/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Log$ Revision 1.18 2002/08/21 22:11:13 nilsen Debug output now settable via a DEBUG flag. Revision 1.17 2002/07/16 17:00:17 barbera Fixes added to make the slow simulation running with the current HEAD (from M. Masera) Revision 1.16 2002/06/19 16:02:22 hristov Division by zero corrected Revision 1.15 2002/03/15 17:32:14 nilsen Reintroduced SDigitization, and Digitization from SDigits, along with functions InitSimulationModule, and FinishSDigitizModule. Revision 1.14 2001/11/23 13:04:07 barbera Some protection added in case of high multiplicity Revision 1.13 2001/11/13 11:13:24 barbera A protection against tracks with the same entrance and exit has been made more strict Revision 1.12 2001/10/04 22:44:31 nilsen Major changes in supppor of PreDigits (SDigits). Changes made with will make it easier to suppor expected changes in AliITSHit class. Added use of new class AliITSpList. Both SPD and SDD have added effects of Dead Channels. Both of these will require addtional work as data bases of detectors and the like are developed. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliITS.h" #include "AliITShit.h" #include "AliITSdigit.h" #include "AliITSmodule.h" #include "AliITSMapA2.h" #include "AliITSpList.h" #include "AliITSsimulationSPD.h" #include "AliITSsegmentation.h" #include "AliITSresponse.h" #include "AliITSsegmentationSPD.h" #include "AliITSresponseSPD.h" //#define DEBUG ClassImp(AliITSsimulationSPD) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version: 0 // Written by Rocco Caliandro // from a model developed with T. Virgili and R.A. Fini // June 15 2000 // // AliITSsimulationSPD is the simulation of SPDs // //______________________________________________________________________ AliITSsimulationSPD::AliITSsimulationSPD(){ // Default constructor fResponse = 0; fSegmentation = 0; fHis = 0; fMapA2 = 0; /* fThresh = 0.; fSigma = 0.; fCouplCol = 0.; fCouplRow = 0.; */ } //______________________________________________________________________ AliITSsimulationSPD::AliITSsimulationSPD(AliITSsegmentation *seg, AliITSresponse *resp) { // Standard constructor fResponse = 0; fSegmentation = 0; fHis = 0; fMapA2 = 0; /* fThresh = 0.; fSigma = 0.; fCouplCol = 0.; fCouplRow = 0.*/ Init((AliITSsegmentationSPD*)seg,(AliITSresponseSPD*)resp); } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSsimulationSPD::Init(AliITSsegmentationSPD *seg, AliITSresponseSPD *resp) { // Initilizes the variables of AliITSsimulation SPD. fHis = 0; fResponse = resp; fSegmentation = seg; fMapA2 = new AliITSMapA2(fSegmentation); fpList = new AliITSpList(GetNPixelsZ()+1,GetNPixelsX()+1); /* fResponse->Thresholds(fThresh,fSigma); fResponse->GetNoiseParam(fCouplCol,fCouplRow); fNPixelsZ = fSegmentation->Npz(); fNPixelsX = fSegmentation->Npx(); */ } //______________________________________________________________________ AliITSsimulationSPD::~AliITSsimulationSPD() { // destructor delete fMapA2; // delete fpList; if (fHis) { fHis->Delete(); delete fHis; } // end if } //______________________________________________________________________ AliITSsimulationSPD::AliITSsimulationSPD(const AliITSsimulationSPD &source){ // Copy Constructor if(&source == this) return; this->fMapA2 = source.fMapA2; this->fHis = source.fHis; /* this->fThresh = source.fThresh; this->fSigma = source.fSigma; this->fCouplCol = source.fCouplCol; this->fCouplRow = source.fCouplRow; this->fNPixelsX = source.fNPixelsX; this->fNPixelsZ = source.fNPixelsZ; */ return; } //______________________________________________________________________ AliITSsimulationSPD& AliITSsimulationSPD::operator=(const AliITSsimulationSPD &source) { // Assignment operator if(&source == this) return *this; this->fMapA2 = source.fMapA2; this->fHis = source.fHis; /* this->fThresh = source.fThresh; this->fSigma = source.fSigma; this->fCouplCol = source.fCouplCol; this->fCouplRow = source.fCouplRow; this->fNPixelsX = source.fNPixelsX; this->fNPixelsZ = source.fNPixelsZ; */ return *this; } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSsimulationSPD::InitSimulationModule(Int_t module,Int_t event){ // Creates maps to build the list of tracks for each sumable digit // Inputs: // Int_t module // Module number to be simulated // Int_t event // Event number to be simulated // Outputs: // none. // Return // none. fModule = module; fEvent = event; fMapA2->ClearMap(); fpList->ClearMap(); } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSsimulationSPD::FinishSDigitiseModule(){ // Does the Sdigits to Digits work // Inputs: // none. // Outputs: // none. // Return: // none. SDigitsToDigits(fModule,fpList); } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSsimulationSPD::SDigitiseModule(AliITSmodule *mod, Int_t dummy0, Int_t dummy1) { // Sum digitize module if (!(mod->GetNhits())) return; // if module has no hits then no Sdigits. Int_t number = 10000; Int_t *frowpixel = new Int_t[number]; Int_t *fcolpixel = new Int_t[number]; Double_t *fenepixel = new Double_t[number]; fModule = mod->GetIndex(); // Array of pointers to store the track index of the digits // leave +1, otherwise pList crashes when col=256, row=192 HitsToAnalogDigits(mod,frowpixel,fcolpixel,fenepixel,fpList); WriteSDigits(fpList); // clean memory delete[] frowpixel; delete[] fcolpixel; delete[] fenepixel; fMapA2->ClearMap(); fpList->ClearMap(); } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSsimulationSPD::DigitiseModule(AliITSmodule *mod, Int_t dummy0, Int_t dummy1) { // digitize module. Also need to digitize modules with only noise. Int_t number = 10000; Int_t *frowpixel = new Int_t[number]; Int_t *fcolpixel = new Int_t[number]; Double_t *fenepixel = new Double_t[number]; // Array of pointers to store the track index of the digits // leave +1, otherwise pList crashes when col=256, row=192 fModule = mod->GetIndex(); // noise setting SetFluctuations(fpList,fModule); HitsToAnalogDigits(mod,frowpixel,fcolpixel,fenepixel,fpList); // apply mask to SPD module SetMask(); CreateDigit(fModule,fpList); // clean memory delete[] frowpixel; delete[] fcolpixel; delete[] fenepixel; fMapA2->ClearMap(); fpList->ClearMap(); } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSsimulationSPD::SDigitsToDigits(Int_t module,AliITSpList *pList) { // sum digits to Digits. #ifdef DEBUG cout << "Entering AliITSsimulatinSPD::SDigitsToDigits for module="; cout << module << endl; #endif fModule = module; // noise setting SetFluctuations(pList,module); fMapA2->ClearMap(); // since noise is in pList aready. Zero Map so that // noise is not doubled when calling FillMapFrompList. FillMapFrompList(pList); // apply mask to SPD module SetMask(); CreateDigit(module,pList); fMapA2->ClearMap(); pList->ClearMap(); } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSsimulationSPD::UpdateMapSignal(Int_t row,Int_t col,Int_t trk, Int_t hit,Int_t mod,Double_t ene, AliITSpList *pList) { // updates the Map of signal, adding the energy (ene) released by // the current track fMapA2->AddSignal(row,col,ene); pList->AddSignal(row,col,trk,hit,mod,ene); } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSsimulationSPD::UpdateMapNoise(Int_t row,Int_t col,Int_t mod, Double_t ene,AliITSpList *pList) { // updates the Map of noise, adding the energy (ene) give my noise fMapA2->AddSignal(row,col,ene); pList->AddNoise(row,col,mod,ene); } //______________________________________________________________________ void AliITSsimulationSPD::HitsToAnalogDigits(AliITSmodule *mod, Int_t *frowpixel,Int_t *fcolpixel, Double_t *fenepixel, AliITSpList *pList) { // Loops over all hits to produce Analog/floting point digits. This // is also the first task in producing standard digits. // loop over hits in the module Int_t hitpos,nhits = mod->GetNhits(); for (hitpos=0;hitpos microns const Float_t kconv1= 0.277e9; // GeV -> electrons equivalent if(!(mod->LineSegmentL(hitpos,x1l,x2l,y1l,y2l,z1l,z2l,etot,ntrack)))return; x2l += x1l; y2l += y1l; z2l += z1l; // Convert to ending coordinate. // positions shifted and converted in microns x1l = x1l*kconv + fSegmentation->Dx()/2.; z1l = z1l*kconv + fSegmentation->Dz()/2.; // positions shifted and converted in microns x2l = x2l*kconv + fSegmentation->Dx()/2.; z2l = z2l*kconv + fSegmentation->Dz()/2.; etot *= kconv1; // convert from GeV to electrons equivalent. Int_t module = mod->GetIndex(); // to account for the effective sensitive area // introduced in geometry if (z1l<0 || z1l>fSegmentation->Dz()) return; if (z2l<0 || z2l>fSegmentation->Dz()) return; if (x1l<0 || x1l>fSegmentation->Dx()) return; if (x2l<0 || x2l>fSegmentation->Dx()) return; //Get the col and row number starting from 1 // the x direction is not inverted for the second layer!!! fSegmentation->GetPadIxz(x1l, z1l, c1, r1); fSegmentation->GetPadIxz(x2l, z2l, c2, r2); // to account for unexpected equal entrance and // exit coordinates if (x1l==x2l) x2l=x2l+x2l*0.1; if (z1l==z2l) z2l=z2l+z2l*0.1; if ((r1==r2) && (c1==c2)){ // no charge sharing npixel = 1; frowpixel[npixel-1] = r1; fcolpixel[npixel-1] = c1; fenepixel[npixel-1] = etot; } else { // charge sharing ChargeSharing(x1l,z1l,x2l,z2l,c1,r1,c2,r2,etot, npixel,frowpixel,fcolpixel,fenepixel); } // end if r1==r2 && c1==c2. for (Int_t npix=0;npix
    //Float_t dm;
    Float_t xa,za,xb,zb,dx,dz,dtot,refr,refm,refc;
    Float_t refn=0.;
    Float_t arefm, arefr, arefn, arefc, azb, az2l, axb, ax2l;
    Int_t   dirx,dirz,rb,cb;
    Int_t flag,flagrow,flagcol;
    Double_t epar;

    npixel = 0;
    xa     = x1l;
    za     = z1l;
//    dx     = x1l-x2l;
//    dz     = z1l-z2l;
    dx     = x2l-x1l;
    dz     = z2l-z1l;
    dtot   = TMath::Sqrt((dx*dx)+(dz*dz));   
    if (dtot==0.0) dtot = 0.01;
    dirx   = (Int_t) TMath::Sign((Float_t)1,dx);
    dirz   = (Int_t) TMath::Sign((Float_t)1,dz);

    // calculate the x coordinate of  the pixel in the next column    
    // and the z coordinate of  the pixel in the next row
    Float_t xpos, zpos;

    fSegmentation->GetPadCxz(c1, r1-1, xpos, zpos); 

    Float_t xsize = fSegmentation->Dpx(0);
    Float_t zsize = fSegmentation->Dpz(r1-1);
    if (dirx == 1) refr = xpos+xsize/2.;
    else refr = xpos-xsize/2.;

    if (dirz == 1) refn = zpos+zsize/2.;
    else refn = zpos-zsize/2.;

    flag = 0;
    flagrow = 0;
    flagcol = 0;
	// calculate the x coordinate of the intersection with the pixel
	// in the next cell in row  direction
        refm = dx*((refn - z1l)/dz) + x1l;
        refm = refr+dirx*xsize;
	// calculate the z coordinate of the intersection with the pixel
	// in the next cell in column direction
      if (dx!=0)
        refc = dz*((refr - x1l)/dx) + z1l;
        refc = refn+dirz*zsize;

	arefm = refm * dirx;
	arefr = refr * dirx;
	arefn = refn * dirz;
	arefc = refc * dirz;

	if ((arefm < arefr) && (arefn < arefc)){
	    // the track goes in the pixel in the next cell in row direction
	    xb = refm;
	    zb = refn;
	    cb = c1;
	    rb = r1 + dirz;
	    azb = zb * dirz;
	    az2l = z2l * dirz;
	    if (rb == r2) flagrow=1;
	    if (azb > az2l) {
	        zb = z2l;
	        xb = x2l;
	    } // end if
	    // shift to the pixel in the next cell in row direction
	    Float_t zsizeNext = fSegmentation->Dpz(rb-1);
	    //to account for cell at the borders of the detector
	    if(zsizeNext==0) zsizeNext = zsize;
	    refn += zsizeNext*dirz;
	}else {
	    // the track goes in the pixel in the next cell in column direction
	    xb = refr;
	    zb = refc;
	    cb = c1 + dirx;
	    rb = r1;
	    axb = xb * dirx;
	    ax2l = x2l * dirx;
	    if (cb == c2) flagcol=1;
	    if (axb > ax2l) {
	        zb = z2l;
	        xb = x2l;
	    } // end ifaxb > ax2l

	    // shift to the pixel in the next cell in column direction
	    Float_t xsizeNext = fSegmentation->Dpx(cb-1);
	    //to account for cell at the borders of the detector
	    if(xsizeNext==0) xsizeNext = xsize;
	    refr += xsizeNext*dirx;
	} // end if (arefm < arefr) && (arefn < arefc)

	//calculate the energy lost in the crossed pixel      
	epar = TMath::Sqrt((xb-xa)*(xb-xa)+(zb-za)*(zb-za)); 
	epar = etot*(epar/dtot);

	//store row, column and energy lost in the crossed pixel
	frowpixel[npixel] = r1;
	fcolpixel[npixel] = c1;
	fenepixel[npixel] = epar;
	// the exit point of the track is reached
	if (epar == 0) flag = 1;
	if ((r1 == r2) && (c1 == c2)) flag = 1;
	if (flag!=1) {
	    r1 = rb;
	    c1 = cb;
	    xa = xb;
	    za = zb;
	} // end if flag!=1
    } while (flag==0);
void AliITSsimulationSPD::SetCoupling(Int_t row, Int_t col, Int_t ntrack,
				      Int_t idhit,Int_t module,
				      AliITSpList *pList) {
    //  Take into account the coupling between adiacent pixels.
    //  The parameters probcol and probrow are the fractions of the
    //  signal in one pixel shared in the two adjacent pixels along
    //  the column and row direction, respectively.

    Int_t j1,j2,flag=0;
    Double_t pulse1,pulse2;
    Float_t couplR=0.0,couplC=0.0;

    j1 = row;
    j2 = col;
    pulse1 = fMapA2->GetSignal(row,col);
    pulse2 = pulse1;
    for (Int_t isign=-1;isign<=1;isign+=2){// loop in row direction
	    j1 += isign;
	    pulse1 *= couplR;
	    if ((j1<0) || (j1>GetNPixelsZ()-1) || (pulse1GetSignal(row,col);
		j1 = row;
		flag = 1;
		flag = 0;
	    } // end if
	} while(flag == 0);
	// loop in column direction
	  j2 += isign;
	  pulse2 *= couplC;
	  if ((j2<0) || (j2>(GetNPixelsX()-1)) || (pulse2GetSignal(row,col);
	      j2 = col;
	      flag = 1;
	      flag = 0;
	  } // end if
      } while(flag == 0);
    } // for isign
void AliITSsimulationSPD::CreateDigit(Int_t module,AliITSpList *pList) {
    // The pixels are fired if the energy deposited inside them is above
    // the threshold parameter ethr. Fired pixed are interpreted as digits
    // and stored in the file digitfilename. One also needs to write out
    // cases when there is only noise (nhits==0).

    static AliITS *aliITS  = (AliITS*)gAlice->GetModule("ITS");

    Int_t size = AliITSdigitSPD::GetNTracks();
    Int_t digits[size];
    Int_t tracks[size];
    Int_t hits[size];
    Float_t charges[size]; 
    Int_t j1;

    for (Int_t r=1;r<=GetNPixelsZ();r++) {
	for (Int_t c=1;c<=GetNPixelsX();c++) {
	    // check if the deposited energy in a pixel is above the
	    // threshold 
	    Float_t signal = (Float_t) fMapA2->GetSignal(r,c);
	    if ( signal > GetThreshold()) {
		digits[0] = r-1;  // digits starts from 0
		digits[1] = c-1;  // digits starts from 0
		//digits[2] = 1;  
		digits[2] =  (Int_t) signal;  // the signal is stored in
                                              //  electrons
			tracks[j1] = pList->GetTrack(r,c,j1);
			hits[j1]   = pList->GetHit(r,c,j1);
			tracks[j1] = -3;
			hits[j1]   = -1;
		    } // end if
		    charges[j1] = 0;
		} // end for j1
		Float_t phys = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
		cout << " CreateSPDDigit mod=" << fModule << " r,c=" << r;
		cout <<","<

    Float_t  thr=0.0,sigm=0.0;
    Double_t signal,sigma;
    Int_t iz,ix;

    sigma = (Double_t) sigm;
	    signal = sigma*gRandom->Gaus(); 
	    // insert in the label-signal-hit list the pixels fired
	    // only by noise
	} // end of loop on pixels
    } // end of loop on pixels
void AliITSsimulationSPD::SetMask() {
    //  Apply a mask to the SPD module. 1% of the pixel channels are
    //  masked. When the database will be ready, the masked pixels
    //  should be read from it.
    Double_t signal;
    Int_t iz,ix,im;
    Float_t totMask;
    Float_t perc = ((AliITSresponseSPD*)fResponse)->GetFractionDead();
    // in this way we get the same set of random numbers for all runs.
    // This is a cluge for now.
    static TRandom *rnd = new TRandom();

    totMask= perc*GetNPixelsZ()*GetNPixelsX();
    for(im=1;imRndm()*(GetNPixelsX()-1.) + 1.);
	} while(ix<=0 || ix>GetNPixelsX());
	    iz=(Int_t)(rnd->Rndm()*(GetNPixelsZ()-1.) + 1.);
	} while(iz<=0 || iz>GetNPixelsZ());
	signal = -1.;
    } // end loop on masked pixels
void AliITSsimulationSPD::CreateHistograms() {
    // Create Histograms
    Int_t i;

    fHis=new TObjArray(GetNPixelsZ());
    } // end for i
void AliITSsimulationSPD::WriteSDigits(AliITSpList *pList){
    // Fills the Summable digits Tree
    Int_t i,ni,j,nj;
    static AliITS *aliITS = (AliITS*)gAlice->GetModule("ITS");

#ifdef DEBUG
	    cout << "pListSPD: " << *(pList->GetpListItem(i,j)) << endl;
	    cout << " CreateSPDSDigit mod=" << fModule << " r,c=";
	    cout << i  <<","<< j << " sig=" << fpList->GetSignalOnly(i,j);
	    cout << " noise=" << fpList->GetNoise(i,j) <AddSignal(iz,ix,pList->GetSignal(iz,ix));