/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 2008-2010, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class to convert survey tables in alignment objects // for SSD and SDD // origin: Marco Van Leeuwen (m.vanleeuwen1@uu.nl) // Panos.Christakoglou (Panos.Christakoglou@cern.ch) // Martin Poghosyan (Martin.Poghosyan@to.infn.it) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "Riostream.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "TGeoManager.h" #include "TGeoPhysicalNode.h" #include "TMatrixD.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "AliITSSurveyToAlign.h" #include "AliSurveyPoint.h" #include "AliAlignObjParams.h" #include "AliGeomManager.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliCDBManager.h" #include "AliITSgeomTGeo.h" ClassImp(AliITSSurveyToAlign) const Double_t AliITSSurveyToAlign::fgkLocR[6][3]={{ 3.24,0.21905,-2.4}, { 3.58,0.21905, 0. }, { 3.24,0.21905,+2.4}, {-3.24,0.21905,+2.4}, {-3.58,0.21905, 0. }, {-3.24,0.21905,-2.4}}; const Double_t AliITSSurveyToAlign::fgkLocL[6][3]={{-3.24,0.21905, 2.4}, {-3.58,0.21905, 0. }, {-3.24,0.21905,-2.4}, { 3.24,0.21905,-2.4}, { 3.58,0.21905, 0. }, { 3.24,0.21905, 2.4}}; const Double_t kRadToDeg = 180./TMath::Pi(); //________________________________________________________________________ AliITSSurveyToAlign::AliITSSurveyToAlign(Int_t run, Int_t repSDD, Int_t repVerSDD, Int_t repModSSD, Int_t repModVerSSD, Int_t repLaddSSD, Int_t repLaddVerSSD) : AliSurveyToAlignObjs(), fRun(run), fSDDrepNumber(repSDD), fSDDrepVersion(repVerSDD), fSSDModuleRepNumber(repModSSD), fSSDModuleRepVersion(repModVerSSD), fSSDLadderRepNumber(repLaddSSD), fSSDLadderRepVersion(repLaddVerSSD) { // // default constructor // Arguments are report numbers for survey data. // The defaults point to reports from detector construction // } //_________________________________________________________________________ AliITSSurveyToAlign::AliITSSurveyToAlign(const AliITSSurveyToAlign &align) : AliSurveyToAlignObjs(align), fRun(align.fRun), fSDDrepNumber(align.fSDDrepNumber), fSDDrepVersion(align.fSDDrepVersion), fSSDModuleRepNumber(align.fSSDModuleRepNumber), fSSDModuleRepVersion(align.fSSDModuleRepVersion), fSSDLadderRepNumber(align.fSSDLadderRepNumber), fSSDLadderRepVersion(align.fSSDLadderRepVersion) { // // copy constructor // } //__________________________________________________________________________ AliITSSurveyToAlign & AliITSSurveyToAlign::operator =(const AliITSSurveyToAlign& /* align */) { // // assignment operator - dummy // return (*this); } //__________________________________________________________________________ AliITSSurveyToAlign::~AliITSSurveyToAlign() { // // destructor // } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSSurveyToAlign::Run() { // // Runs the full chain // User should call StoreAlignObjToFile or StoreAlignObjToCDB afterwards to // store output (not included here to leave the choice between the two) // // Load ideal geometry from the OCDB AliCDBManager *cdb = AliCDBManager::Instance(); cdb->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"); cdb->SetRun(fRun); AliGeomManager::LoadGeometry(); if(!CreateAlignObjs()) AliError("Construction of alignment objects from survey failed!"); } //______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSSurveyToAlign::CreateAlignObjs() { // Fill the array of alignment objects with alignment objects // from survey for all three subdetectors // //for SPD CreateAlignObjDummySPD(); // for SDD if(!LoadSurveyFromAlienFile("ITS", fSDDrepNumber, fSDDrepVersion)){ AliError("Loading of alignment objects from survey for SDD failed!"); return kFALSE; } CreateAlignObjSDD(); // for SSD ladders if(!LoadSurveyFromAlienFile("ITS", fSSDLadderRepNumber, fSSDLadderRepVersion)){ AliError("Loading of alignment objects from survey for SSD ladders failed!"); return kFALSE; } CreateAlignObjSSDLadders(); // for SSD modules if(!ApplyAlignObjSSDLadders()) return kFALSE; // needed to build correctly the objects for SSD modules if(!LoadSurveyFromAlienFile("ITS", fSSDModuleRepNumber, fSSDModuleRepVersion)){ AliError("Loading of alignment objects from survey for SSD modules failed!"); return kFALSE; } CreateAlignObjSSDModules(); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSSurveyToAlign::CreateAlignObjDummySPD(){ // // Create alignObjs for SPD // For the moment, uses 0,0,0,0,0,0 // for(Int_t imod = 0; imod < 240; imod++) { Int_t ilayer = (imod < 80) ? AliGeomManager::kSPD1 : AliGeomManager::kSPD2; Int_t imodule = (imod < 80) ? imod : imod - 80; Int_t uid = AliGeomManager::LayerToVolUID(ilayer,imodule); const Char_t *symname = AliGeomManager::SymName(uid); new((*fAlignObjArray)[imod]) AliAlignObjParams(symname, uid, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., kTRUE); }//module loop } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSSurveyToAlign::CreateAlignObjSDD(){ // // Create alignment objects for SDD // Called by Run() // Int_t uid = 0; const char* symname = 0; AliSurveyPoint* pt = 0; Int_t iModuleIndex=240; Int_t iModule0=0; Int_t iLadder0=0; Int_t iLayer0=3; Int_t nModules=0; if (fSurveyPoints == 0 || fSurveyPoints->GetEntries() == 0) { AliWarning("SDD survey data are not available, using zero values"); CreateAlignObjDummySDD(); return; } for(Int_t imod = 1; imod < fSurveyPoints->GetEntries(); imod++) { pt = (AliSurveyPoint*) fSurveyPoints->At(imod); if(!pt) continue; Int_t iLayer, iLadder, iModule, iPoint; ReadPointNameSDD(pt->GetName(),iLayer, iLadder, iModule, iPoint); if(iModule==iModule0) { fSDDmeP[iPoint][0]=pt->GetX(); fSDDmeP[iPoint][1]=pt->GetY(); fSDDmeP[iPoint][2]=pt->GetZ(); fSDDmeP[iPoint][3]=pt->GetPrecisionX(); fSDDmeP[iPoint][4]=pt->GetPrecisionY(); fSDDmeP[iPoint][5]=pt->GetPrecisionZ(); fSDDisMe[iPoint]=kTRUE; if(iLayer==3) uid = AliGeomManager::LayerToVolUID(iLayer0,iModuleIndex-240); if(iLayer==4) uid = AliGeomManager::LayerToVolUID(iLayer0,iModuleIndex-324); symname = AliGeomManager::SymName(uid); GetIdPosSDD(uid,iLayer0, iModule0, iPoint); nModules++; } // cout << "Points red module " << imod << endl; if((iModule!=iModule0)||(imod==(fSurveyPoints->GetEntries()-1))) { ConvertToRSofModulesAndRotSDD(iLayer0, iModule0); Double_t tet = 0.; Double_t psi =0.; Double_t phi = 0.; Double_t x0 = 0.; Double_t y0 =0.; Double_t z0 = 0.; if(nModules==2) CalcShiftSDD(x0,y0,z0); if(nModules>2) CalcShiftRotSDD(tet, psi, phi, x0, y0, z0); tet*=kRadToDeg; psi*=kRadToDeg; phi*=kRadToDeg; // printf("%s %d %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",symname, uid, x0/10., y0/10., z0/10., psi, tet, phi); // cout << "Allocate alignobjparams " << imod << endl; new((*fAlignObjArray)[iModuleIndex]) AliAlignObjParams(symname, uid, x0/10., y0/10., z0/10., psi, tet, phi, kFALSE); iModule0=iModule; iLayer0=iLayer; iLadder0=iLadder; nModules=0; iModuleIndex = AliITSgeomTGeo::GetModuleIndex(iLayer,iLadder+1,iModule+1); for(Int_t i=0; i<6;i++) fSDDisMe[i]=kFALSE; if(imod!=(fSurveyPoints->GetEntries()-1)) imod--; } }//module loop } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSSurveyToAlign::CreateAlignObjDummySDD(){ // // Create empty alignment objects // Used when fSurveySDD == 0 // for(Int_t imod = 0; imod < 260; imod++) { Int_t ilayer = (imod < 84) ? AliGeomManager::kSDD1 : AliGeomManager::kSDD2; Int_t imodule = (imod < 84) ? imod : imod - 84; Int_t uid = AliGeomManager::LayerToVolUID(ilayer,imodule); const Char_t *symname = AliGeomManager::SymName(uid); new((*fAlignObjArray)[imod+240]) AliAlignObjParams(symname, uid, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., kTRUE); }//module loop } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSSurveyToAlign::CreateAlignObjSSDModules(){ // // Create alignment objects for SSD modules // Objects for SSD ladders must be applied to geometry first // Double_t sx, sz; const Float_t kMu2Cm = 1e-4; const Float_t kSensLength = 7.464; const Int_t kSSDMODULES = 1698; if (fSurveyPoints == 0 || fSurveyPoints->GetEntries() == 0) { AliWarning("SSD module survey data not available; using dummy values"); CreateAlignObjDummySSDModules(); return; } // First do module-by-module for(Int_t imod = 500; imod < kSSDMODULES + 500; imod++) { Int_t iLayer, iLadder, iLaddMod; AliITSgeomTGeo::GetModuleId(imod,iLayer,iLadder,iLaddMod); // returns 1-based numbers TString pname="ITS/SSD"; pname += iLayer-1; pname += "/Ladder"; pname += iLadder-1; pname += "/Sensor"; pname += iLaddMod-1; AliSurveyPoint *pt1 = (AliSurveyPoint*) fSurveyPoints->FindObject(pname+"/Point0"); AliSurveyPoint *pt2 = (AliSurveyPoint*) fSurveyPoints->FindObject(pname+"/Point1"); if(!pt1 || !pt2) { AliWarning(Form("No Survey points for iladd %d imod %d",iLadder,iLaddMod)); continue; } sx = 0.5*(pt1->GetX() + pt2->GetX()) * kMu2Cm; sz = 0.5*(pt1->GetZ() + pt2->GetZ()) * kMu2Cm; // Minus sign to change local coordinate convention Float_t theta = -(pt2->GetZ() - pt1->GetZ())*kMu2Cm/kSensLength; theta *= kRadToDeg; Int_t iLayMod = imod - 500; if (iLayer == 6) iLayMod -= 748; Int_t uid = AliGeomManager::LayerToVolUID(iLayer,iLayMod); const Char_t *symname = AliGeomManager::SymName(uid); if (pname.CompareTo(symname) != 0) AliWarning(Form("Mapping mismatch survey point %s volume name %s",pname.Data(),symname)); /* if (imod >= 676 && imod <= 697) { cout << "ilayer " << iLayer << " imod " << imod << " uid " << uid << " name " << symname << " survey shift " << sx << " " << 0 << " " << sz << endl << " theta " << theta << endl; } */ new((*fAlignObjArray)[imod]) AliAlignObjParams(symname, uid, sx, 0, sz, 0., theta, 0., kFALSE); } //module loop } //______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSSurveyToAlign::ApplyAlignObjSSDLadders(){ // // Apply alignment objects for SSD ladders to geometry, needed to correctly // build alignment objects for SSD modules // TClonesArray* tobeApplied = new TClonesArray("AliAlignObjParams",72); Int_t ii=0; for(Int_t jj=0; jjGetEntriesFast(); jj++) { AliAlignObjParams* ap = dynamic_cast (fAlignObjArray->UncheckedAt(jj)); if(ap) { TString sName(ap->GetSymName()); if(sName.Contains("SSD") && sName.Contains("Ladder")) (*tobeApplied)[ii++] = (AliAlignObjParams*) fAlignObjArray->UncheckedAt(jj); } } AliInfo(Form(" %d alignment objects for SSD ladders applied to geometry.",tobeApplied->GetEntriesFast())); return(AliGeomManager::ApplyAlignObjsToGeom(*tobeApplied)); } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSSurveyToAlign::CreateAlignObjSSDLadders(){ // // Alignment objects from survey for SSD ladders (Torino data) // const Float_t kLaddLen5 = 90.27; // Layer 5: distance between mouting points const Float_t kLaddLen6 = 102.0; // Layer 6: distance between mouting points const Float_t zLag = 2.927; // Distance between V mounting point and Zloc = 0 // = half ladder length - nom z-position of ladder from gGeoManager const Float_t kMu2Cm = 1e-4; TString ssdName = "ITS/SSD"; TObjArray *ladderPoints = fSurveyPoints; if (ladderPoints == 0 || ladderPoints->GetEntries() == 0) { AliWarning("No SSD Ladder alignment points found. Skipping"); return; } if (ladderPoints->GetEntries()!= 2*(34+38)) { AliWarning(Form("Unexpected number of survey points %d, should be 144",ladderPoints->GetEntries())); } Int_t iLadd = 0; for (Int_t ilayer = 4; ilayer <= 5; ilayer ++) { Int_t nLadder = 34; // layer 5 if (ilayer == 5) nLadder = 38; // layer 6 for (Int_t iLadder = 0; iLadder < nLadder; iLadder++) { TString ladName = ssdName; ladName += ilayer; ladName += "/Ladder"; ladName += iLadder; AliSurveyPoint *vPoint = (AliSurveyPoint*) ladderPoints->FindObject(ladName+"/V"); AliSurveyPoint *qPoint = (AliSurveyPoint*) ladderPoints->FindObject(ladName+"/Q"); if (vPoint == 0) { AliWarning(Form("Cannot find V side point for ladder %s",ladName.Data())); continue; } if (qPoint == 0) { AliWarning(Form("Cannot find Q side point for ladder %s",ladName.Data())); continue; } TString tmpStr; tmpStr.Insert(0,vPoint->GetName(),3); Int_t ladder = tmpStr.Atoi(); tmpStr=""; tmpStr.Insert(0,qPoint->GetName(),3); if (tmpStr.Atoi() != ladder) AliError(Form("Survey data file error. Expect pairs of V,Q points. Got ladders %d %d",ladder,tmpStr.Atoi())); // Note: file gives meas-nom in local offline coordinates, // ie. local z = - global z and local x = - global x (for ladder 508, i.e. top ladder) Double_t dxLoc = vPoint->GetX() * kMu2Cm; Double_t dyLoc = vPoint->GetY() * kMu2Cm; Double_t dzLoc = vPoint->GetZ() * kMu2Cm; // rot around z-axis Double_t phi = 0; // Not measured // rot around y-axis Double_t theta = 0; Double_t psi = 0; // Note: local psi = -global psi, psi = atan(-(y(z1) - y(z0)) / (z1-z0)) // local theta = global theta = atan(dx/dz) // V side is A side is large global z // Q side is C side is large local z if (ladder >= 600) { theta = TMath::ATan((qPoint->GetX() - vPoint->GetX())*kMu2Cm/kLaddLen6); psi = TMath::ATan((vPoint->GetY() - qPoint->GetY())*kMu2Cm/kLaddLen6); } else { theta = TMath::ATan((qPoint->GetX() - vPoint->GetX())*kMu2Cm/kLaddLen5); psi = TMath::ATan((vPoint->GetY() - qPoint->GetY())*kMu2Cm/kLaddLen5); } // Move along ladder to local Z = 0 point dxLoc += zLag*theta; dyLoc -= zLag*psi; // Convert to degrees theta *= kRadToDeg; psi *= kRadToDeg; AliDebug(1,Form("ladname %f %f %f %f %f %f ",dxLoc,dyLoc,dzLoc,psi,theta,phi)); new((*fAlignObjArray)[500+1698+iLadd]) AliAlignObjParams(ladName,0,dxLoc,dyLoc,dzLoc,psi,theta,phi,kFALSE); iLadd++; } // Ladder loop } // Layer loop } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSSurveyToAlign::CreateAlignObjDummySSDModules(){ // // Create empty alignment objects // Used when fSurveySSD == 0 // for(Int_t imod = 0; imod < 1698; imod++) { Int_t ilayer = (imod < 748) ? AliGeomManager::kSSD1 : AliGeomManager::kSSD2; Int_t imodule = (imod < 748) ? imod : imod - 748; Int_t uid = AliGeomManager::LayerToVolUID(ilayer,imodule); const Char_t *symname = AliGeomManager::SymName(uid); new((*fAlignObjArray)[500+imod]) AliAlignObjParams(symname, uid, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., kTRUE); }//module loop } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSSurveyToAlign::GetIdPosSDD(Int_t uid, Int_t layer, Int_t module, Int_t iPoint) { // // Utility function used by CreateAlignObjSDD // TGeoHMatrix gMod = *AliGeomManager::GetMatrix(uid); //global matrix of sensor TGeoPNEntry* pne = gGeoManager->GetAlignableEntryByUID(uid); // TString ladderPath = AliGeomManager::SymName(uid); TString ladderPath(pne->GetTitle()); if(ladderPath.EndsWith("/")) ladderPath.Remove(TString::kTrailing,'/'); ladderPath.Remove(ladderPath.Last('/')); ladderPath.Remove(ladderPath.Last('/')); gGeoManager->cd(ladderPath.Data()); TGeoHMatrix gLad = *gGeoManager->GetCurrentMatrix(); // global matrix of ladder TGeoHMatrix rel = gMod; // to equal relative matrix ladder to sensor. TGeoHMatrix invgLad = gLad.Inverse(); rel.MultiplyLeft(&invgLad); TGeoRotation* rr = new TGeoRotation("rr",90,90,0,0,90,180); TGeoCombiTrans* ct = 0; if(layer==3) ct= new TGeoCombiTrans(25.,0.,0.,rr); if(layer==4) ct= new TGeoCombiTrans(25.+7.5,0.,0.,rr); rel.MultiplyLeft(ct); if((layer==3)&&(module<3)) rel.LocalToMaster(fgkLocR[iPoint],fSDDidP[iPoint]); if((layer==3)&&(module>2)) rel.LocalToMaster(fgkLocL[iPoint],fSDDidP[iPoint]); if((layer==4)&&(module<4)) rel.LocalToMaster(fgkLocR[iPoint],fSDDidP[iPoint]); if((layer==4)&&(module>3)) rel.LocalToMaster(fgkLocL[iPoint],fSDDidP[iPoint]); for(Int_t i=0; i<3; i++) fSDDidP[iPoint][i]*=10; } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSSurveyToAlign::ReadPointNameSDD(const char str[], Int_t &iLayer, Int_t &iLader, Int_t &iModul, Int_t &iPoint) const { // // Utility function used by CreateAlignObjSDD // iLayer=-1; iLader=-1; iModul=-1; iPoint=-1; if(str[7]=='2') iLayer=3; if(str[7]=='3') iLayer=4; if(str[15]=='0') iLader=0; if(str[15]=='1') iLader=1; if(str[15]=='2') iLader=2; if(str[15]=='3') iLader=3; if(str[15]=='4') iLader=4; if(str[15]=='5') iLader=5; if(str[15]=='6') iLader=6; if(str[15]=='7') iLader=7; if(str[15]=='8') iLader=8; if(str[15]=='9') iLader=9; Int_t ord=0; if(str[16]=='0') {iLader=10*iLader+0; ord=1;} if(str[16]=='1') {iLader=10*iLader+1; ord=1;} if(str[16]=='2') {iLader=10*iLader+2; ord=1;} if(str[16]=='3') {iLader=10*iLader+3; ord=1;} if(str[16]=='4') {iLader=10*iLader+4; ord=1;} if(str[16]=='5') {iLader=10*iLader+5; ord=1;} if(str[16]=='6') {iLader=10*iLader+6; ord=1;} if(str[16]=='7') {iLader=10*iLader+7; ord=1;} if(str[16]=='8') {iLader=10*iLader+8; ord=1;} if(str[16]=='9') {iLader=10*iLader+9; ord=1;} if(str[23+ord]=='0') iModul=0; if(str[23+ord]=='1') iModul=1; if(str[23+ord]=='2') iModul=2; if(str[23+ord]=='3') iModul=3; if(str[23+ord]=='4') iModul=4; if(str[23+ord]=='5') iModul=5; if(str[23+ord]=='6') iModul=6; if(str[23+ord]=='7') iModul=7; if(str[23+ord]=='8') iModul=8; if(str[23+ord]=='9') iModul=9; if((str[25+ord]=='R')&&(str[26+ord]=='D')) iPoint=0; if((str[25+ord]=='R')&&(str[26+ord]=='C')) iPoint=1; if((str[25+ord]=='R')&&(str[26+ord]=='U')) iPoint=2; if((str[25+ord]=='L')&&(str[26+ord]=='U')) iPoint=3; if((str[25+ord]=='L')&&(str[26+ord]=='C')) iPoint=4; if((str[25+ord]=='L')&&(str[26+ord]=='D')) iPoint=5; return; } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSSurveyToAlign::ConvertToRSofModulesAndRotSDD(Int_t Layer, Int_t Module) { // // Utility function used by CreateAlignObjSDD // Double_t ymId; Double_t zmId; Double_t ymMe; Double_t zmMe; Double_t ymMeE; Double_t zmMeE; Double_t x0=fSDDidP[1][0]; Double_t z0=fSDDidP[1][2]-0.52; for(Int_t i=0; i<6; i++) { fSDDidP[i][2]-=0.52; if(!fSDDisMe[i]) continue; fSDDidP[i][0]-=x0; fSDDidP[i][2]-=z0; fSDDmeP[i][0]-=x0; fSDDmeP[i][2]-=z0; ymId=fSDDidP[i][1]; zmId=fSDDidP[i][2]; fSDDidP[i][2]=fSDDidP[i][0]; fSDDidP[i][0]=ymId; fSDDidP[i][1]=zmId; ymMe=fSDDmeP[i][1]; zmMe=fSDDmeP[i][2]; ymMeE=fSDDmeP[i][4]; zmMeE=fSDDmeP[i][5]; fSDDmeP[i][2]=fSDDmeP[i][0]; fSDDmeP[i][0]=ymMe; fSDDmeP[i][1]=zmMe; fSDDmeP[i][5]=fSDDmeP[i][3]; fSDDmeP[i][3]=ymMeE; fSDDmeP[i][4]=zmMeE; if(((Layer==3)&&(Module>2))||((Layer==4)&&(Module>3))) { fSDDidP[i][0]*=(-1); fSDDidP[i][2]*=(-1); fSDDmeP[i][0]*=(-1); fSDDmeP[i][2]*=(-1); } } } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSSurveyToAlign::CalcShiftSDD(Double_t &x0,Double_t &y0,Double_t &z0) const { // Calculates the 3 shifts for the present SDD module // and sets the three reference arguments // Double_t xId, yId, zId; Double_t xMe, yMe, zMe, sX2, sY2, sZ2; Double_t aX=0., bX=0.; Double_t aY=0., bY=0.; Double_t aZ=0., bZ=0.; for(Int_t iP1=0; iP1<6; iP1++) { if(!fSDDisMe[iP1]) continue; xId=fSDDidP[iP1][0]; yId=fSDDidP[iP1][1]; zId=fSDDidP[iP1][2]; xMe=fSDDmeP[iP1][0]; yMe=fSDDmeP[iP1][1]; zMe=fSDDmeP[iP1][2]; sX2 =fSDDmeP[iP1][3]*fSDDmeP[iP1][3]; sY2 =fSDDmeP[iP1][4]*fSDDmeP[iP1][4]; sZ2 =fSDDmeP[iP1][5]*fSDDmeP[iP1][5]; aX+=(1./sX2); bX+=((xMe-xId)/sX2); aY+=(1./sY2); bY+=((yMe-yId)/sY2); aZ+=(1./sZ2); bZ+=((zMe-zId)/sZ2); } Double_t x1 = bX/aX; Double_t x2 = bY/aY; Double_t x3 = bZ/aZ; x0=x1; y0=x2; z0=x3; return; } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSSurveyToAlign::CalcShiftRotSDD(Double_t &tet,Double_t &psi,Double_t &phi,Double_t &x0,Double_t &y0,Double_t &z0) { // Calculates the 3 shifts and 3 euler angles for the present SDD module // and sets the six reference arguments // TMatrixD pC(6,6); Double_t a[6][6]; for(Int_t ii=0; ii<6; ii++){ for(Int_t jj=0; jj<6; jj++){ a[ii][jj]=0.; } } Double_t c[6]; for(Int_t ii=0; ii<6; ii++) c[ii]=0.; Double_t xId, yId, zId; Double_t xMe, yMe, zMe, sX2, sY2, sZ2; for(Int_t iP1=0; iP1<=6; iP1++) { if(!fSDDisMe[iP1]) continue; //ideal x,y,z for fiducial mark iP1 xId= fSDDidP[iP1][0]; yId= fSDDidP[iP1][1]; zId= fSDDidP[iP1][2]; //measured x,y,z for fiducial mark iP1 xMe= fSDDmeP[iP1][0]; yMe= fSDDmeP[iP1][1]; zMe= fSDDmeP[iP1][2]; //squared precisions of measured x,y,z for fiducial mark iP1 sX2 = fSDDmeP[iP1][3]* fSDDmeP[iP1][3]; sY2 = fSDDmeP[iP1][4]* fSDDmeP[iP1][4]; sZ2 = fSDDmeP[iP1][5]* fSDDmeP[iP1][5]; a[0][0]+=(zId*zId/sX2+xId*xId/sZ2); a[0][1]-=(zId*yId/sX2); a[0][2]-=(xId*yId/sZ2); a[0][3]-=(zId/sX2); a[0][4] =0.; a[0][5]+=(xId/sZ2); c[0]+=(xId*(zMe-zId)/sZ2-zId*(xMe-xId)/sX2); a[1][0]-=(yId*zId/sX2); a[1][1]+=(xId*xId/sY2+yId*yId/sX2); a[1][2]-=(xId*zId/sY2); a[1][3]+=(yId/sX2); a[1][4]-=(xId/sY2); a[1][5] =0.; c[1]+=(yId*(xMe-xId)/sX2-xId*(yMe-yId)/sY2); a[2][0]-=(yId*xId/sZ2); a[2][1]-=(xId*zId/sY2); a[2][2]+=(zId*zId/sY2+yId*yId/sZ2); a[2][3] =0.; a[2][4]+=(zId/sY2); a[2][5]-=(yId/sZ2); c[2]+=(zId*(yMe-yId)/sY2-yId*(zMe-zId)/sZ2); a[3][0]-=(zId/sX2); a[3][1]+=(yId/sX2); a[3][2] =0.; a[3][3]+=(1./sX2); a[3][4] =0.; a[3][5] =0.; c[3]+=((xMe-xId)/sX2); a[4][0] =0.; a[4][1]-=(xId/sY2); a[4][2]+=(zId/sY2); a[4][3] =0.; a[4][4]+=(1./sY2); a[4][5] =0.; c[4]+=((yMe-yId)/sY2); a[5][0]+=(xId/sZ2); a[5][1] =0.; a[5][2]-=(yId/sZ2); a[5][3] =0.; a[5][4] =0.; a[5][5]+=(1./sZ2); c[5]+=((zMe-zId)/sZ2); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pC.SetMatrixArray(&(a[0][0])); TMatrixD p1(pC); TMatrixD p2(pC); TMatrixD p3(pC); TMatrixD p4(pC); TMatrixD p5(pC); TMatrixD p6(pC); for(Int_t raw=0; raw<6; raw++) p1[raw][0]=c[raw]; for(Int_t raw=0; raw<6; raw++) p2[raw][1]=c[raw]; for(Int_t raw=0; raw<6; raw++) p3[raw][2]=c[raw]; for(Int_t raw=0; raw<6; raw++) p4[raw][3]=c[raw]; for(Int_t raw=0; raw<6; raw++) p5[raw][4]=c[raw]; for(Int_t raw=0; raw<6; raw++) p6[raw][5]=c[raw]; // cout << "calculating determinants" << endl; Double_t det0=pC.Determinant(); Double_t x1 = p1.Determinant()/det0; Double_t x2 = p2.Determinant()/det0; Double_t x3 = p3.Determinant()/det0; Double_t x4 = p4.Determinant()/det0; Double_t x5 = p5.Determinant()/det0; Double_t x6 = p6.Determinant()/det0; //cout << "calculating determinants done" << endl; if (x1 == 0) { AliInfo("p1 singular "); p1.Print(); } if (x2 == 0) { AliInfo("p2 singular "); p2.Print(); } if (x3 == 0) { AliInfo("p3 singular "); p3.Print(); } if (x4 == 0) { AliInfo("p4 singular "); p4.Print(); } if (x5 == 0) { AliInfo("p5 singular "); p5.Print(); } if (x6 == 0) { AliInfo("p6 singular "); p6.Print(); } tet=x1; psi=x2; phi=x3; x0=x4; y0=x5; z0=x6; return; }