#ifndef ALIITSTRACKV2_H #define ALIITSTRACKV2_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ITS Track Class // // Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch // dEdx analysis by: Boris Batyunya, JINR, Boris.Batiounia@cern.ch //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /***************************************************************************** * December 18, 2000 * * Internal view of the ITS track parametrisation as well as the order of * * track parameters are subject for possible changes ! * * Use GetExternalParameters() and GetExternalCovariance() to access ITS * * track information regardless of its internal representation. * * This formation is now fixed in the following way: * * external param0: local Y-coordinate of a track (cm) * * external param1: local Z-coordinate of a track (cm) * * external param2: local sine of the track momentum azimuthal angle * * external param3: tangent of the track momentum dip angle * * external param4: 1/pt (1/(GeV/c)) * *****************************************************************************/ #include #include "AliITSrecoV2.h" class AliESDtrack; class AliTPCtrack; //_____________________________________________________________________________ class AliITStrackV2 : public AliKalmanTrack { public: AliITStrackV2(); AliITStrackV2(const AliTPCtrack& t) throw (const Char_t *); AliITStrackV2(AliESDtrack& t,Bool_t c=kFALSE) throw (const Char_t *); AliITStrackV2(const AliITStrackV2& t); Int_t PropagateToVertex(Double_t d=0., Double_t x0=0.); Int_t Propagate(Double_t alpha, Double_t xr); Int_t CorrectForMaterial(Double_t d, Double_t x0=21.82); Int_t PropagateTo(Double_t xr, Double_t d, Double_t x0=21.82); Int_t Update(const AliCluster* cl,Double_t chi2,UInt_t i); Int_t Improve(Double_t x0,Double_t xyz[3],Double_t ers[3]); void SetdEdx(Double_t dedx) {fdEdx=dedx;} void SetSampledEdx(Float_t q, Int_t i); void CookdEdx(Double_t low=0., Double_t up=0.51); void SetDetectorIndex(Int_t i) {SetLabel(i);} void ResetCovariance(); void ResetClusters() { SetChi2(0.); SetNumberOfClusters(0); } void UpdateESDtrack(ULong_t flags); void SetConstrainedESDtrack(Double_t chi2); Int_t GetDetectorIndex() const {return GetLabel();} Double_t GetX() const {return fX;} Double_t GetAlpha()const {return fAlpha;} Double_t GetdEdx() const {return fdEdx;} Double_t GetPIDsignal() const {return GetdEdx();} Double_t GetY() const {return fP0;} Double_t GetZ() const {return fP1;} Double_t GetSnp() const {return fP2;} Double_t GetTgl() const {return fP3;} Double_t GetC() const {return fP4;} Double_t Get1Pt() const { return (1e-9*TMath::Abs(fP4)/fP4 + fP4)*GetConvConst(); } Double_t GetD(Double_t x=0, Double_t y=0) const; Double_t GetSigmaY2() const {return fC00;} Double_t GetSigmaZ2() const {return fC11;} Int_t Compare(const TObject *o) const; void GetExternalParameters(Double_t& xr, Double_t x[5]) const ; void GetExternalCovariance(Double_t cov[15]) const ; Int_t GetClusterIndex(Int_t i) const {return fIndex[i];} Int_t GetGlobalXYZat(Double_t r,Double_t &x,Double_t &y,Double_t &z) const; Double_t GetPredictedChi2(const AliCluster *cluster) const; Int_t Invariant() const; protected: Double_t fX; // X-coordinate of this track (reference plane) Double_t fAlpha; // rotation angle Double_t fdEdx; // dE/dx Double_t fP0; // Y-coordinate of a track Double_t fP1; // Z-coordinate of a track Double_t fP2; // sine of the track momentum azimuthal angle Double_t fP3; // tangent of the track momentum dip angle Double_t fP4; // track curvature Double_t fC00; // covariance Double_t fC10, fC11; // matrix Double_t fC20, fC21, fC22; // of the Double_t fC30, fC31, fC32, fC33; // track Double_t fC40, fC41, fC42, fC43, fC44; // parameters UInt_t fIndex[kMaxLayer]; // indices of associated clusters Float_t fdEdxSample[4]; // array of dE/dx samples b.b. AliESDtrack *fESDtrack; //! pointer to the connected ESD track ClassDef(AliITStrackV2,2) //ITS reconstructed track }; inline void AliITStrackV2::GetExternalParameters(Double_t& xr, Double_t x[5]) const { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function return external ITS track representation //--------------------------------------------------------------------- xr=fX; x[0]=GetY(); x[1]=GetZ(); x[2]=GetSnp(); x[3]=GetTgl(); x[4]=Get1Pt(); } inline void AliITStrackV2::SetSampledEdx(Float_t q, Int_t i) { //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function stores dEdx sample corrected for the track segment length // Origin: Boris Batyunya, JINR, Boris.Batiounia@cern.ch //---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (i<0) return; if (i>3) return; Double_t s=GetSnp(), t=GetTgl(); q *= TMath::Sqrt((1-s*s)/(1+t*t)); fdEdxSample[i]=q; } #endif