#ifndef ALIITSPACKAGESSD_H #define ALIITSPACKAGESSD_H //Class describing set of AliITSoneSideClusterSSDs, which contact each other. //Piotr Krzysztof Skowronski //Warsaw University of Technology //skowron@if.pw.edu.pl // #include "TObject.h" #include "TArrayI.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "AliITS.h" #include "AliITSclusterSSD.h" class AliITSpackageSSD : public TObject { public: AliITSpackageSSD(); AliITSpackageSSD(Int_t len, TClonesArray *clustersP, TClonesArray *clustersN); AliITSpackageSSD(TClonesArray *clustersP, TClonesArray *clustersN); ~AliITSpackageSSD(); AliITSpackageSSD(const AliITSpackageSSD &package); AliITSpackageSSD& operator=( const AliITSpackageSSD & package); //Add cluster in side N, clindex is an index of this cluster in TClonesArray void AddNSideCluster(Int_t clindex) {(*fClusterNIndexes)[fNclustersN++]=clindex;} void AddPSideCluster(Int_t clindex) {(*fClusterPIndexes)[fNclustersP++]=clindex;} void AddCluster(Int_t clindex, Bool_t side){ (side)?(*fClusterNIndexes)[fNclustersN++]= clindex:(*fClusterPIndexes)[fNclustersP++]=clindex;} //Returns index of one side cluster in TClonesArray, NOT AliITSclusterSSD Int_t GetNSideClusterIdx(Int_t index); //input index is number of cluster in this package Int_t GetPSideClusterIdx(Int_t index); //returns index in TClonesArray Int_t GetClusterIdx(Int_t index,Bool_t side) {return (side)?GetPSideClusterIdx(index):GetNSideClusterIdx(index);} AliITSclusterSSD* GetNSideCluster(Int_t index); AliITSclusterSSD* GetPSideCluster(Int_t index); //index is AliITSclusterSSD* GetCluster(Int_t index, Bool_t side) {return (side)?GetPSideCluster(index):GetNSideCluster(index);} Int_t GetNextPIdx(Int_t OI); //Returns index of next P cluster in package; OI == Original Inedx (in TClonesArray) Int_t GetPrvPIdx(Int_t OI); //Returns index of previous P cluster in package; OI == Original Inedx (in TClonesArray) Int_t GetNextNIdx(Int_t OI); //Returns index of next N cluster in package; OI == Original Inedx (in TClonesArray) Int_t GetPrvNIdx(Int_t OI); //Returns index of previous N cluster in package; OI == Original Inedx (in TClonesArray) Int_t GetNumOfClustersN (){return fNclustersN;} Int_t GetNumOfClustersP(){return fNclustersP;} Int_t GetNumOfClusters() {return fNclustersP+fNclustersN;} Int_t GetNumOfClusters(Bool_t side) {return (side)?fNclustersP:fNclustersN;} //returns number of clusters belonging to package, //that crosses with only one cluster on the other side //There might be only 2 such a clusters: //on the begining and on the end of the package // Bool_t GetClusterWithOneCross(Int_t & index, Bool_t& side ); void DelCluster(Int_t index, Bool_t side); void DelPCluster(Int_t index); void DelNCluster(Int_t index); void DelClusterOI(Int_t index, Bool_t side); //OI indicates that it is Original Index void DelPClusterOI(Int_t index); //it means value in look up table void DelNClusterOI(Int_t index); void SplitPackage(Int_t pi, Int_t ni, AliITSpackageSSD* pkg); void GetAllCombinations(Int_t**array,Int_t &num,Int_t size); void ConsumeClusters(); void PrintClusters(); protected: TClonesArray *fClustersN; //Pointer to array of clusters - only to have direct acces to TClonesArray *fClustersP; //clusters Int_t fNclustersN; Int_t fNclustersP; TArrayI *fClusterNIndexes; TArrayI *fClusterPIndexes; static const Bool_t SIDEP=kTRUE; static const Bool_t SIDEN=kFALSE; /***************/ /* Methods */ /***************/ void MakeCombin(Int_t**arr, Int_t& nu, Int_t np, Int_t *occup,Int_t size); Bool_t IsFree(Int_t idx, Int_t nn, Int_t *lis); private: //------------------------------------------------------- ClassDef(AliITSpackageSSD,1) }; #endif