_t a; a = s1->track - s2->track; if(a<0.0) return kTRUE; if(a>0.0) return kFALSE; return kFALSE; } void hpsortTrack(Point_tl **ra,Int_t n){ Int_t i,ir,j,l; Point_tl *rra; if(n<2) return; l = ((n-1) >> 1) +1; // divide 2 + 1 ir = n-1; for(;;){ if(l>0){ rra = ra[--l]; // decrement first }else{ rra = ra[ir]; ra[ir] = ra[0]; if(--ir == 0){ // decrement first ra[0] = rra; break; } // if --ra == 0 } // end l>0 i = l; j = l+1; while(j<=ir){ if( j> 1) +1; // devide 2 + 1 ir = n-1; for(;;){ if(l>0){ rra = ra[--l]; // decrament first }else{ rra = ra[ir]; ra[ir] = ra[0]; if(--ir == 0){ // decrament first ra[0] = rra; break; } // if --ra == 0 } // end l>0 i = l; j = l+1; while(j<=ir){ if( jval); do lm++; while (array[lm]lay, fPointRecs[i]->track,fPointRecs[i]->fx,fPointRecs[i]->fy, fPointRecs[i]->fz); } fclose(ascii); return; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliITSRiemannFit::ReadPoints(void) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // read the filled array ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// hpsortTrack(fPointRecs,fPoints); for(Int_t i=0;ilay,fPointRecs[i]->track,fPointRecs[i]->fx, fPointRecs[i]->fy,fPointRecs[i]->fz,fPointRecs[i]->fOrigin.X(), fPointRecs[i]->fOrigin.Y(),fPointRecs[i]->fOrigin.Z(), fPointRecs[i]->fPt,fPointRecs[i]->fName); return; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t AliITSRiemannFit::SolveCubic(Double_t a,Double_t b,Double_t c, Double_t &x1,Double_t &x2,Double_t &x3){ ////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Solve cubic equation: /// x^3 + a*x^2 +b*x + c /// /// returns x1 , x2 , x3 //////////////////////////////////////// Double_t Q = ((a*a - 3*b)/9); Double_t R = ((2*a*a*a - 9*a*b +27*c)/54); Double_t theta; Double_t F = -2*sqrt(Q); Double_t g = a/3; Double_t PI2 = TMath::Pi()*2; if( R*R>Q*Q*Q ) { cout<<"\nTrack "<<"Determinant :\n\t\t No Real Solutions !!!\n"<X()*From[i]->X()+From[i]->Y()*From[i]->Y()); Theta[i] = TMath::ATan2(From[i]->Y(),From[i]->X()); if(Theta[i]<0) Theta[i]+=PI2; x = R[i]*cos(Theta[i])/(1+R[i]*R[i]); y = R[i]*sin(Theta[i])/(1+R[i]*R[i]); z = R[i]*R[i]/(1+R[i]*R[i]); To[i]->SetXYZ(x,y,z); } delete[] R; delete[] Theta; return; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t FitLinear(Int_t npoints, TVector3 **input, TVector3 **errors, Double_t omega, Double_t &thu0, Double_t &thv0, Double_t &phi, TVector2 &zData, TVector3 &zError, Double_t &CorrLin){ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Fit the points in the (z,s) plane - helix 3rd equation // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Int_t direction=0; //PH Double_t z[npoints],x[npoints],y[npoints],s[npoints]; //PH Double_t ez[npoints],ex[npoints],ey[npoints],es[npoints]; Double_t * z = new Double_t[npoints]; Double_t * x = new Double_t[npoints]; Double_t * y = new Double_t[npoints]; Double_t * s = new Double_t[npoints]; Double_t * ez = new Double_t[npoints]; Double_t * ex = new Double_t[npoints]; Double_t * ey = new Double_t[npoints]; Double_t * es = new Double_t[npoints]; Double_t z0=0.0,vpar=0.0,ez0=0.0,evpar=0.0, chisquare; // Double_t chi=TMath::Pi()/2.0+phi; Double_t chi=-TMath::Pi()-phi; Double_t angold=0.0, tpang=0.0; for(Int_t k = 0; kX(); ex[k] = 10.0*errors[k]->X(); y[k] = 10.0*input[k]->Y(); ey[k] = 10.0*errors[k]->Y(); z[k] = 10.0*input[k]->Z(); ez[k] = 10.0*errors[k]->Z(); if(TMath::Abs(x[k]-thu0)<1.0e-5) { // should never happen, nor give troubles... chisquare=9999.99; cerr<<"limit for x-x_0 "<0) direction+=(z[k]>z[k-1] ? 1 : -1); s[k] = (ang1+chi)/omega; es[k]=TMath::Sqrt(ey[k]*ey[k]+ex[k]*ex[k]/TMath::Power((x[k]-thu0),4))*TMath::Abs(s[k]); } if ( TMath::Abs(direction) != (npoints-1) ) {return 11;} TGraphErrors *fitHist = new TGraphErrors(npoints,s,z,es,ez); fitHist->Fit("pol1","Q"); z0 = fitHist->GetFunction("pol1")->GetParameter(0); vpar = fitHist->GetFunction("pol1")->GetParameter(1); ez0 = fitHist->GetFunction("pol1")->GetParError(0); evpar = fitHist->GetFunction("pol1")->GetParError(1); chisquare = fitHist->GetFunction("pol1")->GetChisquare(); zData.Set(z0,vpar); zError.SetXYZ(ez0,evpar,chisquare); Double_t Sigmas=0.; Double_t Sigmaz=0.; Double_t Avs=0.; Double_t Avz=0.; Double_t Avsz=0.; for(Int_t j = 0; j < npoints; j++) { Avs += s[j]; Avz += z[j]; Avsz += s[j]*z[j]; } Avs /= (Double_t)npoints; Avz /= (Double_t)npoints; Avsz /= (Double_t)npoints; for(Int_t l = 0; l < npoints; l++) { Sigmas += (s[l]-Avs)*(s[l]-Avs); Sigmaz += (z[l]-Avz)*(z[l]-Avz); } Sigmas /=(Double_t)npoints; Sigmaz /=(Double_t)npoints; Sigmas = sqrt(Sigmas); Sigmaz = sqrt(Sigmaz); CorrLin = (Avsz-Avs*Avz)/(Sigmas*Sigmaz); delete [] z; delete [] x; delete [] y; delete [] s; delete [] ez; delete [] ex; delete [] ey; delete [] es; return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t AliITSRiemannFit::FitHelix(Int_t tracknumber,Double_t Px,Double_t Py,Double_t Pz,Double_t& fd0, Double_t& fphi,Double_t& u0, Double_t& v0, Double_t& rho,Double_t& omega, Double_t& z0, Double_t& vpar,Double_t& chisql, Double_t& fCorrLin,Double_t& fFit, Int_t first,Int_t second,Int_t third,Int_t fourth,Int_t fifth,Int_t sixth) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function finds the helix paramenters // d0 = impact parameter // rho = radius of circle // phi = atan(y0/x0) // for the xy plane // starting from the momentum and the outcome of // the fit on the Riemann sphere (i.e. u0,v0,rho) // // MIND !!!! Here we assume both angular velocities be 1.0 (yes, one-dot-zero !) // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // All this stuff relies on this hypothesis !!! // // FILE *pout=fopen("chisql.dat","a"); Int_t ierr = 0, ierrl=0; omega = 1.0e-2; Int_t bitlay[6]={1,1,1,1,1,1}; bitlay[0]*=first; bitlay[1]*=second; bitlay[2]*=third; bitlay[3]*=fourth; bitlay[4]*=fifth; bitlay[5]*=sixth; fd0 = -9999; // No phisycs value u0 = -9999.9999; // parameters of helix - strange value... v0 = -9999.9999; // parameters of helix - strange value... rho = -9999.9999; // parameters of helix -unphysical strange value... Int_t Layer = 0; const Char_t* name = 0; Int_t i=0,k=0; Int_t iMAX = 50; Int_t N = 0; Int_t npl[6]={0,0,0,0,0,0}; Double_t P = sqrt(Px*Px+Py*Py+Pz*Pz); Double_t Pt = sqrt(Px*Px+Py*Py); TVector3 zError; TVector2 zData; Double_t CorrLin; TVector3 *ori = new TVector3[iMAX]; TVector3 **original = new TVector3*[iMAX]; TVector3 *rie = new TVector3[iMAX]; TVector3 **Riemann = new TVector3*[iMAX]; TVector3 *err = new TVector3[iMAX]; TVector3 **errors = new TVector3*[iMAX]; TVector3 *linerr = new TVector3[iMAX]; TVector3 **linerrors = new TVector3*[iMAX]; //PH Double_t Weight[iMAX]; Double_t * Weight = new Double_t[iMAX]; for(i=0;iSetXYZ(9999,9999,9999); Double_t A11,A12,A13,A21,A22,A23,A31,A32,A33; A11=0;A12=0;A13=0;A21=0;A22=0;A23=0;A31=0;A32=0;A33=0; Double_t xbar = 0; Double_t ybar = 0; Double_t zbar = 0; Double_t a,b,c,d; // cubic parameters Double_t roots[3]= {0.0,0.0,0.0}; // cubic solutions Double_t value = 0.0; // minimum eigenvalue Double_t x1,x2,x3; // eigenvector component Double_t n1,n2,n3,nr= 0;// unit eigenvector Double_t Radiusdm[7] = {0.3,0.4,0.7,1.49,2.38,3.91,4.36}; // beam pipe and layers radii [dm] Double_t sigma_MS = 0; TVector3 Vec,VecNor; // Select RecPoints belonging to the track for(k =0;ktrack==tracknumber) { name = fPointRecs[k]->fName; Pt = fPointRecs[k]->fPt; Layer = fPointRecs[k]->lay; Int_t ilay = Layer-1; if(npl[ilay]!=0) continue; if(bitlay[ilay] == 1) { original[N]->SetXYZ(0.1*fPointRecs[k]->fx,0.1*fPointRecs[k]->fy,0.1*fPointRecs[k]->fz); errors[N]->SetXYZ(0.1*fPointRecs[k]->fdx,0.1*fPointRecs[k]->fdy,0.1*fPointRecs[k]->fdz); sigma_MS = (Radiusdm[Layer]-Radiusdm[0])*0.000724/P;// beam pipe contribution for(Int_t j=1;jPerp2() )*( 1+ original[N]->Perp2() )/ ( errors[N]->Perp2() + sigma_MS*sigma_MS ); linerrors[N]->SetXYZ(errors[N]->X(),errors[N]->Y(),sqrt(errors[N]->Z()*errors[N]->Z()+sigma_MS*sigma_MS)); N++; npl[ilay]++; } // end if on layer } //end if track==tracknumber } //end for k // // 6 points, no more, no less // if(original[5]->X() == 9999 || original[6]->X() != 9999) { delete [] Weight; return 1; // not enough points } // // // // FIT ON THE RIEMANN SPHERE FOR (x,y) PLANE // RiemannTransf(N,original,Riemann); Double_t Sum_Weights = 0.0; // sum of weights factor for(Int_t j=0;jX(); ybar+=Weight[j]*Riemann[j]->Y(); zbar+=Weight[j]*Riemann[j]->Z(); Sum_Weights+=Weight[j]; } xbar /= Sum_Weights; ybar /= Sum_Weights; zbar /= Sum_Weights; for(Int_t j=0;jX() - xbar)*(Riemann[j]->X() - xbar); A12 += Weight[j]*(Riemann[j]->X() - xbar)*(Riemann[j]->Y() - ybar); A22 += Weight[j]*(Riemann[j]->Y() - ybar)*(Riemann[j]->Y() - ybar); A23 += Weight[j]*(Riemann[j]->Y() - ybar)*(Riemann[j]->Z() - zbar); A13 += Weight[j]*(Riemann[j]->X() - xbar)*(Riemann[j]->Z() - zbar); A33 += Weight[j]*(Riemann[j]->Z() - zbar)*(Riemann[j]->Z() - zbar); } A11 /= N; A12 /= N; A22 /= N; A23 /= N; A13 /= N; A33 /= N; A21 = A12; A32 = A23; A31 = A13; // ************** Determinant parameters ******************** // n.b. simplifications done keeping in mind symmetry of A // a = 1; b = (-A11-A33-A22); c = (A11*(A22+A33)+A33*A22-A12*A21-A13*A31-A23*A32); d = (A31*A22*A13+(A12*A21-A11*A22)*A33-2.0*A23*A13*A12+A11*A23*A32); // ************** Find the 3 eigenvalues ************************* Int_t Check_Cubic = SolveCubic(b,c,d,roots[0],roots[1],roots[2]); if(Check_Cubic !=1 ){ printf("Track %d Has no real solution continuing ...\n",tracknumber); delete [] Weight; return 2; } // **************** Find the lowest eigenvalue ***************** if(roots[0]<=roots[1] && roots[0]<=roots[2]) value = roots[0]; if(roots[1]<=roots[0] && roots[1]<=roots[2]) value = roots[1]; if(roots[2]<=roots[0] && roots[2]<=roots[1]) value = roots[2]; // ************ Eigenvector relative to value ************** x3 = 1; x2 = (A33*A21-A23*A31-value*A21)/(A22*A31-A32*A21-value*A31); x1 = (value-A33-A32*x2)/A31; Vec.SetXYZ(x1,x2,x3); VecNor = Vec.Unit(); n1 = VecNor.X(); n2 = VecNor.Y(); n3 = VecNor.Z(); nr = -n1*xbar-n2*ybar-n3*zbar; u0 = -0.5*n1/(nr+n3); v0 = -0.5*n2/(nr+n3); rho = sqrt((n1*n1 + n2*n2 -4*nr*(nr+n3))/(4*(nr+n3)*(nr+n3))); fFit = 0.0; fFit += 10.*TMath::Abs(sqrt((original[0]->X()-u0)*(original[0]->X()-u0)+(original[0]->Y()-v0)*(original[0]->Y()-v0))-rho); fFit += 10.*TMath::Abs(sqrt((original[1]->X()-u0)*(original[1]->X()-u0)+(original[1]->Y()-v0)*(original[1]->Y()-v0))-rho); fFit += 10.*TMath::Abs(sqrt((original[2]->X()-u0)*(original[2]->X()-u0)+(original[2]->Y()-v0)*(original[2]->Y()-v0))-rho); fFit += 10.*TMath::Abs(sqrt((original[3]->X()-u0)*(original[3]->X()-u0)+(original[3]->Y()-v0)*(original[3]->Y()-v0))-rho); fFit += 10.*TMath::Abs(sqrt((original[4]->X()-u0)*(original[4]->X()-u0)+(original[4]->Y()-v0)*(original[4]->Y()-v0))-rho); fFit += 10.*TMath::Abs(sqrt((original[5]->X()-u0)*(original[5]->X()-u0)+(original[5]->Y()-v0)*(original[5]->Y()-v0))-rho); fd0 = 100000.*(TMath::Sqrt(u0*u0+v0*v0)-rho); // transverse impact parameter in microns fphi = TMath::ATan2(v0,u0); //************************************************************************** // LINEAR FIT IN (z,s) PLANE: z = zData.X() + zData.Y()*s // strictly linear (no approximation) //************************************************************************** //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // REMEMBER, HERE STILL LENGHTS IN DM'S FOR ___INPUT___ BUT zDATA PARAMETERS ARE RETURNED IN CM'S // // rho, u0, v0 parameters converted right now to cm's... it's a mess, I'll take care, sometimes... // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rho *= 10.0; u0 *= 10.0; v0 *= 10.0; ierrl=FitLinear(N,original,linerrors,omega,u0,v0,fphi,zData,zError,CorrLin); chisql=zError.Z(); // fprintf(pout,"%f \n",chisql); z0=zData.X(); vpar=zData.Y(); fCorrLin = CorrLin; ierr = (ierrl > ierr ? ierrl : ierr); // fclose(pout); delete [] Weight; return ierr; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliITSRiemannFit::Streamer(TBuffer &lRb){ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The default Streamer function "written by ROOT" doesn't write out // the arrays referenced by pointers. Therefore, a specific Streamer function // has to be written. This function should not be modified but instead added // on to so that older versions can still be read. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Stream an object of class AliITSRiemannFit. Int_t i,j,n; Int_t ii,jj; n=20; if (lRb.IsReading()) { Version_t lRv = lRb.ReadVersion(); if (lRv) { } TObject::Streamer(lRb); lRb >> fSizeEvent; lRb >> fPrimaryTracks; lRb >> fPoints; for(i=0;i<6;i++) lRb >> fPLay[i]; if(fPointRecs!=0){ for(i=0;i> fPointRecs[i][j].lay; lRb >> fPointRecs[i][j].lad; lRb >> fPointRecs[i][j].det; lRb >> fPointRecs[i][j].track; lRb >> fPointRecs[i][j].fx; lRb >> fPointRecs[i][j].fy; lRb >> fPointRecs[i][j].fz; lRb >> fPointRecs[i][j].fr; lRb >> fPointRecs[i][j].fdE; lRb >> fPointRecs[i][j].fdx; lRb >> fPointRecs[i][j].fdy; lRb >> fPointRecs[i][j].fdz; lRb >> fPointRecs[i][j].fPt; lRb >> (Char_t*)fPointRecs[i][j].fName; for (ii=0;ii<4;ii++) lRb << fPointRecs[i][j].fOrigin[ii]; for (jj=0;jj<4;jj++) lRb << fPointRecs[i][j].fMomentum[jj]; lRb >> fPointRecs[i][j].fCode; lRb >> fPointRecs[i][j].phi; lRb >> fPointRecs[i][j].eta; lRb >> fPointRecs[i][j].vertexPhi; } //end for j } //end for i // if(fspdi!=0){ // for(i=0;i> fspdi[i][j].lay; // lRb >> fspdi[i][j].lad; // lRb >> fspdi[i][j].det; // lRb >> fspdi[i][j].track; // lRb >> fspdi[i][j].fx; // lRb >> fspdi[i][j].fy; // lRb >> fspdi[i][j].fz; // lRb >> fspdi[i][j].fr; // lRb >> fspdi[i][j].fdE; // lRb >> fspdi[i][j].fdx; // lRb >> fspdi[i][j].fdy; // lRb >> fspdi[i][j].fdz; // lRb >> fspdi[i][j].fPt; // for (ii=0;ii<4;ii++) // lRb << fspdi[i][j].fOrigin[ii]; // for (jj=0;jj<4;jj++) // lRb << fspdi[i][j].fMomentum[jj]; // lRb >> fspdi[i][j].fCode; // lRb >> (Char_t*)fspdi[i][j].fName; // lRb >> fspdi[i][j].phi; // lRb >> fspdi[i][j].eta; // lRb >> fspdi[i][j].vertexPhi; // } //end for j // } //end for i // if(fspdo!=0){ // for(i=0;i> fspdo[i][j].lay; // lRb >> fspdo[i][j].lad; // lRb >> fspdo[i][j].det; // lRb >> fspdo[i][j].track; // lRb >> fspdo[i][j].fx; // lRb >> fspdo[i][j].fy; // lRb >> fspdo[i][j].fz; // lRb >> fspdo[i][j].fr; // lRb >> fspdo[i][j].fdE; // lRb >> fspdo[i][j].fdx; // lRb >> fspdo[i][j].fdy; // lRb >> fspdo[i][j].fdz; // lRb >> fspdo[i][j].fPt; // for (ii=0;ii<4;ii++) // lRb << fspdo[i][j].fOrigin[ii]; // for (jj=0;jj<4;jj++) // lRb << fspdo[i][j].fMomentum[jj]; // lRb >> fspdo[i][j].fCode; // lRb >> (Char_t*)fspdo[i][j].fName; // lRb >> fspdo[i][j].phi; // lRb >> fspdo[i][j].eta; // lRb >> fspdo[i][j].vertexPhi; // } //end for j // } //end for i } else { lRb.WriteVersion(AliITSRiemannFit::IsA()); TObject::Streamer(lRb); lRb << fSizeEvent; lRb << fPrimaryTracks; lRb << fPoints; for(i=0;i<6;i++) lRb >> fPLay[i]; for(i=0;i