/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Log$ Revision 2000/03/04 23:42:39 nilsen Updated the comments/documentations and improved the maintainability of the code. Revision 2000/03/02 21:27:07 nilsen Added two functions, SetByAngles and SetTrans. Revision 2000/01/23 03:09:10 nilsen // fixed compiler warnings for new function LtLErrorMatrix(...) Revision 2000/01/19 23:18:20 nilsen Added transformations of Error matrix to AliITSgeom and fixed some typos in AliITS.h and AliITShitIndex.h Revision 2000/01/12 19:03:32 nilsen This is the version of the files after the merging done in December 1999. See the ReadMe110100.txt file for details Revision 1.4 1999/10/15 07:03:20 fca Fixed bug in GetModuleId(Int_t index,Int_t &lay,Int_t &lad, Int_t &det) and a typo in the creator. aliroot need to be rerun to get a fixed geometry. Revision 1.3 1999/10/04 15:20:12 fca Correct syntax accepted by g++ but not standard for static members, remove minor warnings Revision 1.2 1999/09/29 09:24:20 fca Introduction of the Copyright and cvs Log */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ITS geometry manipulation routines. // // Created April 15 1999. // // version: 0.0.0 // // By: Bjorn S. Nilsen // // version: 0.0.1 // // Updated May 27 1999. // // Added Cylindrical random and global based changes. // // Added function PrintComparison. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The structure AliITSgeomS: // The structure AliITSgeomS has been defined to hold all of the // information necessary to do the coordinate transformations for one // detector between the ALICE Cartesian global and the detector local // coordinate systems. The rotations are implemented in the following // order, Rz*Ry*Rx*(Vglobal-Vtrans)=Vlocal (in matrix notation). // In addition it contains an index to the TObjArray containing all of // the information about the shape of the active detector volume, and // any other useful detector parameters. See the definition of *fShape // below and the classes AliITSgeomSPD, AliITSgeomSDD, and AliITSgeomSSD // for a full description. This structure is not available outside of // these routines. // // Int_t fShapeIndex // The index to the array of detector shape information. In this way // only an index is needed to be stored and not all of the shape // information. This saves much space since most, if not all, of the // detectors of a give type have the same shape information and are only // placed in a different spot in the ALICE/ITS detector. // // Float_t fx0,fy0,fz0 // The Cartesian translation vector used to define part of the // coordinate transformation. The units of the translation are kept // in the Monte Carlo distance units, usually cm. // // Float_t frx,fry,frz // The three rotation angles that define the rotation matrix. The // angles are, frx the rotation about the x axis. fry the rotation about // the "new" or "rotated" y axis. frz the rotation about the "new" or // "rotated" z axis. These angles, although redundant with the rotation // matrix fr, are kept for speed. This allows for their retrieval without // having to compute them each and every time. The angles are kept in // radians // // Float_t fr[9] // The 3x3 rotation matrix defined by the angles frx, fry, and frz, // for the Global to Local transformation is // |fr[0] fr[1] fr[2]| | cos(frz) sin(frz) 0| | cos(fry) 0 sin(fry)| // fr=|fr[3] fr[4] fr[4]|=|-sin(frz) cos(frz) 0|*| 0 1 0 | // |fr[6] fr[7] fr[8]| | 0 0 1| |-sin(fry) 0 cos(fry)| // // |1 0 0 | // *|0 cos(frx) sin(frx)| // |0 -sin(frx) cos(frx)| // // Even though this information is redundant with the three rotation // angles, because this transformation matrix can be used so much it is // kept to speed things up a lot. The coordinate system used is Cartesian. // // The local coordinate system by, default, is show in the following // figures. Also shown are the ladder numbering scheme. //Begin_Html /*

This shows the front view of the SPDs and the orientation of the local pixel coordinate system. Note that the inner pixel layer has its y coordinate in the opposite direction from all of the other layers.

This shows the front view of the SDDs and the orientation of the local pixel coordinate system.

This shows the front view of the SSDs and the orientation of the local pixel coordinate system.



// version: 0
// Written by Bjorn S. Nilsen
// Data Members:
// Int_t fNlayers
//     The number of ITS layers for this geometry. By default this
//  is 6, but can be modified by the creator function if there are
// more layers defined.
// Int_t *fNlad
//     A pointer to an array fNlayers long containing the number of 
// ladders for each layer. This array is typically created and filled 
// by the AliITSgeom creator function.
// Int_t *fNdet
//     A pointer to an array fNlayers long containing the number of
// active detector volumes for each ladder. This array is typically
// created and filled by the AliITSgeom creator function.
// AliITSgeomS **fGm
//     A pointer to an array of pointers pointing to the AliITSgeomS
// structure containing the coordinate transformation information.
// The AliITSgeomS structure corresponding to layer=lay, ladder=lad,
// and detector=det is gotten by fGm[lay-1][(fNlad[lay-1]*(lad-1)+det-1)].
// In this way a lot of space is saved over trying to keep a three
// dimensional array fNlayersXmax(fNlad)Xmax(fNdet), since the number
// of detectors typically increases with layer number.
// TObjArray *fShape
//     A pointer to an array of TObjects containing the detailed shape
// information for each type of detector used in the ITS. For example
// I have created AliITSgeomSPD, AliITSgeomSDD, and AliITSgeomSSD as
// example structures, derived from TObjects, to hold the detector
// information. I would recommend that one element in each of these
// structures, that which describes the shape of the active volume,
// be one of the ROOT classes derived from TShape. In this way it would
// be easy to have the display program display the correct active
// ITS volumes. See the example classes AliITSgeomSPD, AliITSgeomSDD,
// and AliITSgeomSSD for a more detailed example.
// Inlined Member Functions:
// Int_t GetNdetectors(Int_t layer)
//     This function returns the number of detectors/ladder for a give 
// layer. In particular it returns fNdet[layer-1].
// Int_t GetNladders(Int_t layer)
//     This function returns the number of ladders for a give layer. In
// particular it returns fNlad[layer-1].
// Int_t GetNlayers()
//     This function returns the number of layers defined in the ITS
// geometry. In particular it returns fNlayers.
// GetAngles(Int_t layer,Int_t ladder,Int_t detector,
//           Float_t &rx, Float_t &ry, Float_t &rz)
//     This function returns the rotation angles for a give detector on
// a give ladder in a give layer in the three floating point variables
// provided. rx = frx, fy = fry, rz = frz. The angles are in radians
// GetTrans(Int_t layer,Int_t ladder,Int_t detector,
//          Float_t &x, Float_t &y, Float_t &z)
//     This function returns the Cartesian translation for a give
// detector on a give ladder in a give layer in the three floating
// point variables provided. x = fx0, y = fy0, z = fz0. The units are
// those of the Monte Carlo, generally cm.
// SetTrans(Int_t layer,Int_t ladder,Int_t detector,
//          Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t z)
//     This function sets a new translation vector, given by the three
// variables x, y, and z, for the Cartesian coordinate transformation
// for the detector defined by layer, ladder and detector.
// Int_t IsVersion()
//     This function returns the version number of this AliITSgeom
// class.
// AddShape(TObject *shape)
//     This function adds one more shape element to the TObjArray
// fShape. It is primarily used in the constructor functions of the
// AliITSgeom class. The pointer *shape can be the pointer to any
// class that is derived from TObject (this is true for nearly every
// ROOT class). This does not appear to be working properly at this time.
// Int_t GetStartSPD()
//     This functions returns the starting module index number for the
// silicon pixels detectors (SPD). Typically this is zero. To loop over all
// of the pixel detectors do: for(Int_t i=GetStartSPD();i<=GetLastSPD();i++)
// Int_t GetLastSPD()
//     This functions returns the last module index number for the
// silicon pixels detectors (SPD). To loop over all of the pixel detectors 
// do: for(Int_t i=GetStartSPD();i<=GetLastSPD();i++)
// Int_t GetStartSDD()
//     This functions returns the starting module index number for the
// silicon drift detectors (SDD). To loop over all of the drift detectors 
// do: for(Int_t i=GetStartSDD();i<=GetLastSDD();i++)
// Int_t GetLastSDD()
//     This functions returns the last module index number for the
// silicon drift detectors (SDD). To loop over all of the drift detectors 
// do: for(Int_t i=GetStartSDD();i<=GetLastSDD();i++)
// Int_t GetStartSSD()
//     This functions returns the starting module index number for the
// silicon strip detectors (SSD). To loop over all of the strip detectors 
// do: for(Int_t i=GetStartSSD();i<=GetLastSSD();i++)
// Int_t GetStartSSD()
//     This functions returns the last module index number for the
// silicon strip detectors (SSD). To loop over all of the strip detectors 
// do: for(Int_t i=GetStartSSD();i<=GetLastSSD();i++)
// TObject *GetShape(Int_t lay,Int_t lad,Int_t det)
//     This functions returns the shape object AliITSgeomSPD, AliITSgeomSDD,
// or AliITSgeomSSD for that particular module designated by lay, lad, and
// detector. In principle there can be additional shape objects. In this
// way a minimum of shape objects are created since one AliITSgeomS?D shape
// object is used for all modules of that type.

#include "AliITSgeom.h"
#include "AliITSgeomSPD300.h"
#include "AliITSgeomSPD425.h"
#include "AliITSgeomSDD.h"
#include "AliITSgeomSSD.h"
#include "TRandom.h"


//     The default constructor for the AliITSgeom class. It, by default,
// sets fNlayers to zero and zeros all pointers.
  // Default constructor.
  // Do not allocate anything zero everything
   fNlayers = 0;
   fNlad    = 0;
   fNdet    = 0;
   fGm       = 0;
   fShape   = 0;

//     The destructor for the AliITSgeom class. If the arrays fNlad,
// fNdet, or fGm have had memory allocated to them, there pointer values
// are non zero, then this memory space is freed and they are set
// to zero. In addition, fNlayers is set to zero. The destruction of
// TObjArray fShape is, by default, handled by the TObjArray destructor.
  // Default destructor.
  // if arrays exist delete them. Then set everything to zero.
      for(Int_t i=0;ifNlayers) {
         printf("error in file %s layer=%d min is 1 max is %d/n",
      }// end if l
      if(fNlad[l-1]fNlayers) {
         printf("error in file %s layer=%d min is 1 max is %d/n",
      }// end if l
      l--; a--; d--; // shift layer, ladder, and detector counters to zero base
      i = d + a*fNdet[l]; // position of this detector
      g = &(fGm[l][i]);

      oor = byPI*o;
      pr = byPI*p;
      qr = byPI*q;
      rr = byPI*r;
      sr = byPI*s;
      tr = byPI*t;

      g->fx0   = x;
      g->fy0   = y;
      g->fz0   = z;
      si    = sin(oor);if(o== 90.0) si = +1.0;
                      if(o==270.0) si = -1.0;
                      if(o==  0.0||o==180.) si = 0.0;
      lr[0] = si * cos(pr);
      lr[1] = si * sin(pr);
      lr[2] = cos(oor);if(o== 90.0||o==270.) lr[2] = 0.0;
                      if(o== 0.0)           lr[2] = +1.0;
                      if(o==180.0)          lr[2] = -1.0;
      si    =  sin(qr);if(q== 90.0) si = +1.0; 
                       if(q==270.0) si = -1.0;
                       if(q==  0.0||q==180.) si = 0.0;
      lr[3] = si * cos(rr);
      lr[4] = si * sin(rr);
      lr[5] = cos(qr);if(q== 90.0||q==270.) lr[5] = 0.0;
                      if(q==  0.0)          lr[5] = +1.0;
                      if(q==180.0)          lr[5] = -1.0;
      si    = sin(sr);if(s== 90.0) si = +1.0;
                      if(s==270.0) si = -1.0;
                      if(s==  0.0||s==180.) si = 0.0;
      lr[6] = si * cos(tr);
      lr[7] = si * sin(tr);
      lr[8] = cos(sr);if(s== 90.0||s==270.0) lr[8] =  0.0;
                      if(s==  0.0)           lr[8] = +1.0;
                      if(s==180.0)           lr[8] = -1.0;
      // Normalize these elements
      for(a=0;a<3;a++){// reuse float Si and integers a and d.
         si = 0.0;
         for(d=0;d<3;d++) si += lr[3*a+d]*lr[3*a+d];
         si = TMath::Sqrt(1./si);
         for(d=0;d<3;d++) g->fr[3*a+d] = lr[3*a+d] = si*lr[3*a+d];
      } // end for a
      // get angles from matrix up to a phase of 180 degrees.
      oor     = atan2(lr[7],lr[8]);if(oor<0.0) oor += 2.0*pi;
      pr     = asin(lr[2]);       if(pr<0.0) pr += 2.0*pi;
      qr     = atan2(lr[3],lr[0]);if(qr<0.0) qr += 2.0*pi;
      g->frx = oor;
      g->fry = pr;
      g->frz = qr;
      // l = layer-1 at this point.
           if(l==0||l==1) g->fShapeIndex = 0; // SPD's
      else if(l==2||l==3) g->fShapeIndex = 1; // SDD's
      else if(l==4||l==5) g->fShapeIndex = 2; // SSD's
   } // end for ever loop

AliITSgeom::AliITSgeom(const AliITSgeom &source){
//     The copy constructor for the AliITSgeom class. It calls the
// = operator function. See the = operator function for more details.

    *this = source;  // Just use the = operator for now.


/*void AliITSgeom::operator=(const AliITSgeom &source){
//     The = operator function for the AliITSgeom class. It makes an
// independent copy of the class in such a way that any changes made
// to the copied class will not affect the source class in any way.
// This is required for many ITS alignment studies where the copied
// class is then modified by introducing some misalignment.
   Int_t i,j,k;

   if(this == &source) return; // don't assign to ones self.

   // if there is an old structure allocated delete it first.
   if(fGm != 0){
   y    = g[1] - gl->fy0;
   z    = g[2] - gl->fz0;
   l[0] = gl->fr[0]*x + gl->fr[1]*y + gl->fr[2]*z;
   l[1] = gl->fr[3]*x + gl->fr[4]*y + gl->fr[5]*z;
   l[2] = gl->fr[6]*x + gl->fr[7]*y + gl->fr[8]*z;
void AliITSgeom::GtoL(const Int_t *id,const Double_t *g,Double_t *l){
//     The function that does the local active volume detector Cartesian
// coordinate to global ALICE Cartesian coordinate transformation.
// The local detector coordinate system is determined by the id[0]=layer, 
// id[1]=ladder, and id[2]=detector numbers. The local coordinates are
// entered by the three element Double_t array l and the global coordinate
// values are returned by the three element Double_t array g. The order of the 
// three elements are l[0]=x, l[1]=y, and l[2]=z, similarly for g.
void AliITSgeom::GtoL(const Int_t index,const Double_t *g,Double_t *l){
//     The function that does the local active volume detector Cartesian
// coordinate to global ALICE Cartesian coordinate transformation.
// The local detector coordinate system is determined by the detector
// index numbers (see GetModuleIndex and GetModuleID). The local 
// coordinates are entered by the three element Double_t array l and the 
// global coordinate values are returned by the three element Double_t array g.
// The order of the three elements are l[0]=x, l[1]=y, and l[2]=z, similarly 
// for g.
    Int_t    lay,lad,det;


void AliITSgeom::GtoL(Int_t lay,Int_t lad,Int_t det,
                       const Float_t *g,Float_t *l){
//     The function that does the global ALICE Cartesian coordinate
// to local active volume detector Cartesian coordinate transformation.
// The local detector coordinate system is determined by the layer, 
// ladder, and detector numbers. The global coordinates are entered by
// the three element Float_t array g and the local coordinate values
// are returned by the three element Float_t array l. The order of the 
// three elements are g[0]=x, g[1]=y, and g[2]=z, similarly for l.
    Int_t    i;
    Double_t gd[3],ld[3];

    for(i=0;i<3;i++) gd[i] = (Double_t) g[i];
    GtoL(lay,lad,det,(Double_t *)gd,(Double_t *)ld);
    for(i=0;i<3;i++) l[i] = (Float_t) ld[i];
void AliITSgeom::GtoL(const Int_t *id,const Float_t *g,Float_t *l){
//     The function that does the local active volume detector Cartesian
// coordinate to global ALICE Cartesian coordinate transformation.
// The local detector coordinate system is determined by the Int_t array id,
// id[0]=layer, id[1]=ladder, and id[2]=detector numbers. The local 
// coordinates are entered by the three element Float_t array l and the
// global coordinate values are returned by the three element Float_t array g.
// The order of the three elements are l[0]=x, l[1]=y, and l[2]=z, similarly
// for g. The order of the three elements are g[0]=x, g[1]=y, and g[2]=z,
// similarly for l.
    Int_t    i;
    Double_t gd[3],ld[3];

    for(i=0;i<3;i++) gd[i] = (Double_t) g[i];
    GtoL(id[0],id[1],id[2],(Double_t *)gd,(Double_t *)ld);
    for(i=0;i<3;i++) l[i] = (Float_t) ld[i];
void AliITSgeom::GtoL(const Int_t index,const Float_t *g,Float_t *l){
//     The function that does the local active volume detector Cartesian
// coordinate to global ALICE Cartesian coordinate transformation.
// The local detector coordinate system is determined by the detector
// index numbers (see GetModuleIndex and GetModuleID). The local 
// coordinates are entered by the three element Float_t array l and the 
// global coordinate values are returned by the three element Float_t array g.
// The order of the three elements are l[0]=x, l[1]=y, and l[2]=z, similarly 
// for g.
    Int_t    lay,lad,det;
    Int_t    i;
    Double_t gd[3],ld[3];


    for(i=0;i<3;i++) gd[i] = (Double_t) g[i];
    GtoL(lay,lad,det,(Double_t *)gd,(Double_t *)ld);
    for(i=0;i<3;i++) l[i] = (Float_t) ld[i];
void AliITSgeom::LtoG(Int_t lay,Int_t lad,Int_t det,
		      const Double_t *l,Double_t *g){
//     The function that does the local active volume detector Cartesian
// coordinate to global ALICE Cartesian coordinate transformation.
// The local detector coordinate system is determined by the layer, 
// ladder, and detector numbers. The local coordinates are entered by
// the three element Float_t array l and the global coordinate values
// are returned by the three element Float_t array g. The order of the 
// three elements are l[0]=x, l[1]=y, and l[2]=z, similarly for g.
   Double_t x,y,z;
   AliITSgeomS *gl;

   lay--; lad--; det--;
   gl   = &(fGm[lay][fNdet[lay]*lad+det]);

   x    = gl->fr[0]*l[0] + gl->fr[3]*l[1] + gl->fr[6]*l[2];
   y    = gl->fr[1]*l[0] + gl->fr[4]*l[1] + gl->fr[7]*l[2];
   z    = gl->fr[2]*l[0] + gl->fr[5]*l[1] + gl->fr[8]*l[2];
   g[0] = x + gl->fx0;
   g[1] = y + gl->fy0;
   g[2] = z + gl->fz0;
void AliITSgeom::LtoG(const Int_t *id,const Double_t *l,Double_t *g){
//     The function that does the local active volume detector Cartesian
// coordinate to global ALICE Cartesian coordinate transformation.
// The local detector coordinate system is determined by the three
// element array Id containing as it's three elements Id[0]=layer, 
// Id[1]=ladder, and Id[2]=detector numbers. The local coordinates
// are entered by the three element Double_t array l and the global
// coordinate values are returned by the three element Double_t array g.
// The order of the three elements are l[0]=x, l[1]=y, and l[2]=z,
// similarly for g.
void AliITSgeom::LtoG(const Int_t index,const Double_t *l,Double_t *g){
//     The function that does the local active volume detector Cartesian
// coordinate to global ALICE Cartesian coordinate transformation.
// The local detector coordinate system is determined by the detector  
// index number (see GetModuleIndex and GetModuleId). The local coordinates
// are entered by the three element Double_t array l and the global
// coordinate values are returned by the three element Double_t array g.
// The order of the three elements are l[0]=x, l[1]=y, and l[2]=z,
// similarly for g.
    Int_t    lay,lad,det;


void AliITSgeom::LtoG(Int_t lay,Int_t lad,Int_t det,
		      const Float_t *l,Float_t *g){
//     The function that does the local active volume detector Cartesian
// coordinate to global ALICE Cartesian coordinate transformation.
// The local detector coordinate system is determined by the layer, 
// ladder, and detector numbers. The local coordinates are entered by
// the three element Float_t array l and the global coordinate values
// are returned by the three element Float_t array g. The order of the 
// three elements are l[0]=x, l[1]=y, and l[2]=z, similarly for g.
    Int_t    i;
    Double_t gd[3],ld[3];

    for(i=0;i<3;i++) ld[i] = (Double_t) l[i];
    LtoG(lay,lad,det,(Double_t *)ld,(Double_t *)gd);
    for(i=0;i<3;i++) g[i] = (Float_t) gd[i];
void AliITSgeom::LtoG(const Int_t *id,const Float_t *l,Float_t *g){
//     The function that does the local active volume detector Cartesian
// coordinate to global ALICE Cartesian coordinate transformation.
// The local detector coordinate system is determined by the three
// element array Id containing as it's three elements Id[0]=layer, 
// Id[1]=ladder, and Id[2]=detector numbers. The local coordinates
// are entered by the three element Float_t array l and the global
// coordinate values are returned by the three element Float_t array g.
// The order of the three elements are l[0]=x, l[1]=y, and l[2]=z,
// similarly for g.
    Int_t    i;
    Double_t gd[3],ld[3];

    for(i=0;i<3;i++) ld[i] = (Double_t) l[i];
    LtoG(id[0],id[1],id[2],(Double_t *)ld,(Double_t *)gd);
    for(i=0;i<3;i++) g[i] = (Float_t) gd[i];
void AliITSgeom::LtoG(const Int_t index,const Float_t *l,Float_t *g){
//     The function that does the local active volume detector Cartesian
// coordinate to global ALICE Cartesian coordinate transformation.
// The local detector coordinate system is determined by the detector  
// index number (see GetModuleIndex and GetModuleId). The local coordinates
// are entered by the three element Float_t array l and the global
// coordinate values are returned by the three element Float_t array g.
// The order of the three elements are l[0]=x, l[1]=y, and l[2]=z,
// similarly for g.
    Int_t    i,lay,lad,det;
    Double_t gd[3],ld[3];


    for(i=0;i<3;i++) ld[i] = (Double_t) l[i];
    LtoG(lay,lad,det,(Double_t *)ld,(Double_t *)gd);
    for(i=0;i<3;i++) g[i] = (Float_t) gd[i];
void AliITSgeom::LtoL(const Int_t *id1,const Int_t *id2,
		      Double_t *l1,Double_t *l2){
//     The function that does the local active volume detector Cartesian
// coordinate to a different local active volume detector Cartesian coordinate
// transformation. The original local detector coordinate system is determined
// by the detector array id1, id1[0]=layer, id1[1]=ladder, and id1[2]=detector
// and the new coordinate system is determined by the detector array id2,
// id2[0]=layer, id2[1]=ladder, and id2[2]=detector. The original local
// coordinates are entered by the three element Double_t array l1 and the
// other new local coordinate values are returned by the three element
// Double_t array l2. The order of the three elements are l1[0]=x, l1[1]=y,
// and l1[2]=z, similarly for l2.
    Double_t g[3];

void AliITSgeom::LtoL(const Int_t index1,const Int_t index2,
		      Double_t *l1,Double_t *l2){
//     The function that does the local active volume detector Cartesian
// coordinate to a different local active volume detector Cartesian coordinate
// transformation. The original local detector coordinate system is determined
// by the detector index number index1, and the new coordinate system is
// determined by the detector index number index2, (see GetModuleIndex and
// GetModuleId). The original local coordinates are entered by the three
// element Double_t array l1 and the other new local coordinate values are
// returned by the three element Double_t array l2. The order of the three
// elements are l1[0]=x, l1[1]=y, and l1[2]=z, similarly for l2.
    Double_t g[3];

void AliITSgeom::GtoLMomentum(Int_t lay,Int_t lad,Int_t det,
			      const Double_t *g,Double_t *l){
//     The function that does the global ALICE Cartesian momentum
// to local active volume detector Cartesian momentum transformation.
// The local detector coordinate system is determined by the layer, 
// ladder, and detector numbers. The global momentums are entered by
// the three element Double_t array g and the local momentums values
// are returned by the three element Double_t array l. The order of the 
// three elements are g[0]=x, g[1]=y, and g[2]=z, similarly for l.
   Double_t px,py,pz;
   AliITSgeomS *gl;

   lay--; lad--; det--;
   gl = &(fGm[lay][fNdet[lay]*lad+det]);

   px   = g[0];
   py   = g[1];
   pz   = g[2];
   l[0] = gl->fr[0]*px + gl->fr[1]*py + gl->fr[2]*pz;
   l[1] = gl->fr[3]*px + gl->fr[4]*py + gl->fr[5]*pz;
   l[2] = gl->fr[6]*px + gl->fr[7]*py + gl->fr[8]*pz;
void AliITSgeom::GtoLMomentum(Int_t lay,Int_t lad,Int_t det,
			      const Float_t *g,Float_t *l){
//     The function that does the global ALICE Cartesian momentum
// to local active volume detector Cartesian momentum transformation.
// The local detector coordinate system is determined by the layer, 
// ladder, and detector numbers. The global momentums are entered by
// the three element Float_t array g and the local momentums values
// are returned by the three element Float_t array l. The order of the 
// three elements are g[0]=x, g[1]=y, and g[2]=z, similarly for l.
    Int_t i;
    Double_t gd[3],ld[3];

    for(i=0;i<3;i++) gd[i] = (Double_t) g[i];
    GtoLMomentum(lay,lad,det,(Double_t *)gd,(Double_t *)ld);
    for(i=0;i<3;i++) l[i] = (Float_t) ld[i];
void AliITSgeom::LtoGMomentum(Int_t lay,Int_t lad,Int_t det,
			      const Double_t *l,Double_t *g){
//     The function that does the local active volume detector Cartesian
// momentum to global ALICE Cartesian momentum transformation.
// The local detector momentum system is determined by the layer, 
// ladder, and detector numbers. The local momentums are entered by
// the three element Double_t array l and the global momentum values
// are returned by the three element Double_t array g. The order of the 
// three elements are l[0]=x, l[1]=y, and l[2]=z, similarly for g.
   Double_t px,py,pz;
   AliITSgeomS *gl;

   lay--; lad--; det--;
   gl   = &(fGm[lay][fNdet[lay]*lad+det]);

   px   = gl->fr[0]*l[0] + gl->fr[3]*l[1] + gl->fr[6]*l[2];
   py   = gl->fr[1]*l[0] + gl->fr[4]*l[1] + gl->fr[7]*l[2];
   pz   = gl->fr[2]*l[0] + gl->fr[5]*l[1] + gl->fr[8]*l[2];
   g[0] = px;
   g[1] = py;
   g[2] = pz;
void AliITSgeom::LtoGMomentum(Int_t lay,Int_t lad,Int_t det,
			      const Float_t *l,Float_t *g){
//     The function that does the local active volume detector Cartesian
// momentum to global ALICE Cartesian momentum transformation.
// The local detector momentum system is determined by the layer, 
// ladder, and detector numbers. The local momentums are entered by
// the three element Float_t array l and the global momentum values
// are returned by the three element Float_t array g. The order of the 
// three elements are l[0]=x, l[1]=y, and l[2]=z, similarly for g.
    Int_t i;
    Double_t gd[3],ld[3];

    for(i=0;i<3;i++) ld[i] = (Double_t) l[i];
    LtoGMomentum(lay,lad,det,(Double_t *)ld,(Double_t *)gd);
    for(i=0;i<3;i++) g[i] = (Float_t) gd[i];
void AliITSgeom::LtoLMomentum(const Int_t *id1,const Int_t *id2,
			      const Double_t *l1,Double_t *l2){
//     The function that does the local active volume detector Cartesian
// momentum to a different local active volume detector Cartesian momentum
// transformation. The original local detector momentum system is determined
// by the Int_t array id1 (id1[0]=lay, id1[1]=lad, id1[2]=det). The new local
// coordinate system id determined by the Int_t array id2. The local
// momentums are entered by the three element Double_t array l1 and the other
// local momentum values are returned by the three element Double_t array l2.
// The order of the three elements are l1[0]=x, l1[1]=y, and l1[2]=z,
// similarly for l2.
    Double_t g[3];

void AliITSgeom::GtoLErrorMatrix(const Int_t index,Double_t **g,Double_t **l){
//      This converts an error matrix, expressed in global coordinates
// into an error matrix expressed in local coordinates. Since the 
// translations do not change the error matrix they are not included.
// Definition: if GtoL is l[i] = T[i][j]*g[j], then from the definition
// of the transformation matrix above T[i][j] = fr[3*i+j]. Then for a 
// matrix l[i][l] = T[i][j]*g[j][k]*T[l][k] (sum over repeated indexes). 
// Where T[l][k] is the transpose of T[k][l].
    Double_t lR[3][3],lRt[3][3];
    Int_t    lay,lad,det,i,j,k,n;
    AliITSgeomS *gl;

    gl = &(fGm[lay][fNdet[lay]*lad+det]);

	lR[i][j] = lRt[j][i] = gl->fr[3*i+j];
    } // end for i,j

	l[i][n] = lR[i][j]*g[j][k]*lRt[k][n];
    } // end for i,j,k,l
void AliITSgeom::LtoGErrorMatrix(const Int_t index,Double_t **l,Double_t **g){
//      This converts an error matrix, expressed in local coordinates
// into an error matrix expressed in global coordinates. Since the 
// translations do not change the error matrix they are not included.
// Definition: if GtoL is l[i] = T[i][j]*g[j], then from the definition
// of the transformation matrix above T[i][j] = fr[3*i+j]. Then for a 
// matrix g[i][l] = T[j][i]*l[j][k]*T[k][l] (sum over repeated indexes). 
// Where T[j][i] is the transpose of T[i][j].
    Double_t lR[3][3],lRt[3][3];
    Int_t    lay,lad,det,i,j,k,n;
    AliITSgeomS *gl;

    gl = &(fGm[lay][fNdet[lay]*lad+det]);

	lR[i][j] = lRt[j][i] = gl->fr[3*i+j];
    } // end for i,j

	g[i][n] = lRt[i][j]*l[j][k]*lR[k][n];
    } // end for i,j,k,l
void AliITSgeom::LtoLErrorMatrix(const Int_t index1,const Int_t index2,
				 Double_t **l1,Double_t **l2){
//      This converts an error matrix, expressed in one local coordinates
// into an error matrix expressed in different local coordinates. Since  
// the translations do not change the error matrix they are not included.
// This is done by going through the global coordinate system for 
// simplicity and constancy.
    Double_t g[3][3];

    this->LtoGErrorMatrix(index1,l1,(Double_t **)g);
    this->GtoLErrorMatrix(index2,(Double_t **)g,l2);
Int_t AliITSgeom::GetModuleIndex(Int_t lay,Int_t lad,Int_t det){
//      This routine computes the module index number from the layer,
// ladder, and detector numbers. The number of ladders and detectors
// per layer is determined when this geometry package is constructed,
// see AliITSgeom(const char *filename) for specifics.
    Int_t i,j,k;

    i = fNdet[lay-1] * (lad-1) + det - 1;
    j = 0;
    } // end for k
    lay = k+1;
    i = index -j + fNdet[k]*fNlad[k];
    j = 0;
    } // end for k
    lad = k+1;
    det = 1+i-fNdet[lay-1]*k;
void AliITSgeom::GetRotMatrix(Int_t lay,Int_t lad,Int_t det,Double_t *mat){
//     Returns, in the Double_t array pointed to by mat, the full rotation
// matrix for the give detector defined by layer, ladder, and detector.
// It returns all nine elements of fr in the AliITSgeomS structure. See the
// description of the AliITSgeomS structure for further details of this
// rotation matrix.
   Int_t    i;
   AliITSgeomS *g;

   lay--; lad--; det--; // shift to base 0
   g = &(fGm[lay][fNdet[lay]*lad+det]);
   for(i=0;i<9;i++) mat[i] = g->fr[i];
void AliITSgeom::GetRotMatrix(Int_t index,Double_t *mat){
//     Returns, in the Double_t array pointed to by mat, the full rotation
// matrix for the give detector defined by the module index number.
// It returns all nine elements of fr in the AliITSgeomS structure. See the
// description of the AliITSgeomS structure for further details of this
// rotation matrix.
   Int_t    lay,lad,det;

void AliITSgeom::GetRotMatrix(Int_t lay,Int_t lad,Int_t det,Float_t *mat){
//     Returns, in the Float_t array pointed to by mat, the full rotation
// matrix for the give detector defined by layer, ladder, and detector.
// It returns all nine elements of fr in the AliITSgeomS structure. See the
// description of the AliITSgeomS structure for further details of this
// rotation matrix.
   Int_t    i;
   Double_t matd[9];

   GetRotMatrix(lay,lad,det,(Double_t *)matd);
   for(i=0;i<9;i++) mat[i] = (Float_t) matd[i];

void AliITSgeom::GetRotMatrix(Int_t index,Float_t *mat){
//     Returns, in the Float_t array pointed to by mat, the full rotation
// matrix for the give detector defined by module index number.
// It returns all nine elements of fr in the AliITSgeomS structure. See the
// description of the AliITSgeomS structure for further details of this
// rotation matrix.
   Int_t    i,lay,lad,det;
   Double_t matd[9];

   GetRotMatrix(lay,lad,det,(Double_t *)matd);
   for(i=0;i<9;i++) mat[i] = (Float_t) matd[i];

Int_t AliITSgeom::GetStartDet(Int_t id){
  // returns the starting module index value for a give type of detector id
  Int_t first;
  case 0:
     first = GetModuleIndex(1,1,1);
  case 1:
     first = GetModuleIndex(3,1,1);
  case 2:
     first = GetModuleIndex(5,1,1);
     printf(" undefined detector type\n");
     first = 0;

  return first;

Int_t AliITSgeom::GetLastDet(Int_t id){
  // returns the last module index value for a give type of detector id
  Int_t last;
  case 0:
     last = GetLastSPD();
   case 1:
     last = GetLastSDD();
   case 2:
     last = GetLastSSD();
     printf(" undefined detector type\n");
     last = 0;
  return last;

void AliITSgeom::PrintComparison(FILE *fp,AliITSgeom *other){
//     This function was primarily created for diagnostic reasons. It
// print to a file pointed to by the file pointer fp the difference
// between two AliITSgeom classes. The format of the file is basicly,
// define d? to be the difference between the same element of the two
// classes. For example dfrx = this->fGm[i][j].frx - other->fGm[i][j].frx.
// if(at least one of dfx0, dfy0, dfz0,dfrx,dfry,dfrz are non zero) then print
// layer ladder detector dfx0 dfy0 dfz0 dfrx dfry dfrz
// if(at least one of the 9 elements of dfr[] are non zero) then print
// layer ladder detector dfr[0] dfr[1] dfr[2]
//                       dfr[3] dfr[4] dfr[5]
//                       dfr[6] dfr[7] dfr[8]
// Only non zero values are printed to save space. The differences are
// typical written to a file because there are usually a lot of numbers
// printed out and it is usually easier to read them in some nice editor
// rather than zooming quickly past you on a screen. fprintf is used to
// do the printing. The fShapeIndex difference is not printed at this time.
   Int_t    i,j,k,l;
   Double_t xt,yt,zt,xo,yo,zo;
   Double_t rxt,ryt,rzt,rxo,ryo,rzo;  // phi in radians
   AliITSgeomS *gt,*go;
   Bool_t   t;

      for(j=0;jfNlad[i];j++) for(k=0;kfNdet[i];k++){
	 l   = this->fNdet[i]*j+k; // resolved index
         gt  = &(this->fGm[i][l]);
	 go  = &(other->fGm[i][l]);
         xt  = gt->fx0; yt  = gt->fy0; zt  = gt->fz0;
         xo  = go->fx0; yo  = go->fy0; zo  = go->fz0;
         rxt = gt->frx; ryt = gt->fry; rzt = gt->frz;
         rxo = go->frx; ryo = go->fry; rzo = go->frz;
	 fprintf(fp,"%1.1d %2.2d %2.2d dTrans=%f %f %f drot=%f %f %f\n",
	 t = kFALSE;
	 for(i=0;i<9;i++) t = gt->fr[i] != go->fr[i];
	     fprintf(fp,"%1.1d %2.2d %2.2d dfr= %e %e %e\n",i+1,j+1,k+1,
	     fprintf(fp,"        dfr= %e %e %e\n",
	     fprintf(fp,"        dfr= %e %e %e\n",
      } // end for j,k
   } // end for i

void AliITSgeom::PrintData(FILE *fp,Int_t lay,Int_t lad,Int_t det){
//     This function prints out the coordinate transformations for
// the particular detector defined by layer, ladder, and detector
// to the file pointed to by the File pointer fp. fprintf statements
// are used to print out the numbers. The format is
// layer ladder detector Trans= fx0 fy0 fz0 rot= frx fry frz Shape=fShapeIndex
//                         dfr= fr[0] fr[1] fr[2]
//                         dfr= fr[3] fr[4] fr[5]
//                         dfr= fr[6] fr[7] fr[8]
// By indicating which detector, some control over the information 
// is given to the user. The output it written to the file pointed
// to by the file pointer fp. This can be set to stdout if you want.
   Int_t    i,j,k,l;
   AliITSgeomS *gt;

   i  = lay-1;
   j  = lad-1;
   k  = det-1;
   l  = this->fNdet[i]*j+k; // resolved index
   gt = &(this->fGm[i][l]);
   fprintf(fp,"%1.1d %2.2d %2.2d Trans=%f %f %f rot=%f %f %f Shape=%d\n",
   fprintf(fp,"        dfr= %e %e %e\n",gt->fr[0],gt->fr[1],gt->fr[2]);
   fprintf(fp,"        dfr= %e %e %e\n",gt->fr[3],gt->fr[4],gt->fr[5]);
   fprintf(fp,"        dfr= %e %e %e\n",gt->fr[6],gt->fr[7],gt->fr[8]);
ofstream & AliITSgeom::PrintGeom(ofstream &lRb){
//     The default Streamer function "written by ROOT" doesn't write out
// the arrays referenced by pointers. Therefore, a specific Streamer function
// has to be written. This function should not be modified but instead added
// on to so that older versions can still be read. The proper handling of
// the version dependent streamer function hasn't been written do to the lack
// of finding an example at the time of writing.
   // Stream an object of class AliITSgeom.
    Int_t i,j,k;

    lRb << fNlayers << " ";
    for(i=0;i> fNlayers;
      if(fNlad!=0) delete[] fNlad;
      if(fNdet!=0) delete[] fNdet;
      fNlad = new Int_t[fNlayers];
      fNdet = new Int_t[fNlayers];
      for(i=0;i> fNlad[i];
      for(i=0;i> fNdet[i];
	  for(i=0;i> fGm[i][j].fShapeIndex;
	      lRb >> fGm[i][j].fx0;
	      lRb >> fGm[i][j].fy0;
	      lRb >> fGm[i][j].fz0;
	      lRb >> fGm[i][j].frx;
	      lRb >> fGm[i][j].fry;
	      lRb >> fGm[i][j].frz;
	      for(k=0;k<9;k++) lRb >> fGm[i][j].fr[k];
	  } // end for j
      } // end for i
//      lRb >> fShape;
      return lRb;
//     The following routines modify the transformation of "this"
// geometry transformations in a number of different ways.
void AliITSgeom::SetByAngles(Int_t lay,Int_t lad,Int_t det,
			     Float_t rx,Float_t ry,Float_t rz){
//     This function computes a new rotation matrix based on the angles
// rx, ry, and rz (in radians) for a give detector on the give ladder
// in the give layer. A new
// fGm[layer-1][(fNlad[layer-1]*(ladder-1)+detector-1)].fr[] array is
// computed.
   AliITSgeomS *g;
   Double_t  sx,cx,sy,cy,sz,cz;

   lay--; lad--; det--; // set to zero base now.
   g = &(fGm[lay][fNdet[lay]*lad+det]);

   sx = sin(rx); cx = cos(rx);
   sy = sin(ry); cy = cos(ry);
   sz = sin(rz); cz = cos(rz);
   g->frx   = rx;
   g->fry   = ry;
   g->frz   = rz;
   g->fr[0] =  cz*cy;
   g->fr[1] = -cz*sy*sx - sz*cx;
   g->fr[2] = -cz*sy*cx + sz*sx;
   g->fr[3] =  sz*cy;
   g->fr[4] = -sz*sy*sx + cz*cx;
   g->fr[5] = -sz*sy*cx - cz*sx;
   g->fr[6] =  sy;
   g->fr[7] =  cy*sx;
   g->fr[8] =  cy*cx;
void AliITSgeom::SetByAngles(Int_t index,Double_t angl[]){
//     Sets the coordinate rotation transformation for a given module
// as determined by the module index number.
    Int_t lay,lad,det;
    Float_t x,y,z;

    x = (Float_t) angl[0];
    y = (Float_t) angl[1];
    z = (Float_t) angl[2];
void AliITSgeom::SetTrans(Int_t index,Double_t v[]){
//     Sets the coordinate translation for a given module as determined
// by the module index number.
    Int_t lay,lad,det;
    Float_t x,y,z;

    x = (Float_t) v[0];
    y = (Float_t) v[1];
    z = (Float_t) v[2];
void AliITSgeom::GlobalChange(Float_t *tran,Float_t *rot){
//     This function performs a Cartesian translation and rotation of
// the full ITS from its default position by an amount determined by
// the three element arrays dtranslation and drotation. If every element
// of dtranslation and drotation are zero then there is no change made
// the geometry. The change is global in that the exact same translation
// and rotation is done to every detector element in the exact same way.
// The units of the translation are those of the Monte Carlo, usually cm,
// and those of the rotation are in radians. The elements of dtranslation
// are dtranslation[0] = x, dtranslation[1] = y, and dtranslation[2] = z.
// The elements of drotation are drotation[0] = rx, drotation[1] = ry, and
// drotation[2] = rz. A change in x will move the hole ITS in the ALICE
// global x direction, the same for a change in y. A change in z will
// result in a translation of the ITS as a hole up or down the beam line.
// A change in the angles will result in the inclination of the ITS with
// respect to the beam line, except for an effective rotation about the
// beam axis which will just rotate the ITS as a hole about the beam axis.
   Int_t    i,j,k,l;
   Double_t rx,ry,rz;
   Double_t sx,cx,sy,cy,sz,cz;
   AliITSgeomS *gl;

   for(i=0;ifx0 += tran[0];
         gl->fy0 += tran[1];
         gl->fz0 += tran[2];
         gl->frx +=  rot[0];
         gl->fry +=  rot[1];
         gl->frz +=  rot[2];
         rx = gl->frx; ry = gl->fry; rz = gl->frz;
         sx = sin(rx); cx = cos(rx);
         sy = sin(ry); cy = cos(ry);
         sz = sin(rz); cz = cos(rz);
         gl->fr[0] =  cz*cy;
         gl->fr[1] = -cz*sy*sx - sz*cx;
         gl->fr[2] = -cz*sy*cx + sz*sx;
         gl->fr[3] =  sz*cy;
         gl->fr[4] = -sz*sy*sx + cz*cx;
         gl->fr[5] = -sz*sy*cx - cz*sx;
         gl->fr[6] =  sy;
         gl->fr[7] =  cy*sx;
         gl->fr[8] =  cy*cx;
      } // end for j,k
   } // end for i

void AliITSgeom::GlobalCylindericalChange(Float_t *tran,Float_t *rot){
//     This function performs a cylindrical translation and rotation of
// each ITS element by a fixed about in radius, rphi, and z from its
// default position by an amount determined by the three element arrays
// dtranslation and drotation. If every element of dtranslation and
// drotation are zero then there is no change made the geometry. The
// change is global in that the exact same distance change in translation
// and rotation is done to every detector element in the exact same way.
// The units of the translation are those of the Monte Carlo, usually cm,
// and those of the rotation are in radians. The elements of dtranslation
// are dtranslation[0] = r, dtranslation[1] = rphi, and dtranslation[2] = z.
// The elements of drotation are drotation[0] = rx, drotation[1] = ry, and
// drotation[2] = rz. A change in r will results in the increase of the
// radius of each layer by the same about. A change in rphi will results in
// the rotation of each layer by a different angle but by the same
// circumferential distance. A change in z will result in a translation
// of the ITS as a hole up or down the beam line. A change in the angles
// will result in the inclination of the ITS with respect to the beam
// line, except for an effective rotation about the beam axis which will
// just rotate the ITS as a hole about the beam axis.
   Int_t    i,j,k,l;
   Double_t rx,ry,rz,r,phi,rphi; // phi in radians
   Double_t sx,cx,sy,cy,sz,cz,r0;
   AliITSgeomS *gl;

	 phi   = atan2(gl->fy0,gl->fx0);
	 rphi  = r0*phi;
	 r    += tran[0];
	 rphi += tran[1];
	 phi   = rphi/r0;
         gl->fx0  = r*TMath::Cos(phi);
         gl->fy0  = r*TMath::Sin(phi);
         gl->fz0 += tran[2];
         gl->frx +=  rot[0];
         gl->fry +=  rot[1];
         gl->frz +=  rot[2];
         rx = gl->frx; ry = gl->fry; rz = gl->frz;
         sx = sin(rx); cx = cos(rx);
         sy = sin(ry); cy = cos(ry);
         sz = sin(rz); cz = cos(rz);
         gl->fr[0] =  cz*cy;
         gl->fr[1] = -cz*sy*sx - sz*cx;
         gl->fr[2] = -cz*sy*cx + sz*sx;
         gl->fr[3] =  sz*cy;
         gl->fr[4] = -sz*sy*sx + cz*cx;
         gl->fr[5] = -sz*sy*cx - cz*sx;
         gl->fr[6] =  sy;
         gl->fr[7] =  cy*sx;
         gl->fr[8] =  cy*cx;
      } // end for j,k
   } // end for i

void AliITSgeom::RandomChange(Float_t *stran,Float_t *srot){
//     This function performs a Gaussian random displacement and/or
// rotation about the present global position of each active
// volume/detector of the ITS. The sigma of the random displacement
// is determined by the three element array stran, for the
// x y and z translations, and the three element array srot,
// for the three rotation about the axis x y and z.
   Int_t    i,j,k,l;
   Double_t rx,ry,rz;
   Double_t sx,cx,sy,cy,sz,cz;
   TRandom  ran;
   AliITSgeomS *gl;

   for(i=0;ifx0 += ran.Gaus(0.0,stran[0]);
         gl->fy0 += ran.Gaus(0.0,stran[1]);
         gl->fz0 += ran.Gaus(0.0,stran[2]);
         gl->frx += ran.Gaus(0.0, srot[0]);
         gl->fry += ran.Gaus(0.0, srot[1]);
         gl->frz += ran.Gaus(0.0, srot[2]);
         rx = gl->frx; ry = gl->fry; rz = gl->frz;
         sx = sin(rx); cx = cos(rx);
         sy = sin(ry); cy = cos(ry);
         sz = sin(rz); cz = cos(rz);
         gl->fr[0] =  cz*cy;
         gl->fr[1] = -cz*sy*sx - sz*cx;
         gl->fr[2] = -cz*sy*cx + sz*sx;
         gl->fr[3] =  sz*cy;
         gl->fr[4] = -sz*sy*sx + cz*cx;
         gl->fr[5] = -sz*sy*cx - cz*sx;
         gl->fr[6] =  sy;
         gl->fr[7] =  cy*sx;
         gl->fr[8] =  cy*cx;
      } // end for j,k
   } // end for i

void AliITSgeom::RandomCylindericalChange(Float_t *stran,Float_t *srot){
//     This function performs a Gaussian random displacement and/or
// rotation about the present global position of each active
// volume/detector of the ITS. The sigma of the random displacement
// is determined by the three element array stran, for the
// r rphi and z translations, and the three element array srot,
// for the three rotation about the axis x y and z. This random change
// in detector position allow for the simulation of a random uncertainty
// in the detector positions of the ITS.
   Int_t     i,j,k,l;
   Double_t  rx,ry,rz,r,phi,x,y;  // phi in radians
   Double_t  sx,cx,sy,cy,sz,cz,r0;
   TRandom   ran;
   AliITSgeomS  *gl;

	 y     = gl->fy0;
	 r = r0= TMath::Hypot(y,x);
	 phi   = TMath::ATan2(y,x);
	 r    += ran.Gaus(0.0,stran[0]);
	 phi  += ran.Gaus(0.0,stran[1])/r0;
         gl->fx0  = r*TMath::Cos(phi);
         gl->fy0  = r*TMath::Sin(phi);
         gl->fz0 += ran.Gaus(0.0,stran[2]);
         gl->frx += ran.Gaus(0.0, srot[0]);
         gl->fry += ran.Gaus(0.0, srot[1]);
         gl->frz += ran.Gaus(0.0, srot[2]);
         rx = gl->frx; ry = gl->fry; rz = gl->frz;
         sx = sin(rx); cx = cos(rx);
         sy = sin(ry); cy = cos(ry);
         sz = sin(rz); cz = cos(rz);
         gl->fr[0] =  cz*cy;
         gl->fr[1] = -cz*sy*sx - sz*cx;
         gl->fr[2] = -cz*sy*cx + sz*sx;
         gl->fr[3] =  sz*cy;
         gl->fr[4] = -sz*sy*sx + cz*cx;
         gl->fr[5] = -sz*sy*cx - cz*sx;
         gl->fr[6] =  sy;
         gl->fr[7] =  cy*sx;
         gl->fr[8] =  cy*cx;
      } // end for j,k
   } // end for i
void AliITSgeom::GeantToTracking(AliITSgeom &source){
//     Copy the geometry data but change it to make coordinate systems
// changes between the Global to the Local coordinate system used for 
// ITS tracking. Basicly the difference is that the direction of the
// y coordinate system for layer 1 is rotated about the z axis 180 degrees
// so that it points in the same direction as it does in all of the other
// layers.
// Fixed for bug and new calulation of tracking coordiantes. BSN June 8 2000.
   Double_t oor,pr,qr;
   Int_t    i,j,k;
   Double_t pi = TMath::Pi();

   if(this == &source) return; // don't assign to ones self.

   // if there is an old structure allocated delete it first.
   if(fGm != 0){
      for(i=0;i> fNlayers;
      if(fNlad!=0) delete[] fNlad;
      if(fNdet!=0) delete[] fNdet;
      fNlad = new Int_t[fNlayers];
      fNdet = new Int_t[fNlayers];
      printf("AliITSgeomStreamer fNlad\n");
      for(i=0;i> fNlad[i];
      printf("AliITSgeomStreamer fNdet\n");
      for(i=0;i> fNdet[i];
	  for(i=0;i> fGm[i][j].fShapeIndex;
	      lRb >> fGm[i][j].fx0;
	      lRb >> fGm[i][j].fy0;
	      lRb >> fGm[i][j].fz0;
	      lRb >> fGm[i][j].frx;
	      lRb >> fGm[i][j].fry;
	      lRb >> fGm[i][j].frz;
	      for(k=0;k<9;k++) lRb >> fGm[i][j].fr[k];
	  } // end for j
      } // end for i
	  delete fShape;
      } // end if
      printf("AliITSgeomStreamer reading fShape\n");
      lRb >> fShape;
      //if (fShape) fShape->Streamer(lRb);
   } else {
      lRb << fNlayers;
   } // end if reading
   printf("AliITSgeomStreamer Finished\n");