/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Log$ Revision 1.10 2002/06/10 17:30:24 nilsen A new CreateFastRecPoints has been made and the old one made compatible. Revision 1.9 2001/10/01 19:36:03 nilsen fixed a compilation warning about unused variable. Revision 1.8 2001/07/27 08:06:49 hristov Use global gRandom generator (M.Ivanov) Revision 1.7 2001/05/11 09:15:21 barbera Corrected to make fast point creation working with PPR geometry Revision 1.6 2000/10/29 18:30:14 barbera Z resolution of pixel changed according with the default lenght of 425 microns Revision 2000/10/29 18:29:51 barbera Z resolution of pixel changed according with the default lenght of 425 microns Revision 2000/10/02 16:03:20 barbera Forward declarations added Revision 1.4 2000/09/22 12:43:59 nilsen Default track number set to -3 and not 0. */ #include #include "AliITS.h" #include "AliITShit.h" #include "AliITSRecPoint.h" #include "AliITSmodule.h" #include "AliITSgeom.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliITSsimulationFastPoints.h" ClassImp(AliITSsimulationFastPoints) AliITSsimulationFastPoints::AliITSsimulationFastPoints() { //constructor fSigmaRPhi[0] = fSigmaRPhi[1] = 12e-4; fSigmaRPhi[2] = fSigmaRPhi[3] = 38e-4; fSigmaRPhi[4] = fSigmaRPhi[5] = 20e-4; fSigmaZ[0] = fSigmaZ[1] = 120e-4; // resolution for 425 micron pixels fSigmaZ[2] = fSigmaZ[3] = 28e-4; fSigmaZ[4] = fSigmaZ[5] = 830e-4; fSigmaDe[0] = fSigmaDe[1] = 0.72e-6; fSigmaDe[2] = fSigmaDe[3] = 0.90e-6; fSigmaDe[4] = fSigmaDe[5] = 5e-6; fThrDe[0] = fThrDe[1] = 7.2e-6; fThrDe[2] = fThrDe[3] = 2.70e-6; fThrDe[4] = fThrDe[5] = 10e-6; } //------------------------------------------------------------- void AliITSsimulationFastPoints::CreateFastRecPoints(Int_t module){ // Fast points simulator AliITS *aliITS = (AliITS*)gAlice->GetModule("ITS"); CreateFastRecPoints((AliITSmodule *)(aliITS->GetModule(module)), module,gRandom); } //------------------------------------------------------------- void AliITSsimulationFastPoints::CreateFastRecPoints(AliITSmodule *mod, Int_t module, TRandom *random){ // Fast points simulator AliITS *aliITS = (AliITS*)gAlice->GetModule("ITS"); AliITSgeom *gm = aliITS->GetITSgeom(); const Float_t kdEdXtoQ = 2.778e+8; Int_t ihit,flag,numofhits; Float_t locals[3]; Float_t globals[3]; Double_t sigmarphi=0., sigmaz=0., sigmade=0., thrde=0.; Float_t deltaXl,deltaZl,deltaDe; Int_t hitlay, hitlad, hitdet, hitstatus; Float_t hitpx, hitpy, hitpz, hitdestep; Int_t hitstatus1, hittrack1; Float_t hitx1, hity1, hitz1; Float_t hitdestep1; Float_t xMg,yMg,zMg; numofhits = mod->GetNhits(); //printf("numofhits %d \n",numofhits); for(ihit=0;ihitGetHit(ihit); hit->GetPositionG(hitx1,hity1,hitz1); hitstatus1 = hit->GetTrackStatus(); hitdestep1 = hit->GetIonization(); hittrack1 = hit->GetTrack(); mod->MedianHit(module,hitx1,hity1,hitz1,hitstatus1,xMg,yMg,zMg,flag); if (flag!=1) { hitdestep = hit->GetIonization(); if (hitdestep > 0) { hit->GetDetectorID(hitlay,hitlad,hitdet); hit->GetMomentumG(hitpx,hitpy,hitpz); hitstatus = hitstatus1; // Transform to the module local frame globals[0] = xMg; globals[1] = yMg; globals[2] = zMg; gm->GtoL(hitlay,hitlad,hitdet,globals,locals); // Retrieve sigma values for position and energy, and energy // threshold sigmarphi = SigmaRPhi(hitlay); sigmaz = SigmaZ(hitlay); sigmade = SigmaDe(hitlay); thrde = ThrDe(hitlay); deltaXl = random->Gaus(0,sigmarphi); deltaZl = random->Gaus(0,sigmaz); deltaDe = random->Gaus(0,sigmade); // Apply energy threshold and trasform back to global reference // system if ( (hitdestep+deltaDe) > thrde ){ locals[0] += deltaXl; locals[2] += deltaZl; AliITSRecPoint rp; rp.fTracks[0]=hit->GetTrack(); // rp.fTracks[0]=mod->GetHitTrackIndex(ihit); rp.fTracks[1]=-3; rp.fTracks[2]=-3; rp.SetX(locals[0]); rp.SetZ(locals[2]); rp.SetdEdX(hitdestep+deltaDe); rp.SetQ(kdEdXtoQ*(hitdestep+deltaDe)); // number of e rp.SetSigmaX2(sigmarphi*sigmarphi); rp.SetSigmaZ2(sigmaz*sigmaz); aliITS->AddRecPoint(rp); } // end if ( (hitdestep+deltaDe) } // end if (hitdestep > 0) } // end if (flag!=1) } // end for ihit } //_______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSsimulationFastPoints::SetSigmaRPhi(Double_t srphi[6]) { // set sigmas in rphi Int_t i; for (i=0; i<6; i++) { fSigmaRPhi[i]=srphi[i]; } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSsimulationFastPoints::SetSigmaZ(Double_t sz[6]) { // set sigmas in z Int_t i; for (i=0; i<6; i++) { fSigmaZ[i]=sz[i]; } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSsimulationFastPoints::SetSigmaDe(Double_t sde[6]) { // set sigmas in energy Int_t i; for (i=0; i<6; i++) { fSigmaDe[i]=sde[i]; } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSsimulationFastPoints::SetThrDe(Double_t thrde[6]) { // set energy thersholds Int_t i; for (i=0; i<6; i++) { fThrDe[i]=thrde[i]; } }